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Worse Sicknesses than COVID-19

Based on the article, why is racism worse than the COVID-19 pandemic?

Because it’s harder to kill ideologies than plagues like viruses, while viruses can be
eradicated with vaccines and alike, ideologies can be passed on to another person
without you knowing a symptom moreover, it just can’t be cured and
contained/quarantined because it is not a pathogen or an airborne disease, it’s much
worse than that because it is hidden and ideologies can only be ideally be solved through
education since it is hard to change the mindset and perspective of people, but with the
right education and breeding it will be a big help.

Based on the article, why is the Philhealth corruption worse than the COVID-19

A probable reason why the Philhealth corruption could be worse than COVID-19 is
according to the article, the corruption of Philhealth could lead to its bankruptcy. In other
words, the corporation would stop operating due to a lack of funds. As a result of COVID-
19 pandemic, Philhealth is running on a limited supply of funds, and they expect to stop
operations by 2022. If the Philhealth corruption remains rampant and Philhealth ceases to
run, most likely it would negatively affect citizens who rely on Philhealth to have access to
more affordable healthcare because of the subsidy or Philhealth’s benefits. According to
the article, another problem that occurred because of the corruption of Philhealth is the
unreasonable prices of COVID-19 testing kits. This could lead to the poor having difficulty
to determine whether one does or does not have COVID-19. The Philhealth corruption is
an important issue because these problems could negatively affect citizens who are
barely or even unable to afford proper healthcare.

Based on the article, why are EJK killings worse than the COVID-19 pandemic?

EJK born out of our government’s “war on drugs” is worse than the COVID-19 pandemic
because it is a recurring issue wherein no type of protection/mask, nor vaccine/cure is
appropriate to whoever is victimized by it. To make matters worse, the article states that
along with EJK comes the oppression of the marginalized and the concerned, the
repression of speech, and the revival of atrocities such as the death penalty, all of which
contributes to the destruction of the values and rights in which our society is built upon.
International and national organizations alike have taken certain steps including putting
the world on notice and holding the current administration accountable but without
actionable solutions and a firm resolve, there would be no change to the current systems
set in place. The greatest resolve and action therefore, is to stand firmly together with a
common goal, so that we can force out whatever the issue is, be it a pandemic, or worse,
a self-serving, persecuting, and oppressive government.

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