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NĂM HỌC 2021 - 2022

-School things and activities
- Verbs(play,do,have,study)
1. The Present Simple tense ( Thì hiện tại đơn)
a. Form
* Tobe: is, am, are
(+) S + is/ am / are + O/ N.
Ex. She (be) is twelve years old.

(-) IS (not be)
+ isn't amnot
/ am not in Dong
/ aren't + O Truc.
/ N.

(?) Is / Are + S + O / N ? Ex. Is she (be) twelve years old ?

Yes, S + is / am / are. Yes, she (be) is.
No, S + isn't / aren't / am not.

* Nomal verb ( động từ thường):

Ex.He ( live) lives in Can Kiem.
(+) S + V(s, es)
They (live) live in Can Kiem.

Ex.He ( not live) doesn't live in Binh Phu.

(-) S + don't / doesn't + V
They (not live) don't live in Can Kiem.

(?) Do / Does + S + V ? Ex. Does He (live) live in Binh Phu ?

Yes, S + do / does.
Do They (live) live in Can Kiem ?
No, S + don't / doesn't.

b. Usage (cách dùng): Thì hiện tại đơn dùng để diễn đạt một hành động mang tính thường
xuyên, thói quen hoặc hành động lặp đi lặp lại có tính quy luật.
II. Adverbs of frequency
Trạng từ chỉ tần suất: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never.
- Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian: every + time (every day), today, nowadays, Sundays.
A. VOCABULARY:- Types of house
-Rooms and furniture
I. Possessive case
1. - Sở hữu cách được dùng để chỉ sự sở hữu hay một mối liên hệ giữa 2 hay nhiều đối tượng,
từ đó làm rõ thêm cho đối tượng đang được nhắc đến.
2. Quy tắc sử dụng sở hữu cách
2.1. - Ta thêm dấu lược và chữ cái “s” vào sau danh từ số ít.
Ví dụ:

Jimmy’s book is very expensive. (Sách của Jimmy rất đắt.)

II. Prepositions of place ( các giới từ chỉ nơi chốn)

a. In front of: phía trước
Ex: I am standing in front of your apartment. Please open the door
b. Behind: Đằng sau
Ex: He stands behind me
c. Between: ở giữa
Ex: Between my house and his house is a long way
d. Across from/ opposite: Đối diện với…
Ex: I live across from a book store
In the opposie of the table is my best friend
e. Next to/ beside: kế bên
Ex: Next to Sandra’s house is Disney Park. I’m so jealous with her
He walked beside me on the way back home, we talked and laughed about everything around
f. Near/ close to: Gần đó (nó có ý nghĩa giống với next to/ beside nhưng giữa hai vật thể này
có một khoảng cách nhất định)
Ex: The check-in desk is near the front door
My house near a high school and a cinema
g. On: Ở trên
Ex: Your English book is on the table
On the top of mountain, we thought I can saw all the world
h. In: Ở trong
Ex: They have discussed in the meeting room for 2 hours
Are you sure there is no sugar in my coffee?
i. Under/ below: Ở dưới, thấp hơn cái gì đó
Ex: Under my car is a little cat. It’s so lovely
How long people can stay under the water?

A. VOCABULARY: -Body parts and appearance
-Personal adjectives
I. The Present Continuous tense ( Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)
a. Form
(+) S + tobe(am/is/are) + V-ing
(- ) S + tobe + not(‘m not/isn’t/aren’t) + V-ing
(?) Tobe + S + V-ing…?
Yes, S + tobe(am/is/are).
No, S + tobe + not(‘m not/isn’t/aren’t)
b. Usage: Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả 1 hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói.
c. Dấu hiệu nhận biết: now, at the moment, at present, right now, at this timeLook! Watch! /
Listen! / Be (careful/quiet)! , Answer questions with “Where”

A. VOCABULARY: Places in a neighbourhood
I. Comparative ( So sánh hơn)
1. Short adj and long adjective:
* Tính từ ngắn (short adjective): là tính từ có một âm tiết.
Ex. good, small, hot, thin,…
* Tính từ dài (long adjective): là tính từ có từ hai âm tiết trở lên.
Ex. expensive, skillful, beautiful,….
a. Comparative with short adjective: S1 + be (is/ am / are) + short adj-er + than + S2

Ex. I'm taller than my brother.

b. Comparative with long adjective: S1 + be (is/ am / are) + more + long adj + than + S2

Ex. This dress is more expensive than my dress.

