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Laboratory Exercises for Analog

and Digital Courses using NI ELVIS

II and NI Multisim

Teaching material produced in cooperation with the "Don Bosco" CEDES and
the help of professors:

 Luis Carballo
 David Ulloa
 Fabián Garro
Table of Contents

DC Electric Circuits

1. Ohm's Law
2. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
3. Kirchhoff's Current Law
4. Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits
5. Voltage Divider and Resistance Bridge
6. Series and Parallel Capacitors

AC Electric Circuits

7. RC Circuits
8. RLC Circuits
9. Transformers and Turn Relationship

Analog Electronics

10. Diodes
11. Bipolar Transistors
12. Transistors Used as Interrupters
13. Transistors Used as Amplifiers

Digital Electronics

14. Logic Gates

15. Karnaugh Maps
16. Flip Flops
17. Multivibrator Circuits (555)
18. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
19.Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
DC Electric
Exercise 1
Ohm's Law

One of the first people to research electricity was Gorge Simon Ohm, a German
physicist who taught mathematics. His experiments showed that a current is directly
proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the circuit's
resistance. Based on his studies, Ohm proposed an equation linking voltage, current
and resistance, known as Ohm's law,


"I" is the current's intensity in Amperes (A)

"V"is the voltage in Volts (V)

"R" is the resistance in Ohms (Ω)

It can be said that if the voltage of a resistance increases or decreases, the current going
through the resistance will increase or decrease proportionally. Using algebra, Ohm's
law can be expressed in two additional ways:

Another fundamental law of electricity is Watt's law, named in honor of the Scottish
inventor James Watt, which defines power in terms of voltage and current, as follows:


"P" is power in Watts (W)

"I" is the current's intensity in Amperes (A)

"V" is the voltage in Volts (V).

Verify the three ways in which Ohm's law can be used to calculate voltage, current and

Parts List
- 1 330 Ω resistor
- 1 1kΩ resistor
- 1 3.3 kΩ resistor

1. Using the following circuit, calculate the current flowing through the resistor for an
R1 value equal to 330 Ω, 1 kΩ, 3.3 kΩ, for different voltage supply (Vs) values, as
shown in Table 1-1. Write the resulting values in Table 1-1

Table 1-1. Current calculated for different resistance values

Vs R= 330 Ω R= 1 kΩ R= 3.3 kΩ
(V) Measured I Measured I Measured I
Calculated I (mA) (mA) Calculated I (mA) (mA) Calculated I (mA) (mA)
2. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the previous circuit as illustrated above.

3. Turn the NI ELVIS II on using the switch located at the rear of its base.

4. If the NI ELVIS II is properly plugged in and connected both to the power supply
and a PC, the PC should recognize the device and display a dialog box asking
which action you would like to perform. Select NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher.

5. If the circuit is properly set up, turn on the prototype board's switch:

**For your own safety, turn this switch off every time you make wiring changes. After
turning the switch on, the LEDs indicating the + 15, -15 and +5 V fixed voltage supply
will also come on.
** Should any of these sources have a short circuit, you will hear a "click" and the LED
corresponding to the shorted supply circuit will turn off. Turn off the prototype board
switch, fix the short circuit and turn the prototype board back on.

6. Using the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher, activate the following measuring

- DMM (Digital multimeter)
- VPS (Variable Power Supply 0-12 V DC)

DMM (Multimeter)

VPS (Variable Power

7. Set the positive variable power supply at approximately 1 V.

** The voltage of the variable power supply can be controlled from the PC using the
knob or the numeric pad, or manually using the knobs located on the baseof the NI

8. Now we will measure the voltage. Since voltage is measured in parallel, the ends of
the multimeter will be placed on the resistor's terminals.

The ends of the multimeter are connected to the banana jacks located on one side of the
ELVIS. The red end (positive) will be connected to the terminal labeled V, and the
black end (negative) will be connected to the terminal labeled COM.
9. Using the multimeter, check that the measured voltage is equal to the voltage value
provided by the variable supply. To carry out this measurement, you must select
the direct current voltage and press the "Run" button.

Now we will measure the current. Since currents are measured in series, it will be
necessary to open the circuit and make the current flow through the multimeter. The
circuit can be opened between one of the resistor's terminals and ground. The red end
must be connected to the resistor's terminal and the black end to ground.
The red end must be unplugged from the banana jack labeled V in ELVIS and plugged
in to the terminal labeled A.

10. Using the multimeter, measure the current and write the data in Table 1-1. The
multimeter must be set to measure direct current. Do not forget to press the Run

11. Repeat the step above for all voltage values (from 1 V to 10 V), changing the value
at the variable power supply, and write down the current values in Table 1-1.
12. Repeat the above process, setting up a 1 kΩ resistor. Write the values down in
Table 1-1

13. Repeat the above process, setting up a 3.3 kΩ resistor. Write the values down in
Table 1-1

Chart the Voltage vs. Current curves for the 330 Ω, 1 kΩ and 3.3 kΩ resistors.
1. These V - I curves can be used to determine the approximate current passing
through a given component, given a known voltage value. For a 330-Ω resistor,
what would be the approximate current value if Vs = 5.5 V?

2. Another use for the V - I curves is to determine the approximate voltage of a

component when a known current value flows through it. For a 3.3-kΩ resistor,
what would be the approximate voltage value if current I = 3 mA?
Exercise 2
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law

There are several ways to connect electric components in a circuit: in series, in parallel
or a combination of the two. A connection in series is when there is only one route for
current to flow through between two points. Two elements are in series when:

1. They have only one common terminal. (An element's terminal is connected only
to the terminal of the other element.)
2. The common point between those two elements is not connected to another
element transporting a current.

Since there is only one route for the current to flow, the current flowing through every
component connected in series is the same. If the current of a component in a series
circuit is 20 mA, the current of all the other elements connected in series will be 20 mA.
In addition, if a component opens for any reason (resistance approaches infinity), no
current will flow through the circuit.

Kirchhoff's Voltage Law

This law indicates that the algebraic sum of voltages in a closed circuit equals zero.
Another way to express this law is that the sum of voltage drops of components
connected in series is equal to the circuit's voltage supply.
- Verify that the total resistance of a circuit in series is the individual sum of the
- Check Kirchhoff's voltage law for circuits connected in series.

Parts List
- 1 100 Ω resistor
- 1 430 Ω resistor
- 1 1kΩ resistor
- 1 500 Ω resistor
- 1 700 Ω resistor

Part 1
1. For the following circuit, calculate total resistance and the voltage value at each of
the resistors, given a power supply of 6 and 12 Volts. Use Kirchhoff's voltage law.
Write the calculated values in Table 2-1

Table 2-1. Current calculated for different resistance values

Total Resistance (Ω):

Vs Total Current (mA) R Voltage = 100 Ω R Voltage = 430 Ω R Voltage = 1 kΩ R Voltage = 500 Ω R Voltage = 700 Ω
(V) Calc I Meas I Calc V Meas V Calc V Meas V Calc V Meas V Calc V Meas V Calc V Meas V
(mA) (mA) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V)
2. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit illustrated above. Remember to turn the NI
ELVIS II protoboard off whenever you make any connections, and turn it back on
when you are ready to measure data.

3. Turn the ELVIS II on, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use
the following instruments:
- DMM (Digital multimeter)
- VPS (Variable Power Supply 0-12 V DC)

4. Total Circuit Resistance Measurement

With the voltage supply off, measure the total circuit resistance as shown in the
illustration. Note that the multimeter terminals are parallel to the variable power
supply (VPS). The multimeter must be set to measure resistance (Ω).

5. Total Circuit Voltage Measurement

5.1 Increase the value of the variable power supply to 6 V. Press the Run button to start
applying voltage.
5.2 Use the multimeter to verify that the correct voltage is being applied to the circuit.
The Banana Jack Connections window displays how the ends should be connected.

6. Circuit Total Current Measurement

6.1 With the voltage power supply at zero volts, place the multimeter terminals as
shown in the illustration. Remember that current is measured in series, so the
circuit must be open and the multimeter ends must be placed between the open
circuit terminals. The multimeter must be set to measure direct current.
6.2 Write the total current value displayed in the multimeter in Table 2-1

6.3 Repeat the previous step, setting the variable power supply to 12 V.

7 Resistor Voltage Measurement

7.1 Make sure that the variable power supply has been set to 6 V and is on.

7.2 Place the multimeter terminals as shown in the illustration. Note that the
multimeter terminals are parallel to the resistor (R1). To ensure that the multimeter
is properly connected, always connect the positive and negative ends of the
multimeter clockwise throughout the resistors. The multimeter must be set to
measure direct current voltage.
7.3 Write the R1 voltage value displayed in the multimeter in Table 2-1

7.4 Now, place the multimeter terminals parallel to R2 and write the value displayed in
the multimeter in Table 2-1.

7.5 Repeat the previous step for R3, R4 and R5.

7.6 Repeat the previous procedure, setting the variable power supply (Vs) to 12 V.
1. Will changing the resistor order alter the total resistance or current values? Why?

