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3 Company Evaluation
Gymshark Evaluation.

The website that I chose was Gymshark website, it is an apparel clothes gym online store, I Chose it because I
love this brand and its mission statement.

1. I think that the business objective of the website is to create a space to show and sell the clothes to the
gym and gather a loyal fitness community, and also like they say in their mission statement it is a tool
that helps everyone become their personal best, and not only because they sell the best gym clothes if
not that they also have a blog which is full of sports information scientifically proved.

2. I think that for measure the success of sales they are using the “Conversion rate” which shows the
number of website visitors that becomes a customer by making a purchase.
And for measure if they are gathering a loyal fitness community, they are using the “New visitors vs.
returning visitors” which help them to know the effectiveness of their digital marketing techniques
across their blog.

3. They could choose some metrics as conversions rate, purchases, new visitors and returning visitors using
tools as Google Analytics complemented with Google master tools and also Adobe Analytics for the
4. I think that they are selling a lot as well as gathering a worldwide fitness community. So yes, they are
fulfilling their objectives and being very successful as they mentioned on their web page "Gymshark
family of employees, athletes and followers is now over 10 million strong, with a total social media
following of over 18 million and customers in over 230 countries across our 14 online stores" which
demonstrated their success.

5. I think that there are going through the right way, but even though I could council them to make their
blog button more visible to make sure more people see it and increase their community more quickly.



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