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To-do list

Leslie García - Hiring Assistant

Basic day To-do list

1. Open Hubs staff and clock in.

2. Greet the team as soon as the shift starts in the Job Fair Chat.
3. Check: Email, Slack, Internal Referral, and Candidates by language page.
3.1 Add the referrals to the Interview Chart.
3.1.1 When entering the data of the new referrals, the information of each one of the
candidates is reviewed in the database to make sure if they have already applied
before if they have been declined or if they are new contacts.
3.2 Reach out to the new candidates through Skype.
3.2.1 Greet and provide them with the required information to start the hiring process.
3.2.2 Once they have completed the tasks, we schedule an appointment date.
3.2.3 Create and add their information in a folder with their full name.
3.3 Check the declined candidates and reach out to each one of them to let them know that
they won’t proceed with the hiring process.
3.3.1 Update the Declined Candidates for RR sheet.
4. Reach out to the candidates with whom an appointment has been scheduled for information
4.1 Add the candidates on the candidates by language and if they are declined, we add them to
the declined candidates’ sheet.
4.2 Add the screenshot of the Internet Speed test result and PC Specs to the candidate’s folder.
5. Make sure that the chat is clean and in case we have pending things I write them in my sticky
notes so the next day I can start with it.
6. Say good night to the team once the shift ends.
7. Log off from Hub staff.

2nd interview To-do list

 For second interviews sometimes I schedule one or two appointments, it all depends on the
 Create the 2nd interview group chat add the participants, and Hiring Department members, and
provide the candidates with the script.
 Once we have the date of the 2nd interview, during that week, with my co-worker Alex, we
update the CS Candidates Evaluation chart (by adding the participant’s list) and Check Specs
sheet this way when the candidates finished the 2 nd interview, we know what equipment or
tools they are missing so we can send the reminder note.
 For the 2nd interview day: Provide the candidates with a script with instructions for the activity
(30 minutes before the meeting starts).
o 15 minutes before the meeting we start the call.
o Greet and wait for the rest of the participants.
o Reach out to the missing candidates.
 Once the activity has finished, we meet with the department so we can discuss the candidates
that will join our team or not.
o Update the Report chart (place and order the candidates that participate in the activity,
add the ones that don’t, the candidates that will reapply, and the ones that are
declined), and add the results in the Hiring - Success Rate Tracker.
 Depending on the instructions we reach out to the candidates that pass on the same day or days
after the 2nd interview and send the agreement. (We have split the work and I’m in charge of
sending the agreements).
o Once the agreements are sent, I update the candidate’s information on the Interview
Chart by adding HIRED next to their names, and the training date.
o Folders are updated by adding HIRED next to their names, adding the contract, and
creating two folders: Certificates and Disciplinary Actions.
o Also, make sure in case they are missing any required documentation.
o Update the list of the new hires on the Candidates by language sheet and add the
training date.
 Send the “New Hires” list to the Squad Chat.

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