2. If the circuit resistance values are changed, will that affect the circuit voltage?

3. Why does polarity need to be taken into account for voltage measurement
whenever Kirchhoff's voltage law is applied?
Exercise 3
Kirchhoff's Current Law

A parallel connection is one where there is more than one route for a current to flow.
Two elements are said to be parallel if they have two common points. A parallel circuit
has two or more components set up parallel to a voltage power supply. Since each
component has the same connection points, the component voltage will be the same. If
the measured voltage of a component connected in parallel is 12 V, the voltage of any
other component connected in parallel will also be 12 V.
The total resistance of a parallel circuit is calculated as follows:

Kirchhoff's Current Law

This law indicates that the algebraic sum of currents in a node (a joining point for two
or more components) equals zero. Another version of this law indicates that the
current flowing into a node is equal to the sum of the currents exiting said node.
- Recognize the features of parallel resistive circuits.
- Check Kirchhoff's current law.

Parts List
- 2 3.3 kΩ resistors
- 2 1 kΩ resistors
Part 1
1. For the following circuit, calculate total resistance for two parallel 3.3 kΩ resistors,
the total current of the circuit and the current at each resistor. Write the calculated
values in Tables 3-1 and 3-2

Circuit 1

2. Add another parallel 3.3 kΩ resistor to the circuit above and recalculate total
current, total resistance and current at each resistor. Write the calculated values in
Tables 3-1 and 3-2

Circuit 2

3. Add two parallel 1 kΩ resistors to the circuit above and recalculate total current,
total resistance and current at each resistor. Write the calculated values in Tables 3-
1 and 3-2

Circuit 3
Table 3-1. Calculated and measured (total) current and resistance for different resistance values

Total Current (mA) Total R (Ω)

Calc I (mA) Meas I (mA) Calc RT (Ω) Meas RT (Ω)


Table 3-2. Calculated and measured current at each circuit resistor

R1 current = 3.3 kΩ R2 current = 3.3 kΩ R3 current = 3.3 kΩ R4 current = 1 kΩ R5 current = 1 kΩ

Circuit Calc I Meas I Calc I Meas I Calc I Meas I Calc I Meas I Calc I Meas I
(mA) (mA) (mA) (mA) (mA) (mA) (mA) (mA) (mA) (mA)

4. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit illustrated above. Remember to turn the NI
ELVIS II protoboard off whenever you make any connections, and turn it back on
when you are ready to measure data.

5. Turn the ELVIS II on, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use
the following instruments:
- DMM (Digital multimeter)
- VPS (Variable Power Supply 0-12 V DC)

6. Set the positive variable power supply at approximately 12 V.

7. Total Resistance Measurement

7.1 With the voltage supply off, measure the total circuit resistance as shown in the
illustration. Note that the multimeter terminals are parallel to the variable power
supply (VPS). The multimeter must be set to measure resistance (Ω). Write the
calculated values in Tables 3-1 and 3-2
7.2 Add another parallel 3.3 kΩ resistor to the circuit above and measure total
resistance again. Write the calculated values in Tables 3-1 and 3-2

7.3 Add two parallel 1 kΩ resistors to the circuit above and measure total resistance
again. Write the calculated values in Tables 3-1 and 3-2
8 Measuring Total Current and Current at Parallel Resistors

8.1 For the following circuit, measure the total circuit current and current at each
resistor. Remember that the multimeter must be connected to the tested element in
series in order to measure currents. Write the calculated values in Tables 3-1 and 3-

8.2 Add another parallel 3.3 kΩ resistor to the circuit above and recalculate total
current and current at each resistor. Write the calculated values in Tables 3-1 and
8.3 Add two parallel 1 kΩ resistors to the circuit above and recalculate total current
and current at each resistor. Write the calculated values in Tables 3-1 and 3-2

1. What happens to total current when more parallel resistors are added to the

2. What happens to total resistance when more parallel resistors are added to the

3. How does total resistance compare to that of the lowest value parallel resistor?
Exercise 4
Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits

Thevenin's Theorem.

"Any two-terminal, linear bilateral DC network can be replaced by an equivalent

circuit consisting of a voltage source and a series resistor."

This means that a circuit such as the one in the diagram can be replaced by a power
supply and a series resistor, allowing for a quicker analysis of RL resistance changes.

Some of the advantages offered by this theorem are:

- It allows the determination of any given voltage or current in a linear network

with one, two or any number of power supplies.
- It allows the analysis of a specific part of a network, substituting the remaining
network with an equivalent circuit.

Procedure for theorem application.

Remove the part of the network through which the equivalent Thevenin's circuit will
be analyzed (in the illustration above, it would be RL), and tag the network terminals
where the removed element was located.
Calculate Thevenin's Resistance RTh , substituting all supplies by zero (power supply
sources are replaced by open circuits and voltage supply sources are replaced by short
circuits) and find the resulting resistance between the two tagged terminals.

Calculate Thevenin's voltage ETh , returning all power supply sources to their original
settings and finding the voltage of the open circuit between the tagged terminals.

Draw Thevenin's equivalent circuit, adding the circuit part removed before. This step is
indicated by placing the RL resistor between the Thevenin equivalent circuit terminals.

Norton's Theorem

"Any two-terminal linear bilateral DC network can be replaced by an equivalent circuit

consisting of a current source and a parallel resistor."

Analyzing Norton's theorem brings up some similarities with Thevenin's theorem,

given that a part of the circuit must be removed for its analysis in both cases, and in the
case of Norton's theorem, use a current power supply in parallel with an RN resistor,
and have it in parallel with the RL part of the circuit to be analyzed. RL.
Procedure for theorem application.

Remove the part of the network through which the equivalent Norton's circuit will be
analyzed. (in the illustration above, it would be RL), and tag the network terminals
where the removed element was located.

Calculate Norton's resistance "RN," substituting all supplies by zero (current power
supplies are replaced by open circuits and voltage supplies are replaced by short
circuits) and find the resulting resistance between the two tagged terminals.

Calculate Norton's current "IN," returning all power supply sources to their original
settings and finding the short circuit current between the tagged terminals (cause a
short on both terminals.) (In all cases, keep in mind that the current has to be measured
using an ammeter between the pair of terminals tagged in step one.)

Draw Norton's equivalent circuit, adding the circuit part removed before. This step is
indicated by placing the RL resistor between the Norton equivalent circuit terminals.

Parts List
- 2 3.3 kΩ resistors
- 1 1kΩ resistor
- 1 10 kΩ potentiometer

Part 1
1. For the following circuit, use Ohm's law to calculate the current flowing through
potentiometer RL for an RL value equal to 1 kΩ, 5 kΩ and 10 kΩ. Write the
calculated values in Table 4-1
2. Now, using Thevenin's theorem, calculate the current flowing through
potentiometer RL for an RL value equal to 1 kΩ, 5 kΩ and 10 kΩ. Write the
resistance values and Thevenin voltage.

Table 4-1. Calculated and measured current for different RL resistance values

RL Current
Calc I (mA) Meas I (mA) Thevenin meas. I (mA)
1 kΩ
5 kΩ
10 kΩ

3. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit above, as shown in the illustration. Turn off
the protoboard while you wire the circuit.

4. Turn the NI ELVIS II on, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:
- DMM (Digital multimeter)
- VPS (Variable power supply)

5. First, use the multimeter to make sure that potentiometer RL shows a value of 1 kΩ

6. Set the positive variable power supply at approximately 12 V.

7. Using the multimeter, check that the voltage equals that provided by the power

8. Measure the current flowing through RL. Remember that the multimeter must be
connected in series to the potentiometer in order to measure currents. Write the
resulting values in Table 4-1
9. Change the RL value to 5 kΩ and measure the current flowing through the
potentiometer again. Write the resulting values in Table 4-1
10. Change the RL value to 10 kΩ and measure the current flowing through the
potentiometer again. Write the resulting values in Table 4-1

11. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the following circuit, using the calculated voltage
values and Thevenin resistance values. Set the variable power source (VPS) voltage
value to the desired value (VTh) and use a potentiometer set at the calculated
Thevenin resistance value (RTh).

