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( Lesson A opener re Show Dashboard 2 My newjolo! (A) )

Opp0Sil€-S Activity A I Grammar ancl vocabulary

Look at the pictures. Choose the eorreot words to complete the sentenoes.

Q1 __

Craig is a reokless driver. Luoia always arrives late

Emily walks quickly -r

Carlos is waiting i:>atientl5,r


—' -

Laila is talking ouietly Tom seems rude


Tamara plays tennis well

Joe and Kay are dressed formally -»r

< 1 Opposites (A) "yr Show Dashboard 3Are you fast? (A) )

My new j0b! Activity A I Grammar and vocabulary

Choose the oorreot words to oomplete Cleo's email.


to: | ema|Ime@-:up.org attach fl

Hi Dana,

I started my new job today! But oan you believe it’? I almost overslept. My alarm

always goes off automatically , but today it didn't. Luokily, I woke up early!

I ohose my outfit very oarefully v beoause I wanted to dress

nioely v 0 for my first day. And I didn't want to arrive

late so I left home early. I always get impatient and

stressed when the traffio is slow And then there are all those

reckless drivers! Anyway, I made it to work with no problems.

Ivly boss seems really serious He likes everyone to do their work

properly , and he feels strongly v that everyone needs to

get along well . There was a lot to learn, but he

patiently v explained all my responsibilities. The job is very similar to my

old one, but they do things a bit dffferentiy v Q here. He also introduoed me

to everyone. It's hard to remember all my oo-workers‘ names, but I need to learn

them fast v

Anyway, the day went by duiokly v and I'm baok home now. I'm really

tired, but I oan't wait to go baok to work tomorrow.

( 2 Ivly newjob! (A) ‘yr Show Dashboard 3 Are you fast? (B) )

AFB you fast? Activity A I Grammar and vocabulary

Choose the correct words to complete the conversations.

Are you a fast reader?

No, actually, I read very .

impatient slowly differently

Do you think you're lazy?

No, actually, I'm a worker.

hard quickly practical

Do you have difficulty remembering names?

I don't think so. I remember names very .

I:-r. 1-;
reliable easily fluently

Do you eat your meals quickly?

Yes, I'm a eater.

correctly polite fast

Are you a careful driver?

Actually, yes. I drive very _.

automatically considerate carefully

Are you good at sports?

Yes, I play most sports .

well accomplished hard

< 3 Are you fast? (A) "yr Show Dashboard 3 Are you fast? (E5) Sample answer )

3 Are you fast? (B)

Write true answers to the questions.

1. Are you a fast reader?

2. Do you think you're lazy?
3. Do you have difficulty remembering names?
4. Do you eat your meals quickly?
5. Are you a careful driver?
6. Are you good at sports?

Check that you:

- use adjectives to describe nouns
- use adverbs to describe verbs
- use regular and irregular adverbs correctly

Type your answer in the box below and then submit it. Go to the next screen to see the sample answer(s).

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< 3 Are you fast? (B) "yr Show Dashboard Lesson B opener >

Unit 1 Lesson A People in a hurry

3 Are you fast? Activity B

Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

1 Are you a fast reader?

No, actually, I read very slowly.

2 Do you think you're lazy?

No, actually, I'm a hard worker.

3 Do you have difficulty remembering names?

I don't think so. I remember names very easily.

4 Do you eat your meals quickly?

Yes, I'm a fast eater.

5 Are you a careful driver?

Actually, yes. I drive very carefully.

6 Are you good at sports?

Yes, I play most sports well.

of Lise | Pr'i'~..-r-acy irlot | riiility | Help | Ext"-'cr'ie|"i|:::e Lear"-"iirrtgt :t: j"= tIiIarnbr'idge Llniversity and l.lt§1LEG EIZIE
< Lesson B opener yr Show Dashboard 1 What are they like? (B) >

What are they like? Activity A Grammar and vocabulary

Find the personality words.


o P r_ 0 A T s r= K ""‘ GEI‘-IERCJUS

T c T P E s rvr D W
A r= v .1 N P c r r-r RELIABLE

Q B r E T s r-r v r\r PRACTICAL

R K E L D G O K D '


< 1 What are they like? (A) yr Show Dashboard 2 Are you honest? (A) )

What are they like? Activity B _ Grammar and vocabulary

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

lvly aunt likes to paint. She has creative ideas and is incrediblyI talented I

lvly sister is totally disorganized She can never find her car keys and

is always losing her cell phone.

lvly friend Steve is extremely down-to-earth and practical He gives

useful advice.

lvly brother is really outgoing He isn't shy at all.

