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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing


(This sheet is in the Student Assessment pack)

This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency. All student submissions
including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students
file. Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Management System unless all relevant paperwork is
completed and attached to this form.

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Final Completion Date:

Assessor Name:

Unit Code/ Title CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Please attach the following documentation to this form Result

❑ Observation Checklist in the Work Placement
Assessment Task 1- Record Book (1 assessor observation)
Observation & Logbook ❑ Work Placement Record Book attached (2
workplace supervisor observations)
Assessment Task 2-
Written Test
❑ Written Test attached S / NYS

S = Satisfactory; NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory

Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC

C = Competent; NYC = Not Yet Competent

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, Signature: ____________________________

reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback. Date: ____/_____/_____

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed Signature: ____________________________

in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am
aware of my appeal rights. I also declare that the work Date: ____/_____/_____
submitted is my own, and has not been copied or
plagiarised from any person or source.

Administrative use only

❑ ________________
Entered onto Student Management System Date Initials

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing


This information which is in the Student Assessment pack is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment

Student Instructions

This assessment is to be undertaken in a fully equipped aged care facility.

For this assessment, you are to be observed on 3 separate occasions (2 observations by your
workplace supervisor and 1 observation by your assessor). For this assessment, you will need
to support independence and wellbeing in a workplace.

Observation activity:
1. For this task you are required to demonstrate how you safely support three people to
enhance independence and wellbeing during your direct support work in an aged care
facility. You should keep a journal that outlines your experiences throughout your work
2. During your work placement you will need to demonstrate your ability to
a. Recognise and support each person’s individual differences
b. Promote each person’s independence
c. Support their physical well-being
d. Support their social, emotional and psychological well-being
During your work placement you are required to keep a journal. This journal should identify
answers to each of the following questions for each client:
e. What social, cultural or spiritual differences did each person have?
f. How were each of these people different to you and how did you ensure you did
not impose your values on them?
g. What individual needs did they have?
h. What stage of life were they in?
i. What were their strengths and weaknesses?
j. How did you accommodate each person’s expression of identify and sexuality?
k. What opportunities did you provide for them in relation to activities that met their
l. How did you help each person to identify their strengths and self-care capacity
and what opportunities did you give them to utlised those strengths?
m. What information did you provide to them?
n. How did you enable them to manage their own service delivery?
o. How did you encourage them to maintain independence?
p. What did you do to support their physical well-being?
q. What did you do to support their social, emotional and psychological well-being?
This journal should include a detailed report on each person in relation to the questions
however; you should ensure you remove all identifying information for privacy reasons.

You may wish to use these three people as the basis for your written activity task 1 report.

Your 3 observations will be observed as follows:

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

● 2 observations by your host employer / workplace supervisor that will be verified by your
assessor from your College
● 1 observation by an Assessor from your College
(These are to be recorded in your Work Placement Record Book that will be given to
you by your assessor)

To be assessed on: _______________________

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing


This information which is in the Student Assessment pack is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment

Student Instructions

This is an open book written test. Therefore, you are allowed to bring books/ resources that
can help you to answer the test.

Your assessor will set a date and time for this open book written test.

On the test date:

1. Your assessor will set ground rules including no phones, talking, etc.
2. Your assessor will pass a copy of the assessment to you.
3. Your assessor will allow time for reading and questions before commencing assessment.
4. You will have 1.5 hours for this assessment. Your are not to leave the classroom within
15 minutes of commencement of the assessment.
5. Once assessment has commenced, no communication between students is allowed.
6. If you repeatedly talk, or are caught cheating, you will be removed from the classroom, and
reported to student administration. Your assessment will be marked as “incomplete”
7. Remember – assessments are a participatory process, so your assessor can help re-word
questions, but cannot lead to answers.
8. Once completed, your assessment will be marked accordingly.
9. In the event that a question is not answered correctly, your assessor will discuss the
response with you to determine if you did not know the answer, or did not understand the
10.In order to achieve competency, all questions MUST be answered correctly.

This assessment will be done on: _____________________

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing


Please complete below
Student Name:

Student ID No: Date: 1/08/2020

Please refer to the instructions below regarding completing this assessment
This is an open book written test. In the time allocated, you are to answer all of the following questions. Make sure you:

● Print Clearly

● Answer all questions

● Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted.

● Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-
word the question for you

● Do not talk to your classmates. If you are caught talking, you will be asked to leave and your assessment will not be marked.

● Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.
There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.


1. Discuss the basic human needs that we all have.

The basic human needs are the Maslow’s Hierarchy of basic needs that we all have are:

● Physiological needs: Under the physiological needs the basic things are air, water,

food, sleep, clothing, reproduction, warmth, sex, etc. First and the most basic of all
needs are those to do with physical survival. If the person is unable to fulfill type basic
mentioned need then it dominates their interest and concern. We need the basic need
because the one person who is cold, sick or hungry will not be able to learn new things

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

and apply the social norms and value for the life.

● Safety needs: Once the physical needs are met then we human beings are more

concern about meeting to the another needs of the life and that is the safety needs.
To keep our body safe and secure we all need to be concern about our personal
security, employment, resources, health, and property which is one of the most
important factors of the human basic needs.

● Love and belonging: When the well-being get affection from the certain group of people

then it will help to build up the confidence level and we will be able to deal with the day
to day hazards and we get the love and belonging from our beloved friends, intimacy,
family and we can get it from sense of connection so, we need to develop the sociable
and should make a relationships with people in general for a place in the group.

● Esteem: Under the esteem basic need of the human beings falls respect, self-esteem,

status, recognition, strength, freedom having these we all human being can maintain
all the status. In other to exist in this society we need to get respect and need to
respect to other people and not only that we should count every value of our life. It also
includes confidence, achievement, independence.

● Self- actualization: It is the desire to become the most important goal or the process

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

that the people that they wanted to be in their life choosing what they wanted to be.
This is to become more what the person really wanted to develop aspects like
Physical, social, emotional, and spiritual. And among the characteristic of self-fulfilled
people is awareness of living, completeness, joyfulness, unforgettable moments or
periods of joy, unity and understanding.

Hence, we need all this basic needs in our life to make our life more fulfilled and to
make it more stable so, that it will lead us to our destination to live the normal and the
happy life that all the people want to live. And one of this basic need are not being
fulfilled then people will then start to feel less confident, sad, and also weak.

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

2. Discuss the concept of self-actualisation.

The concept of self-actualisation is that if the person can meet all the basic needs of the
life. And if the person is honest, highly creative, have some strong moral and ethical
standards then the person is closer to achieve the self-actualisation. Its basic goal is to
develop the personal growth and development that exists throughout our life. If you are self-
actualized then we will work harder as much as possible to be able to grow and become who
you want to be and what kind of personal that you want to present yourself in future in life and
reach your full potential. And in other word to understand what the self-actualization, it is
important to be aware of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which actually reflect the five basic
needs that we must have in our life to be happy and fulfill our daily life requirements. Firstly,
we should understand the value of each of the small requirements that we need in our life to
reach in the top with good concern because without fulfilling the lowest value in our life we will
be unable to achieve our higher goal of our life in future. For example, if we are hungry we
need food then only we can search for the love and affection of life which is higher in list of
the basic need of human.

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

3. Outline human development across the lifespan.

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Human development across the lifespan starts from the day of the birth of human
being at the first stage on the birth date life start with basic trust against mistrust. During this
time of interval, the infants will learn how to gain trust from a warm, responsive environment, in
contrast to mistrust if they are mistreated or ignored. After that children can use their skills to
make their own decision and through imaginative play a children will experiment who they can
become, the child may feel guilty and sad if their parent don’t support the children for their
ambition and experimentation and when they expect too much self-control over them. At the
age between 6-11 years they become more involved in school, children develop the ability to
work with others, if they have negative experiences with peers or in the home or in school
setting, they may experience feelings of inferiority. During adolescence, they likely to develop
an identity which is the key issue but can result in a negative outcome if there is confusion
about future adult roles and in the age of young adulthood we tend to establish good and also
the bad relationship with the people around us which is the major task at this stage. And during
the young adult period who become unable to establish intimate ties they remain isolated at
this point of time. Moreover, at the middle adulthood period the generativity versus stagnation
starts where it means that giving to the next generation is the essence of this stage and
individual who fall to do this feel motionless without meaningful sense of accomplishment. After
that the old age will appear at this time we will able to develop the ego integrity against despair
and at this point of view people who have lived satisfying lives develop a feeling of integrity,
when those who perceive they have not lived a satisfying life experience dissatisfaction and
may develop the fear of death. Our life just starts with as the little child and we end up with
being old and we will be at the fear of death at our old days. During the life we will develop
various things like emotional development, cognitive language development, social
development, we develop friendship with other as a part of life who means a lot to us.

