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Pinned by FRONTLINE PBS | Official


2 years ago

Hear more from Amazon executives and former insiders:




View 431 replies

Redouane Daoud

Redouane Daoud

2 years ago

The interviewer in this documentary did a great job - asking hard questions to proponents of both sides
of Amazon. Top notch journalism - thank you for posting PBS.


View 81 replies

Jagrita Paul

Jagrita Paul

9 months ago (edited)

5:00 Amazon the online book store

13:00 Data Collection

15:00 Profits or Losses

18:00 Exapanding Amazon

21:00 Cheetahs and gazelles theory

26:00 Amazon Prime

30:00 warehouse problem

44:00 delivery system

48:00 products and seller

50:00 faulty products

56:00 Hachette and authors

58:00 seller and small businesses

1:02:00 railroad network

1:08:00 AWS cloud computing

1:12:00 Alexa

1:18:00 ring

1:23:00 Facial recognition technology

1:29:00 World Domination

1:32:00 Amazon Streaming Services

1:34:00 Amazon and the States

1:40:00 Bezos's personal affairs and politics

1:47:00 Conclusion



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8 months ago

My son went from working hard on a hay farm to being a package driver for Amazon for one dollar more
an hour. He loved it at first but that love quickly wore off. As he kept making his delivery time goals each
week, they kept pushing him more and more without any bonuses. It was never good enough. He was
working 12 hour shifts. He was exhausted, going up flights up stairs carrying packages daily.

The better he was, they more they worked him until he completely gave out. Once he tripped on a step
snd he was terrified to tell management so he wouldn't get yelled at n get a mark against him or get
fired. I cleaned his elbow and super glued his elbow skin together and put butterfly stitches on it send
sent him back to work.

A year later, after 2 years of no raises, tighter goals to meet, no recognition for safety, and reaching his
goals, he gave up n quit.


View 84 replies

Adam Nope

Adam Nope

6 months ago

As great as the interview questions are, these Amazon figureheads are equally remarkable at dodging
the core of the questions themselves, like Jeff Wilke, when asked about the thought process behind how
they push an employees level of productivity, he instead goes into a mini tangent about how many
employees, and warehouses they have, and their benefits being equal. It's hard for me to believe they
aren't aware of this and are not just collecting data on employees work productivity, but how much they
can get away with treating them as minimally as possible. It's almost cult-like how they take "customer
comes first" mantra to heart. Any expense for the data.



View 9 replies

K Graham

K Graham

9 months ago (edited)

Bezos is so patient and naturally shrewd, it’s scary.

Then, as you continue watching, you begin to realize and understand just how much this one
corporation is tied into everyone’s everyday life. Then it’s really scary.


View 29 replies

Ceballos Fermino

Ceballos Fermino

2 days ago

I’m 45years old living in California.I’m hoping to retire at 50 if things keep going well for me. Bought my
first house last month and I can’t be more proud that I’m now. I’m glad made a great decision about my
finances that change me forever



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Dr. Barry Cohn

Dr. Barry Cohn

1 year ago

This was a surprisingly well done documentary. I went from zero, knowing nothing about Amazon to 60,
feeling like I had some insight into the company and the man behind it. Thanks.

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