6 lvly dad bought me a laptop computer for college. He's very kind and

generous like that.

lvly co-workers are usually good about completing their work. They're fairly


lvly mom is pretty laid-back and easygoing She never gets upset

about anything.

lvly little sister never shares anything. She s so selfish

< 1 What are they like? (B) yr Show Dashboard 3 All or norhing (A) )

Are you honest? ActivityA Grammar and vocabulary

Complete the questions with the opposites of the underlined adjectives. Then use one of the adjectives to complete the answer

Are you honest or dishonest ?

I'm honest . I always tell the truth.

ls your doctor friendly or unfriendly

She's friendly She always takes time to talk to me.

ls your best friend reliable or unreliable

He's unreliable . He's always late.

Are you gganized or disorganized

I'm disorganized I can never find anything!

0 Are you patient or impatient

I'm impatient I can't wait in lines.

Are you neighbors considerate or inconsiderate

They're inconsiderate They always play their music loudly.

< 2 Are you honest? (A) "yr Show Dashboard 4 About you (A) )

All 0|‘ l‘l0t|‘lil‘lg Activity A Grammar and vocabulary

Choose the best next sentences.

lvly brother's not talented at all.

He sings, dances, and acts.
He can't sing, dance, or act!

lvly parents are extremely generous. T‘ 5' _

They give a lot of money to charity.

They give a little money to charity.

lvly sister is incredibly smart. O

She's the best student in her class.

She does fairly well in school.

lvly best friend is so funny.

His jokes don't make me laugh at all.

His jokes always make me laugh.

ivly cousin is fairly outgoing.

She never goes to parties.

She sometimes goes to parties.

lvly math teacher is really helpful. 0

She explains things really well.

She can't explain things clearly.

lvly dad is pretty laid-back.

He gets upset about everything.

He doesn't get upset about most things.

lvly brother is completely inconsiderate.

He never helps around the house.

He sometimes helps me around the house.
< 3 All or norhing (A) "yr Show Dashboard 4 About you (B) )

AIJOUI you Activity A I Grammar and vocabulary

Match the sentences.

lvly older brother's pretty reliable. I I can usually depend on him. I

lvly father's fairly easygoing. He's pretty relaxed about things.

lvly grandmother's incredibly She gets along really well with

friendly. everyone.

lvly cousin's really practical. He's very good at fixing things.

lvly bcct fficI‘|EI'5 very hfificct. She always says exactly what she

lvly girlfriend isn't impatient at all. She doesn't get upset when I
arrive late. 0
< 4 About you (A) "yr Show Dashboard 4About you (B) Sample answer )

4 About you (B)

Use the expressions to write true sentences about someone you know. Then add a second sentence about yourself.

1. fairly easygoing
2. incredibly friendly
3. not impatient at all
4. pretty reliable
5. really practical
6. very honest

Check that you:

- use adverbs like extremely, very, fairly, really, and completely to make adjectives and adverbs stronger
- use prefixes like irn- (impatient), in- (inconsiderate), ti'l’l- (unfriendly), and dis- (dishonest) to make adjectives with opposite meanings

Type your answer in the box below and then submit it. Go to the next screen to see the sample answer(s).

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< 4 About you (B) "yr Show Dashboard Lesson C opener >

Unit 1 Lesson B Personality and character

4 About you Activity B

Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

1 My parents are fairly easygoing. I'm easy going, too. In fact, I'm totally laid-back.

2 My grandmother's incredibly friendly. I think I take after her because I'm very friendly, too.

3 My mother's not impatient at all - she's incredibly patient. I'm the opposite — I'm extremely impatient

4 My older brother's pretty reliable. One of my friends is really unreliable

5 My cousin's really practical. I'm not like him at all because I'm not good with my hands.

6 My best friend's very honest. I think I'm pretty honest, too.

< 4 About you (B) Sample answer "yr Show Dashboard 1 They're always (A) >

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< Lesson C opener "yr Show Dashboard 2 Individual habits (A) )

They're SIWSYS . . . Activity A Conversation strategies

Look at the picture. What are the people always doing? Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.

k I

' ‘it "" John ‘


Jedd I is always leaving work early. I -

Reba is always listening to music.

Kat" Chad
John is always sleeping.

Kayo is always eating junk food.

Yasmin is always talking on her cell phone.

Chad is always reading comic books.

< 1 They're always (A) s-r Show Dashboard 3 Cemplaints, camplaints (A) )

Individual habits Activity/Q V Cenversatien strategies

Listen tc the statements. Then cheese the best respense with always and a
centinueus verb. There is ene extra respcnse. Q Audifi Script

I knew. He's always watching TV.

I I knew. She's always canceling plans! |

111at's fer sure. He's always lcsing stuff.

That's true. He's always telling jekes.

Ycu're right. She's always buying things. 0

Yeah, he is. He's always helping peeple.

< 2 Individual habits (A) at Show Dashboard 3 Complaints, complaints (B) )

Complaints, complaints Activity A | Conversation strategies

Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses and always. Use the continuous form of the verbs.

