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Interview 1:

I am yohaan ranawat. My grandmothers name is Sajjanben Ranawat. She is 73 years old, and one of the
best people I have in my life. She was the first to hold me as a child, a premonition of the things to
happen. I always stuck by her, and went to her for any help that I needed. She is my best friend. This
interview was taken by me, all about her.

After asking for all the permissions required, I asked her my first question, which was according to the
list, “do you feel respected by family members in general?”. I asked her in hindi, as she didn’t know any
English. She responded, saying that her family members always made her feel like the most respected
person in any gathering of people, and how although they did have disagreements among themselves
sometimes, she yet didn’t feel any disrespect coming, no matter how disruptive the argument got.

To my second question, she said that for her family, there wasn’t anything to do, as her family treated
her with all the respect she could’ve wanted and more.

As for the third question, she replied by saying that she gets bored very often, and so is always looking
for something new to do. She said that after she finishes her daily rituals, she usually takes a couple of
strolls in the day, and also likes to play old board games with her grandchildren before they fall asleep.

On my fourth question, she said that the world wasn’t as interesting as it is today, and they usually stuck
to a routine that most today would find too boring to handle. She usually woke up early, and did house
chores throughtout the day, as there wasn’t feminism at that time.

To my last question, she said that the government is although a bit more inclined towards the youth, it is
still equally respectful and and resourceful, with building parks and helping them with old aged homes,
she felt happy.

It was her first interview, and she was happy about it, while I was happy with the information I received
and her happiness as well.

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