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Benefits of living in HY City

I love my hometown, HY City so much not only did I grow up here but it also has a lot of benefits of
living here such as safety, transport, cost of living, and pollution control. Firstly, HY City doesn’t have
many criminals and we only have a few crimes. In contrast to big cities, HY just has thieves or sometimes
burglars, both of whom don’t impact too much on HY’s residents’ death and property. Secondly, our
transport is far better than VN’s capital, HN City. Because HY has fewer habitats, we don’t have traffic
jams and traffic accidents as much as HN, which leads to perfect transport. Thirdly, after traveling to
some cities in VN, I feel lucky that the cost of living isn’t high. Instead of paying 10 thousand dongs for a
snack, we only have to pay from five to six thousand dongs for the same snack. The denser population is,
the lower cost of living is. Last but not least, my lovely hometown protects the environment quite well
so the pollution is controlled. Nevertheless, we still use gas, have fires, and so on but it is limited and
many schools encourage students to plant trees both in classes and in their homes. In conclusion, HY is
an ideal city now that no person who doesn’t like safety, good transport, low cost of living, and pollution

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