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Why Geography does not have unique definition and consensus

among Geographers? Write the reason in accordance with thoughts of
geography ?

 Geography is the study of everything that is on the surface of the

earth and they can be classified into human geography.
As you can see from the definitions Geography is challenging to
define because it is such a broad and all encompassing field. It is
for more than the study of maps and the physical features of the
land because people are influenced and influence the land as well.
Having a perspective means looking at our world through a lens
shaped by personal experience selective information and
subjective evaluation.
The perspectives and the questions to which they lead distinguish
Geography from other approaches such as historic or Economic.
Also Geography is not static geography is about CHANGE THE
MOVEMENT of people goods idea pollution and even NFL Football
teams immediately change the geography where are they going ?
Why are they moving ? And why does it matter ? As we progress
through this what Geographers add to such topics the spatial
2. What are major problems of Ethiopia agriculture state and discussed
in detail.

 The human rights and humanitarian situation Ethiopia

deteriorated further in 2021, with civilians impacted by a
devastating confect in Tigre security forceelbbuses, attacks by
armed groups and deadly ethic violin in other regions.
Farmers need to deal with many
 Cape with climate change, soil erosion and biodiversity loss.
 Satisfy consumer’s changing tastes and expectations.
 Meet rising demand for more food of higher quality.
 Invest in farm productivity.
 Adopt and learn new technologies And more items.
 Dominated by smaller farms(over 17cm) contributing about
95% of agricultural products.
 Limited mechanization and technology adoptions.
 Predominately rain-fed and with.
 Deckling soil ferity, increasing pest and diseases.

3. Population data.
 The primary sources of the population data on the population size
characterics and demographic are the census, projections, the
registrations, migrant reports and the surveys.

4. types of population.

 There are:
 Finite population
 Instinet population
 Existent population
 Hypothetical population
 It is the most reliable information for describing house holds,
neighbor hoods, cities and countries they are also used as
benchmark data for studying population changes(trend/direction)
and are a key input for making population projection including
gender poverty, labor fore employment etc………

Hypothetical country “A” has the following population data,

1. Total population – 90 million

CBR = Total lina birth X 1000 = 550,000 X 1000

Taka pop 90,000,000
=550 = 55
2. Total birth – 550,000
GFR = General fatheir rate = Total anal LN Br 1000
Women reproduce Total Wama (15.49)
TP-NRW 90,000,000-70,000,000
= 70,000,000
GFR = 550,000 X 1000 = 55
70,000,000 7
3. Total death – 95,000
CDR = Total amount X 1000 = 95,000 X 1000
Total MYD year pop 90,000,000
= 95/90 =
4. Maternal death – 20,000
IMR = Total death infant death X 1000 = 30,000 X 1000
Total live birth rate 550,000
=3000/55 =

MMR = Maul major data duet by x 100,000 = 20,000 x 100,000

Total Lun by the 550,000
5. Infant death – 30,000
MMR = Tama major duet by X 100,000 = 20,000 X 100,000
Total live birth 550,000

7. Number of reproductive Women – 20 million

= 55/9 - 95/90 =

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