12. Measure the current flowing through RL. Remember that the multimeter must be
connected in series to the potentiometer in order to measure currents. Write the
resulting values in Table 4-1

13. Change the RL value to 5 kΩ and measure the current flowing through the
potentiometer again. Write the resulting values in Table 4-1

14. Change the RL value to 10 kΩ and measure the current flowing through the
potentiometer again. Write the resulting values in Table 4-1
Part 2
1. For the following circuit, use Ohm's law to calculate the current flowing through
potentiometer RL, for an RL value equal to 1 kΩ, 5 kΩ and 10 kΩ. Write the
calculated values in Table 4-1

2. Now, using Norton's theorem, calculate the current flowing through potentiometer
RL for an RL value equal to 1 kΩ, 5 kΩ, and 10 kΩ. Write the resistance and Norton
current values.

Table 4-2. Calculated and measured current for different RL resistance values

RL Current
Calc I (mA) Meas I (mA) Norton meas. I (mA)

1 kΩ
5 kΩ
10 kΩ

3. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit above, as shown in the illustration. Turn off
the protoboard while you wire the circuit.

4. Turn the NI ELVIS II on, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:
- DMM (Digital multimeter)
- VPS (Variable Power Supply 0-12 V DC)

5. First, use the multimeter to make sure that potentiometer RL shows a value of 1 kΩ.

6. Set the positive variable power supply at approximately 12 V.

7. Using the multimeter, verify that the voltage equals that provided by the power
8. Measure the current flowing through RL. Remember that the multimeter must be
connected in series to the potentiometer in order to measure currents. Write the
resulting values in Table 4-1

9. Change the RL value to 5 kΩ and measure the current flowing through the
potentiometer again. Write the resulting values in Table 4-1

10. Change the RL value to 10 kΩ and measure the current flowing through the
potentiometer again. Write the resulting values in Table 4-1

11. Use the ELVIS II to set up the following circuit, using the calculated Norton
current and resistance values. Transform the Norton's power supply value to a
Thevenin voltage supply value using this formula: VTh= IN * RNWhere IN is Norton's
current, RN is Norton's resistance. Change the variable power supply's voltage value
(Vs) to the desired value (VTh) and use a potentiometer with the value calculated for
Norton's resistance (RN).
12. Measure the current flowing through RL. Remember that the multimeter must be
connected in series to the potentiometer in order to measure currents. Write the
resulting values in Table 4-2

13. Change the RL value to 5 kΩ and measure the current flowing through the
potentiometer again. Write the resulting values in Table 4-1

14. Change the RL value to 10 kΩ and measure the current flowing through the
potentiometer again. Write the resulting values in Table 4-1
1. When the two circuit analysis methods are compared, in what cases would we use
Ohm's law and in which would we use Thevenin's theorem?

2. When the two circuit analysis methods are compared, in what cases would we use
Ohm's law and in which would we use Norton's theorem?

3. How are Norton's theorem and Thevenin's theorem related?

Exercise 5
Voltage Divider and Resistance Bridge


A voltage divider is made up of at least two resistors in series with a voltage power
supply. For two resistors, the voltage is divided as follows:

Sometimes the voltage divider is used to supply a voltage other than that coming from
the battery or the power supply. When applied, the output voltage depends on the
resistance of the load it supplies. A rule of thumb is that a large R2 value in relation to
R1will yield a larger output voltage. However, if its load resistance RL is lower than R2,
the output voltage will decrease and more current and total power will be needed from
the power supply.

Resistance Bridge

This is a measuring instrument that can work with direct and alternate currents, and
allows us to test resistors and their equivalents in alternate current circuits containing
other elements such as coils or condensers.
In order to determine the value of an electrical resistor, there must be a potential
difference between each end and then measure the current going through, as indicated
by Ohm's law. It is made up of four resistors, a power supply and a current sensor such
as a galvanometer.

For the current between points b and c to equal zero, the relation between all four
resistors must follow the equation below:

If the resistors fall within the prescribed ratio, the bridge is deemed to be balanced. If
three resistors have known values, the fourth resistor can be found using the previous
equation. If R4 is unknown, its Rx value can be calculated as follows:
- Understand the operation of a voltage divider.
- Understand the behavior of a resistance bridge.

Parts List
- 2 2 kΩ resistors
- 1 4 kΩ resistor
- 1 3 kΩ resistor
- 1 4.7 kΩ resistor
- 1 470 Ω resistor
- 1 3.3 kΩ resistor
- 1 330 Ω resistor
Part 1
For circuit A, calculate the voltage of the 4 kΩ R2 resistor. Write the value in Table 5-1.
Now, recalculate the voltage value at the R2 resistor, after adding a parallel 2 kΩ
resistor (circuit B). Write the value in Table 5-1. Recalculate the voltage value at the R2
resistor, after adding an additional parallel 3 kΩ resistor (circuit C). Write the value in
Table 5-1.

Table 5-1. Calculated and measured voltage drop at R2

Voltage at R2
Calc V (V) Meas V (V)
Circuit A
Circuit B
Circuit C

1. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit above, as shown in the illustration. Turn off
the protoboard while you wire the circuit.

2. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:
- DMM (Digital multimeter)
- VPS (Variable Power Supply)

3. First, use the multimeter to make sure that potentiometer RL shows a value of 1 kΩ.

4. Set the positive variable power supply at approximately 12 V.

5. Using the multimeter, verify that the voltage equals that provided by the power
6. Measure voltage at the 4 kΩ R2 resistor. Write the value in Table 5-1.

7. Now recalculate the voltage value at the R2 resistor, after adding a parallel 2 kΩ
resistor. Write the value in Table 5-1.

8. Recalculate the voltage value at the R2 resistor, after adding an additional parallel 3
kΩ resistor. Write the value in Table 5-1.
1. What happens at the voltage divider when it is put under load, in contrast with an
open circuit?

2. What is the effect of the load resistance value on the divider's output voltage?

3. Why does voltage change at the output terminals?

Part 2
1. For the illustrated circuit, calculate the voltage at all resistors and between points A
and B.

2. Add a 2 kΩ resistor between points A and B and calculate the voltage of all
resistors and between points A and B. Write the value in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2. Calculated resistor voltage drop

Voltage at R1 Voltage at R2 Voltage at R3 Voltage at R4 Voltage at AB

Calc V (V) Calc V (V) Calc V (V) Calc V (V) Calc V (V)

Circuit A

Circuit B
Table 5-3. Measured resistor voltage drop

Voltage at R1 Voltage at R2 Voltage at R3 Voltage at R4 Voltage at AB

Meas V (V) Meas V (V) Meas V (V) Meas V (V) Meas V (V)
Circuit A
Circuit B
Circuit C
Circuit D

3. Recalculate voltage at all resistors and between points A and B. Write the values in
Table 5-3.

4. Add a 2 kΩ resistor between points A and B and recalculate the voltage of all
resistors and between points A and B. Write the values in Table 5-3.
5. Remove the 2 kΩ resistor between points A and B and place a 1 kΩ resistor in
parallel with the 4.7 kΩ R1 resistor. Recalculate voltage at all resistors and between
points A and B. Write the values in Table 5-3.

6. Now, connect the 1 kΩ resistor in parallel with the 470 Ω R2 resistor. Recalculate
voltage at all resistors and between points A and B. Write the values in Table 5-3.
1. Why does the voltage value at points A and B equal zero at certain times during
the exercise?

2. Why does the voltage value at points A and B become positive or negative at
certain times during the exercise?

3. What happens if the system goes out of balance?

Exercise 6
Series and Parallel Capacitors

A capacitor is a device that stores an electric charge. This device is built by placing two
parallel metallic plates close to one another, with the same surface and separated by a
layer of dielectric material. The way in which the plates and the dielectric material are
arranged in a capacitor allows each plate to have the same amount of electric charge
but with different polarity.

When one of these plates is connected to a voltage power supply, the plate is charged
and triggers a charge of the opposite polarity on the other plate. If one plate has a
negative charge (Q-) and the other has a positive charge (Q+), with the same charge
magnitude at each plate, the net system charge becomes 0. However, it is said that the
capacitor is under a Q charge.
Series and Parallel Capacitors

Capacitors and resistors behave in opposing ways. The calculation of parallel

capacitors is equal to the calculation of series resistors, while the calculation of series
capacitors is equal to the calculation of parallel resistors.

The calculation of capacitors connected in series is described with the following


The calculation of capacitors connected in parallel is described with the following

Verify the capacitance behavior of capacitors connected in series and in parallel.

Parts List
- 5 1 µF capacitors

Part 1. Series Capacitors

1. Calculate the equivalent capacitance of the following circuit and write the value in
Table 12-1.

Table 12-1 Series and Parallel Capacitors

Theoretical Theoretical
Actual Series Actual Parallel
Circuit Series Parallel
C EQ (µF) C EQ (µF) C EQ (µF) C EQ (µF)

Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Circuit 3

2. Set up the circuit illustrated above on the NI ELVIS II.

3. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:
- DMM (Digital multimeter)

4. Adjust the multimeter to measure capacitance and make sure that the circuit is
connected to terminals DUT+ and DUT-. Measure the equivalent capacitance.
5. Add a series capacitor, calculate the equivalent capacitance and write the value in
Table 12-1.

