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Mary Grace M. Macamos

Persuassive Essay

Overuse of technology

Have you ever noticed that virtually every person you pass on the street is staring down
at a screen? The way we live today seems to be completely dominated by technology! Since
children aren't playing outside anymore, they lack imagination and undoubtedly don't exercise.
We don't have real conversations as a result of having too much technology in our lives, and as
a result, we're growing further apart. It's time to step away from the screens and take a break
from technology because it makes us anxious and frustrated. Children today are unable to
simply go outside and play because they lack imagination. They spend so much time playing
video games and staring at screens that they have lost the ability to be imaginative and have
fun without it. The health of the children in our nation is definitely being harmed by all this time
spent sitting down and using technology. Instead of being locked in a gloomy room staring at a
screen like a zombie, kids should be outside playing and running around.

Technology is also severing relationships with friends and family. We are using social
media to have disconnected and unrealistic conversations with our family and friends instead of
having real conversations with them. This indicates that we don't really show our true selves to
one another. In order to connect with people on a genuine level, face-to-face communication is
necessary. Is it really that difficult to put the phone down and carry on a meaningful
conversation with someone? It's also critical to acknowledge the frustration and rage that
technology can cause. This is particularly true when things begin to malfunction. It's bad for our
mental health and makes us tired and irritable to spend the entire day looking down at a
screen. If everyone gave up technology and went outside for a leisurely long walk or had a nice
picnic, everyone would be so much happier. Technology is irksome, irritating, and terrible.

Overall, it is obvious that less technology would make our lives so much better. Children
could go outside and breathe in the fresh air and sun instead of playing video games and using
social media. If not for technology, they would be more fit and healthy. All of this technology is
separating people from one another and preventing us from truly connecting. If we didn't
spend our days staring at screens, we'd all be happier and more patient. To build a more
contented and healthy society, let's band together and get rid of all this technology.

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