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Interview 2

I am interviewing Kahan Vora, one of my best friends, who studies in the 8 th grade with me in St.
Mary’s ICSE. He is 14 years old. He has agreed to all the permissions required to perform the
interview. He is going to be answering according to his experience with his grandparents.

To the first question, he said that his grandparents do deserve a little more respect, but he is usually
occupied enough to not help them. He does love his grandparents, but they get free at odd times,
when he’s occupied, thus he doesn’t respect them and their time much, according to him.

In the second question, he said that giving them more time, enjoying some activities with them,
maybe go outside the house with them, etc would be really good ways to increase the amount of
respect they receive, but in the end, he just didn’t have the time to give.

As for the third question, he said that going out with his friends is a must for him, something not
commonly done by grandparents. Kahan replied saying that his grandpa had a really strong friend
group, something he achieved after a lifetime of sharing the best, funniest moments. If not with his
friends, he sometimes goes to pray, and other times teaches us the games of his time.

The 4th question was a bit of a sad response from him, as he said that his grandpa had lost his dad
during his early childhood, and never really had fun, instead choosing to focus all his energy on
making up for his single mother, and also being the father figure of the family, something he handled
very well

On the last question, his answer was really positive. He said that the government had done nothing
but help him through every stage of becoming what he was: a senior citizen. He would get priority
accesses everywhere from airports to washrooms even, and although most senior citizens don’t fly
by airplane, his grandad did, and so that was a surprisingly positive note about the government.

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