6. Measure the equivalent capacitance and write the value in Table 12-1.

7. Add a series capacitor and repeat steps 5 and 6.

8. Calculate the equivalent capacitance of the following circuit and write the value in
Table 12-1.

9. Measure the equivalent capacitance and write the value in Table 12-1.

10. Add a parallel capacitor, calculate the equivalent capacitance and write the value in
Table 12-1.

11. Measure the equivalent capacitance and write the value in Table 12-1.

12. Add a parallel capacitor and repeat steps 10 and 11.

AC Electric
Exercise 7
RC Circuits

Capacitors and inducers are devices that store energy. Capacitors store electric charge
(shown as voltage) and inducers store magnetic fields (shown as current). Usually,
capacitors and inducers are combined with resistors to create RC, RL and RLC circuits.

When capacitors are subjected to power, they take some time to charge and to lose
their charge. This period is known as time constant and, in an RC circuit, it is
proportional to the result of multiplying resistance and capacitance.

The capacitor's voltage charges and discharges exponentially as time goes by. The
voltage of a capacitor is calculated as follows:

Understand the principle of operation of an RC circuit and observe a capacitor's charge
and discharge curves.

Parts List
- 1 100 Ω resistor
- 1 1 µF capacitor
- 2 2 µF capacitors
Part 1
13. Calculate the time constant for the circuit shown in the illustration. Calculate the
capacitor's voltage from time t = 0 to time t = 0.001 s when a 1 V step is applied to
V0 (use the VI “ Voltage Calculator” found in the folder for Exercise 6, in the
Answers folder.)

For these R and C values, the capacitor's voltage should reach 1 V in 1 ms.
14. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit above, as shown in the illustration.

15. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:
- DMM (Digital multimeter)
- FGEN (Function Generator)
- SCOPE (Oscilloscope)



SCOPE (Oscilloscope)
Before taking any readings on the RC circuit, test the Function Generator and the

Function Generator

This instrument can generate sinusoid, triangular and square wave signals at different
frequencies ranging from 200 MHz to 5 MHz, at a peak-to-peak voltage amplitude
ranging between 0 V and 10 V.

1- Choose a square signal

2- Set a 100-Hz frequency
3- Set a 1-V amplitude

The oscilloscope has two reading channels: CH0 and CH1. In addition, the voltage
scale and the time lapse can be modified in order to adjust the display of the voltage
signal on the screen at a given frequency.

1- Screen showing the shape of the signal measured by the oscilloscope.

2- The signal to be displayed on screen is selected, either channel 1, channel 2 or
both. In that case, enable both channels so that their signals are displayed on
3- Define the voltage value of each division on the Y axis or the vertical axis on
screen. It goes from 10 mV to 20 V per division. Refer to the voltage scale
shown on the screen. Set both channels to a 1 V/Div scale.
4- Define the time value of each division on the X axis or the horizontal axis on
screen. It goes from 5 µs to 200 ms per division. Refer to the time scale shown
on the screen. Set a time scale of 5 ms/Div

If you have an oscilloscope probe, you can connect it to the BNC connectors
corresponding to the function generator and the two oscilloscope channels.
In that case, adjust the function generator and the oscilloscope as follows:

Function Generator


** The black alligator clip of the oscilloscope probe must be connected to ground.
Verify that the probe attenuation is 1X.

If you do not have an oscilloscope probe, you can use the instruments on the

In that case, adjust the function generator and the oscilloscope as follows:

Function Generator

16. Whether using probes or making a direct connection on the protoboard, connect
the function generator's signal to the oscilloscope and press Run on both
instruments. Verify that the signal displayed on the oscilloscope is the same as the
signal being generated.

** If the signal moves in a horizontal direction, you can freeze it by applying a trigger.
Select an "Edge" trigger. This trigger will synchronize the signal to its zero cross-point.
17. Try it out using sinusoid, square and triangular waves. Modify the amplitude,
frequency and offset at the function generator and notice the changes in the

** The function generator can be operated from the PC or using the NI ELVIS II knobs
in manual operation.

** The oscilloscope's Autoscale button allows the voltage and time scales to be
automatically adjusted, so the display can be adjusted quickly.

18. Once the function generator and the oscilloscope are tested, we will apply a signal
and measure it at the RC circuit. On the function generator, apply a square 100 Hz
signal with a peak-to-peak voltage of 1 V and a 0.5 V offset.

19. Adjust the oscilloscope as shown in the following illustration.

** If nothing shows on the oscilloscope and the graph shows a warning that reads
"Waiting on Trigger," change the trigger back to Immediate. Stop the oscilloscope and
rerun it. The square signal must go through 0.01 V for the Trigger Edge to operate.

** Use the cursors to find the charging time.

20. Change the time interval to 1 ms so you can see the capacitor's charge and
21. See the effect of changing the resistance in the "RC Voltage Calculator." Test the
1 kΩ and 10 kΩ values. What Total Time values should be set so the capacitor's
full charge can be displayed in each case?

22. Try making those changes in the circuit and observe the oscilloscopic behavior.
What frequency must the function generator's square signal use in order to see
the capacitor's full charge and discharge?
1. If the resistance of the RC circuit increases, will the capacitor take more or less time
to charge and discharge?

2. If the RC circuit capacitance is increased, will the capacitor take more or less time to
charge and discharge?
Exercise 8
RLC Circuits

An RLC circuit is made up of a resistor (R), an inductor (L) and a capacitor (C). An RLC
circuit can be configured in series or parallel.

An RLC circuit is described by a second-order equation, and can describe attenuated,

over-attenuated and subattenuated oscilloscopic behaviors. They are generally used to
design oscillators or as part of a modulation or demodulation circuit.

This second-order system will have a frequency with a gain peak. This frequency is
known as a resonating frequency. The circuit's resonating frequency can be determined
applying the following expression:
- Observe the attenuated response of an RLC circuit.
- Observe and analyze the frequency response of the RLC circuit in order
to find its resonating frequency.

Parts List
- 1 20 mH inductor
- 1 10 Ω resistor
- 1 50 µF capacitor

Part 1
1. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit shown in the following illustration.
2. Calculate the resonating frequency of the circuit and write it in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1. Amplifier Gain

Data Theoretical Bode


3. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:

- Function Generator (FGEN)

- Oscilloscope (SCOPE)

4. Set the Function Generator so that it generates a square signal with an

amplitude of 1 Vpp and a frequency of 20 Hz.
5. Connect the function generator's signal to the first channel in the oscilloscope, and
the RLC circuit output (voltage in the capacitor) to the second channel.
6. Set the oscilloscope's Volt/Div scale to 200 mV for both channels and the Time/Div
time base to 10 ms.

7. Observe the circuit's attenuated response.

8. Stop the function generator and the oscilloscope. Open the NI ELVISmx Instrument
Launcher and use the Bode Analyzer.
9. Adjust the instrument to the parameters indicated in the following illustration:

10. Press Run to perform the reading. Use the cursors to find the frequency at which the
system's gain is higher (resonating frequency) and write it in Table 8-1. Does the
actual resonating frequency match the theoretical frequency?
Exercise 9
Transformers and Turn Relationship

A transformer is an electrical device that allows us to amplify or reduce the voltage of
an alternate current signal. Transformers operate according to a principle known as
electromagnetic induction. This principle generally states that when an object is
exposed to a variable electromagnetic field, it will generate an induced voltage. If said
object is a conductor, it will also produce an induced current.

Therefore, a transformer is made up of two coils wound around a closed ferromagnetic

core, but each coil is electrically separated from the other. One coil is connected to a
variable power supply (alternate current).

n that variable voltage signal flows through the first coil, it generates a variable
magnetic field. The second coil is sufficiently close to the first coil to experience the
effects of that variable magnetic field, and it then generates voltage. Given that the
second coil is also a conductor, that generated voltage creates a current.
Therefore, we have two fully insulated circuits (Circuit P and Circuit S) which transfer
energy between themselves by means of electromagnetic fields.

The voltage induced in circuit S depends on the turn relationship between coils. If both
coils have the same number of turns, VP will be equal to VS. If coil P has twice the
number of turns of coil S, VP will be the double of VS.

- Understand the principle of electromagnetic induction and how it applies to
electric circuits by means of transformers.
Part 1
1. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the following circuit, as shown in the illustration.

