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Nurul Afifah Aminy


Reflection 9

Starting this week, the class has been used to carry out teaching practices. My team and I
teach at SDN 196 Sukarasa, Gegerkalong Tengah. We teach four classes of 6th grade every
Friday. Each class is 35 minutes long. This week, our activities begin to introduce the lessons
we will learn over the next 3 weeks. We introduced songs entitled “Good Morning”,
“Goodbye”, and “Mousedeer” which will be used as core learning instruments. We discuss
the word meaning of each song we teach. And the majority of students already understand
some of the words listed in the song and already know the plot of the story of the deer and
crocodile in the Indonesian version.

This week's activities went smoothly, although we felt quite tired because we had to teach 4
classes in a row. This week's activity also required a lot of physical activity and a loud voice
because we introduced songs.

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