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ТзОВ Медичний коледж «Монада»

Методичні рекомендації до практичних занять

з предмету « Іноземна мова за професійним
спрямуванням (англійська мова)»

для аудиторної та позааудиторної роботи студентів

відділення «Сестринська справа»
рівень Бакалавр

Напрям підготовки 22 «Охорона Здоров’я»

Спеціальність 223 «Медсестринство»

Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів вищих медичних
навчальних закладів І рівня акредитації, які володіють лексичним та
граматичним мінімумом в обсязі програми загальноосвітньої школи і
прагнуть опанувати термінологію медичного спрямування. Посібник
укладено у відповідності до Міністерської програми для вищих медичних
(фармацевтичних) навчальних закладів І—ІІІ рівнів акредитації та
призначений для підготовки фахівців зі спеціальності 223 «Медсестринство».
Мета посібника - навчити студентів здійснювати переклад та
реферування спеціальної фахової літератури та сприяти засвоєнню
англійської субмови медицини, необхідної для усного та письмового
володіння розмовною англійською мовою у сфері анатомії і фізіології
людини, розвинути у студентів комунікативні вміння і навички,
креативність для ведення бесід на професійну тематику.

Укладачі: Викладач іноземної мови вищої категорії Макогін Г. Я.

та викладач ІІ категорії Дишник О. І.

Розглянуто і схвалено на засіданні предметної комісії

Соціогуманітарних дисциплін.
Протокол №5 від 21. 12. 2016 р.

Відповідальний за випуск: заступник директора з навчальної роботи

к. мед.н. Брейдак Ю.Г.
ТЕМА №1: Іноземна мова та її значення в суспільстві.

Актуальність теми: Ця тема є актуальною для кожного студента. Англійська мова –

інтернаціональний засіб спілкування, який суттєво впливає на місце індивіда у
суспільстві, його статус та здібності. Але в першу чергу – це перепустка до успіху!

- ознайомити з особливостями іноземної мови
- донести важливість вивчення іноземних мов для студентів-медиків
- продовжувати формувати навички усного мовлення
- розвивати комунікативні здібності студентів.
- навчати студентів переказувати фабульний текст
- удосконалювати техніку читання
- сприяти усвідомленню учнями головних значень мови як головного засобу
спілкування, формування думки та пізнання
- виховувати у студентів інтерес до життя людей в інших країнах

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія

Студент повинен
інтонаційні особливості іноземної мови;
- розповідати про важливість вивчення іноземних мов для студентів-медиків;
- складати резюме про важливість знання англійської мови для майбутнього фахівця;
- будувати спонукальні речення стверджувальної та заперечної форми
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Забезпечення вихідного рівня знань:

- прочитати та вивчити лексику після тексту “The power of foreign languages”
- прочитати та перекласти тексти;
- уміти робити усне повідомлення на тему “ The power of foreign languages ”
- уміти ставити різні типи запитань до теми та давати відповіді на запитання
- робота над граматичним матеріалом: вправи, картки

Рекомендована література:
1. English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/
А. Г. Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.-
576 с.
2. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк,
О.П. Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.:
Медицина, 2009. — 176 с.
4. Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови 3.
(довідник)/ Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.
Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.
Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.:
Арій, 2010.
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for
Learners of English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих
навчальних закладів: навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress,
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison
Wesley Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some
useful things: to discuss what the English language helps people do and to practise grammar
structures with have to do, has to do, don’t have to do, doesn’t have to do.

Warming up

2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Викладач читає слова пісні, студенти хором повторюють. Потім викладач і студенти
разом виконують пісню на запропонований мотив.


America and Africa speak English very well,

Old Europe and Asia have also much to tell.
Bulgaria and China, Chile and Japan
Have many, many languages,
But they can understand —
Oh English, English, English
For all your friends and you.
Oh English, English, English
In London and Peru.
It’s English, English, English
In Kyiv and Madrid,
It’s English, English, English
For every, every kid!

T: So, is English important? Let us discuss why.



а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

І. Active vocabulary.
language – мова;
study – вивчати;
vocabulary — лексика;
read — читати;
write — писати;
peculiarity – особливість;
accent — акцент, вимова;
scientific — науковий;
knowledge — знання;
interpret — перекладати (усно);
translate — перекладати (письмово);
word — слово;
meaning — значення.
(to) have a good command of — добре володіти
(to) try to do one's best — намагатися робити все можливе
(to) be of great importance - мати важливе значення
as quick as possible — якомого швидше
(to) learn by heart — вчити на память
mother tongue ( native language) — рідна мова
I beg your pardon... - Вибачте...
I do not understand you. - Я вас не розумію.
Say it again, pleas. - Скажіть це ще раз, будь ласка.
Pleas, speak slowly. - Говоріть , будь ласка , повільно.
What does this word mean? - Що означае це слово?

II. Leadin work with the vocabulary.

1. Read the text.
People speak English not only in Great Britain and the United States. Britain has more
than 56 million inhabitants who speak English as their native language. Altogether about 350
million people in the world speak English as their first language. It is an official language in
more than 60 countries and it means that another 160 million people use English as their second
Over two thirds of the world’s scientists write in English. Three quarters of the world’s
mail is in English. 85% of the information in computers in the world is in English too.
English is also the language of pop music, advertising and teaching. Singapore is one of
the largest ports in the world. It is an independent republic. Children in schools used to have their
lessons in Chinese because the majority of the population is Chinese. Now teachers use English
as the main language.
India has 15 main languages and hundreds of dialects, but English is the language of
Parliament, legal and medical professions. There are over a thousand newspapers in India in the
English language.
You must learn English if you work for an international airline. The control tower
communicates with pilots all over the world in English.
Almost all multinational companies do business in English. When a German company
director meets a customer from Greece to discuss a new project and to sign a contract, they talk
to each other in English.
Everywhere industrial companies label their products in English. It is not because
Britain and the United States are the biggest export markets in the world, but because English
has become an international language.

III. Work with the text. Read and translate the text.
A) A value of English is in the modern world
There is an enormous amount of countries in the world, and languages their habitants
speak on that, yet more. How to understand each other the population of Earth? For this purpose
there are international languages that give an opportunity to communicate all of us from each
other, regardless of nationality and residence.
One of international languages English. Moreover, the English is the language of
international communication for all humanity.
The value of English it is difficult to over-estimate in the modern world. In fact it is
impossible to ignore with a choice a more than 1 milliard of people that use her. And if for a half
from them she is native, then about 600 millions chose exactly her as foreign. Undoubtedly, the
range of distribution of English in the modern world is so large, that this language can not be
identical in different areas. Without regard to her various variants and presence of specific
features for every nationality, English remains a leader on to our earth. What role our life is now
played by English?
A value of English is in the modern world.
On the whole, political, economic, scientific, sporting life of the whole world "flows"
English. The English is certain the official and working language of United Nations. Various
summits and meeting of heads of the states, signing of laws and decrees, negotiations and
debates is all conducted by English. International trade, work of the banking system, activity of a
transport system on land, at the seaside and in mid air comes true by English. This language is
the living instrument of communication for academicians, doctors of sciences, scientists of the
whole world. In fact international conferences, studies of world experience and exchange of
scientific terms information it takes place only with the use of English. But that there to talk -
Olympic games and various competitions between countries chose an official language exactly
The value of English in the modern world is so large, that her knowledge is not a
privilege and luxury. Once and computers, similarly as mobile telephones, could to the soba to
allow only people of certain social stratum. Now such things are necessaries. The same can be
said and about English. She is taught everywhere: in schools, universities, on courses. It is, that
any well-educated man simply is under an obligation to own English, because exactly she is her
key to the further self-education and self-perfection. Therefore now there are so many
organizations that suggest to teach you English. However it does not cost to think that do it so it
easily. Studies to any language are a long process, that requires certain charges, both mental and
Knowledge of English in the modern world is an original window in the world. Owning
this language of international communication, you will be able to attain the put aims by means of
new possibilities. And you will understand necessarily, that value of English not exaggeratedly.

Answer questions.
1) What from languages is international ?
2) Where was a English language chosen by official?
3) What value does have English?
4) Your opinion concerning the necessity of knowledge of foreign languages?

B) English is an international means of communication. It is studied as a foreign

language at secondary and higher schools of our country.
As for me, I like English very much. I studied English at school and I'm studying it now.
I learn it every day because I want to have a good command of the language.
I want to become a good nurse, and English will be of great importance in my future
work. First of all it gives me a possibility to communicate freely with foreign patients, to discuss
the problems of nursing with my foreign friends. The knowledge of English will help me to
translate different instructions of modem drugs. I am sure that the nurse must have enough
knowledge in her work, she must enrich it reading special medical literature, using electronic
materials, finding necessary information on Internet sites.
English will help me to grow professionally; I'll be able to learn new methods of
nursing and treatment of patients.
There is a proverb: "A new language, a new world".

IV. Language development.

1) Make up sentences.
a foreign language to me.
spoken in my countries.
English is a truly international language.
my favourite subject.
the mother tongue of nearly three hundred million people.

2) Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets :

1. Please, … the last word. ( say, understand, repeat ); 2. I can read English but I cannot
… it. (say, tell, speak); 3. I know grammar well, but my … is poor. (language, pronunciation,

3) Translate into English:

1. Англійська мова- мій улюблений предмет. 2. Багато людей вчать иноземні мови.
3. Англійською мовою розмовляють у Великобританії, США, Канаді. 4. Ви вивчаєте яку
небудь іноземну мову? 5.Англійська мова є міжнароною. 6. Знання іноземних мов дуже
важливе у сучасному суспільстві.
4) Give synonyms to the words in bold type:
1. What English-speaking countries do you know? 2. What is his mother tongue? 3.
To know a foreign language is very important nowadays. 4. He knows French very well. 5.
Can you translate this sentence?

5) Read the text and translate it:

English as Means of International Communication
English is the national language in such countries as Britain,the United States of
America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It is the mother tongue of nearly three hundred
million people. Many people speak English in Japan, China, India and African countries. But
many more use it as an international means of communication, because English has become a
truly international language.
Science, trade, sport and international relations of various kinds have given the English
language the status of one of the world's most important languages. Many scientific and
technical journals are written in English although they are not necessarily published in England
or other English-speaking countries. At numerous international meetings and conferences,
English is the main language. The Olympic Games and other multinational sports events cannot
do without it.
The role English plays today is the result of historical processes. The English language,
in the course of its historical development, has met with so many influences from abroad that its
lexical and grammatical structure has come to reflect in many ways its international use.
English is a language, which is indeed able to cope with the most diverse tasks of
international communication.

6) Make up sentences.
1) other, need, to, people, learn, it, understand, you, to.
2) computer, medical, to, read, a, nurse, literature, must, use, the, in, work.
3) helps, to, English, grow, professionally.
4) learns, new, of, patients, the, treatment, a, methods, of, nurse.

7) Are the sentences true or false?

1. More people in the world speak Chinese than English. 2. English is an international
language throughout the world. 3. English may be called the language of business and
commerce. 4. A new language, a new world. 5. A nurse mustn't learn computer in her work. 6.
The profession of a nurse is necessary and interesting. 7. English doesn't help to grow
professionally. 8. The profession combines the wish to help people and high moral features.

