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Science Class – 6B

1.M.O.S. Earth hour image

What students know about the earth hour, why is it important? Do they take part of it?
(March 26th- 8:30pm)

2. Vampire devices 

So-called vampire devices are electrical appliances that are left on standby when not in
use, and which continue to consume power - and add to household energy bills - as a
Devices commonly left on standby when not being used include televisions, microwaves,
and games consoles. Altogether, leaving these devices on standby can add a substantial
amount to your annual electricity bill. 

3. Activity 
Save a watt campaign.  

 For the campaign, students will work on a half of Pinares Paper, showing
some of the “vampire devices” they find in the school and at home and they
will include at least three initiatives they can take to save energy.  

 The teacher will collect the activities at the end of the class.

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