My sister hardly ever talks to my friends when they come over. She's always /fr,-4 |
doing (she I do) something else. I mean, she says "Hi," but that's all.

Last year, my roommate in college was always borrowing 1.‘

(my roommate in college I borrow) my books and stuff without asking.

My last boss was really nice but completely disorganized.

She was always canceling (she I

cancel) meetings at the last minute.

My brother is always listening (my brother!

listen) to music. He's always got his headphones on.

I neyer see my kids these days.

They're always going (they! go) to

their friends‘ houses to play basketball or baseball or something.

( 3 Complaints complaints (A) at Show Dashboard 4Aboi.it you (A) )

Complaints, complaints Activity B Conversation strategies

Correct the Eponses where necessary Write at least where appropriate Do not make any changes if at least is not appropriate

My sister hardly ever talks to my friends when they come over

She s always doing something else I mean she says Hi but thats

at least she -3|

Well she isnt rude to them ‘c,,,..3
.; F

Last year my roommate in college was always borrowing my books

and stuff without asking
Thats too bad - it sounds like she was really inconsiderate

My last boss was really nice but completely disorganized She was
always canceling meetings at the last minute
Yeah it s hard to work for somebody like that

My brother is always listening to music He s always got his

headphones on
Well at feast his music isn t loud

I never see my kids these days They re always going to their

friends houses to play basketball or baseball or something
Well you know at leastthey re interested in sports A lot of kids just
play computer games all the time
< 3 Complaints, complaints (B) "yr" Show Dashboard 4 About you (B) )

Abflllt you Activity A I Conversation strategies

Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences.

when |W55|m|e=| I was always eating candy

My friends andl are always telling jokes .

lhaye some bad habits. I'm always forgetting things .

My best friend is always working late

6 My parents are always traveling somewhere

My favorite teacher in high school was always telling us funny stories

My neighbor is always making noise

< 4 About you (A) "yr Show Dashboard 4About you (B) Sample answer )

4 About you (B)

Write true information to complete the sentences. Use always and a continuous verb.

1. When I was little, .

2. My friends and l .
3. l have some bad habits. l .
-4. My best friend .
5. My parents .
6. My favorite teacher in high school .
7. My neighbor .

Check that you:

- use always with a continuous verb to describe things people do a lot
- use the correct form of the verb be

Type your answer in the box below and then submit it. Go to the next screen to see the sample answer(s).

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< 4 About you (B) "yr Show Dashboard Lesson D opener >

Unit 1 Lesson C He's always wasting time.

4 About you Activity B

Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

1 When I was little, I was always eating candy.

2 My friends and l are always telling jokes.

3 I have some bad habits. I'm always forgetting things.

4 My best friend is always working late.

5 My parents are always traveling somewhere.

6 My favorite teacher in high school was always telling us funny stories

7 My neighbor is always playing loud music late at night.


Terms of Use | Pr'i'~.-racy-" l\lotEc-e | .Ar::-I:-esslioility | Help | E1tDer'iertt:e Better l_ear‘r"‘iii"i5;1 -1I iZ:i 1- £IJarr"1br'ir;li;;1e Llnir.-"er'sity Press and UCLEE-3 EIIIEI
< Lesson D opener s-r Show Dashboard 1 Star dualities (B) )

Star qualities Activity A | Reading

Read the article. Choose E adjectives from each list that describe actor Aishwarya Rai.

famous arrogant talented

Aishwarya Rai
The Queen of Bollywood
accomplished Influential selfish
Aishwarya Rai is the Queen
of Bollywood, India's version
of Hollywood and the film
capital of the world. With inconsiderate down-to-earth beautiful
over 18,000 websites
devoted to her, she is India's,
and possibly the world's,
best-known actor. generous unfriendly nice

Aishwaiya Raf was born in

Mangalore, India, on
November 1, 1973. She was
raised in a traditional,
is _l middle-class family. When
_ she was four, her family
" "'4 moved to Mumbai (Bombay),
where she still lives today
with her husband, actor Abhishek Bachchan, and their daughter,
Aa rad hya.

Rai started modeling for fun when she was in college studying
architecture. She also received many offers to act. However, her
first priority was school, so she said no to all movie offers. Then in
1994. at the aoie of 21. Rai won the title of Miss World. Soon after
< 1 Star dualities (A) wr Show Dashboard 2 She s admirable (A) )

Star qualities Activity B I Reading

Read the article about Rai again. Then read the sentences in the chart. Are they true or false‘? Choose the correct answers

Aishwarya Rai
The Queen of Bollywood

Aishwarya Rai is the Queen of Bollywood, India's

version of Hollywood and the film capital of the
world. With over 18,000 websites devoted to her,
she is India's, and possibly the world's, best-
known actor.