2. Using the PC's NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher, activate the following

measuring instruments:
- FGEN (Function Generator)
- SCOPE (Oscilloscope)
Set the Function Generator so that it generates a sinusoid signal with an amplitude of
10 Vpp and a frequency of 60 Hz.

3. Open the file which simulates a transformer, where the

number of turns of the primary and secondary coils can be changed. Press Run.

4. Change the number of turns of the primary and secondary coils to observe their
effect on the voltage signal.

5. Complete Table 9-1 using the data obtained in the program.

Table 9-1. Transformers and Turn Relationship

Np Ns Vp Vs Turn Relationship
100 100
100 300
100 500
500 500
500 300
500 100
1. Using the data in Table 10-1, what happens when the turn relationship is
greater than 1?

2. Using the data in Table 10-1, what happens when the turn relationship is less
than 1?

3. Using the data in Table 10-1, what happens when the turn relationship is equal
to 1?
Find a commercial 120 V AC to 12 V AC transformer and set up the following circuit
on the NI ELVIS II in order to measure the voltage of a single-phase power outlet.

** Take into account the voltage divider being used with the two 1 kΩ resistors. The
transformer output voltage exceeds the oscilloscope's limits. Use the DMM to measure
the transformer output RMS voltage and the current at both coils.
Analog Electronics
Exercise 10

A diode is an active two-terminal component that conducts current whenever it is
subjected to sufficient voltage of the proper polarity. This also means that a diode
conducts a current in only one direction. That is why it tends to be used in safety

Current increases slowly as voltage in the correct polarity is applied to the diode's
terminals. Once it passes a given voltage, known as "Barrier Voltage" (typically 0.7 V),
current conduction is triggered. There are different types of diodes with different
barrier voltages, but the behavior will always be the same. In order to characterize the
behavior of a diode we generally create a Voltage - Current graph such as the one
pictured below.
When the diode receives an inverse polarity, no current is transmitted until it reaches a
specific voltage known as "Zener Voltage." Once the inverse voltage reaches this point,
an avalanche current is produced, which could potentially damage the component.
There are diodes designed to operate under this effect, known as Zener diodes.

Determine the behavior of the diodes using the Voltage-Current curves and
understand their operation and applications.

Parts List
- 1 1N 4005 diode
- 1 50 Ω resistor

Part 1
1. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
- Two-Wire Current-Voltage Analyzer (Two-wire curve generator)

2. Place the diode with the correct polarity between the DUT+ and DUT- terminals in
3. Set the instrument to voltage increments of 0.05 V, ending on 0.75 V.

4. Press Run to start measuring. The instrument will provide voltage and then
measure current. It will increase the voltage and repeat the procedure until it
reaches the user-defined voltage limit. The graph clearly displays how the current
rises when it reaches a given voltage value.

5. Try it again, starting the measurement at – 10 V (inverse voltage), in 0.1 V

Part 2
The next part of the exercise is to generate the curve manually using the power supply
and the multimeter.

6. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the following circuit, as shown in the illustration.

7. Using the PC's NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher, activate the following


- DMM (Digital multimeter)

- VPS (Variable Power Supply 0-12 V DC)

8. Use the VPS to apply a 100-mV voltage. Measure the diode's voltage drop and
write it in Table 10-1. Change the DMM's reading to current. Change the
DMM's probes to measure current, open the circuit and measure the current.
Repeat this operation in 100-mV increments until you reach 1 V.
Table 10-1. Diodes

Diode Voltage Total Current

Vs (V)
VD (V) Calculated I (mA)

9. Generate a Diode Voltage (VD) vs. Diode Current (I) Graph to obtain its typical
curve. Voltage will appear in the X-axis and current in the Y-axis. Compare that
curve with the one obtained from the Two-Wire Current-Voltage Analyzer. Are
they different? If so, why?
Part 3. Reverse Polarity of the Diode
10. Change the polarity of the circuit above to 1 MΩ and invert the diode's polarity as
shown in the illustration. Use the VPS to send 10 V to the circuit.

What is its current? What is the diode's voltage drop?


1. Using the data in Table 10-1, what is the maximum power dissipated by the diode?

2. How did the diode behave when its polarity was reversed?
Exercise 11
Bipolar Transistors

A BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) is a device with three terminals capable of
amplifying an alternate current signal. It is made up of three layers of N-type and P-
type doped semi-conducting material. The terminals are known as base, collector and
emitter. A small current at the base is amplified to a larger current in the collector-
emitter circuit. An important feature is the gain current under direct current, beta
, which is the relationship between the current at the collector and that at the
base. Another parameter is beta under alternate current , which is the change in
collector current divided by the change in base current.
Understand the principle of operation of a transistor, using its characteristic curves.

Parts List
- 1 NPN BF422 transistor
- 1 2N3904 transistor
- 1 33 kΩ resistor
- 1 330 Ω resistor

Part 1
11. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the

- Two-Wire Current-Voltage Analyzer (Two-wire curve generator)

12. Place the transistor in the Base, DUT+ and DUT- terminals in NI ELVIS II, as
indicated in the instrument's window.
13. Set the instrument as illustrated below.

14. Analyze the results. The graph shows 5 curves, each corresponding to the
relationship between the Collector Emitter Voltage (VCE) and the Collector Current
(IC) for different Base Currents (IB).
Using these characteristic curves, we can define 3 transistor regions:

- Cutoff region: In this region, the transistor does not conduct current
from the collector to the emitter (open interrupter).

- Saturation region: The transistor has a maximum VCE known as VCE sat.
When VCE drops below VCEsat., the transistor will conduct the maximum
possible Imax current, given the actual base current defined by the
circuit's polarization. In practical terms, when the transistor operates
under saturation, it will behave almost like a cable (closed interrupter).

- Active region: In this region, the collector current IC behaves like a linear
function of the base current defined by the β constant (depending on the
type of transistor).

Likewise, the emitter current is defined by the following function.

For practical purposes, if we need the transistor to act like an interrupter, we will work
in the cutoff and saturation regions. If on the other hand we need to use the transistor
as an amplifier, we need to work in the active region.
Part 2
The next part of the exercise is to obtain these curves manually using the power supply
and the multimeter.

15. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit above, as shown in the illustration.

16. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
- DMM (Digital multimeter)
- VPS (Variable Power Supply 0-12 V DC)

17. Using the VPS, apply a 2.38 V voltage to the base (VB). Use the potentiometer to
make the necessary adjustments so that the collector receives 5 V (VC).

18. Using the DMM set up to read DC currents, verify that the transistor's base current
is 50 µ.
19. Change the reading type to DC voltage and read the collector-emitter voltage (VCE),
as well as the collector's current (IC), and write the data in Table 11-1.

20. Change the voltage VC using the data in Table 11-1, and repeat the VCE and IC
readings, and write the data in Table 11-1.

21. Repeat steps 7 to 10 for base currents of 100 µA and 150 µA, until you complete
Table 11-1.

Table 11-1 Typical Transistor Curves

IB=50 µA (V1=2.38 V) IB=100 µA (V1=4.08 V) IB=150 µA (V1=5.76 V)

10 V
11 V
12 V

Using the data in Table 11-1, generate a Collector Current vs. Collector-Emitter Voltage
1. When you examine the graph, can you tell whether β is constant on all points?

2. When you examine the graph, what is the transistor's approximate β? Use a base
current IB = 100 µA at VCE = 8 V

3. When you examine the graph, what would be the collector's IC current if VCE = 9V
@ IB= 75 µA?
Exercise 12
Transistors Used as Interrupters

To make a transistor work as an interrupter, we need to regulate the base current so
that the transistor operates both in the cutoff and the saturation regions. For the
transistor to work in the cutoff region, the base current must be zero or close to zero,
while for it to work in the saturation region, the base current will depend on the charge
it is subjected to between the on and off states. If the charge current is known, that will
be the current transmitted by the transistor when it reaches saturation, and the
transistor's charge line can be deduced using the power supply value.

Remember that a transistor in the cutoff state has a minimal collector current (IC) and a
maximum collector-emitter current (VCEmax) close to the supply voltage, and when it is
under reverse saturation, it has a maximum collector current (ICmax) and an almost null
Analyze the behavior of a transistor set up to work as an interrupter.

Parts List
- 1 kΩ resistor
- 1 10 kΩ resistor
- 1 1 kΩ potentiometer
- 1 LED
- 1 2N3904 transistor

Part 1
1. For the illustration below, calculate the cutoff voltage VCE , saturation voltage VCE ,
VRC and saturation current at collector IC , and write the data in Table 12-1

Assume that the LED voltage for cutoff and saturation purposes is 1.7 V. During
the saturation stage, the transistor will be in full operation. Assume that VCE is 0.1
V (typical value).
2. Calculate VRC applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the transistor's collector, using a
VCE equal to 0.1 and a LED voltage equal to 1.7 V.

