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Small group Discussion

1. Some disadvantages of the demonstration method are; it requires long preparation, it needs a teacher
who is greatly skilled to demonstrate a certain thing and use the materials properly and correctly, it can’t
be done together with a discussion, and if the materials aren’t enough and other materials are not available
for use, the method would not be that much effective for the students’ learning.

2. I think the best thing to do in an incomplete demonstration due to lack of time is to wrap up the things
done and give the students paperwork or homework like writing down their questions about the
demonstration done.

3. Passive learners can be helped after the demonstration by giving a group activity regarding the
demonstration. Mix the passive learners to the active learners in a group so they can be helped by their
peers and it would help them be encourage to participate in the activity.

4. Yes, I do have observed this methodology used before, and it was successful or it worked well because
the learners got to listen carefully and was focused well in the demonstration done by the teacher.

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