* Note:
- Tính từ có hai âm tiết kết thúc bằng "y" thì ta đổi "y" thành "i" rồi thêm "er".
Ex. happy - happier easy - easier
- Tính từ kết thúc bằng "e" thì chỉ thêm "r"
Ex. large - larger
- Nếu tính từ ngắn có một nguyên âm đứng giữa hai phụ âm thì gấp đôi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm
Ex. hot - hotter thin - thinner.
- Một vài trường hợp là tính từ bất quy tắc:

Adjective Comparative Meaning

good better tốt, hay, giỏi
bad worse xấu, tồi tệ
little less ít
many / much more nhiều
far father / further xa
II. Giving the way ( chỉ đường):
- turn left/ right: rẽ trái / phải.
- go straight: đi thẳng.
- go south / east / north / west: đi về phía nam / đông/ bắc / tây.
- go along: đi dọc theo.
- go one block: đi qua 1 tòa nhà.
- go pass: đi qua.
- cross: băng qua.
- It's around… : Nó ở xung quanh…..
- Take the first / second street on the left / right: rẽ trái/phải ở đường thứ nhất/ hai.
- It's next to….: Nó ở bên cạnh…..
- It's at the end of …… : Nó ở cuối…..
- It's opposite…… : Nó đối diện…..
- It's on your left / right: Nó ở bên tay trái / phải của bạn.
- Turn right a t the crossroad: Rẽ phải ở ngã tư.
A. VOCABULARY:- Things in the nature
- Travel items
I. Countable and Uncountable nouns


Countable Uncoutable

RULE Có 2 dạng hình thái (số ít và số Chỉ có 1 dạng hình thái

1 nhiều)
Thường kết thúc với s khi là số

RULE Không đứng một mình, sử dụng Có thể đứng một mình hoặc sử dụng kèm với mạo
2 kèm với mạo từ hoặc các từ chỉ từ ‘the’ hay đưng với danh từ khác
số đếm

RULE Đứng sau a/an là danh từ đếm Không bao giờ sử dụng với a/an
3 được số ít

RULE Đứng sau số đếm (one, two, Không thể dùng được trực tiếp với số đếm mà phải
4 three) sử dụng kèm với một danh từ đếm được chỉ đơn vị
Vd: one bowl, two bowls đo lường khác
Vd: one bowl of rice, two bowls of rice

II. Modal verb: must

- Đồng từ khuyết thiếu must (phải) được dùng để đưa ra một mệnh lệnh, sự cấm đoán.
Ex. You must finish your homework before going to bed.
He must arrive here on time.
- Khi phủ định, chúng ta chỉ cần thêm " not" sau động từ "must"  mustn't (không được).
Ex. You mustn't play with fire
He mustn't tobe late.
Chú ý:
- can (có thể), should (nên), may - might (có lẽ), ....
- Động từ khuyết thiếu không cần chia ở ngôi thứ ba số ít: I must; She must; He must;...
- Không có hình thức nguyên thể hay quá khứ phân từ giống như các động từ khác.
- Động từ chính đứng sau không chia, ở dạng nguyên thể ( có hoặc không có "to").
Ex. They must follow the rules.
- Không cần trợ động từ trong câu hỏi, câu phủ định. Vì bản thân từ " must" đã là một trợ
động từ.
Ex. What must I do now ?


A. VOCABULARY: Things and activities at Tet
I. Should and shouldn’t for Advice ( lời khuyên):
Cách dùng “should/shouldn’t” (nên/không nên)
a)    Cách thành lập
(+) Chủ ngữ (S) + should + V-inf
(-) Chủ ngữ (S) + shouldn’t + V-inf
(?)Should + chủ ngữ (S) + động từ (V)...?
b)    Cách dùng
- Should/shouldn’t được dùng để khuyên ai nên hay không nên làm gì.
A: I’ve got a sore throat. (Tôi bị đau họng).
B: You should go to see the doctor. (Bạn nên đi khám bác sĩ).
- Dùng trong câu hỏi để diễn tả sự nghi ngờ, thiếu chắc chắn.
Ex: How should I know? (Làm sao tôi biết được kia chứ?)
Why should he thinks that? (Sao cậu ta lại nghĩ như vậy chứ?)
II. Some/any for amount

