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Values Education

Lesson 2: Life without Friends Is Like Life on a Desert Island

Activity 2

General direction. Kindly follow all of the instructions in each part of the exercise.

A. Type the name/s of your friends or best friend on the space provided.

Name of your friends/best friend: faith beri

B. Insert picture/s of you and your friends/best friend on the space

provided: im sorry we don't have pictures

C. Make at least 500-word essay about the value of maintaining a good

relationship with your friends or best friend, basing it on your own experience.
Type the essay on the space provided.


She is a kind person and loyal person who i can trust wit wes hare secrets to one another and
we talk alot and we play together and we had so much fun and i'm thankful that she is my best
friend a best friend with a good heart and we do sports and art and music
Compile these activities in one (1) file. Before uploading to your LMS Portal, it must be saved
and convert in PDF format and must follow the filename convention: <LastName><FirstName>-
Project 1
“NaseJohnPaulo-Project 1”

Use this proper filename format. Invalid filename will NOT be accepted.

Important Reminders:

1. Grade 7 Values Education has a Portfolio Requirement. ALL of the

activities/projects will be compiled in the student’s personal Google Drive. The
subject must have a dedicated folder named: “Values 7 Portfolio 2020-21”.
This will be collected in the end of the school year.

2. Every activity will be having a grading sheet. Attach it on your portfolio folder
together with the said Project. Grading sheet without the teacher’s signature is

3. PLAGIARISM is NOT allowed. Once, caught in doing a plagiarized work, the

said submission will NOT be accepted.

4. Generally, Values Education subject will be using the following document format:

a. Font style – Arial

b. Font size – 11

c. Margins – Narrow

d. Spacing and Paragraphs – 1.15 Spacing and Justified Paragraph.

e. Paper size – Letter Size

5. For other concerns, you can create a ticket by sending an email to

( and address your concern by indicating the following

a. Subject of Concern (what is the specific concern)

She is a kind person and loyal person who i can trust wit wes hare secrets to one another and
we talk alot and we play together and we had so much fun and i'm thankful that she is my best
friend a best friend with a good heart and we do sports and art and music
b. Indicate the week #, what activity/project you are referring to.

c. Remember to provide a complete details of your concern in creating


She is a kind person and loyal person who i can trust wit wes hare secrets to one another and
we talk alot and we play together and we had so much fun and i'm thankful that she is my best
friend a best friend with a good heart and we do sports and art and music

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