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Transformational Leadership

with Henna Inam

Your Values
Step 1. Follow the prompts and list of possible values to find the five to ten that resonate most with you.
• Prompts to help generate your values:

• Think of people you admire. What values do they hold that speak to you?

• Think back to a peak experience. What made it meaningful to you?

• Imagine you at 90 looking back at your life. What qualities do you admire in your future self?

List of Possible Values

Accuracy Community Faith Hope Pride

Adventure Contribution Fame Imagination Reputation
Accomplishment Courage Family Impact Respect
Altruism Creativity Friendship Inclusiveness Security
Ambition Curiosity Fulfillment Integrity Self-expression
Authenticity Dependability Generosity Joy Service
Authority Discipline Grit Justice Solitude
Autonomy Empowerment Growth Kindness Spirit
Balance Excellence Happiness Knowledge Status
Beauty Expertise Harmony Learning Trust
Challenge Exploration Health Logic Variety
Compassion Fairness Helpfulness Love Vulnerability
Competence Honesty Loyalty Wisdom
Meaningful work

Step 2. From the answers to the questions and/or the list above, pick the top 5–10 values that are
important to you. Make a list below and then write down how that value shows up in your life.

Values Important to You

Value How This Shows Up for Me

Being able to create a space of trust allows me

Example: trust to express my purpose in connecting deeply with
others to help them transform themselves.

Transformational Leadership with Henna Inam

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Step 3. As a next step, when considering decisions you make or situations where you feel stuck, you
can review your values list. Remember to continue to evolve this list as you evolve through your own

Transformational Leadership with Henna Inam

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