V. Speaking.
1) Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
A: I am studying English now.
B: Are you really? They say it's very difficult.
A: I don't think English is easy.
B: Why do you think so?
A: Because I have to work hard learning a lot by heart?
A: I am going to be an engineer.
B: Why?
A: For a number of reason.
B: What reason?
A: The main one is I like engineering.
A: What do you think the best sort of job is?
B: To be a designer.
A: As for me I like engineering.
B: To my mind, the best one is the you like the most.
A: So you've passed your exams.
B: It wasn't very difficult.
A: It's because you worked hard, I think.
B: Well, I was all right in History, but I didn't do so well in Literature.
A: And what about your English?
B: Not so good, only so-so.
A: What dose that sign say?
B: Can't you read English?
A: Why would like I ask if I could?
B: Shall I read it to you?
A: That's what I want you to do.
A: I don't think you work hard enough at your English.
B: Well, I do, I work very hard, but please try to understand it's very difficult for me.
A: Oh, is it? How long does it take you to do your home work?
B: A long time, two or three hours, and sometimes even four.
A: Mrs. Jones, I'd like to introduce you our Ukrainian friend Mr. Kononenko.
B: How do you do?
C: How do you do?
B: You've come to study English, haven't you? Do you find it difficult?
C: Well, I do. It's quite different from what we read in the textbooks. I understand the radio
and TV all right, but I don't always understand people in the street.
B: Yes, that's difficult at first. And how do you find life in England?
C: Very interesting. I like it on the whole, although there are some things I find rather strange.
B: Don't worry. You'll soon get used to it.
A: What do you think about Esperanto?
B: I don't believe it will ever become a world language.
A: Why? Lots of people are learning it.
B: Not compared with those who are learning “real” languages. It's too artificial
A: You've got a point there. But it's much easier to learn than other languages.
B: That's certainly an advantage, of course, but there's no incentive to learn it as long as so few
people speak it. You can't use it at international conference, for example.
A: I think it should be taught at schools.
B: Do you really? To my mind there are quite enough subjects on the curriculum already.

A: I'd like to have a good Ukrainian-English dictionary on science and technology. I have to
translate an article from English into English.
B: Sorry, but we haven't any.
A: It's a pity! I must have this article to translated as quick as possible.
B: I can recommend a general Russian-English dictionary. At least it many be of some help.
A: Yes, I'll take it , of course. It's a pity you have not a specialized dictionary.

2) Complete the following dialogues:

A: Hello. My name is Nick.
B: ...
A: Are you an engineer?
B: ...
A: What's your job?
B: ...
A: Do you speak English?
B: …

б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.

Викладач поділяє студентів на чотири групи і визначає час для читання й обговорення

— 15 хвилин.


A new language opens up a whole new world. A foreign language gives us access to
another culture, and our lives take on a new dimension. The great German poet, Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe once said: “Who ever is not acquainted with foreign languages knows
nothing of his own one”.
Goethe seems to have mastered various arts, among them, the power to predict the future
of language learning. In the late 18th and early 19th century, the man was definitely ahead of his
time to say that “a man who does not know a foreign language is ignorant of his own language”.
The Russian, English, and German languages are spoken by 874 million people in 140
countries around the world. That means unlimited possibilities for sharing and widening your
experience. In our globalizing world, young people should understand how crucial language
skills are.
Language skills help us communicate to different cultures and illustrate our thoughts.
There is a quote, which states that how many languages you know so many times you are a
person and that helps us grow towards being intelligent adults. Studying several foreign
languages is very important. No matter the field, communication is essential for personal and
business life. This is only possible when language is not a barrier. Knowing the language is also
a very important factor in understanding the cultural background of the people who use that
There is hardly anything that influences the personal image more than one’s ability to
communicate. A person’s manner of speaking gives a lasting impression of one’s personality. It
is not surprising that good relationships are often founded on enjoyable conversations. Therefore,
mastering languages is clearly an indispensable tool for development. Today it is very important
to stand out from your competitors and language skills is one possible opportunity; to be able to
communicate in different languages is nowadays more important than ever.
Communication is the human way of exchanging ideas and combining knowledge, talents
and skills. Learning a new language is discovering a new world. By means of acquiring the
knowledge of a new language, you are able to learn new cultural and international relations.

в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.

Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
- Answer the questions:
1. Do you like speaking English?
2. Why did you start learning English?
3. What languages do you learn?
4. What are the best ways of learning a foreign language?
5. Why do so many people learn foreign languages?
6. Is learning a foreign language an easy thing?
7. What does the knowledge of a foreign language give you?
8. What language would you learn if you had such an opportunity?
9. What English-speaking countries do you know?
10. What languages can you speak fluently?
11. Why do people need foreign languages?
- Give a more common synonym to each of the following words:
To master, to discover, to influence, to illustrate.
- Find antonyms to the following words:
Important, crucial, modern.
- Find English equivalents (in the text) of the following Ukrainian word
- навколо світу
- мовні навички
- манера говорити
- проілюструвати (пояснити) думки
- можлива слушна нагода
- передбачати майбутнє
- опанування мови
- дати доступ
- культурне походження
- необмежені можливості
- набути знання
- обов’язковий інструмент
- бути ознайомленим
- тривале враження

- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:

2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.

Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його

Grammar Practice

3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур.

Робота в парах. Студенти по черзі ставлять один одному запитання і відповідають на них.
По закінченні роботи дві-три пари інсценують діалоги перед аудиторією, викладач
контролює правильність виконання завдання.



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків
ТЕМА№2: Біографія студента.

Актуальність теми: Ця тема є важливою для кожного студента і найбільш близькою по



 оволодіти лексико-граматичним мінімумом і найуживанішими моделями, що

стосуються ідентифікації особистості.
 поглибити навички монологічного і діалогічного мовлення за темою
 продовжувати формувати навички усного мовлення
 розвивати комунікативні здібності студентів.
 навчати студентів переказувати фабульний текст
 удосконалювати техніку читання
 сприяти усвідомленню учнями головних значень мови як головного засобу
спілкування, формування думки та пізнання

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія

Студент повинен знати:

- письмові види розповідей;


 розповідати про себе, свою сім’ю та друзів в усній і письмовій формі, виділяючи
характерні риси особистості;
 розповідати про свої захоплення, вільний час, мандрівки та подорожі,
використовуючи необхідний лексичний матеріал;

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Забезпечення вихідного рівня знань:

- прочитати та вивчити лексику перед текстом “ About My Family and Myself ”

- виконати вправи за темою
- розіграти діалоги
- прочитати та перекласти текст;
- уміти робити усне повідомлення за темою
- уміти ставити різні типи запитань до теми та давати відповіді на запитання
- робота над граматичним матеріалом: вправи, картки

Рекомендована література:

1.English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.

2. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с.
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.:
Медицина, 2009. — 176 с.

4.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови

(довідник)/ Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.:
Арій, 2010.
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for
Learners of English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих
навчальних закладів: навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress,
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison
Wesley Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some
things: to talk about you and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання

І. Active vocabulary.
name – ім'я; driver — водій;
family name/surname — прізвище; shop-assistant — продавець;
patronymic — по батькові; book-keeper — рахівник;
full name — повне ім'я; accountant — бухгалтер;
mother — мати; cashier — касир;
father — батько; housewife — домогосподарка;
parents — батьки; turner — токар;
grandfather — дідусь; doctor — лікар;
grandmother — бабуся; worker — робітник;
brother — брат; teacher — вчитель;
sister — сестра; student — студент;
son — син; postgraduate — аспірант;
daughter — дочка; laboratory-assistant — лаборант;
husband — чоловік; milling-machine operator —
wife — дружина; фрезерувальник;
child — дитина; operator of the electronic computers —
children — діти; оператор ЕОМ;
aunt — тітка; plant — завод;
uncle — дядько; office — офіс;
cousin — двоюрідний брат (двоюрідна hospital — лікарня;
сестра); comprehensive secondary school —
niece — племінниця, небога; загальноосвітня середня школа;
nephew — племінник, небіж; specialized school — училище;
father-in-low— батько чоловіка; technical school — технікум;
mother-in-low— мати чоловіка; institute — інститут;
relatives — родичі; University — університет;
in-laws — родичі жінки; married — одружений(а);
widow — вдова; single — неодружений(а);
widower — вдівець; divorced — розлучений(а);
grown-up — дорослий; an orphan — сирота;
adult — дорослий; head — голова;
(to) bring up — виховувати; face — обличчя;
character — характер; long — довге;
appearance — зовнішність; oval — овальне;
profession — професія; round — кругле;
occupation — праця, робота; thin — худорляве;
engineer — інженер; square — квадратне;
technician — технік; hazel — карі;
designer — конструктор; expressive — виразні;
clerk — службовець; deep-seated — глибоко посаджені;
bulging — витрішкуваті; short — низький;
eyebrows — брови; stout — повний;
arched — дугою; lean — худорлявий;
bushy — густі; slender — стрункий;
thin — тонкі; neat — тонкий;
eyelashes — вії; graceful — граціозний;
straight — прямі; a bag of bones — худий як тріска;
curled — загнуті; beautiful — гарний, прекрасний;
thick — густі; attractive — привабливий;
nose — ніс; good-looking — що маж приємну
straight — прямий; зовнішність
turned up — кирпатий; handsome — вродлиий;
acquiline — орлиний; pretty — гарненький:
mouth — рот; What does he (she) look like? — Який він
lips — губи; (вона) з себе?;
rosy — рожеві; She looks her age. — Вона виглядає на
full — повні; свій вік;
painted — нафарбовані; What kind of face has she (he)? — Яке у
teeth — зуби; неї (нього) обличчя?;
even — рівні; She has dimples in her cheeks. - У неї
uneven — не рівні; ямки на щоках.;
chin — підборіддя; She has rich make-up. - Вона дуже
double — подвійне; розмальована.;
round — кругле; She wears make-up. - Вона користується
pointed — гостре; косметикою.;
massive — важке; сlever — розумний;
cheeks — щоки; blockhead — тупий, тупак;
pink — рожеві; well-bred — добре вихований;
pale — бліді; ill-bred — погано віхований;
rouged — нарум'янені; communicative — компанійський;
heir — волосся; brave — хоробрий;
curly — кучеряве; coward — боягуз;
black — чорне; honest — чесний;
fair — русяве; cunning — хитрий;
blond — світле; double-faced — дволикий;
red — руде; industrious — працелюбний;
curled — завите; lazy — лінивий, ледачий;
straight — пряме; cruel — жорстокий;
gray — сиве; polite — ввічливий;
bald-headed — лисий; strong-willed — вольовий;
heir-cut — стрижка; weak-willed — слабовільний;
heir-do — зачіска; witty — кмітливий;
plaint — коса; nuisance — надокучливий;
fringе — чубчик; generous — щедрий;
body — тіло; greedy — скупий;
shoulder – плече; absent-minded — неуважний;
arm — рука (від кисті до плеча); light-minded — легковажний;
hаnd — рука (кисть); jealous — ревнивий;
leg — нога; naughty — неслухняний;
foot — нога (стопа); chatter-box — балакун;
broad-shouldered — широкоплечий; sleepy-head — соня, сонько;
tall — високий; sweet-toothed — ласунчик;
loudmouth – крикун.
Exercise 2. Learn these word-expressions.