"Some" (với nghĩa: một số, một vài) được dùng với cả danh từ đếm được và không đếm
được. Ví dụ:

• Danh từ đếm được: Some children enjoy sports. (Một số trẻ thích chơi thể thao).
• Không đếm được: I drank some orange juice this morning. (Tôi đã uống một ít nước cam
sáng nay).

Chúng ta dùng "some" trong câu khẳng định.

• There are some cups in the kitchen. (Có một vài chiếc chén ở trong bếp).
Chúng ta cũng dùng "some" trong lời mời. Ví dụ:

• Would you like some soda? (Anh muốn một chút soda không?)
• Do you want some water? (Anh muốn uống nước không?)

Chúng ta cũng dùng "some" trong lời đề nghị. Ví dụ:

• May I have some salt, please? (Cho tôi một chút muối được không?)

2. Any

"Any" được dùng với danh từ đếm được và không đếm được. Ví dụ:

• Đếm được: I don't have any books. (Mình không có quyển sách nào cả).
• Không đếm được: She didn't give me any money. (Cô ấy chẳng đưa đồng nào cho tôi cả.)

-"any" được dùng trong các câu phủ định.

Chúng ta cùng dùng "any" khi muốn hỏi thứ gì đó có còn hay không. Ví dụ: 

• Do you have any coffee?


I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined:
1. A. funny B. lunch C. sun D. computer
2. A. photo B. going C. brother D. home
3. A. school B. teaching C. chess D. chalk
4. A. cold B. volleyball C. telephone D. open
5. A. meat B. reading C. bread D. seat
6. A. writes B. makes C. takes D. drives
7. A. never B. often C. when D. tennis
8. A. Thursday B. thanks C. these D. birthday
9. A. advice B. price C. nice D. police
10.A. coffee B. see C. agree D. free
11.A. city B. cathedral C. central D. cinema
12.A. every B. prepare C. relative D. helping
13.A. chat B. peach C. chocolate D. chemistry
14.A. leave B. break C. repeat D. peaceful
15.A. money B. close C. most D. judo
II. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined:
1. A. funny B. lunch C. lunch D. computer
2. A. cold B. going C. brother D. home
3. A. school B. teaching C. chess D. chalk
4. A. cold B. volleyball C. telephone D. open
5. A. meat B. reading C. bread D. seat
6. A. writes B. makes C. takes D. goes
7. A. never B. often C. when D. tennis
8. A. Thursday B. thanks C. these D. birthday
9. A. advice B. price C. nice D. police
10.A. coffee B. see C. agree D. free
III. Choose A, B, C, or D for each gap in the following sentences:
1. Phong is usually early ________ school because she gets up early.
A. on B. for C. at D. to
2. “What would you like to drink now?” –“______________________”.
A. No, thank you B. Yes, please. C. I like to do nothing D. Orange juice, please.
3. We usually play football in winter ____________ it’s cold.
A. When B. Where C. so D. time
4. Kien often ________ his bike to visit his hometown.
A. drives B. flies C. rides D. goes
5. “How are you going to get to Hung King Temple next weekend?” –
A. By bus B. For two days C. Sometimes D. Very much
6. It’s cold. The students __________ warm clothes.
A. wear B. wears C. wearing D. are wearing
7. Phuong is very good ________ English and History, but she doesn’t like Maths much.
A. with B. for C. to D. at

