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1) Hand in all of the freewrite assignments of the fall semester.

Answer: Done! I have handed in all of the freewrite assignments of the

fall semester.

2) Reread their freewrites and write a reflection on what they have

learned about themselves by reading over what they wrote this fall

Answer: I have explored a wide range of topics in my freewriting during

this entire semester. I began by writing about aggressive behavior, moved
on to writing about education, the importance of history, artificial
intelligence, as well as child labor, and finally came to the impact of playing
video games. Issue is the single theme that appears in every free writing. I
just had one topic that I was focused on trying to write about in all of my
writings: issue. I began by discussing some broad issues that almost
everyone might encounter and how aggressive behavior can have a
detrimental impact on young people. Then I started talking about
education, and how because of poverty and traditional norms, many
individuals don't receive the education they need. I then went on to
discuss the value of history. The study of history is not given nearly the
importance it formerly received. Many feel that it is a waste of time and is
unlikely to be of any use to us in the future. I continued by discussing
artificial intelligence at that point. Nowadays, many simply use the internet
to search for answers to their questions and claim them as their own,
without truly using their own intelligence or brains to come up with an
answer. Today's population only relies on the internet and no longer
believes in hard work. Following that, I began discussing child labor. A
complex problem is child labor. While efforts are being made to resolve
this problem, it appears that they are failing and that it is actually
becoming worse. I covered playing video games in the conclusion. Everyone
plays video games and is becoming obsessed, including adults as well as
kids. Those who play violent video games are becoming more aggressive.
They are turning into lame. Following the Pandemic of COVID-19, all of
these problems began to emerge. People were challenged during the
Covid-19, which led children and teenagers to attend school virtually. They
began using the internet as a cheating tool as a result. Additionally, they
increased the amount of video games they played, which led to them being
more aggressive and lethargic as a result. Many children dropped out of
school and began working outside of the home as a result of their parents
losing their employment. As they became more involved in social media,
students began to lose interest in their studies and in school. Covid, and
the wide range of concerns that revolve around it, is, in fact, the only issue
I kept in mind while exploring these topics for my freewrite. Finally, what
I have discovered about myself is that I am a certain type of learner who
exclusively focuses on the problems that others are having in the world
and tries to place them in a larger context so that everyone can learn. I
enthusiastically write about important topics rather than less significant

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