to work at a plant працювати на заводі

to work in a hospital працювати у лікарні
to work in an office працювати у конторі
to finish comprehensive school закінчити середню школу
to finish specialized school закінчити училище
to finish technical school закінчити технікум
to graduate from an institute закінчити інститут
to graduate from a university закінчити університет
to be an engineer бути інженером
to be a student бути студентом
to be a widow бути вдовою
to be grown-up бути дорослим
to be 18 years old бути вісімнадцятирічним
to be younger бути молодшим
to be older бути старшим
to know foreign languages знати іноземні мови
to know somebody знати кого-небудь

II. Leadin work with the vocabulary.

Read the text.
Mrs. Forestier was neither charming, beautiful, nor intelligent ; on the contrary
shy was absurd, homely and foolish; yet the more you knew her the more you liked her,
and when asked why, you found yourself forced to repeat that shy was a very nice
woman. She was as tell as the average man; shy had a large mouth and a great hooked
nose, pale-blue, short sighted eyes and big ugly hands. Herr skin was lined and
weather-beaten, but shy was made up heavily, and hair, which she wore long, was died
golden, tightly marcelled and elaborately dressed... She spent a great deal of money on
her clothes, which she got from the most fashionable dressmakers in Paris but though a
woman of fifty shy had an unfortunate taste for choosing dresses that looked exquisite
on pretty little mannequins in the flower of their youth. She always wore a great
quantity of rich jewels. Her movements wear awkward and her gestures clumsy...
...Yet this ungainly exterior sheltered a tender, romantic and idealistic soul.

III. Work with the text. Read and translate the text.
About myself and my family
My name is Olena Sobko. I am seventeen years old. I am a student of a medical college. I
want to tell you about my family. My family lives not far from our district center in a village. My
parents have two kids besides me. Thus I have got an elder brother Oleg and a younger sister
Ann. My sister is a school-girl. She is fourteen.
My brother is twenty-five already. He is a doctor. He is married. His wife is a doctor, too.
They are four in the family, because they have twins - a son and a daughter. They are lovely
babies of two years old.
My parents are not old at all. Daddy is forty-seven and my Mum is forty-five. My
grandparents are already pensioners, but they are still full of life and energy.
I have many relatives on my mother's side: aunts, uncles and cousins.
My father is a farmer and my mother is a nurse. They like their work very much.
I am fond of reading books. I go in for sports. Especially I'm good in swimming.
In some years I'll graduate from the college. It is necessary today to be a good specialist. My
future specialty is nursing, but I want to become a doctor like my brother.
Let me introduce myself. I am Alina Kovalenko. I am seventeen years old. I was born on
May 14, 1987 in Lviv, so I have been living in Lviv since my childhood. I descend from the
family of teachers. There are five of us. I am a pupil of the eleventh form of a secondary school.
I'm a school-leaver this year and that's why it is very important for me to make the right choice
of profession. I want to enter the Foreign Languages Department of the Pedagogical University.
My parents and teachers at school advise me to become a teacher firstly to continue our family
occupation, secondly because I have always given my preference to the humanities, especially
It is my favorite subject at school and I do well in it without any effort. I do not only do
my best at school, I take a preparatory course at the Pedagogical University.
I like all the subjects taught at the preparatory course but most of all I like the subjects of my
future specialty.
When I'm free I enjoy doing different things with my friends and alone. I am fond of
reading interesting books. Among my favorite writers are Charles Dickens and Mark Twain. I
like sport very much. I go in for basketball and always take part in sports competitions at our
Now let me introduce my family. We are a family of five. I think we are a large and
friendly family.
I'd like to start with my parents. I have got a father and a mother. Their names are Ivan
Dmytrovych and Kateryna Petrivna. My parents have been married for twenty-five years. This
year we are celebrating their silver wedding. They have much in common, but they have
different interests, hobbies, points of view on sports and music. For example, my father is fond
of sports and my mother doesn't go in for sport at all. She is a great home-sitter. She keeps house
and takes care of her family. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands.
But my parents have the same opinion about the education and upbringing of their
children. They are good specialists as well. Both of them are teachers.
My father is a director of a secondary school. He likes his profession greatly though I
understand that it is a difficult job. He is always busy and he works overtime very often.
My mother is a teacher of English. After graduating from the Pedagogical Institute she
began working at school. She knows her subject perfectly and tries to develop in her pupils the
desire to know the foreign language as well as their native one, to be cultured persons. My
mother is a nice woman with brown hair and green eyes. She is forty-three but looks much
younger. She is always elegant and smart. We usually help our mother about the house.
Now I'm going to tell you a couple of words about other members of our family.
Besides me, my parents have got one more child. She is my sister. Her name is Natalia. She is
older than I. She is twenty-two. She is married and has a family of her own. She is a
postgraduate of a University. She is a very slim and pretty woman.
Her husband is a scientist. They have got a son, my nephew. All of us like him greatly, he
is only two years old, a lovely boy with golden hair and blue eyes and a spirit that is always
bright and happy.
We also have many relatives. My aunts, uncles and cousins live far from us, in different
cities of Ukraine. On holidays they come to visit us and we have a very good time together.
So we are a happy family and are getting on all right.

1. When and where were you born?
2. Is your family large?
3. What are your duties about the house?
4. Do you go in for sport regularly?
5. What do you like to do when you stay home alone?
6. Have you got any relatives in the country?
IV. Language development.
1) Make up sentences:

the USA.
I am England.
He is from Canada.
She are France.
We Italy.

You Japan.
They Germany.

I Ukrainian.
He study English.
She studies French.
We like(s) Italian.
You know(s) Japanese.
They German.

2) Answer the following questions:

1. Is your family is big or small? 2. How many people are there in your family?
3. Who are they? 4. How old are your father and your mother? 5. How old are your
sisters and brothers? 6. How old are you? 7. What does your mother do? 8. How many
children have your aunt and uncle? 9. Is your mother beautiful? 10. What is your
mother's name? 11. What is your profession? 12. Have you many relatives?

3) Answer the question :

Address Where do you work?

Occupation Where do you live?
Place of birth Where were you born?
Business phone What do you do?
Place of What's your business phone
employment number?

Model: - What's your address?

-I'm sorry, I don't understand.
-Where do you live?
-Oh, I see. 1415 Concord Avenue, Flat 20.
4) Translate into Ukrainian:
1. He is nine years old. 2. She is sixteen years old. 3. I want to become an
engineer like my father. 4. In the evening the family watches TV or listens to the radio.
5. His family consists of six persons. 6. Her family consists of three persons. 7. My
brother wants to become an officer like our father. 8. We like our English lessons. 9.
They like literature. 10. I want to become a technician like my mother. 11. Shy is like her
mother. 12. He is like his father. 13. You are like your mother.

5) Translate into English:

1. Ваша родина велика? - Так. 2. Із скількох осіб вона складається? - Мщя
сімя складається з пяти осіб. 3. Чи є у вас брати та сестри? - Так, у мене є брат та
сестра. 4. Хто веде господарство? - Бабуся. Мама та сестри їй допомагають. 5. Ваш
бвтько робітник? - Ні, мій батько інженер. Він працює на заводі.
6) Full out the form:
Personal Information Sheet
Date _____________________________________
Permanent Address __________________________
Tel.N: Home: ____________ Business: _________
U.S. Citizen: Yes __________ No _____________
If no, nationality ____________________________
Date of Birth _______________________________
(month) (day) (year)
Place of Birth ______________________________
Occupation ________________________________
Place of Work ______________________________
Sex: M ________________ F ________________
Marital Status: Married_______ Single__________

9) Write your own biography and retell it.

V. Speaking.
Read and dramatize the following dialogues:

Ann: Is your family large?

Betty: It's not very large now: father, mother, my elder brother and his wife and me.
A.: So you've got a brother and a sister-in-law. How nice!
B.: Yes. And I have two sisters of my own. Both of them are married and live somewhere in
the west.
A.: Have you got any nephews or nieces?
B.: Oh, yes, I've got two nieces. They are my eldest sister's daughters. I have a nephew as
well. He is my elder sister's son. But I have never seen them, because they have never come to
see me, nor have I ever gone to see them.
A.: So you aren't a very good aunt, are you?
B.: Sorry to admit it, but I'm not. However, I'm going to improve as soon as I finish school.
A.: Hell is paved with good intentions, you know.
В.: Ha, ha... And what about your family, is it large?
A.: Oh, ours is quite a numerous one: granddad and grannie, dad and mum, brother and
sister, and their kids. My brother has a wife and two sons. My sister has a husband and three
B.: So you've got nephews and nieces, too. I wonder if you are a good aunt, eh?
A.: You'd better ask the children about that.
B.: Ok, I'll follow your advice.
Alex: Now, I'd like to know about your family.
Blair: Oh, my family is a very large one. I have a father, a mother, grandparents, two sisters
and a brother.
A.: Do you all live together?
B.: Yes, we do, and it's a remarkable thing because we practically never quarrel.
A.: Besides your immediate relatives you must also have some uncles and aunts and some
B.: Yes, several. Every now and then they come to see us at our place or we go to see them.
A.: I wonder who does the cooking and looks after the house?
B.: It's all in the hands of my mother. Of course, my sisters help her. Now tell me something
about your family.
A.: Well, as a matter of fact there is little to tell. I am an orphan and before I got married I
used to live quite alone.
B.: So you are married! You have not told me anything about it!
A.: I got married two years ago. Didn't you hear about it?
B.: Have you any children?
A.: Yes, we've a fine little girl. Her name is Ann. Come and see us some time.
B.: Thank you ever so much. You also by all means come and see us. I'll be so glad to
introduce you to all the members of my family.
A.: I'll certainly come. I'll be so glad to know them all.

- Presenting Grammar

1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:

2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур
1. Домашнє завдання.
2. Підведення підсумків.
Завдання для самопідготовки

Для перевірки отриманих знань вам пропонується виконати наступні навчаючі

завдання згідно цілям та змісту навчання.

Ex. I. Use the correct form of the verb “to be”.

1. We … pupils last year.

2. … she at the Institute now?
3. I … a medical student now?
4. My friend … ill now?
5. We … at a hospital last week.
Ex. II. Complete the sentences with prepositions where required.

