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Name: Marly Sanchez Botello Course: Suficiencia Ingles Iv - 2022p2c


A big company of supermarkets is about to build a big mall in your city, they
offer the lowest prices around. Some citizens are worried about the future of small
shops but some others are in favor of the construction of the new mall.


Write a 150 words letter to the major of your city describing what do you think of
the idea of building a new mall in your town. Give strong reasons and support your
ideas with arguments.


Marly Sanchez Botello,

January 10, 2023
Abraham Freire.
Mayor of Sucumbios
Respected Mr. Mayor:

Please receive a cordial greeting. Through this letter I wish to extend to you my sincere
thoughts and ideas about building a new shopping center in the city of Nueva Loja. The
reason that motivates me to write this letter is to request your work and coordination in
the construction of the mall in the center of the city, to request that this mall doesn’t
affect the small merchants that exist. The same is considered to offer jobs within this
mall to commercial citizens, valuing their work and prioritizing the culture of the
amazon region.
Currently our commercial offer has achieved several recognitions at tourist level so I ask
not to miss, this great strategy for both commands.
On behalf of myself, workers and all the citizens of Nueva Loja, we would be grateful if
you would make our request.
Without further ado, I take my leave of you, but first wish you success.

Marly Sanchez Botello.

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