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Why you should Embrace Online Studies


Online Studying is learning from the comfort of your couch. Online Studying means you

can learn whenever you felt ease regardless of time constraints. Online education possesses

several solid advantages you should consider. Like Online Studying Brings comfort to Students.

Also, Online Studying is affordable and you can study at your own Pace.

Online Studying Brings Comfort:

As we all know that to get traditional classroom education. We need to get up from bed

early and prepare ourselves to go for college no matter what our mental condition is and how bad

our health is that day. we had to go to college to get an education. Now all the constraints I

defined above are solved by online studying. You can learn whenever you want, where ever you

are. You can make your timetable to study. If you are ill you can skip that day and when you feel

better you can cover the Past day’s lectures. The weather did not affect online education because

you just need an internet connection in your house to study that’s it. No going outside from the

house. This is how online education can bring comfort to student life.

Online Studying Is More Affordable:

Online Studying cost less than traditional classes because you don’t need to buy

expensive books and you get rid of all tuition fees. You are just going to pay for the course you

are studying and the fee of the course is quite low than traditional colleges. You can also get a

discount on courses at certain events. You can also get more resources to learn from than you get

in the traditional class. You buy cheap courses from certain platforms and can learn free on

certain Platforms. Paid courses platforms are Udemy, Alison, and edx. They also provide free

courses but you can also get free courses from, Harvard University, and

University of the People. They all provide free books and course material with these courses.

Also, the credits from these institutes are accepted worldwide. Now top firms like Microsoft are

also encouraging and accepting online education. This shows both the value of education and its


You Can Study at Your Own Pace:

The major benefit of online studying is that you learn the way you want. You can go

through the lecture several times listen to each word of the lecturer carefully if didn’t understand

the first time. Next thing is that if you didn’t get the way how one lecturer Present topic to you.

You got free introduction videos which let you know the way of lecturer teaching before buying

the course. This means you are the boss of your own. Lastly is that you didn’t have time

constraints to complete a certain course. You can spend one day or one week that’s up to you.

That’s the freedom in online education you get and that’s how you can learn at your own pace

and time.


As we all know that the future of education is likely to be online. Like the whole world

witnessed in the covid-19 pandemic situation. There are lots of benefits of online studying which

the whole world should embrace. The difference between the two Is huge like in the Online

system you are the boss of your own. You can make a split timetable to study in a week or you

can choose to study the entire material in one day. If you like the instructor’s style of teaching

you can take the course or Just choose another instructor course. Also, you can manage your

work and study both according to your ease which is difficult to do in traditional. Lastly which

makes this a useful option is it’s more cost-effective than traditional education. And vast course

material for free with courses. This is what makes online education better than traditional.


Bastanzhyieva, D. (2020, May 22). Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes. RACCOON

GANG. Retrieved from

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