1. My father is found … his work and often tells me … it.

2. I began to read many books … medicine and learnt … great scientists and brave
3. To be a medical student means to spend much time … laboratories and libraries.
4. When I was … child I wanted … become … teacher like my mother.
Ex. IІІ. Make up the questions
1. I am a student now.
2. He is a doctor.
3. He was at the university yesterday.
4. I will be at home at 5 o’clock.
5. She is at the hostel now.
Ex. ІV. Give full answers to the following questions:
1. What is your family like?
2. What are your parents? Where do they work?
3. What are you? Where do you study?
4. What is the most human profession in the world? Why do you think so?
5. What subjects do students study at a medical University?
Ex. V. Find equivalent for these word and word combinations.
1. to devote one’s life to medicine;
2. to enter the University;
3. to treat for smth;
4. to consider;
5. social sciences.
Ex. VI. Make sentences using the following words:
1. at, we, the, University, study, medical, subjects, many.
2. last, year, stomatological, I, faculty, entered, the.
3. apparatuses, new, there, design, they, medical.
4. science, than, medicine, is, a, more.
Ex. VII. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. My father is found of his …

2. As I grew older I understood that the most human …
3. I began to read many books on medicine and l learnt about …
4. We study social sciences and …
5. I finished the secondary …
Ex. VIII. Translate into English.
1. Наступного року я буду другокурсником.
2. Її подруга зараз знаходиться в інституті.
3. Для студентів-медиків дуже важливо добре знати анатомію.
4. У мене є можливість попрацювати в лікарні.
5. Перше, що потрібно зробити, це одержати підручники в бібліотеці.
Ex. IX. Give a summary of the text.
Тести за темою”My familly”

Завдання 1. Виберіть з 5 запропонованих слів український еквівалент до англійського


1. scientist A. хімік
B. інтерн
C. слюсар
D. лікар
E. вчений

2. to consider A. вважати
B. рахувати
C. співіснувати
D. доглядати
E. лікувати

3. to find A. знаходити
B. втратити
C. робити
D. відповідати
E. вчити

4. surgeon A. лаборант
B. вчений
C. лікар
D. солдат
E. хірург

5. apparatuses A. обличчя
B. вата
C. суміш
D. обладнання
E. фінал

6. to spend A. копити
B. сумувати
C. витрачати
D. компанувати
E. мріяти

7. relatives A. поради
B. родичі
C. помісі
D. винятки
E. помісі

8. to keep A. сидіти
B. хотіти
C. брати
D. тримати
E. копіювати

9. health A. сонце
B. почуття
C. горщик
D. процесор
E. здоров’я

10. hostel A. гуртожиток

B. будівля
C. посада
D. звання
E. поміч
Завдання 2. Використайте правильну граматичну конструкцію в наступних реченнях.

1. I … a medical student now.

A. is
B. are
C. was
D. am

2. We … at a hospital last week.

A. were
B. is
C. am
D. are

3. She … a teacher in future.

A. will be
B. are
C. was
D. is

4. I wish … a stomatologist so I entered Donetsk National Medical University, Stomatological

A. to become
B. to became
C. is become
D. will become

5. … a medical student means to spend much time at a laboratories and libraries, it is necessary
for those who decided to devote their lives to medicine.
A. could be
B. to be
C. will be
D. would be
Завдання 3. Виберіть правильний переклад речень.

1. Medical students study many clinical subjects in the fourth year.

А. Студенти медичного вузу вивчають багато клінічних предметів на четвертому курсі.
В. Студент медичного вузу вивчають багато клінічних предметів на четвертому семестрі.
С. Студенти медичного вузу вивчають багато клінічних предметів на четвертому

2. Already in the first year some students join scientific societies.

А. Вже на першому році деякі студенти приєднуються до наукових гуртів.
В На першому році деякі студенти приєднуються до наукових гуртів.
С. Вже на першому році деякі студенти приєднуються до наукового гуртка.

3. To be a medical student means to spend much dime at laboratories and libraries.

А. Бути медичним студентом означає проводити багато років у лабораторіях та
В. Бути медичним студентом означає проводити багато часу в лабораторії та бібліотеці.
С. Бути медичним студентом означає проводити багато часу у лабораторіях та
4. What is the most human profession in the world?
А. Яка професія є найгарнішою для людини?
В. Яка саме найлюдяніша професія у світі?
С. Що це за професія, яка саме найлюдяніша?

5. The doctor must treat persons for not only the illness.
А. Лікарі, повинні доглядати людину не тільки через хворобу.
В. Лікар повинен доглядати людей тільки через хворобу.
С. Лікар повинен доглядати людей не тільки через хворобу.
Ключі до завдань

Ex. I.

1. We were… pupils last year.

2…Is she at the Institute now?
3 I am… a medical student now
4 Is my friend ill now?
5 We were at a hospital last week.
Ex. II. Complete the sentences with prepositions where required.

1. My father is found … his work and often tells me about it.

2. I began to read many books … medicine and learnt … great scientists and
brave doctors.
3. To be a medical student means to spend much time … laboratories and
4. When I was … child I wanted … become … teacher like my mother.

Ex. IІІ.

1. I am a student now.
2. He is a doctor.
3. He was at the university yesterday.
4. I will be at home at 5 o’clock.
5. She is at the hostel now.
Ex. ІV. Give full answers to the following questions:

1. What is your family like?

2. What are your parents? Where do they work?
3. What are you? Where do you study?
4. What is the most human profession in the world? Why do you think
5. What subjects do students study at a medical University?
Ex. V. Find equivalent for these word and word combinations.

1. to devote one’s life to medicine;

2. to enter the University;
3. to treat for smth;
4. to consider;
5. social sciences.
Ключі до тестів за темою “My Family”

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

1. – E 1. - D 1. - A

2. - A 2. - A 2. - A

3. - A 3. – A 3. - C

4. - E 4. - A 4. - B

5. - D 5. - B 5. - C

6. - C

7. - B

8. - D

9. - E

10. - A
ТЕМА№3: Захоплення та дозвілля.

Актуальність теми: Дозвілля для сучасної молоді є однією з першорядних цінностей, в

цій області реалізуються багато соціокультурних потреб молодих людей. Для дозвільної
сфери життєдіяльності характерна свобода особистості, яка проявляється у виборі форм,
місця, часу проведення дозвілля.

Навчальні цілі:

 оволодіти лексико-граматичним мінімумом і найуживанішими моделями

 уміти розповідати про свої захоплення, вільний час, мандрівки та подорожі
 використовуючи необхідний лексичний матеріал;
 знати письмові види розповідей

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, філософія

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
2. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк,
О.П. Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.:
Медицина, 2009. — 176 с.
4.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови
(довідник)/ Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.:
Арій, 2010.
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for
Learners of English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих
навчальних закладів: навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress,
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison
Wesley Publishing Company, 2000.
Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some
useful things: to talk about your leisure and hobbies and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

Leisure. My Hobby

New vocabulary:
hobby – хобі
pastime – розвага, приємне проведення часу
game – гра
collecting old coins – колекціонування старих монет
collecting postage stamps – колекціонування поштових марок
collector – колекціонер
badges – значки
singing – співи
music – музика
dance – танець
dancing – танці
gardening – садівництво
amateur – аматор; любительський, аматорський
to entertain – розважати
to go in for (sports) – займатися (спортом)
jogging – біг підтюпцем
to be fond of smth. – захоплюватися чимось
My hobby is cooking. – Моє хобі – кулінарія.
fishing – рибалка
angler, fisher, fisherman – рибалка, рибак
photography – фотографія
to include – включати;
variety – розмаїтість
to design – створювати, моделювати, конструювати
handicraft – ремесло, ручна робота
hobbyist – людина, що мас певне хобі
value – цінність
item – предмет
rare – рідкісний
private – приватний, особистий

Read the word- combinations and sentences and try to remember them:
to take pleasure in – отримувати задоволення від
no matter what kind of hobby a person has – чим би людина не захоплювалась
Are you fond of fishing? – Ви захоплюєтесь рибалкою?
I like fishing but I am not a skilful angler. – Мені подобається рибалити, але я не вправний
Our lake is well-stocked. – У нашому озері багато риби.
Does the fish bite today? – Сьогодні риба гарно клює?
Do you like to fish with a fishing-rod? – Ви любите ловити вудочкою?
Read the short text. Translate it.
June is the hardest time for the students as the examination session is taking place.
When the session is over the students are free. Some of them go to their native places to see their
relatives; some go to rest-homes or tourist camps.
I usually go to the tourist camp on the shore of the Black Sea. I like the sea best of all, so
I spend most of my time on the beach. I swim in the sea and row; I play volley-ball and handball
on the beach and take the sun. My friend is a good sportsman; he is fond of mountaineering, so
he goes to a mountaineering camp high in the mountains.
Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian
If you are tired of your usual holiday routine, there are many things you can do to vary it.
People say there’s nothing to compare with a camping holiday. Personally I think it’s
only for the young, and will make them appreciate home comforts. Be prepared for damp,
mosquitoes, beetles and cow dung, which is never noticed, until the following morning. This sort
of holiday teaches the young how to survive, and strangely enough they seem to enjoy it, finding
great pleasure in making bonfires and cooking barbecues.
Bicycle holiday is an excellent way of taking exercise. Bear in mind that you are not a
professional, and don’t try to do more than thirty or forty miles a day.
A walking holiday in good weather, with a pleasant companion or two, will do you more
good than any other. Select your shoes carefully.
The seaside is good for most people, but definitely bad for some. Take the sun and the
sea gradually, and don’t stay on the beach for too long. There is nothing better for giving you
vitality and energy to keep you going through the winter.
A winter holiday is probably even better for you than a summer one. You need it more at
that time of the year.
Once you learnt to ski, you can go on doing it to a very advanced age, as long as you
don’t do it too strenuously and break a leg. If this happens it will take a long time to heal and you
may never be able ski again.
Read the dialogues and try to act them
On a Hike
Olha: What a beautiful place! Just like in a fairy tale — nice and quiet, with the grass so
green. Oh, look, there’s a stream running under those big trees. Can’t we stop here for a short
Mykola: Why not? Some of us need a rest. Nina looks very tired. She’s been lagging
behind us for the last kilometre or so. (Looking around.) I think this place will do very well.
Ivan: I don’t know how it is with you, but I’m as hungry as a hunter.
Mykola: I don’t mind taking something hot inside. I’ve been having stomach-ache for an
hour or so. Who’ll make the fire?
Ivan: I’ll make the fire. I can do it with one match. It won’t be difficult with all the dry
sticks lying around.
Olha: Who’s got the kettle? I’ll run down to the stream and bring some water.
Nina: And I’ll wash the dirty dishes in the stream after dinner.
Mykola: Every man must do his bit, so I’ll take my fishing rod and see if there’s any fish
in the stream.
Oleh: I’ll help you dig the worms. You’ll want them for bait, won’t you?
Mykola: Anything will do as bait — worms, flies, even bread.
Nina: Who ever heard of fish biting at this time of the day? You won’t be fishing; you’ll
be drawing the poor worms!
On the Way Back
Mykola: Hey, everybody! Time to be going home or we’ll catch it. We’re late as it is.
Olha: Can’t we stay a little longer? I’ve never been here before, and I don’t think I’ve
ever seen a place as beautiful as this one.
Oleh: Nothing doing. I’ve got an idea that even if we walk home as fast as our legs will
carry us, it will take us two hours and a half to get to our camp. Can anybody tell us exactly
where we are at the moment?
Ivan: Here I’ve got a map. Let’s have a look. Maybe we can take a short cut through the
Mykola: That’s just what we’ll do. We’ll follow the stream as far as the road, then turn to
the right and take a path through the wood surrounding our camp.
Vira: We won’t lose our way in the wood, will we?
Mykola: No fear. I’ve got a compass with me. The path will take us to the village of
Romankiv which is a stone’s throw from the camp.
Vira: I’m so tired. I wish we had a tent. We could pitch the tent, cook supper and then
stay by the fire telling each other fascinating stories.
Mykola: Not this time. We’ll be going on a two-day hike next week — with food in our
rucksacks, tents and everything. Vira: Most gladly. It’ll be such fun camping out in the wood!
Oleh: Off we go, or we’ll never get to our camp.