3. Calculate saturation IC using Ohm's law in VRC

Table 12-1. Transistor as Interrupter

Calculated Measured
Data Value Value
VCE (cutoff)
VCE (saturation)
VRC (saturation)
I (saturation)

4. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit shown in the following illustration.

5. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
- DMM (Digital multimeter)

6. Adjust the potentiometer and make sure the LED is turned off. Measure voltage
VCE and write the result in Table 12-1.
7. Adjust the potentiometer slowly until the LED turns on. Measure voltage VCE,
voltage VRC and saturation current ISAT and write the values in Table 12-1.
1. What is the base current IB required to make the transistor work in the saturation
Exercise 13
Transistors Used as Amplifiers

When operating in the active region, a transistor can be used as an AC signal amplifier.
There are different configurations. One of the most common is that of a Common
Emitter. In this configuration the AC signal enters through VB = Vin and leaves
amplified through VC = Vout. The emitter and the AC signal supply are grounded.

In the active region, the transistor behaves in a linear manner, so the following formula

It is necessary to polarize the transistor correctly for it to amplify properly. A

transistor's polarization consists in the application of a base voltage that ensures it will
operate in the active region. A voltage divider connected to the power supply VCC is
usually installed to guarantee that voltage.
To find the base voltage, Thevenin's equivalent is applied to calculate Thevenin's
voltage (VTh).VTh). In this case, VTh is only the voltage divider of VCC between resistors
R1 and R2.

Thevenin's resistance (RTh) for this circuit is the parallel of Resistors R1 and R2.

If we have RTh we can calculate the emitter current IE using the following expression:

Taking IE ≈ IC we can say that IE is βIB. If we replace IE in the formula above, and use
0.7 V as VBE, we get the following expression:
All these equations are used to design a circuit that works within the linear operation
limits of an amplifier and allow us to select the proper resistor and capacitor values.

Voltage Gain

Voltage gain is the relationship between the output and input voltages.

For an amplifying circuit to work properly, it must operate in the linear region without
saturating the transistor. Gain is also expressed in dB.

It is important to remember that we are working with AC signals and that the amplifier
gain changes based on the frequency. A Bode graph is used to find the gain variation.
- Learn to polarize a transistor correctly so it can be used to amplify an AC
voltage signal.
- Learn to use the Bode Analyzer to find the amplifier gain.

Parts List
- 1 560 Ω resistor
- 1 1 kΩ resistor
- 1 8.2 kΩ resistor
- 1 18 kΩ resistor
- 2 25 µF capacitors
- 1 100 µF capacitor
- 1 NPN 2N3904 transistor (or its equivalent)
Part 1
1. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit shown in the following illustration.

2. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:
- DMM (Digital multimeter)
- FGEN (Function Generator)
- SCOPE (Oscilloscope)
3. Start the Function Generator and generate a 0.2 Vpp, 100 Hz signal.

4. Given a β of 100 and VBE of 0.7, calculate IB and IE , and write the result in Table 13-

Table 13-1. Transistor Polarization

Calculated Measured
Data Value Value

5. Use the DMM to measure IB and measure IE. Write the values down in Table 13-1.
Are the measured values equal to the calculated values? If not, what could be the
reason for the variation?

6. Use the oscilloscope to measure the function generator's signal at one channel, and
the amplifier output on the other channel. Adjust the horizontal and vertical scales
to see both signals.
7. Calculate linear gain, dividing Output Vpp by Input Vpp. Use the linear gain to
calculate gain in dB and write the result in Table 13-2.

Table 13-2. Amplifier Gain

Data Oscilloscope Bode

Gain dB

8. Stop the function generator and the oscilloscope. Open the NI ELVISmx Instrument
Launcher and use the Bode Analyzer.
9. Adjust the instrument to the parameters indicated in the following illustration:

10. Press Run to perform the reading. Use the cursors to find the gain at 100 Hz and
write it down in Table 13-2. Does it coincide with the gain calculated using the

1. What happens to the amplified signal if we increase the input signal amplitude?

2. What does the output signal look like when the input is a triangular or square
signal? Why is the input waveform not similar to the output waveform?

3. Would it be possible to amplify a square or triangular waveform without altering its

shape? What parameter would we have to adjust in the function generator?
Exercise 14
Logic Gates
In order to understand digital electronics, we need to know AND, OR and NOT logic
operations, which can be applied using logic gates. Understanding how these gates
work and how they combine to create logic statements is important for the design of
our own digital circuits used to solve problems, or to understand combinational logic.

Verify the operation of AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR logic gates.

Parts List
- 1 74LS08D AND gate IC (integrated circuit)
- 1 74LS32D OR gate IC
- 1 74LS04D NOT gate IC
- 1 74LS00D NAND gate IC
- 1 74LS02D NOR gate IC
- 1 74LS86D XOR gate IC
Part 1
1. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit above, as shown in the illustration.
Make sure that the integrated circuits receive their power from the +5 V power supply
(pin 54).

2. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:
- DigIn (Digital reader)
- DigOut (Digital writer)

DigOut (Digital writer)

DigIn (Digital reader)

3. AND Gate (7408)

The AND Gate's two inputs are connected to lines 0 and 1 of the DigOut (Digital
writer) and its output is connected to line 8 of the DigIn (Digital reader). On the
DigOut (Digital writer), when the switches are moved to HI, this gives a logic 1, and
when they are moved to LO, this gives a logic 0. Check the True/False Table for the
AND gate and write the results in Table 14-1.

Table 14-1. AND-Gate Behavior

Inputs Output
A (INT 0) B (INT 1) X (LINE 8)

0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
4. OR Gate (7432)

The OR Gate's two inputs are connected to lines 2 and 3 of the DigOut (Digital writer)
and its output is connected to line 9 of the DigIn (Digital reader). On the DigOut
(Digital writer), when the switches are moved to HI, this gives a logic 1, and when they
are moved to LO, this gives a logic 0. Check the True/False Table for the OR gate and
write the results in Table 14-2.

Table 14-2. OR-Gate Behavior

Inputs Output
A (INT 2) B (INT 3) X (LINE 9)

0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

5. NOT Gate (7404)

The NOT Gate's input is connected to line 4 of the DigOut (Digital writer) and its
output is connected to line 10 of the DigIn (Digital reader). On the DigOut (Digital
writer), when the switches are moved to HI, this gives a logic 1, and when they are
moved to LO, this gives a logic 0. Check the True/False Table for the OR gate and
write the results in Table 14-3.

Table 14-3. NOT-Gate Behavior

Inputs Output
A (INT 2) X (LINE 9)

Part 2
6. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit above, as shown in the illustration.
7. NAND Gate (7400)
Make sure that the integrated circuits receive their power from the +5 V power supply
(pin 54).

The NAND Gate's two inputs are connected to lines 0 and 1 of the DigOut (Digital
writer) and its output is connected to line 8 of the DigIn (Digital reader). On the
DigOut (Digital writer), when the switches are moved to HI, this gives a logic 1, and
when they are moved to LO, this gives a logic 0. Check the True/False Table for the OR
gate and write the results in Table 14-4.

Table 14-4. NAND-Gate Behavior

Inputs Output
A (INT 0) B (INT 1) X (LINE 8)

0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

8. NOR Gate

The NOR Gate's two inputs are connected to lines 2 and 3 of the DigOut (Digital
writer) and its output is connected to line 9 of the DigIn (Digital reader). On the
DigOut (Digital writer), when the switches are moved to HI, this gives a logic 1, and
when they are moved to LO, this gives a logic 0. Check the True/False Table for the OR
gate and write the results in Table 14-5.

Table 14-5. NOR-Gate Behavior

Inputs Output
A (INT 2) B (INT 3) X (LINE 9)

0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
9. XOR Gate

The XOR Gate's two inputs are connected to lines 4 and 5 of the DigOut (Digital writer)
and its output is connected to line 10 of the DigIn (Digital reader). On the DigOut
(Digital writer), when the switches are moved to HI, this gives a logic 1, and when they
are moved to LO, this gives a logic 0. Check the True/False Table for the OR gate and
write the results in Table 14-6.

Table 14-6. XOR-Gate Behavior

Inputs Output
A (INT 4) B (INT 5) X (LINE 10)

0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Exercise 15
Karnaugh Maps

Karnaugh maps are used to simplify Boolean expressions. Their main advantage is that
an expression can always be reduced to its simplest form. Their main drawback is that
they are limited to simplifying expressions with five or less input variables.