8. The children look very ____________ while playing games during break time.
A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement
9. Look! The girls are _________ rope in the playground.
A. dancing B. playing C. skipping D. doing
10. - “What are you doing this afternoon?”
- “I don’t know, but I’d like to ___________ swimming.”
A. have B. do C. play D. go
IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form
1. School (finish)_____________ at 4.30 pm every day.
2. ___________you often (eat) __________lunch in the school canteen?
3. Listen! ___________they (sing) _________in the classroom?
4. My family kike (spend) our summer holidays at the seaside.
5. She (have) _________ long black hair.
6. My father (be)_______ very kind.
7. I (go)__________ to the cinema with my sister this evening.
8. What _______ your brother (do)__________now? He (practice)______speaking English.
9. Where ___________you (be)__________, Phong? – I’m upstairs. I (study) lessons
10.My father (watch)____________TV every evening.
11. The plane (fly) _____________ to London every Monday.
12. Marc (make) _______________ pizza now.
13. Rose (read) _______________ a book.
14. First I (get) ______________ up, then I (have) _________________ breakfast.
15. Why it always (rain_______________ in Germany?
16. She (understand) ______________ English.
17. My friend often (draw) ______________ nice posters.
18. Why you always (criticize) _______________ me?
19. You can go outside now. It (not rain) ________________ any more.
20. The sun (rise) _______________in the east.
V. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting.
1. There is a temple near to the museum.
2. Is there a photocopy store to the left your house?
3. The police station is front of the movie theater.
4. The bakery is between the hotel or the restaurant.
5. There are two drugstores opposite to the hospital.

6. You mustn't take your raincoat in the heavy rain because you may get wet.
7. Tomorrow, your grandpa will visit us so you should go out with your cousins to play
badminton A B C D
8. I like watching TV. There are a good film on TV tonight.
9. How many childs does your mother have ?

10. We have Geography every Wednesdays.
I. Complete the letter using the words in the box.
turning so meet number until get
Dear Ha,
Let’s (1)____________on Sunday evening at Quynh Café on Tran Quang Dieu Street. There’s
a post office on the corner of the street. The café is next to the post office. There’s a cinema
opposite the café (2)_________we can see a film after we have coffee.
To (3)__________to the café, take bus (4)_________8 to Truong Thi Street. Get off at the bus
stop in front of a park. Go along the street (5)_________ you get to the traffic lights and then
turn right. Take the first (6)________ on your right. Go straight ahead – just about 500 metres
and it’s on your left.
See you there!
II. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following
Oak City is a great city. There’s so (1)__________ to do! There are cinemas, park and discos.
It’s got some great clothes and music shops (2)______________.
Oak City is very modern and beautiful. There aren’t any (3)____________ buildings and
there’s some beautiful (4)___________ around the city.
Is there any pollution in the Oak City? There isn’t much pollution (5)_________ there isn’t
much traffic. Everyone travels (6)___________ bike and walks, so there aren’t many
No one works, so everyone has got a lot of free time. Are there any unfriendly people in Oak
City? No – so come and spend a little time here!
1. A. much B. many C. some D. any
2. A. neither B. either C. too D. so
3. A. beautiful B. ugly C. pretty D. unpleasant
4. A. scenery B. scene C. view D. sight
5. A. so B. because C. although D.if
6. A. on B. in C. with D. by
III. Read about Da Nang City and answer the questions.
Da Nang has a population of nearly 800,000 people. The Han River flows through the city.
The city part on the east bank is newer and more spacious. The city part on the west bank is
more crowded. There are five bridges across the river. The Han River Bridge is the newest
one now.
The cost of living in Da Nang is the lowest in Central Viet Nam. Da Nang has many beaches.
Among them, Non Nuoc Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. But
walking in the streets on a summer afternoon is not a good idea in Da Nang. There are not
many trees so there are not many shadows. It is often very hot at noon.
1. What is the population of Da Nang?
2. Which part of the city is more spacious?
3. Which part of the city is more crowded?
4. Which bridge is the newest?
5. What is Non Nuoc Beach like?
I. Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above.
1. I don’t have a bookshelf in my room.
 There------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. The car is in front of the bus.
 The bus ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. My favorite room in the house is the bedroom.
 I like--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Quang is lazier than Ha.
 Ha-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. A city is noisier than a village.
 A village----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Please tell me something about your neighborhood.
 Can----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. In summer, Da Nang is hot but Vinh hotter.
 In summer, Vinh------------------------------------------------------------------
8. It is wrong of us to throw rubbish.
 We mustn’t -----------------------------------------------------------------------
9. It is not good to stay up so late to listen to music.
 You should------------------------------------------------------------------------
10.It is essential that you do your homework before going to school.
 You must ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
II. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of
the sentences and do not change the form of the words given.
Example: Tom is taller than Mary. (SHORT)
Mary is shorter than Tom.
1. The Central Post Office is bigger than this District Post office. (SMALL)
2.The skyscraper is higher than our office building. (LOW)
3.My neighbourhood is noisier than your neighbourhood. (QUIET)
4.Alice is slimmer than Daisy. (FAT)
5.The Riverview Hotel is cheaper than the Palace Hotel. (EXPENSIVE)
I. Find the word with the different underlined sound
1. A. advice B. price C. nice D. police
2. A. teachers B. desks C. lamps D. hats
3. A. couches B. boxes C. houses D. tables