Answer the questions:

How do you like to spend your holiday?
What season do you prefer to spend your holiday in?
Why do people need a holiday?
What are the ways of holiday-making?
Where did you spend your holiday last year?
Do you and your friends ever go hiking?
Do you carry your things in a bag or in a rucksack?
Is it pleasant’ or unpleasant to camp out?
What can you do by the river besides getting sunburnt?
Do you like fishing?
Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою
Say it in English:
А: Що тут відбувається?
C: Ми йдемо у туристичний похід.
А: Коли?
С: На наступному тижні.
А: Далеко?
С: До селища Райки.
А: А як довго ви подорожуватимете?
С: Приблизно п’ять днів.
А: Вам буде потрібно багато речей, чи не так?
С: Так. Намет, рюкзаки, чайник, казанок, компас, карта…
В: Мені б дуже хотілося пожити кілька днів у наметі на березі.
A: І мені також.
С: Нічого не вийде. Можливо, іншим разом.
А: Ну, я пішов. Щасти вам!
б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.
Викладач поділяє студентів на чотири групи і визначає час для читання й обговорення
— 10 хвилин.

Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian

Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and
taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.
Hobbies are divided into four large groups: doing things, making things, collecting
things, and learning things.
The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of
activities, from gardening to traveling and from chess to volleyball.
Gardening is one of the oldest man’s hobbies. It is a well-known fact that the English are
very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a
relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.
Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes,
handicrafts. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston
Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments: President Bill Clinton, for
example, plays the saxophone.
Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins,
matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value.
Others become so large and so valuable that they arc housed in museums and galleries. Many
world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal
of money often collect paintings, rare books and other art objects. Such private collections are
sometimes given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in
seeing them.
No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning
much from it. By reading about the things he is interested in he is adding to what he knows.
Learning new things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
Answer the questions:
Tastes differ. Can you say the same about hobbies?
Have you chosen a hobby according to your character and taste?
Which hobby groups do you know?
The most popular hobby group is doing things, isn’t it? What kind of activities does this group
What do you know about gardening?
Do you like computer games?
Are you fond of making things?
Do you know any hobbies of the famous people?
Have you ever collected anything? 10: What can be collected?.
Do you know of any private collections that were given to museums or art galleries?
Do you agree that learning new things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby? Why?
Translate into English:
1. Чим ви захоплюєтеся?
2. Який ваш улюблений вид відпочинку?
3. Моє захоплення — музика.
4. Я люблю спорт, особливо зимові види спорту: ковзани. лижі.
5. Після роботи я люблю зустрітися з друзями і порозмовляти з ними.
6. Я часто граю у шахи із своїм сином.
7. Скільки книг XVIII століття є у вашій колекції? — Близько трьохсот.
8. Я захоплююся фотографією. Куди б я не їхав, я завжди беру з собою фотоапарат.
9. Мій друг любить подорожувати. Кожну свою відпустку він проводить десь на півночі
або на півдні. Він відвідує також зарубіжні країни. Подорожі — його хобі.
10. Моє захоплення — іноземні мови. Я вже вивчив французьку і німецьку мови. Зараз
вивчаю англійську. Я обов’язково щонеділі дивлюсь телепрограму — урок англійської
11. Я звичайно вечорами лишаюся вдома, читаю книжки, готую їжу та прибираю
12. Ваше захоплення мені здається як пізнавальним, так і практичним

- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.

2. Підведення підсумків.
ТЕМА№4: Моє рідне місто, село.

Актуальність теми: Батьківщина для кожного з нас бере початок від тепла рідної домівки

Навчальні цілі:

 оволодіти лексико-граматичним мінімумом і найуживанішими моделями, що

стосуються опису міста(села).
 уміти розповідати про своє місто в усній і письмовій формі, виділяючи характерні
 уміти розповідати про свої захоплення, вільний час, мандрівки та подорожі,
використовуючи необхідний лексичний матеріал;
 знати письмові види розповідей

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, історія

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.

2. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.:
Медицина, 2009. — 176 с.

4.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови

(довідник)/ Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.:
Арій, 2010.
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for
Learners of English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих
навчальних закладів: навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress,
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison
Wesley Publishing Company, 2000.
Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some
useful things: to talk about your native town and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.
My Native Town

New vocabulary:
fort [fo:t] — фортеця
craft [kra:ft] — ремесло
porcelain ['po:slin] — порцеляна
to stretch [stretj] — тягтися, простягатися
worth [w3:0] — вартий
display [dis'plei] — виставка
carved [ka:vd] — різьблений
ethnography [a0'nografi] —етнографія
cross [kros] — хрест
storage ['sto:rid3] — зберігання, склад
church [tj3:tj] — церква

picturesque – мальовничий
to be situated – розташований
region – область
district – район
inhabitant – мешканець
bank – берег
to be mentioned – згадуватися
ancient – древній
sight – визначне місце
lined up – обсаджений
chestnut tree – каштан
lime tree – липа
enjoy – насолоджуватися
local – місцевий
Natural History museum – природознавчий музей
house of culture – будинок культури
monument – пам’ятник
honour – вшановувати
to recollect – згадувати
square – площа
post-office – пошта
market – базар
industrial enterprises – промислові підприємства
industrious – працьовитий
hospitable – гостинний
б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.
Викладач поділяє студентів на чотири групи і визначає час для читання й обговорення


Lviv, the capital of Western Ukraine, is a large industrial and commercial centre of
Ukraine. Its narrow old streets and its historic centre make it one of the best places in the
Lviv was founded as a fort in the mid-13th century by Danylo Halytsky and was named
after his son Lev, which means lion. The lion is the historic symbol of the city. For centuries it
has been the Western Ukraine’s main city.
Lviv’s main street is Freedom Avenue. It runs from Mitskevych Square to the Ivan
Franko Opera and Ballet Theatre. Also in Freedom Avenue you can see the National Museum
which used to be the Lenin Museum. In the middle of the avenue there is a statue of Ukrainian
national poet, Taras Shevchenko, and there are always a lot of flowers at its feet.
The Museum of Ethnography, Arts and Crafts, with a statue of Liberty in front,
demonstrates furniture and porcelain. Each room presents a different era.
Opposite Lviv University there is a monument to the Ukrainian poet Ivan Franko, from
which Ivan Franko Park stretches towards the Hotel “Dniester”.
Lviv’s open-air Museum of Popular Architecture and Life is worth visiting. About 100
old wooden buildings are divided into many ethnographic groups of Western Ukraine.
Shevchenko Avenue attracts people with its beautiful buildings and various shops. There
you can find a statue of Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Ukraine’s most famous historian and the
country’s first president in 1918. The Museum of Old Ukrainian Culture has a nice display of
small, carved wooden Carpathian crosses.
Lviv Picture Gallery has one of the largest collections of European paintings in the
country, with over 1000 paintings on display, and 5 000 in storage.
Lviv is also famous for its churches and monasteries, among which are the Roman
Catholic Cathedral, Uspensky Church, St George’s Cathedral, Church of St John the Baptist,
Jesuit Church and many others. Lviv is also famous for its Museum of Historic Religions.
Inside the Town Arsenal there is the Museum of Old Arms, with a display of various
arms taken from over 30 countries.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.

Answer the questions:

1. Who founded Lviv? When?
2. What can we see in Lviv's main street?
3. Which of Lviv's Museums are worth visiting?
4. Which of the monuments is never without flowers at its feet?
5. Are there many churches in Lviv?
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.
ТЕМА№5: Елементи спілкування. Мовленнєвий етикет.

Актуальність теми: Мовленнєвий етикет справедливо вважають культурним обличчям

нації. Він втілює найтиповіші риси мовної поведінки людини в найрізноманітніших
життєвих ситуаціях. Увібравши давні традиції, звичаєві приписи, мовленнєвий етикет є
унікальною, універсальною моделлю мовної діяльності, що виявляється в системі стійких
мовних виразів. Знання цієї системи є своєрідним барометром духовної зрілості нації. І
навпаки нехтування законів мовного етикету - ознака її глибоких корозійних процесів, які
в останні десятиліття, на жаль, прогресують.

Навчальні цілі:

 оволодіти лексико-граматичним мінімумом і найуживанішими моделями.

 знати основні елементи спілкування та використовування їх у повсякденному
 складати діалоги, типові ситуації повсякденного життя з використанням мовних моделей
прохання, вибачення та звертання знати письмові види розповідей

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, дидактика, історія

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
2. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.:
Медицина, 2009. — 176 с.
4.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови
(довідник)/ Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.

Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.
Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.:
Арій, 2010.
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for
Learners of English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих
навчальних закладів: навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress,
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison
Wesley Publishing Company, 2000.
Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some
useful things: to discuss the theme of etiquette and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

1. Read the words. Can you guess the meaning of the unknown ones? If

not, consult the dictionary.

Greeting, apology, to excuse, terribly, awfully, to apologise, acquaintance.

2. Learn the words and use them to make up sentences.

Loyalty — the quality of being faithful to one's principles, always giving support;
consensus — general agreement; the opinion of the majority of the people in a group;
tolerance — treating behaviour and beliefs of other people with indulgence, liberality, or
habit — a tendency to behave in a particular way, regularly and repeatedly;
morality — conformity to conventionally accepted standards of conduct;
etiquette — the customs or rules governing behaviour regarded as correct or acceptable in
social or official life.
3. Look at the expressions and add some examples of things that make you
irritated, nervous or you find them stressful.

4. Classify the expressions and words according to the categories: positive/ negative,
Impatient, habit, fight, doubt, experience, compliment, change, irrelevant, wise, values,
adult, honest, linked, indeed, proper, sincere, rude, confidence.

5. Group the phrases under the titles.

Greeting Apology

- Sorry.
- Fine. -Hi!
- Bye, see you!
- Never mind. -1 apologise. -OK.
- Cheerio.
- That's all right.
- Nice to see you too.
- Forgive me, I didn't mean to.
- Let's hope we meet again soon.
- Good night!
- Hello!
- How are you?
- How do you do? -How's life?
- Forgive me, I'm very tired.
Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою
б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.
Викладач поділяє студентів на чотири групи і визначає час для читання й обговорення
Read the following text.