Learn to simplify a Boolean expression using the Karnaugh maps, and verify it with

Parts List
- 4 74LS08D AND gate IC
- 3 74LS32D OR gate IC
- 3 74LS04D NOT gate IC
Part 1

1. Table 15-1 corresponds to the True/False table of a given logic circuit. Using the
data in that Table to fill in all the blank cells in the Karnaugh map with an
output “X” that corresponds to the combination of input variables represented
by that cell.

Table 15-1. True/False Table

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
2. Use the following rules to group all cells containing a "1":

- Each cell with "1" must form part of at least one group. Cells with "1" can
appear in more than one group.

- The cells in each group must be either horizontally or vertically next to

each other (they cannot be grouped along diagonal lines).

- The shape of a group must be basically rectangular.

- The number of cells in each group must be a value to the power of 2, so

that each group can contain 1 cell, 2 cells, 4 cells, etc.

- Each group should have the largest number of "1" cells possible.

- In order to obtain the final simplified expression, copy the variables that
do not cancel each other out for each group. The variable groups will be
added in a Boolean expression.

- For this example, the final expression will be the following:

Part 2

3. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the illustrated circuit with logic gates.

A, B and C inputs will be connected to the DigOut (Digital writer) on lines 2, 1

and 0, respectively. Output X will be connected to line 8 on the DigIn (Digital
reader). On the DigOut (Digital writer), when the switches are moved to HI,
this gives a logic 1, and when they are moved to LO, this gives a logic 0.
Activate the DigOut (Digital writer) switches following the True/False Table
shown in Table 15-2 and write the results in that same table.

Table 15-2. True/False Table for Output X

Inputs Output
A (INT 2) B (INT 1) C (INT 0) X (LINE 8)
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

4. Obtain the resulting "X" expression using Boolean algebra.

5. Simplify expression "X" using Karnaugh maps.

6. Set up the simplified expression "X" on the NI ELVIS II.

7. Activate the DigOut (Digital writer) switches following the True/False Table
shown in Table 15-3 and write the results in that same table.

Table 15-3. True/False Table for Output X

Inputs Output
A (INT 2) B (INT 1) C (INT 0) X (LINE 8)

0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

1. Are Tables 15-2 and 15-3 equal? Explain.

2. Which of the two circuits previously assembled uses fewer resources?

Exercise 16
Flip Flops

A Flip-Flop is a digital circuit that can store data (memory). It is made up of a set of
logic gates in which the outputs provide a feedback to the inputs in order to maintain a
given state. A Flip-Flop has two outputs, generally known as . These outputs
are inverse to each other, therefore it has two permissible states of operation. In
addition, it may have one or more inputs, used to allow the Flip-Flop to perform
forward or backward transitions between its two possible output modes. Its inputs
only need to receive a momentary pulse to change the output state and then they will
remain set in the new mode.

There are several types of Flip-Flops, such as:

- S-R (Set-Reset)
- Clock-synchronized J-K
- Clock-synchronized D
- T

Understand the principles of operation of Flip-Flops

Parts List
- 2 74LS00D NAND gate IC
- 2 74LS02D NOR gate IC
- 1 7404N NOT gate IC
- 2 7476N Flip-Flop IC
Part 1. S-R Flip-Flop
1. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit shown in the following illustration.
This circuit corresponds to two S-R Flip-Flops: one with NAND gates and the other
with NOR gates.

2. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:
- DigIn (Digital reader)
- DigOut (Digital writer)

The Flip-Flop with NAND gates has its two inputs connected to lines 0 (SET) and 1
(RESET) of the DigOut (Digital writer) and its two outputs are connected to lines 8
(Q) and 9 (Ǭ) of the DigIn (Digital reader).

The Flip-Flop with NOR gates has its two inputs connected to lines 2 (SET) and 3
(RESET) of the DigOut (Digital writer) and its two outputs are connected to lines 10
(Q) and 11 (Ǭ) of the DigIn (Digital reader).

On the DigOut (Digital writer), when the switches are moved to HI, this gives a
logic 1, and when they are moved to LO, this gives a logic 0.
3. Check the Flip-Flop's True/False Table and write the results in Tables 16-1 and 16-

Table 16-1. S-R (NAND) Flip-Flop Behavior

Inputs Outputs

0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

Table 16-2. S-R (NOR) Flip-Flop Behavior

Inputs Outputs
SET (INT 2) RESET (INT 3) Q (LINE 10) Ǭ (LINE 11)

0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

Part 2. J-K Flip-Flop

4. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit shown in the following illustration.
The J-K Flip-Flop has its five inputs connected to lines 0 (PRE), 1 (CLR), 2 (J), 3 (K) and
4 (CLK) of the DigOut (Digital writer) and its two outputs are connected to lines 8 (Q)
and 9 (Ǭ) of the DigIn (Digital reader).

5. Check the True/False Table for this Flip-Flop and write the results in Table 16-3.

Table 16-3. J-K Flip-Flop Behavior (X = disregard)

PRE CLR J K CLK Q Ǭ Description

1 0 X X X
0 1 X X X
1 1 0 0 ↓
1 1 0 1 ↓
1 1 1 0 ↓
1 1 1 1 ↓

Part 3. D Flip-Flop
6. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit shown in the following illustration.

The D Flip-Flop has four inputs connected to lines 0 (PRE), 1 (CLR), 2 (J) and 4
(CLK) of the DigOut (Digital writer) and its two outputs are connected to lines 8
(Q) and 9 (Ǭ) of the DigIn (Digital reader).
7. Check the True/False Table for this Flip-Flop and write the results in Table 16-3.

Table 16-3. D Flip-Flop Behavior (X = disregard)

PRE CLR D CLK Q Ǭ Description

1 0 X X
0 1 X X
1 1 0 ↓
1 1 1 ↓
Exercise 17
Multivibrator Circuits (555)

Circuits capable of generating a square wave are known as Multivibrator circuits.
Depending on their operation characteristics, they can be divided into three classes:

1. Astable

This is a circuit capable of changing from a lower to a higher state and vice versa,
without external intervention. When connected, it automatically starts its cycle, staying
in a low state for a given time, then changing to a higher state, where it stays also for a
given time. It has an active cycle of approximately 50%.

2. Bistable

This circuit requires an external pulse to change states and it can remain in a given
state indefinitely, until it receives that external pulse. Flip-Flops are an example, given
that they need the application of an external pulse to their inputs in order to change
3. Monostable

This circuit requires an external pulse to change state. After some time, it returns to its
original state. This circuit is generally known as a "Timer."

Verify the 555 timer operation as an astable and monostable multivibrator.

Parts List
- LM555 IC
- 2 1 kΩ resistors
- 1 2.7 kΩ resistor
- 1 10 kΩ resistor
- 1 100 kΩ resistor

Part 1. Astable Multivibrator

9. Use the Astable Multivibrator formulas to calculate the values of TH, TL, T and f
for the following circuit.

10. Set up the circuit illustrated above on the NI ELVIS II.

11. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:

- SCOPE (Oscilloscope)
12. Using the oscilloscope cursors, measure the TH, TL, T and f parameters.

13. Complete Table 17-1

Table 17-1


14. Verify how the frequency and the work cycle change when R1 is replaced by 10 kΩ
and by 100 kΩ, and then complete the following Table.

Table 17-2

R1 TH TL T f
10 k
100 k

10. Use the cursors to verify that the TH and TL periods coincide with the periods

15. Change the 1000-µF C1 capacitor for a 47 µF capacitor and calculate TL and TH
times, period (T) and frequency (F). Write the results in Table 17-3
16. Change the 47-µF C1 capacitor for a 1 µF capacitor and calculate TL and TH times,
period (T) and frequency (F). Write the results in Table 17-3

17. Change the 1-kΩ R1 resistor for a 2.74 kΩ resistor; change the 1-kΩ R2 resistor for a
2.74 kΩ resistor and calculate TL and TH times, period (T) and frequency (F). Write
the results in Table 17-4

18. Change the 2.74-kΩ R2 resistor for a 4.7 kΩ resistor and calculate TL and TH times,
period (T) and frequency (F). Write the results in Table 17-4

19. Change the 2.74-kΩ R2 resistor for a 10 kΩ resistor and calculate TL and TH times,
period (T) and frequency (F). Write the results in Table 17-4

20. Change the 10-kΩ R2 resistor for a 47 kΩ resistor and calculate TL and TH times,
period (T) and frequency (F). Write the results in Table 17-4

21. Change the 47-kΩ R2 resistor for a 100 kΩ resistor and calculate TL and TH times,
period (T) and frequency (F). Write the results in Table 17-4

Table 17-3. Period and frequency calculated for different capacitor values

Capacitor (µF) Resistors Times Period Frequency

C1 (µF) R1 (Ω) R2 (Ω) TL (ms) TH (ms) T (ms) F (Hz)