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

4. Define each of the following:

a. Spiritual Wellbeing

Spiritual wellbeing is the exploration of a life of meaning, purpose, values and beliefs, the
role of sprit or soul and deeper understanding of self and the connection to the larger society
or community. It relates a person belief in certain things giving a relationship with others about
the significant of god and so on.

b. Cultural Wellbeing

Cultural Wellbeing is about having the freedom to practice our own culture, and to belong
to a specific cultural group which also help us to know who we are and what are we as a
individual. Cultural wellbeing comes from being valued for the differences that define us and
our beliefs, our background history, and our roots. As we all tend to have the different
background for example like Nepal, India, Filipino, etc. We all have our own way of
understanding the way how we present our culture to the world like we like to eat rich as our
lunch at the morning and at the evening time.

c. Financial Wellbeing

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Financial wellbeing is the extent to which a person is able to meet current commitments
comfortably and have with the help of financial they can buy what they like to buy and if there
is the money with us we can buy anything that we like to buy without any tension with us .
Also, if we have the health problem then we can get check up by concerning with the good
health assistants and to the doctors that is possible due the strong financial point of view.
Financial wellbeing such thing that recognizes that our behavior, attitude to money, resilience
to change and sense of security.

d. Career/occupation Wellbeing

The ability to achieve a healthy work-life balance, manage workplace stress and build
relationships with bosses and co-workers while integrating the commitment to our occupation
into a lifestyle for both satisfying and rewarding is known as the occupational wellbeing. It also
refers to feeling good about the work that we are doing at the certain interval of the time.
Respecting the environment and the work environment to feel as the home. It has many facts
including achieving a balance between work and leisure, maintaining positive relationships
with colleagues, managing workplace related to the stress, the safety of the workplace
environment. Also it also involve about the feeling about how are we feeling about the
workplace environment and so on.

5. What are the basic requirements for good health for every person?

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

The basic requirements for good health for every person are good diet, rest, exercise,
posture, financially strong to buy good diet, good environment in house, wearing clean and
tidy clothes that will help to maintain the good health. Talking about the diet, person must eat
the diet that includes variety of food that contain good amount of protein, carbohydrate. Based
on our diet on plenty of foods rich in carbohydrates. We must eat regularly depending on what
our body require on the daily basis and drinking plenty of water can help to maintain our
health. Good amount of sleep is also the important part of the rule to maintain our health in
this busy life.

6. What are the signs of mental health or developmental issues and the risk and protective

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

The signs of mental helath or developmental issues are of various kinds like people start
to feel sad and depressed, feeling lonely and down, they start to think in confuding manner or
in extreme feeling of guilt, it may include etreme change in the mood of highs and the low,
they start to ignore the group of members day by day and wanted live alone in their own kind
of world, they stop shring their ideas and thoughts to the people around him or her, make
themselves feel low ofr less important comparison to the group of other members, stop to
involve in the activities,feel significant tiredness, get low energy,or problem in their sleeping
habits, start to develop negative things, they always start to feel confusing thiongs and
doesn’t want to ralk to the people around them. Most of the people just stay at their home
without asking help what they are going through these kind of issue will develop and lead to
do sucide and damage many property. Inorder to solve or deal with problem like thjis we must
make them feel aomfortable about the situation and the environment where they are living
and we shpuld request them and make them aware about the risk factors that they are likely
to develop in the future and the things that can damage their life, we must motivate them to
do nice things and encourage their ideas and valuse that they present to us. Making them feel
special can also redue the risk factors.

