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 Introduces the general facets that establish the general context where study revolves
 May include the description of the subjects or history involved
4 COMPONENTS OF THE BOTS  Development of new perspective or
The The The Contribution 1.
current current Research of the REMINDERS:
state of and gap present
the field conventio
study in  Avoid making biased or negative remarks
nal the research
 Define terms of concepts that are mentioned
practices gap the first time
 Formally – use a separate sentence
 Informally – inside parenthesis
 explain that the field you have chosen is still a
significant area of research  Discussion of the problem in general and
 Point out that it continues to interest the specific situations observed and experienced
researchers  Concepts and ideas related to the problem
including clarification of terminologies;
 Discussion of existing or present conditions
 Discuss current practices being used and what is aimed to be the future or the gap
 Explain merits of these practices and to be filled-in by the researcher
contribution in the field of study
1. Direct quotations must not be written as the first
 Explain that there are aspects not addressed paragraph, instead this can be rephrased to add
by the current practices or these practices substance to the details of the problem.
failed to provide conclusive findings in
2. The succeeding paragraph must come from
investigating the topic
researchers, not copied from any article.
3. Describe the problem situation by considering
 An issue not addressed by previous studies global, national and local forces. Discussions from
 Or there are very few studies that have macro to micro. Use facts and statistics.
explored the area of interest
4. Cite observations, local studies. Emphasize local
 Make sure the research gap remains relevant
scenario to warrant existence of research.
and not addressed yet
5. Make a clinching statement that emphasizes
situational analysis.
 Discuss how study will fill the gap in the form
6. End with the main objective of the study.
 New methodology


THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK researchers to consider their limitations and
alternative theories that challenge their perspective.
 A foundation review of existing theories that
serves as a roadmap for developing the CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
arguments you will use in your own work.
 Illustrates the expected relationship between
Theories are developed by researchers to
the variables in the study. It is a
explain phenomena, draw connections and
representation of the relationship you expect
make predictions.
to see between your variables, or the
Why is theoretical framework important? characteristics or properties that you want to
The theoretical framework is vital to all researches
 Conceptual frameworks can be written or
to clarify the implicit theory in a manner that is
visual and are generally developed based on a
more clearly defined. It may also provide
literature review of existing studies about your
Scope and Delimitation You may use this phrases…
 Describes parameters  This study covers…
 Sets the boundaries of your research  This study focuses on…
 The coverage of this study…
 This study is limited to…
 Describes the coverage of the study  This study does not cover…
 Concept
You may use this format…
 Number of subjects
 Population  Inclusions and their Justification
 timeline  Exclusions and their Justification
Delimit by: EXAMPLE:
 Citing factors or variables not included The main purpose of the study is to
 Boundary in terms of time frame, no. of provide information regarding metro-sexuality
subjects who are excluded and how being a metrosexual affects the lifestyle
 Specify that which you will not deal with in the of the student. The study considers the students’
study personal information such as their name
(optional) gender, age, and section.
What to Discuss:
The researchers limited the study to 80
 What – the topic of investigation and the
male and female secondary education students
variables included
enrolled in the second semester of school year
 Where – the venue or the setting of the
2015-2016 of Technological Institute of the
Philippines. Each of the respondents was given a
 When – the time frame by which the study
questionnaire to answer. The students selected
was conducted
came from four different sections to prevent bias
 Why – the general objective of the research
and get objective perceptions.
 Who – the subject of the study, the population
and sampling
 How – the methodology of the research which
may include the research design, methodology
and the research instrument


SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY  If you will use this format, there should be one
paragraph corresponding to each of the
details the contribution or benefit that
contributions or research questions
your study provides to different people and
organizations, including the academe and other PARTIES THAT MAY BENEFIT FROM YOUR
sectors of society. STUDY
 Can be written topically  Field of Study (education)
 Enumeration format  Government agencies
 Private organizations
1. Topical Arrangement
 Organization/Company involved in the study
 done in paragraphs and based on the weight  Staff, heads, administrators of a specific
of the individual contributions. organization or company
 based on how you sequence your specific  Population the participants belong to
research questions  Other researchers
 If you will use this format, there should be one
paragraph corresponding to each of the USEFUL PHRASES YOU CAN USE:
contributions or research questions  The findings of this study will be useful to the
2. Enumeration Format following entities…
 This study will contribute to…
 Details must be arranged according to the
 This study will benefit the following group of  Write from general to specific
people… Write the significance of the study by looking
into the general contribution of your study,
such as its importance to society as a whole,
then to individuals which may include yourself
 Refer to the statement of the problem as a researcher.
Your problem statement can guide you in
identifying the specific contribution of your
study. You can do this by observing a one-to-
one correspondence between the statement of
the problem and the significance of the study.


THE STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Specific Research Questions
•Gives the basic difficulty -anchored on the general research question.
•the issue, area of concern -They are helpful in developing tools for collecting
data, gathering related references, organizing
•what is but should not be
your paper, and drawing valid conclusions from
•Exposes anything that is wrong with the findings.
situation or condition or circumstance which is
-How you write the specific research questions
being described
depends on the type of quantitative research you
Elements of the Statement of the Problem are doing.
a. Objective/Purpose of the Study - However, they must always include the
 It is introduced by: significant variables in the study and the subject
being analyzed.
“The main objective of this study is to…”
For Descriptive Research
The main objective of this study is to determine if
there is an existing relationship between •The focus is to observe and report on the
academic achievement and reading measurable aspects of a phenomenon Can begin
comprehension skills of… with phrases such as

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following •How often

questions… (state your research questions) •How frequently
b. The Research Questions •How many
 important components of your research which •How much
help define the research problem of your
•What is/are
 They indicate specific concerns related to your •To what extent
research problem that your study also intends •What proportion
to answer.
•What percentage
In a study involving a group of employees’ usage
General Research Questions of Facebook, the following can be used as
-Derived from the main problem of the study specific research questions:
-Must contain words related to quantitative •How often do employees use Facebook in one
research such as effects or relationship week?
-Who, when, or where shall not be placed in the •How many hours do employees spend on
research question as these elicit factual questions Facebook in one week?
that may not require extensive investigation
•What proportion of Filipino male and female
employees uses Facebook?
For Correlational Research…
•interested in finding out the relationships among
two or more variables. However, it only
establishes mere association and not causal For Experimental…
relationships •Suggest a stronger causal relationship among
•Usually begins with the variables in the study
•Is there a relationship? •Linked to the manipulation of a variable
•What is the relationship? Ex. An experimental study on tutorial sessions
and academic performance may have the ff
In a study about the length of preparation for
•Is there a significant posttest gain on student’s
examinations and the scores obtained by test-
academic performance?
takers, the following can be utilized:
•Is there a difference between the posttest gains
• What is the relationship between the length of
of the control group and the treatment group?
the review and examination scores?
•How do students rate their experiences in one-
• Is there a relationship between the IQ of a test
on-one tutorial sessions?
taker and his/her performance in review sessions?
• Is there a relationship between the performance
of a test-taker in a previous examination and the Preferred Story Genres of SHS Wattpad
length of review he/she takes for a new one? Readers
For Causal-Comparative • What are the preferred Wattpad story genres of
SHS Wattpad readers when grouped
•Attempts to discover the cause/s of a
phenomenon according to sex and age?
Ex. Digital literacy and the type of information • How often do SHS Wattpad Readers read
technology education that students obtain, the ff stories in a week?
research questions can be used: • What is the rate of
• Are information technology education students Violent Video Games and Students Level of
and vocational education students digitally Aggressive Behavior
1.What is the violence level of personal computer
• Using the four components of digital literacy, games played by PNHS students?
what can be identified as the strengths and
weaknesses of information technology students 2.What is the level of aggressive behavior of Passi
and vocational students? NHS Students?
• Is there a significant difference between the 3.Is there a significant relationship between the
digital literacy scores of information technology violence level of personal computer games played
education students and vocational education by students of PNHS and the level of their
students? aggressive behavior?

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