4. A. lunch B. computer C. calculator D. uniform
5. A. great B. cheap C. peace D. meal
II. Choose the correct option A,B,C,D to complete the sentences
1. Listen! Who . . . . . in the bathroom?
A. sings B. is singing C. are singing D. sing
2. What do you usually . . . . . for breakfast?
A. to have B. have C. having D. has
3. My friend, Nga is very hard-working. She . . . . . most of her time studying last year.
A. to spend B. spends C. spending D. spent
4. Mount Everest is . . . . . mountain in the world.
A. higher B. highest C. the highest D. the higher
5. This street is . . . . . than that one
A. quiet B. more quieter C. more quiet D. quieter
6. In . . . . . lessons, we learn about writers, poems and write essays.
A. History B. Literature C. Science D. Geography
7. My classroom is . . . . . the second floor.
A. in B. at C. behind D. on
8. Sometimes people set off . . . . . as the New Year begins.
A. fireworks B. flowers C. trees D. banh chung
9. - Where’s the bank? – Go straight, . . . . . . the second turning on the left. It’s on your
A. cross B. take C. go D. turn
10. I can’t come right now. I . . . . . when I finish my homework.
A. am coming B. come C. will come D. comes
11. “. . . . . do you play the piano?” – “Once a week.”
A. How much B. How long C. How far D. How often
12. He . . . . . me the way to the centre.
A. shows B. says C. ask D. all are correct
13. . . . . . go to the cinema?
A. Would you like B. What about C. How about D. Shall we
14. My parents always say that I . . . . . take things without asking.
A. needn’t B. mayn’t C. shouldn’t D. won’t
15. Hanh is usually early . . . . . school because she gets up early.
A. on B. for C. at D. to
16. – “What would you like to drink now?” – “. . . . .”
A. No, thank you B. Yes, please C. I like to do nothing D. Orange juice, please
17. The children look very . . . . . while playing games at breaktime.
A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement
III. Read the passage and write True (T) or False (F) for each sentence.
Hi everybody,
My name is Jane. I live in a nice village in the north-east of London. My best friends, Sally
and Paula, live there too, but I live on Church Street and they live on Town Square. We’re
very happy here.
There aren’t so many places as in London, of course, but we’ve got lots to do. There’s a
big community centre where you can do a lot of activities. My mother does yoga twice a
week, my brother plays tennis with his friends. My friends and I have drama classes on
Friday. In my village there’s a small theater where we can see films. Next to the theatre, there

is a big cafeteria. Mr. Smith is the owner and makes delicious sandwiches and pizza. I
sometimes have dinner with my family there.
My school isn’t very big, but it’s new and has got a nice playground. There aren’t any
bookshops or clothes shops, but there’s a nice library where we can study and borrow books.
In my village there are two supermarkets and a wonderful park. I love jogging and riding
my bike at weekends.
1. You can’t play sports at the community centre. ____________
2. There’s a big bookshop in the village. ____________
3. People see films at the cinema. ____________
4. Jane and her friends do yoga. ____________
5. Mr. Jones makes delicious pizzas. ____________
IV. Rewrite each sentence so that it means the same the sentence before.
1. It’s not good to throw water at others at Tet in Vietnam.
You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Nobody is older than my grandfather in my family.
My grandfather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. This sweater is thicker than that one.
That sweater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Does your neighbourhood have a library?
Is there . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?

