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Social connection & wellbeing

Relational cultural theory- healthy psychological development occurs in close, supportive

● Promoting interdependency & awareness of socio-cultural influences instead of
● Strong social network helps live longer, prevent dementia, depressions, heart disease
● Supportive social network lower stress, stronger immune system,
1. Initial reactions
Upon hearing how largely relationships and social life affects longevity, i was quite skeptical of
the validity of her point. I have heard of many tips and factors that contribute to a living a longer
life, but having close relationships was never one. However, it made sense as to why it would
be a crucial factor in longevity since many old people who outlive their friends/family soon pass
away after losing their loved ones. Her explanation then convinced me that social relations are
more important to one’s health than we realize.

2. Aspects that make me curious/challenged

For as long as i could remember, i have been told that practicing healthy habits such as
exercise and not smoking/drinking have been the key to living a long, healthy life. Her saying
that this is false was puzzling and i didn’t know if i could accept her statement. Longevity to me
is primarily a result of taking care of one’s physical health. Having an active and healthy mind is
definitely necessary to live longer, but i am not too sure on the effect of having healthy
relationships. Since there is no single factor that gives someone long life,

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