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Application form for admission to studies

Applicant number: 2096224

Semester: Winter Semester 2022/23
Higher Education Institute: Technische Universität Berlin

1. Information on the desired degree course

Target degree in Germany : Master
Course name Course
Process, Energy, and Environmental Systems Engineering / Prozess-, Energie- und
1. course 1
Umweltsystemtechnik (PEESE) (M.Sc.)

2. Personal details
Surname/Family name Raza
First/Given name(s) Mirza Muhammad Sabih
Sex male
Date of birth 07.11.1994
Place of birth Lahore
Nationality/Nationalities Pakistan

3. Correspondence address
c/o Muzammal Rehman
House number/Street/Road etc. Goerzallee 123, room 206
Address continued Second floor room 206
Postcode/Zip code 12207
Place/delivery area Berlin
Country Germany

4. School leaving certificate


Studies completed at a German university/ German university of applied sciences

Studies completed outside of Germany

Activities prior to application

Further enrollments at a university

I have currently not passed my bachelor's degree course and I am / was enrolled for a master's degree
course at a German university at the same time. I will upload a current certificate of enrollment or about
the termination of enrollment including the amount of terms of studying (Fachsemester) of the respective
German university as a PDF file.
I am/was enrolled for an degree course (for example bachelor's or master's degree course) at a German
university or a foreign university after my completed primary university degree.

Current certificate of enrollment or certificate of exmatriculation of the previous German university

If you already study or have studied at a German University please submit a current certificate of
enrollment or about the termination of your enrollment at the previous German university. This I have
document has to be uploaded to uni-assist as a PDF file. Your passed university degree does not imply acknowledged
that your enrollment is already terminated. The termination has to be proved with a separate the
document. Please note that the missing proof does not lead to a rejection, however, no waiting information.
semesters can be counted without proof.

Foreign language proficiency

Please state here your 1. foreign language English

Please state here the level of your 1. foreign language B2
Please state here your 2. foreign language German
Please state here the level of your 2. foreign language A2
Please upload your foreign language proficiency as a PDF file here. IELTS.pdf

Information on master’s application

Please acknowledge, that only information on application, admission and enrollment issued by the Office
of Student Affairs is valid ( Information about the before mentioned
topics from other sources like uni-assist, student counseling, examination board and professors is not
reliable, because these offices are not responsible for the final processing of your application. Is it about
the specific entrance qualifications of your master's program, the respective examination board is
I have
responsible and can give valid information to you. We recommend to not submit your application form
before the required application documents are complete in form and content. As soon as uni-assist has
reviewed your application as per the criteria set for the preliminary review, your application will be
forwarded to TU Berlin and might already be in the process of verification by the examinations board.
Please therefore refrain from submitting further application documents by sending or uploading them
directly to TU Berlin after your application has been forwarded by uni-assist. Documents that are
submitted subsequently might thus not be considered or the decision on your application taken by the
examinations board might be delayed.

Selection process for master’s programs with restrictions on admission

I know that all master’s programs with restrictions on admission have to execute a selection process,
I have
if there are more complete and qualified applications than vacant university places. I confirm that I
have informed on the websites of the respective master’s program about further required documents
for the selection process and that I have submitted these documents, if any.

Here you can find the currently valid legal bases for a master's application:

Final declaration of the applicant

Hereby I declare, that I have read the final declaration and I accept it's content.

Application checklist for a master's degree course

0 I have read the checklist and
Before you finally submit your application, we would like to recommend
I know which application
our checklist to you. If you have not read this checklist before, you should
documents have to be
do it now. In this list you can find all necessary application documents and
submitted until the application
their required form. -

[x] When you click on the button "To payment process", you will be redirected to the payment service
provider Novalnet AG. For the processing of the payment, uni-assist e.V. transfers the following data to
the payment service provider: e-mail-address, applicant number, order number and payment amount incl.
currency. To complete the processing of the payment, depending on the payment method this data will
also be transferred to the respective online payment services, credit institutions, banks and credit card
institutions, which will also process the data. For more information, see our privacy policy.

[x] I have read and do accept the current terms and conditions (AGB) as well as uni-assist's privacy policy.

[x] I assure in all conscience that all the information I have given on this form is complete and accurate. I
confirm that I did not conceal any asked university studies at home and abroad.I am aware that giving
false information may lead to exclusion from the admissions procedure or to the cancellation of my
admission or enrollment by the university.


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