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Grade 7/Year 2

Strategize your game plan

‘Effective application of cooperation, spacing and relationships results in team success during
competitive situations.’
Concepts- Relationships (KC), Space (RC)
Global Context- Identities and Relationship-Competition and co-operation
ATL-Social-Social & Research

Presentation on an invasion game

Formative assessment Task:
Goal: Your goal is to show an understanding of how effective application of cooperation,
spacing and relationships results in team success during competitive situations.
Role: You are a representative of grass roots sports (in your chosen invasion game) and
responsible for promoting your game to school level students
Audience: Middle school students
Situation: You are promoting (your chosen invasion game) to middle school students to get
more students involved (in your chosen game). To do this, you must present information about
rules, positioning, strategies and skills of the game.
Product: Presentation options: Slides, video or poster
Standards: You will be assessed on criteria Ai

Your presentation should include:

● A description of how to play the game
● An outline of all rules
● A description of how the rules can be used as advantage when planning strategies
● A description of the different attacking strategies and how they help a team succeed
● A description of the different defending strategies and how they help a team succeed

Level Level descriptor Task related

A. Knowing and Understanding

1-2 i. recall physical and health education factual, procedural and i. recalls at least one correct rule of the invasion
conceptual knowledge game.

3-4 i. states physical and health education factual, procedural and i. states 3 plus rules correctly and states either
conceptual knowledge attacking or defending strategies that can be used
in the game
5-6 i. outlines physical and health education factual, procedural i. outlines all key rules and outlines at least one
and conceptual knowledge attacking and 1 defending strategy that can be
used in the game. Outlines how to play the game
7-8 i. describe physical and health education factual, procedural i. Describes how rules can be used as an
and conceptual knowledge advantage when planning strategies. Describes in
detail how to play the game. Describes how
different attacking and defending strategies can be
used to help a team succeed in the game

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