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Conversarion Unit 10

Customer 1: Moreno Daysi

Customer 2: Villacres Nataly
Seller: Lalaleo Josue
C1: Good afternoon Josue.

C2: Hi Josue. Could you help us?

S: Hi girls! Yes, of course.

C1: Could you help us with a new mouse, please?

S: Yes! I have different marks. Which do you prefer?

C2: Do you mind showing us?

S: No problem. The Sony mark is better than other marks.

C1: Ok. We want that.

C2: How do we install it?

C1: Do you mind explaining it to us?

S: Turn on the mouse and wait for the green light

C2: So first, we turned it on. What else do we do?

S: Then, double click on the mouse and finally wait ten seconds and click again. The
mouse is working now.

C1: So easy? Thank you.

S: Yes! It’s easy.

C2: Thanks. I need it for my classes

S: Good bye girls.

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