Compliments are a simple, yet powerful, relationship-building tool. There are many
different reasons to give a compliment. The most compelling one—it makes you feel good. You
cannot give a sincere compliment without feeling great. It's impossible. Why does it feel so
wonderful to pay a compliment? Because you are connecting yourself directly, honestly and
kindly with another human being. It is a basic need that isn't often met in our world.
There are also many hidden benefits of giving compliments. It's amazing that such a small
simple skill like giving away compliments can change the way you view yourself and the world
around you. It will strengthen your relationships, boost your self-esteem, and increase your self-
confidence. You will experience joy and happiness as you learn to give selflessly.
Each time you give a compliment, you focus completely on the other person. You actively
look for positive traits or attributes and specific examples. By doing this on a regular basis (5
times a day), you begin to see how richly multifaceted people really are. People's positive traits
jump out at you. Your thoughts shift from looking for the worst in people to looking for the best.
You see possibilities, not obstacles. Compliment giving is a jump-start for looking at the world
in a positive, refreshing, stimulating, and creative way.
Knowing something is good for you doesn't always translate into action. Psychologists
encourage us to make compliment giving a habit — a compliment habit. All you need to do is
give away five compliments a day. It doesn't take long to give away five compliments. Five
heartfelt, honest to goodness, acts of kindness. It costs nothing but a little time, energy, and the
desire to make your life and the lives of others better. Compliments are defined as gracious
words, given freely, which create happiness for both the giver and the receiver. They are based
on the universal truth — everyone appreciates kindness.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
1. Fill in the missing words.
1. Each time you give a compliment, you focus completely on the other ....
2. It will strengthen your boost your self-..., and increase your self-.... 3.
Compliments are based on the ... — everyone appreciates ... .4. There are many
different reasons to give a ....5. People's ... traits jump out at you. 6. All you need
to do is ... a day. 7. ... encourage us to make compliments.
2.Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks with the words given under the line.

A.Hello! Fancy meeting you, . . . .

B. Hello . . .
A. . . . and you?
B: Not so bad. Look, I'll ring you tonight but I must rush now . . . .
How are you, bye, in this place, fine.

3. Pay attention to different styles of greeting people, expressing agreement or

Informal ________________________ Formal and Informal
How are you keeping? Hello!
How are things? How are you?
How’s life? Good morning/afternoon/evening
Bye!\Bye-bye Good nigh
Cheerio See you later

Weak _______________Strong ____________ Colloquial

I suppose so. I don't think so. Nonsense.
If you say so. I don't agree. Rubbish

4.What expressions of apology and reassurance would you use in the

following situations? (Practise dialogues with a partner.)
* You accidentally step on someone's foot.
* You forget to telephone a friend.

5.Respond to the following.

Why were you so rude to me?
Why did you lie to me?
You've hurt my feelings.
You're late for class again.
Hello! How are you?
Hello! How are you keeping?
Good morning.
Nice to see you.

6.Test yourself. Read and grade the tatements (0 to 3 points) using the table below.
You are able:
a. to cooperate with other people in one team.
b. to always listen to your partner, understand and share their ideas.
c. to respect the dignity of other people.
d. to respect the rights of other people.
e. to accept another person the way they are.
f. to respect the right of other person to differ from others.
g. to put yourself in somebody's shoes.
h. to welcome diversity.
i. to accept equality of all people.
j. to be tolerant to other people's ideas, points of view, thoughts, beliefs or behaviour.
k. to refuse from violence and dominance over other people.
Points Count your points:
0 — never 20—33 points — you are a tolerant person.
1 — sometimes Less than 20 points — you are to think about your
2 — often behaviour and attitudes.
3 — always

7.Read the text and make up its plan.


Etiquette is rules that govern behaviour

regarded as correct and acceptable
according to the contemporary norm within
a society, social class, profession or group
(medical etiquette, business etiquette).
Usually unwritten, it may be codified in
written form. Etiquette usually reflects
formulas of conduct in which society or
tradition has invested. Thus, it is now
possible to refer to "etiquette" or "culture",
realising that these may not be universal.
Manners involve a wide range of social
interactions within cultural norms. The notion of etiquette, being of French origin and arising
from practices in the court of Louis XIV, is occasionally disparaged as old-fashioned or elite.
Some such individuals regard etiquette an unnecessary restriction of freedom of personal
expression; others consider such a philosophy to be espoused only by the unschooled, the
unmannerly and the rude.
Etiquette depends on culture: what is excellent in one society may shock another. Etiquette
evolves within culture. It can vary widely between different cultures and nations. Early modern
conceptions of what behavior identifies a gentleman were codified in the 16th century. Benjamin
Franklin and George Washington wrote codes of conduct for young gentlemen. Even more
recently, the rise of Internet necessitated adaptation of the existing rules of conduct to create
netiquette, which governs email drafting, rules of participating in an online forum and so on

8.Write a short summary of the text based on your plan.

- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.
ТЕМА№6: Моя майбутня професія.

Актуальність теми: Проблема вибору професії завжди була актуальною і тим більше,
залишається такою в сучасних умовах. Яку професію обрати – одне з головних завдань у житті
кожної людини.

Навчальні цілі:

 оволодіти професійно орієнтованим лексико-граматичним матеріалом, необхідним для

презентації своєї майбутньої професії;
 уміти робити монологічне повідомлення про майбутню професію;
 засвоїти основи анотування, реферування професійно-орієнтованих іншомовних джерел;

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, логіка, філософія, медицина

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.

2. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to discuss your future profession and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

My Future Profession

Exercise 2. Вивчіть такі вирази:

to treat a patient - лікувати хворого
under special care - під спеціальним наглядом
to apply compress - накладати компрес
to apply cups - ставити банки
to apply mustard plasters - ставити гірчичники
to make injections - робити ін'єкції
to give medicines - давати ліки
things for nursing - предмети догляду
to carry out prescriptions - виконувати призначення
to take care of - доглядати
to be proud - гордитися
to be devoted - бути відданим
to be responsible for - відповідати за
to be kind, patient, attentive - бути добрим, терплячим, уважним

Exercise 3. Поєднайте слова, перекладіть словосполучення.

Adjectives (Прикметники) Nouns (Іменники)
real profession
noble disease
necessary college
mortal nurse
medical person
infectious doctor
patient patient
kind people
contact illness

Exercise 4. Придумайте речення зі словосполученнями, які ви утворили у Вправі 3.

Exercise 5. Доповніть речення.
1) The profession of the nurse is ....
2) A nurse must be ... .
3) A nurse makes ....
4) A nurse gives ....
5) 5)Anurseputs ... .
6) A nurse takes care of... .
7) A nurse is responsible for ....
8)A nurse must have ....
Exercise 6. Замість крапок вставте необхідні слова.
1) The work of a nurse is ... to people (presented, devoted).
2) The nurse ... for patients (cares, looks).
3) She must apply ... and ... (medicines, cups, mustard plasters, injections).
4) The nurse must have enough ... (books, magazines, knowledge).

Exercise 7. Перекладіть українською.

Why Become a Nurse?

Today's job market survivors have to be flexible, adaptable, and smart! They have to look at
what jobs are available today and what will be tomorrow. We think the nursing profession can give
you the adventure and a wide variety of exciting job opportunities which you are seeking

Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою

б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.
Викладач поділяє студентів на чотири групи і визначає час для читання й обговорення тексту
Exercise 8. Прочитайте текст і поставте до нього питання.

The Work of a Nurse

You know I am a medical college student now. My future profession is nursing. The work of
nurses is very important and necessary.
Every nurse must remember that there are no two identical people and that every patient will react
to diseases in his own way. That's why each patient needs special care.
Observations of a nurse are also very important. The nurse can see any changes in the health of her
patients. Her observations will help doctors to diagnose and treat the patients. In a hospital the nurse
has a lot of duties and she works in many areas: in. wards, laboratories, emergencv department. etc.
In wards the nurse gives medicines, makes injections, applies cups and mustard plasters. She
carries out all orders of doctors.
Every nurse must have enough knowledge of her work, because she must help people any hour of
the day and night. She must take care of patients even if they have mortal infectious diseases.
The fact is that research work goes on not only in laboratories but also in hospital wards.
Every nurse must be a member of the clinical research team.
The life of nurses is devoted to people, they are always responsible for what they do.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
Exercise 9. Ситуації для спілкування.
1. Розкажіть своєму товаришеві про свою майбутню професію медсестри.
2. Розкажіть подрузі про обов'язки медсестри у лікарні.
3. Розкажіть одногрупнику про обов'язки медсестри у поліклініці.
4. Розкажіть про діяльність медсестри, використайте наступну інформацію:
What is nursing?
* Nursing is a caring human service which recognizes that each person is unique, and has worth and
dignity, as well as the right to make decisions about his own body.
* Nursing is constantly evolving, changing along with new developments in society, sciences and
Despite the changing face of health care, nursing's goals of promoting health and providing care
and support to people through all stages of life remain at its core
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№7: Мій медичний коледж.

Актуальність теми: Ця тема є важливою для кожного студента і найбільш близькою по

змісту. Кожен студент повинен мати чітке уявлення про вуз, в якому він навчається, його
історію і традиції.

Навчальні цілі:

 оволодіти професійно орієнтованим лексико-граматичним матеріалом, необхідним для

презентації свого медичного коледжу;
 розповідати про навчання в коледжі, використовуючи нові лексичні одиниці;
 користуватися найуживанішими формулами, що належать до теми медичних
 уміти реферувати текст, визначати його основну думку.

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, медицина, історія

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.

2. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.

4.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to introduce yourself and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

I Am a Student

Exercise 2. Вивчіть наступні вирази

to be a nurse - бути медсестрою
to be a first (second, third)-year student - бути першо(друго-, третьо-)курсником
in two years - через два роки
to work hard (at) - наполегливо працювати (над)
our classes - наші заняття
two double classes of anatomy - дві пари з анатомії
to be going to - збиратися (щось зробити)
to gather - збиратися (разом)
to attend lectures, practical classes - відвідувати лекції, практичні заняття
Exercise 3. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Are you a student of the Medical College?
2. Whose advice do you follow?
3. What department do you study at?
4. What kind of classes do you have?
5. What subjects do you study this year?
6. Is your higher school curriculum hard?
7. Where do you have your practical classes?
8. Do you get enough knowledge of medicine for your future work?
9. Do you attend lectures and practical classes every day?
10. Are you going to be an outstanding scientist in medicine?

Exercise 4. Утворіть прикметники від іменників за допомогою суфікса –іс|аl.

Model: chemistry (хімія) - chemical (хімічний)
botany (ботаніка) -
microbiology (мікробіологія) -
histology (гістологія) -
anatomy (анатомія) -
pharmacology (фармакологія) -
physiology (фізіологія) -
function (функція) -
education (освіта) -
profession (професія) -

Exercise 5. Прочитайте і розіграйте діалог з одногрупником.

А: I have just finished secondary school and I want to be a nurse.
B: That's a very good idea. You may study at our Medical College like I do.
A: What can you tell me about this Medical College?
B: Our College is one of the best in Ukraine. It trains nurses and medical assistants.
A: It must be pleasant to study here.
B: Certainly it is. We have well-equipped classrooms and laboratories.
A: Please tell me, what do you do after classes? Do you have time to go to the cinema or
B: Of course, I have. I go in for sports and read books after classes and I go to the cinema on my
days off. Besides, I study English.
A: Do you know English well already?
B: No, I can't say that I do. But I'll do everything to master it.
Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою
б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.
Викладач поділяє студентів на чотири групи і визначає час для читання й обговорення тексту
Exercise 7. Прочитайте текст і перекажіть його англійською.