Table 17-4. Period and frequency calculated for different resistance values

Resistors Measured times Period Frequency

R2 (kΩ) R1 (kΩ) TL (ms) TH (ms) T (ms) F (Hz)

2.74 2.74
4.7 2.74
10 2.74
47 2.74
100 2.74
Part 2. Monostable Multivibrator
18. Calculate time TH for the illustrated circuit. Write the results in Table 17-4

19. Change the 1000-µF C1 capacitor for a 47 µF capacitor and calculate time TH.
Write the results in Table 17-4

20. Change the 47-µF C1 capacitor for a 1 µF capacitor and calculate time TH.
Write the results in Table 17-4

21. Change the 1-µF capacitor for a 1000-µF capacitor and change the 1-kΩ R 1
resistor for a 2.74-kΩ resistor, and calculate time TH. Write the results in Table

22. Change the 2.74-kΩ R2 resistor for a 4.7-kΩ resistor, and calculate time TH.
Write the results in Table 17-4

23. Change the 4.7-kΩ R2 resistor for a 10-kΩ resistor, and calculate time TH. Write
the results in Table 17-4

Table 17-5. Time (TH) calculated and measured for different capacitor values

Capacitor (µF) Calculated Time Measured Time

C1 (µF) TH (ms) TH (ms)

Table 17-6. Time (TH) calculated and measured for different resistor (R1) values

Resistors Measured resistance Calculated Time Measured Time

R1 (kΩ) R2 (kΩ) R1 (kΩ) TH (ms) TH (ms)


Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit above, as shown in the illustration.

24. Turn the ELVIS II on. Using the PC's NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher,
activate the following instrument:
- SCOPE (Oscilloscope)

25. Use the oscilloscope to measure the time taken by the pulse (TH) and write it in
Table 17-5

26. Change the 1000-µF C1 capacitor for a 47 µF capacitor and measure time TH
with the oscilloscope. Write the results in Table 17-5

27. Change the 47-µF C1 capacitor for a 1 µF capacitor and measure time TH with
the oscilloscope. Write the results in Table 17-5
28. Change the 1-µF capacitor for a 1000-µF capacitor and change the 1-kΩ R1
resistor for a 2.74-kΩ resistor, and use the oscilloscope to measure time TH.
Write the results in Table 17-6

29. Change the 2.74-kΩ R2 resistor for a 4.7-kΩ resistor, and use the oscilloscope to
measure time TH. Write the results in Table 17-6

30. Change the 4.7-kΩ R2 resistor for a 10-kΩ resistor, and use the oscilloscope to
measure time TH. Write the results in Table 17-6
1. How does the output (PIN 3) behave capacitance is increased or decreased in an
astable multivibrator circuit?

2. How does the output (PIN 3) behave when resistance (R2) is increased or decreased in
an astable multivibrator circuit?

3. How does the output (PIN 3) behave when capacitance is increased or decreased in a
monostable multivibrator circuit?

4. How does the output (PIN 3) behave when resistance (R1) is increased or decreased in
a monostable multivibrator circuit?
Exercise 18
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

An analog to digital converter is a circuit designed to take an analog voltage signal and
turn it to a digital signal which will then be sent to be processed by a micro-controller
or microprocessor.

Analog signal

An analog signal is a continuous signal over time; that is, it has a value at every
moment in time. Any physical variable may be considered an analog signal, such as:

- Voltage
- Current
- Position
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Speed
- Acceleration...

In order to process an analog signal, it has to be converted into voltage, then be

separated into discrete units and finally digitized.

A transducer is essentially a device that converts any analog signal (temperature,

pressure, speed, etc.) into an electric signal (voltage or current). "Transducer" can be
used interchangeably with "sensor."

Discrete signal

A computer cannot process all the possible values of a signal in a given time interval.
However, it can take a given number of samples that allow it to represent the signal in
a reliable manner. When a signal is only represented by means of a finite amount of
samples from an analog signal, it is said to be a discrete signal.
To convert a signal into a discrete signal, the signal's voltage range must be divided
into quantifiable levels. These quantifiable levels represent the possible voltage levels
that the signal might reach after flowing through the ADC.

The number of quantifiable levels depends on the resolution of the analog to digital
converter, given in bits. In the previous illustration, we can see that the 3-bit ADC has 8
quantifiable levels (red signal). That means that the analog signal can only assume 8
possible values. For example, if the ADC's input signal is 0.5, the output would be 0. If
the ADC's input signal was 2.1, the output signal would be 2.5.

In that case, any value between 0 and 2.5 would only be represented by these two
values. Then, we can say that 2.5 is the minimum detectable change. This minimum
detectable change is generally known as LSB (Less Significant Bit). The ADC's minimum
detectable change can be calculated using the following formula:


- Vref+ is the maximum voltage value received by the ADC

- Vref- is the minimum voltage value received by the ADC
- n is the resolution, given in a number of bits

If we put the 3-bit ADC's values in this formula, we will find that the minimum
detectable change is 2.5 V, while for a 6-bit ADC, that value is 312.5 mV
Ramp-type A//D Converter

The A/D uses a binary counter for the application of digital values to a D/A
(calculated D/A) and an operational amplifier that compares the D/A analogue output
to the input voltage. When the D/A output is lower than the input voltage, the
comparer's output is low. This allows the counter to operate. As soon as the D/A's
output is higher than the input voltage, the comparer's output is switched to HIGH
and it stops the circuit counter, thus ending the conversion process.

Verify the operation of A/D converters.

Parts List

- ADC0801
- 1 10 kΩ potentiometer
- 1 100 Ω resistor
Part 1

1. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit above, as shown in the illustration.
2. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:
- FGEN (Function Generator)
- DMM (Digital multimeter)

3. The ADC uses a clock signal that will be generated using the NI ELVIS II Function
Generator. Configure the Function Generator as shown below:

4. A potentiometer between Vref+ and Vref- will be used to regulate the voltage
entering the ADC through the Vin terminal. The DMM will be used to measure the
DC voltage entering through Vin. A 100-Ω series resistor will be used to prevent
short-circuiting the power supply with the potentiometer.
5. When the input voltage value is adjusted using the potentiometer, and checked
with the multimeter, the ADC output on the NI ELVIS II LEDs can be observed.
Make a – 10 V to 10 V sweep with the potentiometer and complete the following
Table 18-1: ADC Behavior 1

Vin [V] Binary ADC Output (LEDs) Decimal Representation

1. Could you say that the ADC shows a linear response?

2. What is the maximum error found in the decimal values of the experiment?
Exercise 19
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)

Calculated Digital/Analog (D/A) Converter

The calculated binary D/A uses an adding circuit to develop an analog output
proportional to the digital input. The output of an operational amplifier with adding
circuit can be expressed as:


V1, V2, V3 and V4 are the values of the four digital input voltages.
R1, R2, R3 and R4 are the values of the input resistors subjected to voltage.
Rf is the value of the feedback resistance.
Given that the adding amplifier's output is negative when the input voltage is positive,
an inverter amplifier that changes the negative voltage to a positive voltage is added.

Understand and verify the principles of operation of D/A converters.

Parts List
- 2 741 operational amplifiers
- 1 270 kΩ resistor
- 1 560 kΩ resistor
- 1 1 MΩ resistor
- 1 2.2 MΩ resistor

** The listed values are commercial resistors. Ideal values would be 250 kΩ, 500 kΩ, 1
MΩ and 2 MΩ. If desired, combinations of resistors can be used to reach more precise
Part 1

1. Use the NI ELVIS II to set up the circuit shown in the illustration.

Make sure that the integrated circuits receive their power from the +15 V and -15 V
power supply.

2. Turn on the NI ELVIS II, open the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and use the
following instruments:

 DMM (Digital multimeter)

 DigOut (Digital writer)

The circuit's inputs are DIO 1, DIO 2, DIO 3, DIO4 (MSB) of the DigOut (Digital writer)
and its output is connected to the DMM (Digital multimeter).

When the switches on the DigOut (Digital writer) are moved to HI, this gives a logic 1
(5 V), and when they are moved to LO, this gives a logic 0 (0 V). Check the True/False
Table for the D/A converter and write the DMM results in Table 27-1 below.
Table 19-1. D/A Converter Behavior

DIO4 DIO 3 DIO 2 DIO 0 (LSB) DMM Voltage

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1
3. Stop the process and change the pattern of the DigOut (Digital reader) to Ramp (0-

4. Check the signal with the oscilloscope.

1. What is the resolution of the D/A circuit used in the previous exercise?

2. How does the output behave when we use the combination ramp on the digital

3. What other types of D/A are there?

[1] BOYLESTAD, Robert L. "Teoría de Circuitos y Dispositivos Electrónicos". Edit.

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