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From Apex Predator To Mutant

GMOs are living beings that have had their

genetic code changed in some way. While
conventional breeding, which has been going
WHAT ARE on for centuries, involves mixing all of the
genes from two different sources, producing
GMOS? a GMO is much more targeted. Rather than
crossing two plants out in the field, they
insert a gene or two into individual cells in a

Selective breeding is when people

selectively choose which dogs will mate to
produce puppies that meet their expected
desires or wants. In other words, the human
SELECTIVE dictates the breeding so that certain traits,
diseases, or characteristics are fixed or
BREEDING removed in the offspring. Selective breeding
contrasts with natural breeding, which is
when the dogs choose when, where, and
with whom they mate.

It provides improvements to animals.

New dog breeds can be created.
Selective breeding can replicate what
BENEFICIAL GMO work provides.
Future generations of animals maintain
EFFECTS the improvements.
The human food chain can be stabilized.
It can increase the yields of animal-
related food products.
The cost of selective breeding is minimal.
It supports other life infrastructures

It may lead to a lack of variety in plant

or animal species.
Genetic mutations are still going to
NEGATIVE The process of selective breeding
becomes about humans only.
EFFECTS There is no guarantee that the desired
traits will pass to the offspring.
It can create genetic bottlenecks.
There may be evolutionary changes that
harm the planet.
Selective breeding can affect plants or
animals outside of the intended effort.

GMOs hold a significant part in our society, we have

been altering our environment since antiquity, and we
have mastered this skill allowing us to change the very
DNA of an organism to suit our needs. With our skill in
manipulating the traits of animals, we have
domesticated wolves to become our companions and
TAKE it has led to the creation of various breeds that serve a
very specific purpose. But with the advancement of
AWAY our societies, the reasons for altering our furry
companion have been reduced to aesthetical
preference. In the pursuit of aesthetics, we have
propagated abnormalities and deformations that
have caused pain and medical conditions for our pets.
Thus, I ask this question, What is more, important our
pet's quality of life or our satisfaction in owning a
purebred/designer dog?

Designed by Bulanadi, Aie Freniel M

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