I Study at the Medical College

At first let me introduce myself. My name is Olena Sobko. I have finished secondary school. Now
I am a student of the Medical College. I want to be a nurse. I will treat people and fight against
different diseases.
My fellow students and I are second-year students. All of us attend lectures and practical classes
regularly and never miss them. We do our home tasks at the library where we can use any textbook we
need. The second-year curriculum includes many subjects. Anatomy is the most important subject this
year. Our timetable includes four periods a day. During our practical studies we carry out experiments
or tests in different laboratories. Today it is very important to study computer science and to do all
operations with it.
Some of my fellow students are members of scientific circles. They spend much time on research
work and get to know more about medicine and its problems.
All my spare time I spend with my friends. We go in for sports, discuss many questions, go to the
cinema and arrange evening parties. The student's life is interesting.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його

Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№8: Робочий день студента.

Актуальність теми: Тема “My Working Day” пов’язана з навчальною діяльністю студентів.
Головною метою заняття є пояснення та розбір теми на різних мовних рівнях. В процесі
навчання передбачені трансформаційні перетворення на вправи, що мають на меті подальше
застосування мовних засобів у діалогічно-монологічному мовленні студентів за наданою

Навчальні цілі:

 оволодіти професійно орієнтованим лексико-граматичним матеріалом, що стосується

 уміти розповідати про робочий день студента, про захоплення, вільний час
використовуючи необхідний лексичний матеріал;

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.

2. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с

3.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to discuss your working day and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання
І. Active vocabulary.
department - відділення
e.g. There are many departments in our regional hospital,
surgical - хірургічний
e.g. He is a nurse at the surgical department.
working day – робочий день
practice — практика
to visit lectures — відвідувати лекції
to lose consciousness - непритомніти
to lay — покласти
flat — плоско
to loose — ослабити
to cover — покривати
to sprinkle — бризкати
ammonia water — нашатирний спирт
blanket — ковдра
to keep him quite — не турбувати його
to empty — спорожняти
as soon as possible — щонайшвидше
stomach — шлунок
to call in — виклткати
immediately — негайно
sunstroke — сонячний удар
to cool — охолоджувати
shady — тіністе
sponge — губка
to keep out — підтримувати
blood circulation — кровообіг
therapeutic - терапевтичний
ward - палата; палатний
e.g. She is a ward nurse,
prescription - припис; рецепт
e.g. Here is the doctor's prescription,
temperature - температура
bed patient [- лежачий хворий
e.g. I'll give a newspaper to the bed patient.
condition - стан; умова
e.g. He asked about their condition.
examine - оглядати
e.g. The doctor examines his patients.
mistake [- помилка
e.g. She made many mistakes in the test.
to work at a hospital - працювати в лікарні
a ward nurse - палатна медсестра
to take temperature - вимірювати температуру
a temperature chart - температурний лист to
write down — записувати
quickly and quietly - робити швидко і спокійно
to air the ward - провітрити палату
to change sheets - змінити простирадла
to come true - здійснитися

to learn by practice - вивчити на практиці
ІІ. Leadin work with the vocabulary
Every day I have many interesting and important works that I must execute. I always
remember that time can not be lost and that is why always plan the day.
I get up oh a 6 morning, overalls the morning exercises and take a cool shower. As a student
physician I remember about the prophylaxis of the health and every day do physical exercises.
After breakfast I get dressed and go to building of our college on foot, as a college is next to
our dormitory.
Our employments begin in 8.10. Every day I have for a few practices or lectures.
On Friday we usually have a lecture in Physics. Long before its beginning there are always
many students in the hall – even the students of the senior course often attend this lectures. Our new
professor is not only a very good specialist in his field of science but also a qualified teacher. He
delivers lectures in his own way and gives us many new and interesting facts about the application of
physics in medicine. The professor shows us that at present deep knowledge of this science will be
particularly valuable in our future work. That is why we not only work hard in physics laboratory but
read additional literature on this subject at the library as well.
From the library I usually come back to the hostel. I am often tired but I understand that every
day which passes by gives me much valuable and necessary knowledge.
III. Work with the text. Read and translate the text.
Student in practice. The patients your help
The whole life of a nurse is devoted to people. She is responsible for her patient. Every nurse must
have enough of her work. She must help patient at any hour of the day or night. That's why you should
know how to help a person in different situations.
Situations 1. If you help a person who lost his consciousness:
1) Lay the flat on the back.
2) Raise his feet a little.
3) Loose his dress.
4) Cover him warmly and open the window.
5) Sprinkle cold water on his face.
6) Give the person to breathe in ammonia water.
Situations 2. If you help a person who is in shock:
1) Lay the flat on the back.
2) Raise his feet a little.
3) Cover him with blankets to keep him warm.
4) Give him a warm drink.
5) Keep him quiet.
Situations 3. If you help a person with poisoning:
1) Empty his stomach as soon as possible.
2) Give him much water to drink.
3) Call in a doctor immediately.
Situations 4. If you help a person who has a sunstroke:
1) Take the patient into a cool and shady place.
2) Put him on back.
3) Raise him head and shoulders a little.
4) Put cold on his head.
5) Cool his body with cold water.
6) Rub his skin with a sponge to keep up blood circulation.
Answer the question:
1) What you will be doing when a person has a sunstroke?
2) What you will be doing when a person with poisoning?
3) What you will be doing when a person in shock?
4) What you will be doing when a person lost his consciousness?
IV. Language development.
1) Translate into English:
1. Мій день починається о шостій годині ранку 2. Після того як я прокидаюся я роблю
ранкову зарядку 3. Всі повинні памятати про профілактику захворювань 4. Мій день дуже
насичений цікавими випадками. 5. На практиці у мене бувають різні випадки які вимагають
миттєвого прийняття рішення. 6. Я як майбутній медик маю розуміти цінність свого здоров'я. 7.
На практику я їжджу у різні рвйони міста. 8. Коли ти добре вчишся тобі довіряють важливу
2) Translate into Ukrainian:
1. In practice I help doctors. 2. Every day I study to many useful things. 3. We are taught
volume, how to rescue life to the people. 4. We are taught volume, how to rescue life to the people. 5.

My studies in a hospital pass very interestingly. 6.Every day I study new facts from medicine. 7. My
lessons are begun with the reiteration of the passed material.
3) Complete the following sentences:
1. From the library I usually come back to the ….. . 2. Cover him with ….. to keep him warm.
3. Give him much ….. to drink. 4. Every day I have many ….. and important works that I must ….. .
5. Put cold on his ….. . 6. Raise his ….. a little. 7. Call in a ….. immediately.
4) Make up questions and let your fellow-students answer them:
you do in the morning ?
What are you do on practice?
you do in the evening?

5) Read and play off dialogues.

Nurse: Good morning!
Patient: Good morning, Mrs. White!
Nurse: How are you today?
Patient: Thanks, no changes.
Nurse: Let's take your temperature... Well, it is normal.
Patient: Will you tell the doctor about my condition?
Nurse: Yes, of course. Don't worry. Everything will be all right.
Doctor: Good morning, Mrs. Brown.
Nurse: Good morning, doctor.
Doctor: I'd like to know how my patients are doing.
Nurse: Well, there are no bed patients in my ward. In the morning I carried out all your orders.
Doctor: What can you say about Mr. Smith? Is his temperature still high?
Nurse: No, it's normal today. He is better. Doctor: So, let's go and see.
6. Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations from the list.
activities, fit, as, weekdays, takes, why, worth, tape recorder
1. My everyday _______ are quite routine.
2. On _______ the alarm clock wakes me up at 6.30.
3. I'm not an early bird, that's _______ it's very difficult for me to get up.
4. Exercises and cold shower in the morning help me keep _______.
5. An ounce of prevention is _______ a pound of treatment.
6. It _______ me about forty minutes to get there.
7. _______ a rule I haven't got much free time on weekdays.
8. I switch on my _______ and do my morning exercises.
7. Fill in prepositions where necessary.
1. I study ... the pharmaceutical faculty.
2. I come home ... the evening.
3. I switch ... my tape recorder and do my morning exercises.
4. It takes me much time to prepare ... the next day at the university.
5. I usually sit ... late on weekdays.
6. I always look forward ... my next working day.
7. I get a lot ... useful knowledge and necessary experience at the university.
8. Replace the underlined words with their opposites from the list. Use one of the words twice.
encouragement, late, different, last, rarely, switch off, day off, little, ends, useless, doubt, easy, free,
healthy, leisure, former, hot, unfit
1. My everyday activities are quite routine.
2. On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins.
3. I'm not an early bird, that's why it's very difficult for me to get up.
4. I switch on my tape recorder and do my morning exercises.
5. Then I take a cold shower.
6. Exercises and cold shower in the morning help me keep fit, so they are a very important part of my
daily routine and I try to do these procedures regularly.
7. As a future pharmacist I believe that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment".
8. It takes me much time and effort to do all my homework and prepare for the next day at the
university when I come home in the evening.
9. When I'm not very busy I like reading, meeting friends and watching TV.
10. I get a lot of useful knowledge and necessary experience here to become a good pharmacist and
help sick people.
9. Answer the following questions.
1. Where do you study?
2. When do yon get up on weekdays?
3. Is it easy for you to get up early?
4. What do you do in the morning?
5. What time do you usually leave home?
6. How long does it take you to get to the university?
7. How many lectures a day do you usually have?
8. What do you do when you come home from the'university?
9. What do you like doing in your free time?
10. Mark sentences about yourself as true or false. Then correct the false sentences.
1. I study at the medical faculty.
2. On weekdays I get up at half past seven.
3. It's not a problem for me to get up early, especially in winter.
4. I take a bath every morning.
5. I believe that it's easier to prevent diseases than to cure them.
6. We don't study on Saturdays and Sundays.
7. It's easy for me to study.
8. I am a busy person, so I haven't got any time to meet friends.
9. I don't like watching TV.
11. Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases. Use one
of the words twice.
early, switch on, take, keep, daily, sit up, necessary, leave, work, research, extramural, nonorganic,
pharmaceutical, social, junior, general, urgent, outstanding, industrial
1. __________________________ fit
2. __________________________ routine
3. __________________________tape recorder
4. __________________________late
5. __________________________hard
6. __________________________bird
7. __________________________experience
8. __________________________a shower
9. __________________________home
10. __________________________much time
11. __________________________chemistry
12. __________________________faculty
13. __________________________problems
14. __________________________department
15. __________________________facilities
16. __________________________need
17. __________________________sciences
18. __________________________technologies
19. __________________________scientists
20. __________________________students
V. Speaking.
1. Tell about Victor Matvienko's daily routine. Use the notes below.
Name: Victor Matvienko, 20, medical student. "I like my studies at the
university very much, because I have always wanted to be a doctor. It
is tiring, though, because I study long hours."
In the morning: 6 am — get up/have a shower/get dressed/have breakfast
7.15 am — leave home
8 am — arrive at the university
8.20 am—4 pm — study at the university
In the 5 pm — come back home/have dinner/do his homework
In the evening: sometimes read a book/listen to music/go out with friends
11.30 pm — usually go to bed
In his free love playing football/meet friends/not like watching TV
Feelings: satisfied with his life/like his study a lot

2. Make questions for the answers. Then, in pairs, act out the dialogue.
—The main general and special sciences we study are botany, physiology, chemistry, physics,
pharmacology, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical chemistry and other.
—In laboratories we study physical and medical properties of medicines.
—We have practical training at chemist's shops where we learn to work as pharmacists.
—The internship lasts for one year and we specialize in four specialties: "pharmacy", "clinical
pharmacy", "technology of pharmaceutical preparations", and "technology of perfumery and cosmetic
—We can work at chemist's shops, pharmaceutical plants or chemical laboratories after graduation.
3. Give as much information as you can about:
—the higher medical institutions of Ukraine, which train pharmacists;
—the curriculum at pharmaceutical faculties;
—internship and specialization;
—the international contacts of Ukrainian medical institutions;
—postgraduate education;
—extramural department.