Aishwarya Rai was born in Mangalore, India, on

November 1, 1973. She was raised in a traditional,
middle-class family. When she was four, her family
moved to Mumbai (Bombay), where she still lives
today with her husband, actorAbhishek Bachchan,

Aishwarya Rai lives with

her husband and
daughter in Mumbai.

Rai was born in Mumbai

Rai started modeling in

high school.
Rai studied architecture
in college.
Rai won the title of Miss
World when she was 21.
Rai makes movies in
four languages. 0
Rai has a statue in
Madame Tussaud's. 0
Rai feels that it's
important to be beautiful
< 1 Star qualities (B) "v Show Dashboard 2 She's admirable. (B) >

She's admirable. Activity A I Writing

Complete the profile of Midori Goto. Use the words and expressions in the box. There are three extra.

calling wonderful


Midori Goto

Midori Goto is an incredibly talented violinist. She| was born and raised | in Osaka,

Japan. She started studying the violin with her mother, and

at the age of seven, she gave her first public performance in Dsaka.

Studying music can be very demanding, as well as rewarding. When she was

only 10, Midori moved to New York City to study music at the Juilliard School. She also

attended the Professional Children's School for her academic studies. By the time .-,,,,,, ..

Midori turned 11, she was already an accomplished artist and had performed

with the New York Philharmonic. Midori is also very generous. In 1992, she created an

organization called Midori S Friends that provides free music education for

children in city schools.

Midori is now a professor of music at the University of Southern California.

< 2 She's admirable. (A) *--r" Show Dashboard 2 She's admirable. (C) )

She's admirable. Activity B IWriting

Complete the profile of actor Lucy Liu. Put the sentences in the correct order.

Actor Lucy Liu was born and raised in New York. She has
a degree in Asian languages and speaks Mandarin

She's also an accomplished artist.

At the age of 35, she started studying art in New York City.
She has exhibited her paintings and photography in
galleries in New York and Los Angeles.

She doesn't only have acting, language, and artistic skills.

She's also extremely athletic and musical.

For example, she's good at horseback riding, rock

climbing, and skiing, and she can play the accordion.

With all these talents, it's impossible not to admire her!

< 2 She's admirable. (B) "-vr Show Dashboard 2 She's (C) Sample answer )

2 She's admirable. (C)

Write a short profile about someone you admire.

Check that you:

- use adjectives and adverbs to describe the person in your profile
- use adverbs like extremely, really, and completely to make other adverbs and adjectives stronger
- use expressions like was born and ralsed and at the age of

Type your answer in the box below and then submit it. Go to the next screen to see the sample answer(s).

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-.2 S1


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< 2 She's admirable. (C) "vr Show Dashboard Lesson E opener >

Unit 1 Lesson D ls that a fact?

2 She's admirable. Activity C

Use your own ideas. Here is an example.

Actor Lucy Liu was born and raised in New York. She has a degree in Asian languages and speaks
Mandarin fluently. She's also an accomplished artist. At the age of 35, she started studying art in New
York City. She has exhibited her paintings and photography in galleries in New York and Los Angeles.
She doesn't only have acting, language, and artistic skills. She's also extremely athletic and musical. For
example, she's good at horseback riding, rock climbing, and skiing, and she can play the accordion.
With all these talents, it's impossible not to admire her!
4 2 She's (C) Sample answer "vt Show Dashboard 1 Before you listen (A) )


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< Lesson E opener at Show Dashboard 2 Listening practice (A) )

Before you listen Activity A | Listening

Alexis and Jacob are talking about Jacob's roommate. Complete the conversation
with the sentences in the box. Then listen to check your answers. ' I A'

So, how's your new roommate working out’?

Well, I don't see that much of him, really. I mean, he's always working, you know,

at the library or sitting at the computer.

Well, at least he's not always throwing wild parties or playing music all night.

Yeah. And he's pretty easygoing. I'm always borrowing his stuff, and he doesn't


He sounds better than my old roommate. She was so unpleasant.

You're right, she was pretty bad.

Yeah. She was always talking about people behind their backs. Q

You mean like we're doing right now’?!

< 1 Before you listen (A) vr Show Dashboard 2 Listening practice (B) )

Listening practice Activity A | Listening

Listen to the rest of Alexis and Jacob's conversation. Choose the three things they
talk about. ' ' '

Alexis's roommate
working out
< 2 Listening practice (A) vr Show Dashboard Progress check )

Listening practice Activity B I Listening

Listen again. Choose True or False for each sentence.

Kim is Alexis's old


0 Kim talks to Alexis a lot.

6 Kim is always saying

mean things.
Kim's friends are always
visiting their apartment.
6 Alexis is always giving
Kim free tickets.
6 Alexis likes her new

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