7. Service delivery models and standards

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Service models and standards is a set of principles, standards, policies and constraints to
be used to guide the designs, development, deployment, operation and retirement of services
delivered by a service provider with view to offering a consistent service experience to a
specific user community in a specific places. Models of the services that are provide and
make in the use are medical models that is like look to or involves in the meditation, curing
the symptoms, and sickness, public health models look at how illness affects population focus
is on education, preventing the things that is occurring again and again with various kind of
hazards that may impact the people life badly and will impact to the resident that are very
safe and secure about how we make them special and give them proper type of the facilities.
We must make sure that all the equipment are well placed in the right amount of order
according to the situation that we all are dealing with. We must make sure that the room are
clean and well ventilated, the brushes are in the right places, towel are in the proper place,
the wheel chair , the beds must be make electrical so that for some of the older people so that
there will not any kind of problem for them to adjust in the mean situation. We must ensure
the that the client are getting right amount of care from us and they are going through a good
care and facilities.

8. What are the relevant funding models that are used in health and community services

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

The relevant funding models that are used in health and community services are the local
funding, activities funding, home care, subsidies and supplements, capital grants for residential
aged care, program funding. This kind of funding will relay to all the staffs and the resident
over there.

9. Issues that impact health and well being

Issues that impact health and well- being are domestic violence, the active transportation
that can lead to the dangerous accident, activity levels and exercise, age and the dementia
which can occur to the elderly people at any point, air quality and pollution, drinking alcohol;
can also affect the health of many people that has became the habit of drinking at the daily
basis without having any concern about how that can affect their health. Some of the behavior
and the antisocial, and also the culture play an important role to impact health and wellbeing.

10. Impacts of community values and attitudes, including myths and stereotypes

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Impacts of community values and attitudes, including myths and stereotypes is that firstly
to have a view about the stereotypes of people they judge people very quickly by looking the
appearance of what they look outside and the about the cultural beliefs. The judgmental will
impacts people in various ways like some of they fell discriminating behavior, feel isolated and
isolate them for no reason, fell angry and develop fear that can actually make them feel bad
about themselves about why we belong to the particular class of people.

11. List 3 indicators of emotional concerns and issues.

Three indicators of emotional concerns and issues are depression, sadness and distress
that can be due the various reason this means that we want freedom from the stress that we
are getting on the daily overdose, freedom from the anger, anxiety, fear, loneliness, etc. This
kind of issue develop when we have to do a lot of work and the responsibilities at the same
time without any help and rest at the same time that make the people to suffer from various
kind of problem.

12. Discuss each of the below and how they are used in your industry:
a. Duty of care

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Duty of care is a moral or legal obligation to ensure the safety or well-being of others
and a responsibilities of support worker or the care giver to provide the accurate form of the
care to the person we are looking for without any kind of abuse and the issue regarding their
health and about their requirement that they are willing to get from us, We can’t deny them
what they really are willing to do so. For example if we are instructed to give the care by our
supervisor or by the nurse then it is our responsibilities that we are taking care of each and
every thing like managing their room, properly showering them without any harm to them,
giving the nail cut to keep their health fit and fine, if they need any kind of meditation then
informing it to the nurse so that they can give accurate type of dose of medicine that they
actually needing because we are not educated about how much of medicine and what kind of
medicine needed to be given to our client without any mistake so, taking care of the resident
we need to be very aware about the care that they are needing in the meantime.

b. Dignity of risk

Dignity of risk is the concept of the people that ahs the right to choose what they do and
how they are going to live their life in their own way, despite the fact that the lifestyle they
chosen may come with the risk for example a old women walk a far meter to get the ice-cream
that she wanted to have she is not caring about the risk anymore.

c. Human rights

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Every individual have the right to live like we have the right to do every thing that we are
wanting to do in our life like playing game, having freedom, getting own way of happiness,
being able to do the things that is required in our life, we can make educated to ourselves, we
can happily make our own decision without depending on others, choosing our own type of
clothes. Likewise, in the age care facilities we should be aware about the right that they are
meant to be do and there is no any restriction that we need to make for them. They can
choose their own culture and religion they like to.

d. Discrimination

The word discrimination is something we all can get from other people, but discriminating is
not the good things to do. Some people judge on the outer appearance like color appearance,
short high, about the cultural background, religious factors, note giving the respect to the ideas
and values of one person this all the things come under the discrimination we should not
discriminate other people because doing so they can lose their confident level and many feel
weak and can’t be able to walk freely.

