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109305057 | 范明奎

Swimming Primer Reflection:

Taking a P.E. class in NCCU is sometimes a very awkward experience for international
students as we don’t really speak Chinese well. However, I am super pleased with Professor
Hung. He was very patient, kind and understanding. I could ask any questions regarding the
class or the agenda of the day and he would always reply enthusiastically. I also really
appreciated his personal involvement in ensuring that students were swimming with correct
form and performing the movements well. It definitely helps to hear an outside perspective
to perfect your form, as you cannot see yourself when you are swimming. He constantly
provided actionable advice to improve yourself.

I always loved swimming, so I have a good relationship with the sport. The two strokes that
we learned in class–free-style and breaststroke–were very beginner friendly. I already knew
how to swim free-style. Still, I got the opportunity to practice with professional equipment
(surfboard) and learned new techniques. It took a while for me to pick up breaststroke, but
the movements in-and-out of the water that the professor taught were very helpful. I hit a
plateau because I could not get the stroke right. Still, the professor didn’t give up on trying to
help me improve.

I think that there are a couple of things that we can delve deeper as a class to swim more
smoothly. I think that for swimmers of all levels, learning how to breathe is super important. A
lot of classmates were having a hard time learning how to swim free-style because they had
no CO2 resistance or did not know when to take a breath. It would also be super helpful to
see how the stroke is swum under the water. When the professor joins us in the pool it is a
good opportunity to learn from examples.

I really liked the class and felt that the grading was very fair. Thank you so much teacher!

109305057 | 范明奎

游泳入門反射 [使用谷歌翻譯翻譯]:

參加體育課在 NCCU 上課有時對國際學生來說是一種非常尷尬的經歷,因為我們的中文說得不太好。不過,我






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