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KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

Data Structure Delivery Plan
Part D - Project Based Learning : An outcome of the learning

Objective: To demonstrate a solution of the real-world scenario and show the role of various data structures in it.
Learning Outcomes:
A student will be able to:
1. Build the logic to solve the problem statement and make a prototype
2. Apply and analyse the various data strcuture and compare their performance
3. Work in a team and how to do the task in efficient and time bound manner
4. find the optimize approach to solve the problem
5. code the solution for the real-world scenario

Knowledge Category:
BT Level: 5
Conceptual, Procedural, Meta- Target : 80%
S.No. Project Name Problem Description Link Concepts Used Sample Key Modules

It uses file handling to store various information regarding runs, wickets, overs, extras, and
many more. The program can display runs, wickets, names of batsmen and bowlers, overs, Array, Linked List, File Print score, update score, display
1 Cricket Score Sheet
extras, economy of bowler, strike rate of batsmen, etc. It also displays the date and time of the Handling record, Date
Make an activity planner, where a student can plan the complete vacations of 6 weeks as skill
Take user details, take interests
building, playing some games, practice for placement, study core subjects, and many more. from user, Make multiple
Generally, the activities are planned in lined-up manner where the activities are pipelinning Linked list, Tree, Stack,
2 Summer Vacation Planner ea/c-c-/monthly-activity- streams, assign tasks, show
and execute one after another. Make the program in such a manner that the students can see Heap
planner_1900.html activities, mark activities as
all possible activity flow to complete the tasks and use the summaer vacations in fruitful

This mini project Phonebook allows you to perform simple Phonebook operations like in 
Add new contacts, List all
your mobile. You can add, list, modify, search and delete Phonebook-related records. File Doubly Linked List, Tree,
3 Phonebook Application contacts, Search contacts, Edit
handling and data structure concepts has been extensively used for almost all functions in this project-in-c-phonebook/ Heap
contacts, Delete contacts
mini project.

Add new patient record, Search

This project is just a console application without graphics. This project mainly uses file Link List, File Handling,
4 Patient Record System or edit patient record, List record
handling to perform basic operations like how to add, edit, search and delete record using file. management-system-project-in-c/ Searching
of patients, Delete patient records
This project is just a console application that mainly focuses on automating the billing system Add item, Delete item, Take
5 Canteen Billing System hreads/c-restaurant-billing-system- Link List, File Handling
of canteen. order, Create Bill
Supplier Module, Customer
A Medical Store Management System Project elaborates the basic concept for storing and  projects/c-projects/medical-store- Linked List, Tree, File
6 Automated Medical Store Module, Medicine Module, Bill
generating all the records stored.  management-system-in-c-with- Handling
It displays a nicely formatted calendar of every month. ou can find the day by entering the day,
leapYears, Date Today, Jump to
7 Calendar Application month and year. For example, if you enter day = 10, month = 03 and year = 1991, it gives you mini-project-calendar-application- Array, File Handling
date, view month
the day ‘Sunday’. You can add the note for a particular day. using.html

Pacman Game is a simple console application or a mini clip game designed for the purpose of
entertainment. Pacman should be driven in such a way that it moves along the predefined Search Algorithms, user input, move figures, check
8 Pacman Game blue path so that the path is erased or eaten by Pacman. More you erase the path, more score
game-in-c/ Priority Queue for collisions
you gain; the game is easy to play. Here, I have presented the source code and output screens
for this project. password, addrecord, viewrecord,

User can keep their personal record like they do in a diary. You can keep records of the File handling, Array,
9 Personal Diary Management System project-in-c-personal-diary- editrecord, update password,
important things you do in your daily life, like meetings and various other tasks. Linked List.
management-system/ delete record

In this game, user gets the first chance to pick the option among Rock, paper and scissor.
After that computer select from remaining two choices(randomly), then winner is decided as
per the rules. Winning Rules as follows : user choice, computer choice,
10 Rock Paper Scissor game n-program-implement-rock-paper- Array, List
Rock vs paper-> paper wins result
Rock vs scissor-> Rock wins
paper vs scissor-> scissor wins.

The Modern Periodic Table project is a simple console application. the purpose of storing
name, symbol, atomic number, atomic weight, and some important properties as well as to File handling, Array, Add element, insert atomic value,
11 Modern Periodic Table display them as per requirement of the user.the purpose of storing name, symbol, atomic
project-in-c-phonebook/ Linked List,Searching,Tree display element, display table
number, atomic weight, and some important properties as well as to display them as per
requirement of the user.
This Project is primarily based totally on a idea to offer facts on calculating, adding, viewing
goods, and different capabilities too. The admin or consumer is properly aware to the Display item, Add item, Delete
projects/c-projects/department-store- File handling, Array,
12 Automated departmental store statistics with none strain. This software actually has a huge scope to decrease mistakes with item, Take order, Create Bill, add
management-system-project-in-c- Linked List,Searching
inside the making of payments and it additionally limits the put off of turning in payments to stock, delete stock
the customers.

In quiz game, questions are chosen in such a a way that they cover all fields of a typical quiz edit_score, help, reset score,
13 Quiz Game contest. The user’s general knowledge is tested with quiz questions regarding science,  Array, File Handling
game-mini-project-in-c/ show record, show score
technology, movies, sports, general health, geography and many more.

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