e. Mandatory reporting

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Mandatory reporting is a term that is used to describe the legislation requirement imposed on
selective classes of people. It is important to report the certain kinds of problem that the
resident are facing day by day because if it is not done then it can lead to the many difficult
problem in the future that is not appropriate to all the client in the particular place or the area.
It is very important to do reporting so that the big problem are easy to solve without any kind of

f. Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure

Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure is the act hwere we should maintain the things and
the documents of our client at the safe place where there is no harm to it. We all kown that the
documentation and reprting is the important thing that need to taken in the consideration and
we must keep in a sfe place because itbisbthe act olny between the client their family
members. Not a single documentation and reporting that the client provided to us shpuld be
go out of the control because doing do we will be commeting crime and we will lose the
confidentiality. Our client is the one who trust us the most so they give each and every details
about them if it is out then there is no existence of maintaing the documentation and reporting.
So we must always be careful about keeping the things secret and in the safe and secure
place by placing the documentation the the safe room where there is the rule and regulation.
And aso making the seprate password for the files, closing all the files and the computer
before going to home.

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

g. Work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations

Role boundaries that is responsibilities and limitations are very important in the workplace
where we are working because when the responsibilities and the duty of care that need to be
provide is given and advise accurately by the supervisors then it will be easy to us where we
have to go and what kind of care we need to provide to our resident at the particular phase of
the time with limitation of the time. We can do our role effectively if we are well known about
the role that is required to do but if the duties and the responsibilities are not given properly
then we can go to the wrong client and providing them the wrong care to them without knowing
what kind of care that the client is wanting from us particularly. Limitation should be apply by
each and every staff working in the specific are doing do that it will be more and more with our
role and doing things properly.

13. As a support worker, what can you do to recognise and support individual differences in

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

As a support worker, we need to respect our clients social, cultural, and spiritual norms and
values that they possess to recognize and support individual differences in our clients. Not only
that we can support their different terms of thinking capacity and the way they present
themselves by encouraging the person to show their own identity and preferences about the
society and the surrounding where they live. We should never judge what their values and
attitudes are, and we need to recognize the person expressions of identity and the sexuality
equally. Also considering the persons individual needs about what they like according to their
own background should be praised by not ignoring it.

14. List two examples each of a client’s possible cultural and spiritual preferences.

Two examples of each of the client’s possible cultural and spiritual preferences are that
types of food that they wanted to eat, praying to god, like to wear own cultural dress, want to
conduct various type of cultural program like in country Nepal there are different type of
cultural program. In the context of food that fall under the preference of diet as the client may
like to eat rice an curry which is mostly the lunch and dinner of the Asian people which is not
that famous in the western culture where they eat salad and pastas as their main dishes. And
client spiritual values differ from where they originally belong to like some of the resident want
to go to the temple to worship their goodness which is mostly done by the Hinduism people
and some of the client may prefer to just pray in the silence in one corner of the room like they
are doing some kind of meditation or so on. We must respect all the client no matter what their
cultural background and spiritual behavior.

15. Support workers are expected to be able to respond to sexuality and sexual health
issues. How can they do this?

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Support worker are expected to be able to respond to sexuality and sexual health
issues by speaking up not in the aggressive way but then in the polite manner as they are the
senior and the elderly people that we need to be aware about the client’s. If they touch certain
part of the body repeatedly then we are suppose to talk to them by saying or requesting to
them don’t involve in the things like this and advise them that the way they are touching is not
appropriate to me or it is the process of sexual abuse. And also if they are kissing you in the
bad way then we should be able to give them a warning that this shouldn’t be repeat again
otherwise it will cost you badly. As they are our client so, we must talk to them in the polite
manner but if they do such thing again then we need to report it to the supervisors.