I. Find the word with the different underlined sound
1. A. cold B. volleyball C. telephone D. open
2. A. meat B. reading C. bread D. seat
3. A. writes B. makes C. takes D. drives
4. A. pencil B. help C. lesson D. new
5. A. celebrate B. come C. cook D. cousin
II. Choose the correct option A,B,C,orD to complete the sentences
6. My grandfather ……………………….fishing in his free time.
A. does B. do C. goes D. go
7. They are …………………………………aerobics now.
A. play B. doing C. playing D. do
8. He usually………………………………in the morning.
A. is jogging B. jog C. jogs D. jogging
9. Where are you, Hoa? I’m downstairs. I ……………….to music.
A. to listen B. listen C. listens D. am listening
10. This Saturday we …………………………. to the Art Museum.
A. go B. is going C. are going D. went
11. There are 25 boys in my class. Son is …………………….
A. the youngest B. younger C. young D. the most young
12. Lan is ……………..… English than my sister.
A. good B. better C. best D. the best
13. Which shirt is ………………….., this one or that one?
A. cheap B. the cheapest C.cheaper D. more cheap
14. Is there a theater …………….your neighbourhood ?
A. in B. on C. at D. with
15. ……….….the second turning …………………..the right.

A. Take - in B. Take - on C. Get-in D. Get- on
16. Can you ……..………us the …………….…to the post office?
A. show - road B. show - street C. tell - road D. tell -way
17 . A …………..… a place where we go to buy stamps or send letters.
A. library B. post office C. cinema D. school
18. London, the capital city of England, is a …… with many old buildings, and beautiful
A. history B. historic C. largest D. larger
19. People in Laos ……………….………..water over one another.
A. give B. throw C. take D. bring
20. On New Year’s day, children in Korea make a …………to their parents or elders and wish
them a long and healthy …………….
A. bow - live B. friend - lives C.bow - lives D. bow - life
21. What are the people there………………….….? They are very friendly.
A. love B. liking C. like D. look
22. We …………....keep quiet in the library so that everyone can enjoy reading books.
A. should B.shouldn’t C. can D. can’t
23. Doraemon ……….…….chubby. He ……….……..a round face.
A. is - have B. is - has C. has - is D. have - is
24. Snow White ……….. long black hair and her lips ……….red as roses.
A. has - are B. has - is C. is – has D. are - has
25. The weather is nice, so I enjoy doing …………….…activities.
A. outdoors B. inside C. outdoor D. boring
III. Choose the correct answer for each of the gaps to complete the text
Tra Co Beach in Quang Ninh province is 9 kilometres from Mong Cai. It has the ( 26)
……… and the most romantic beach in Viet Nam. Tourists can enjoy the (27)……. of white
sand beaches and green sea water all year (28)………. Visitors can (29)………. enjoy the
sunset or sunrise in Con Mang islet. You can visit Tra Co Communal House, Linh Khanh
Pagoda, and Tra Co church. If tourists want some fresh (30)………., they can find it from
fishing boats.They can take part in “ Tra Co Festival” from May 30 to June 6.
26. A. long B. longer C. longest D. much longer
27. A. beauty B. beautiful C. of beauty D. pretty
28. A. over B. long C.round D. longer
29. A. be B. be able C. then D. also
30. A. seafood B. menu C. air D. water
IV. Find and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences( 1,25 mark).
31. Nam live in a house in the country.
32. Are there a flower garden behind the house ?
33. There is an temple old near our house.
34. After dinner, she do her homework.
35. The Blue Hotel is cheaper as the Green Hotel.
V. Complete the second sentences so that it has the same meaning to the first one.
36.It’s not good to spend a lot of time watching TV.
You _____________________________________________________________
37.Antarctica is colder than any other place in the world.
Antarctica is_______________________________________________________
38.Shall we go to Times Square to welcome the New Year?
Why don’t ________________________________________________________
39 A bicycle is more convenient than a car in towns.
A car is __________________________________________________________
40.Turn right at the first turning.
Take ____________________________________________________________
VI. Write sentences, using the words or phrases given.
41.Vietnamese people/ often/ clean/ decorate/ houses/ Tet.
42.The air / the city / polluted / the air / the countryside.
43.It/ very/ interesting/ take/ boat trip/ the Perfume River
44.Miss Trang/ young/ her sister
45 These buildings/ high/ those buildings


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