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Environment week

Tomesh Sulakiya

Hr- D. Subhkarni

19 Jan 2022

Environment week

In Environment week I chose option B -"create artificial nest in which

 We have to make nest from biodegradable things which are present in our home like cotton,
jute , paper , cotton cloths etc.
 And put pluck card requesting people to save birds .

It’s importance
It will seek people attention toward nature and its problems which were created by us . And
help birds to stay in safe and secure place .

My strategy
I collect paper , cotton, jute , adhesive and all the important things which were needed for
making nest .
How I did it
I make a spherical paper ball with a help of balloon and adhesive, and after it , I cove it with jute
and keep cotton inside it and tie it on tree where it will stay for a long time

Where I did it
I did it near my home

Final result
People watch it and appreciate it and they told their kids that they should make this kind of nest
and put it near by tree and it took me more close to the nature and forced me to think about our
day to day actions which affect the nature.

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