16. As a support worker, what can you do to promote independence in your clients?

As support worker we can promote independence in our client by encouraging them to

make or providing them to make their own- decision, allowing them to choose their ways of
lifestyle and the friend circle, we can help them to promote independence by providing them
the adaptive tools for the daily tasks for example giving a person with limited stretching and
bending ability a dressing stick or grabber can help them dress themselves, providing the
availability of equipment’s that can be installed including toilet seat lifts, shower benches,
ramps, and electric hospital beds, and also encouraging residents to use adaptive tools and

17. List four of the types of networks that may be available to your clients.

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Four types of networks that may be available to our clients are:

● Recreational club: It focus on the sport activities.

● Senior club: It is the place where the older people meet to socialize.

● Social groups: It helps to maintain friendships and make to stay healthy.

● Religious and spiritual groups: it is the place where older people express their religion.

18. What steps can you take to ensure that the physical wellbeing of your client is

Steps that we can take to ensure that the physical wellbeing of our client is supported is to
listening to their requirements actively, maintaining the good communication with them,
noticing and respecting what they need, ensuring that the environment is safe and secure,
providing them the equipment that is essential and that can help them to make them
independent about themselves to keep them safe from the different hazards, making them
comfortable to share their problem with us so that their needs can be fulfilled.

19. List six measures and modifications that can be implemented to minimise the risk of
harm in a living environment

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Six measures and modification that can be implemented to minimize the risk of harm in a
living environment are:

● Re- organizing or designing the workplace to eliminate hazards for example removing

the trip hazards on the floor or disposing unwanted chemicals.

● Substituting the hazards with something safer like replacing the solvent- based paints

with water-based ones.

● Making the availability of the personal protective equipment like wheelchair,

automatically opening doors, and etc.

● Making the rule and regulation that is compulsory to adopt that make everyone safe.

● Educating the clients about the hazards that they might can have and make them aware

about that.

● Actively checking the surrounding that is being safe if not then making it safe.

20. What incidents and/or information are you required to report and who should you report

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Incidents and the information that are required to report are when we see our client bleeding
heavily we need to make sure that we report this incident immediately to the nurses or to the
supervisors so that our client will safe and secure at the mean time without any huge damage
to themselves, if we found out some one falling unconscious in room or the workplace
environment and having the breathing problem then in such kind of situation we shouldn’t be
delay to inform such kind of important where there is the question of the life of resident. And
also when our client get sprain and strain then in that kind of case also we need to be active
and clever that we report it without the delay within the interval of 24 hour to our supervisor or
to the nurse in-charge and if these health staff are nit present then we can report it to the
doctor without any hesitation so that because we reported it at the accurate time our client will
not get the worst of it.

21. In what ways can you support social, emotional and psychological wellbeing in your

Ways to support our client socially, emotionally and in psychological wellbeing is that firstly
we need to make sure that we are diplomatically correct and politically correct. We should be
friendly as much as possible so that they can share their problems with us and in that context,
we can find out the solution to them by providing them the love and affection. And in the
emotional point of view if they are having some issue like if they are missing their family so
much then we can ensure and make them feel happy by engaging them with different kind of
fun activities that they like to involve. We must make sure that our client are having a good
sleep, reminding them to eat the healthy diet, encouraging them to do a light exercise without
harming their body, when they ask us for the help we must always listen to them.

22. List six signs of abuse or neglect you may notice in your client.

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Six sings of abuse or neglect that we may notice in our client are:

● Emotional abuse: Elderly people may suffer from the depression and they mumble.

● Sexual abuse: This kind of abuse involve bruising or bleeding around or on the genital,

venereal disease or genital infections.

● Physical abuse: It may include unexplainable injuries such bruises, scars, and broken


● Neglect: It includes weight loss, malnutrition, and dehydrated bedsores.

● Financial abuse: includes money that has been taken away which was only their


● Healthcare abuse: Over or under medicating and inadequate care facilities.

Before you hand in your written assessment, make sure that you:
1. Re-check your answers and make sure you are happy with your responses
2. Have written your Name, Student ID and Date

Result: Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory


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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, Signature: ____________________________

reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback. Date: ____/_____/_____

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed Signature: ____________________________

in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I also am
aware of my appeal rights. Date: ____/_____/_____

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Version: 3.0 Implemented: 30 June 2016
Responsibility: Director of Studies
Last Updated: 30 June 2016
Einstein College of Australia Provider No:22459 CRICOS: 03223E ABN: 46 129 237 092

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