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Subject: Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades- Biology and Chemistry

Module Title: Part 2: Biology (Living Things and their Environment) Ecosystem

Pre- Assessment Activity

What to do:
What Resource
Tasks and What Wastes Were Generated
How Much you Consume
a. Food preparation Onion 1-2 pcs, garlic 3 cloves rotten,
Bell peppers 1 pc. Vegetables, smashed
Sanitary Pads (15pcs in 6-7 days
b. Personal hygiene every month) Money( Girls necessary needs
Shampoo, lotion, body wash, tawas every month)
( daily use)
Money (10-20 pesos every ride
Fare (back and port) specially to those who are far
c. Going to School and Back
Snacks (twice a day) from school)
Water bottle (2-3 bot.) Spending too much money for
snacks and water
Money(specially to the students
d. In School whom always doing cutting
Tuition Fee (monthly payments)
classes or did not always attend
the class)
e. Taking Meals (breakfast
Rice (scooping plenty of rice) Leftover
to dinner)

1. In your notebook make a table similar to this and fill in the data needed:

What Resource
TASK and What Wastes Were Generated
How Much you Consume
Birthday Party Celebration Foods, Alcohol, Decorations (15-30 Leftover Foods, plastic decorations,
guests) time and effort, money and
Cloths Branded shirt and pants(like Chanel Money (unnecessary garment)
or Luis Viton
electricity Switching on lamp for the whole Electricity and money(electric bill)
water Faucet leaking Water and money(water bill)
2. In what ways can you reduce the resources you consume and the waste generated?
-avoid buying things that are unnecessary, buy only the necessary one. Stop buying expensive
things choose the cheap one to save up. In terms of foods, buy only consumable food within a 1-2weeks
to avoid rotten or decaying, some food can be stored in refrigerator and some are not, also in daily
meals try to eat small amount of foods, rather than overflowing your plate to avoid having left over. In
doing some groceries pay attention to every product’s expiration date before putting in the basket to
avoid wasting the money. Always check your appliances and unplug it if not in use, as well as the lamp
don’t forget to switch off every daylight to avoid increasing bills and to save electricity.

3. Name the positive and negative impacts of the people in your community towards environment.
How do these affect the basic needs of people?
-Some of the negative impacts of people in our community are burning of leaves and plastics
after cleaning up their surrounding which is not good for our environment and health, especially to sick
people, old and to the young ones. Some were catching fresh hatch and small fishes as well as other sea
creatures which is not good, it can change the size of fish remaining, as well as how they reproduce and
the speed at which they mature. When too many fish are taken out of the  ocean it creates an imbalance
that can erode the food web and lead to a loss of other important marine life, including vulnerable
species like sea turtles and corals.
-Some positive impacts of people in our community are having reforestations, to replace the
tress that is gone due to illegal logging. Recycling the things that are still helpful and useful, many
people understand that recycling offers a positive contribution to the ecosystems of the world by
reusing or remaking old products into new ones without having to take resources from nature.

4. Brainstorm ideas as to what will happen to our basic needs that we derive from the environment if
(a) make it dirty; (b) gather too many young fish and other sea foods; (c) are wasteful of rice; (d) do
not conserve energy; (e) use too much water during the dry season; and (f) cut trees more than what
we need?

(a) Make it dirty – one of our basic needs is water, if we make it dirty and polluted, it can badly
to our health especially on young children. Some bacteria and pathogens in
can make people so sick and can possibly lead to dying, not just only for
human but
also to the other living creatures.

(b) Gather too many young fish and other sea foods - If overfishing continues, more
species will be
driven to extinction and aquatic ecosystems will collapse and can create
that can erode the food web and lead to a loss of other important marine life.
Fisheries should behave responsibly because they are major forces of
and evolutionary change.

(c) Are wasteful of rice – if we are wasteful in food specially in rice, we must think first of others
affected by the poverty, to family who’s struggling over food. Rice is our
needs, us Filipinos, we cannot live without rice. As the way we waste the rice
is when we under cook it or burn it, or cooking too much than the usual cups
or the kids don’t finish their meals. Leftover rice is all over their plates and in
the pot. At the end of the day, we throw away a plastic bag full of burned and
spoiled rice. This is how a family as well as many households and
restaurants in the Philippines waste this high demand political commodity,
which feeds half of the world’s population.

(d) Do not conserve energy - if we do not save energy, Money, bills and much
more would rise. We
have to pay to avoid cutting out the connections. If we do not conserve
energy in our house it can produces a higher risk of life. We people waste a
lot of energy in our daily usage either by not turning the lights off when not in
use or by utilizing old and inefficient appliances that consume large amount
of energy or by not switching off the vehicle engine when the light is really
long. Energy needs to be conserved not only to cut costs but also to preserve
the resources for longer use. As of today, most of the energy is generated
from coal powered power plants. These plants do generate energy but also
pollute the environment by emitting harmful gases in the atmosphere. These
toxic gases are just not only harmful to the environment but also cause
serious health concern to humans and animals.

(e) Use too much water during the dry season – if we use too much water during dry season,
our water level might drop and water shortage happen. All of us will be
and our daily needs is our primary concern, as well as the animals and
Some animals might be migrating in order to survive and plants might die
of heat stress and dried roots, except to those plants who can survive in heat
cactus and more.

(f) Cut trees more than what we need- if we cut tress more than what we needed, we
can all suffer for the cause later on. Calamities might occur due to
our selfishness and greediness. The loss of trees and other
vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion,
fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people. Filthy
air happen, without trees, humans would not be able survive because the
air would be bad for breathing, trees take carbon from the atmosphere through
photosynthesis in order to make energy. If we go on cutting trees then: Earth will lose
its top fertile soil layer and get converted into desert. The ecological balance will get
disturbed and floods and drought will become more frequent. Wildlife will also be

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