VI. Reading
The Working Day of a Medical Student
I am a student of the National Medical University. I study at the pharmaceutical faculty. My
everyday activities are quite routine. They are like those of any other student of our country.
On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins. I'm not an
early bird, that's why it's very difficult for me to get up, especially in winter. I switch on my tape
recorder and do my morning exercises. Then I take a cold shower, brush my teeth, wash, dress, and
have breakfast. Exercises and cold shower in the morning help me keep fit, so they are a very
important part of my daily routine and I try to do these procedures regularly. As a future pharmacist I
believe that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment".
I leave home at about 8 o'clock and go to the university. It takes me about forty minutes to get
there. We study five days a week and usually have three or four lectures a day.
During the first two years we study general sciences, such as chemistry, physiology, botany,
English, Ukrainian, Latin, etc. During the next three years pharmaceutical students study special
subjects, like pharmacy, pharmacology, toxicology and other.
The sciences we study are difficult, but good knowledge of them is necessary for my future
profession. So it takes me much time and effort to do all my homework and prepare* for the next day
at the university when I come home in the evening. I usually sit up late and as a rule haven't got much
free time on weekdays. But when I'm not very busy I like reading, meeting friends and watching TV.
I'm a very busy person and have to work hard every day, but still I always look forward to my
next working day because I like my studies at the university and I get a lot of useful knowledge and
necessary experience here to become a good pharmacist and help sick people.
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур
1. Домашнє завдання.
2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№9: Медична освіта в Україні.

Актуальність теми: Ця тема має важливе навчальне, професійне, світоглядне та особисте

значення. Студент має змогу ознайомитися з системою вищої медичної освіти в нашій країні

Навчальні цілі:

 узагальнювати одержану інформації про систему медичної освіти в Україні;

 складати план до тексту;
 оволодіти лексико-граматичним мінімумом і найуживанішими моделями за даною
 уміти розповідати про медичну систему освіти, використовуючи необхідний лексичний

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, історія медицини в Україні

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.

2. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.

4.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to discuss the medical education in Ukraine and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

I. Active vocabulary.
applicant - a6iтypiєнт
access – доступ
acquire - набувати, здобувати
competitive - конкурсний
license - ліцензія
skill - майстерність, умшня
graduate - закшчувати (вищий навчальний заклад)
guaranteed - гарантований
acquisition - здобуття
external – зовшшшй
admission - доступ, вступ
benefit - користь, вигода
provide - забезпечувати
achievement - досягнення, здобуток
integrate - об'еднувати, складати щле
anamnesis - анамнез
specialty - спещалъність
suppose - припускати, вважати

1. Match the terms with their definitions.

1. anatomy a. the science of the properties of drugs and their effects on
the body
2. physiology b. the study of microorganisms
3. microbiology с. the study of disease processes with the aim of un-
derstanding their nature and causes
4. immunology d. the science concerned with the functioning of organisms
and their parts
5. pathology e. the study of immunity
6. pharmacology f. the study of the structure of living organisms
7. therapeutics g. the branch of medicine that deals with different methods
of treatment and healing

2. Choose the words that do not go with the words in bold.

student applicant work graduate
physician biology surgeon dentist
equipment technology result appliance
problem issue challenge access
education skills available knowledge
anatomy pharmacology license physics

acquire suppose get receive
provide give receive believe

3. Find sentences in the Present Simple or Past Simple and translate them into Ukrainian.
1. Every year many young people enter higher medical schools.
2. The period of training at a medical university is 5-6 years.
3. He acquired the necessary knowledge and passed the anatomy test.
4. The challenges of the twenty-first century call for radical modernization of the system of education.
5. Ukrainian education is humanistic and based on the cultural, historical and spiritual heritage of the
6. The state guarantees equal access to education for all Ukrainians.

Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою

б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.

Medical Education in Ukraine

Citizens of Ukraine have equal, merit-based access to higher education institutions. School
graduates who have completed general secondary education may enter higher educational institutions
to receive undergraduate training. All Ukrainians are guaranteed competitive merit-based access to
free (budget-financed) education in state-owned institutions. A definite number of students may be
admitted beyond the number of available state-funded places and in this case tuition fees are applied.
The Diploma usually serves as both an educational certificate and a professional license confirming the
joint acquisition of educational and professional training.
To enter a higher medical education establishment one should pass external admission testing
and only those who achieve good results are admitted. External admission testing which has been
recently introduced in Ukraine presents some benefits for applicants. They may not only demonstrate
high efficiency in some subjects but also present results of admission tests to a couple of universities,
which gives applicants a possibility to make a better choice. As for future medical students they should
have high academic achievements in such subjects as biology, physics, and Ukrainian language.
During the first two years at a medical university students learn anatomy, histology, physics,
chemistry, pathology, microbiology, foreign languages and some social subjects.
An academic year consists of two terms, and according to the module system of training each
subject consists of some modules -each subject has a different number of modules.
Due to this system of training at the end of each module students take credit tests and in some
subjects - exams. Besides, at the end of the third and at the sixth course medical students pass the State
Licensing Integrated Examinations. Passing the "Step 1" examination students should demonstrate
profound knowledge in the following subjects: medical biology, anatomy (normal and pathological),
histology, physiology (normal and pathological), biochemistry, microbiology and pharmacology.
Clinical subjects are taught starting from the fourth year. With the knowledge acquired senior
students begin to develop their professional skills in different hospital wards where they are taught to
take anamnesis and make physical examination on their own.
After the fourth year students must undertake a practical course during which they work as
doctor's assistants and have a possibility to learn the importance of good doctor-patient relationship.
Passing the "Step 2" examination students demonstrate their professional knowledge in such clinical
subjects as: therapy, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, infectious diseases, ENT diseases,
ophthalmology, etc.
The period of training at most Ukrainian higher medical schools is 5 years to become a
pharmacist or a dentist and 6 years to become a specialist in a great variety of medical specialties.
After graduating from a higher medical school undergraduates get diplomas and are supposed
to work as interns for a year or more depending on the chosen medical career. From that time they are
no more medical students but life-time students of medicine.

в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.

Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
II. Language Development
1. Match the following Ukrainian words and word combinations with the English ones.

1. вища освіта a. to acquire knowledge
2. академічна усшшшсть b. term
3. вибір с. medical specialties
4. навчання d. senior student
5. старшекурсник e. academic achievement
6. набувати знання f. professional skills
7. медичні спещальносп g. training
8. семестр h. high education
9. професійні навички i. choice

2. Match the terms and their definitions.

1. full-time students a. students enrolled in distance education courses

2. external students b. holders of a Specialist's/Master's degree in medicine enrolled
in higher educational institutions for professional development
3. interns с. secondary school graduates enrolled in a higher educational
institution in pursuit of professional qualification confirmed by a
corresponding degree
4. clinical fellows d. graduates of higher medical education institutions and holders
of a Specialist's degree spending a probation period of practical
professional work before the receipt of a doctor's/pharmacist's

3. Complete the following sentences choosing suitable words/word combinations from the box.
(importance, become, admission test, must pass, tuition, professional skills, 5 years, clinical
training, equipped, acquire)
1. It is necessary to start developing ... being a medical student.
2. All the applicants are admitted to medical universities after passing
3. The basic theoretical subjects are of great ... for a future doctor.
4. To become a pharmacist one should spend ... at the University.
5. Medical students ... basic knowledge during the first two years of training.
6. ... begins from the 4th year of training.
7. Every year thousands of young people ... medical students.
8. Applicants ... physics, biology and Ukrainian language to be admitted to a medical university.
9. During the period of training students have an opportunity to work in laboratories ... with modern
10. ... at the University is partially free, some 49 percent of students pay for their education.

4. Match the terms with their definitions.

1. Junior Specialist a. complete higher education, adequate skills and knowledge sufficient
to perform advanced professional tasks and duties; the holder may
perform professional activities at a technological level
2. Bachelor b. complete higher education, skills and knowledge sufficient to
perform advanced professional tasks and duties; professional activities
at a research level
3. Specialist с. incomplete higher education, skills and knowledge sufficient for
entry-level tasks; professional activity at operator's level
4. Master d. basic higher education, skills and knowledge adequate for general
professional tasks and duties; the holders may perform professional
activities at a technological level

5. Match the words in the list with their synonyms from the box.
(to establish, to call, famous, to have, prominent, staff, care,
establishment, respect, tuition, disciple, dentist)
1. follower —
2. stomatologist
3. training —
4. honour —
5. institution —
6. to name —
7. attention —
8. to possess —
9. personnel —
10. well-known -
11. to found —
12. outstanding —

6. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

1. I could get a job as a secondary school ... now, but I want to continue studying to become a
university .... (teacher/lecturer)
2. History is my favorite ..., but today's ... wasn't very interesting. (lesson/subject)
3. My primary school has only 300 ... , but there are over 5,000 ... at my brother's university,
4. Frank got good ... in all of his school exams, so he was able to go to university to do
a ... . (grades/degree)
5. There will be no lectures during the last ... of my history ... as we are expected to study for exams
then, (course/term)
6 I got an extra ... for remembering the name of Napoleon's horse, so my final ... for the test was 19
out of 20! (point/mark)
7 The ... of the arts faculty used to be a ... of a primary school. (dean/headmaster)
8 When I went to ..., 1 only saw my parents during the holidays, but now that I go to a ... I see them
every night, (day school/boarding school)
9 It is necessary to pay school fees in order to go to a ..., whereas a ... one is run by the state and is
therefore free, (comprehensive/private school)
10 My brother and sister go to a ..., but I go to a ... where there are only girls, (co-educational
school/single-sex school)

7. Complete the sentences by filling in the gaps with the correct words or expressions.

1. During t..., medical in particular, the role of the educational supervisor a. objective
is very important.
2. Establishing a supportive and constructive atmosphere in which 1... can b. discussion
take place is essential.
3. It is essential to resolve by d...what the learner wants to learn and what с. training
the teacher sees as his needs.
4. The teacher must acquire the skill to negotiate the learning o... . d. learning
5. The teacher's role is to organize 1... and not to act just as a transmitter e. information
of information.
6. Learning itself is much more than acquiring i...; it is a qualitative as f. learning events
well as quantitative process.
7. The early stages of learning are very i... . g. motivation
8. The learner's emotional state has a great influence on m... and that is h. important
equally important for undergraduates and seniors.

8. Complete the sentences by choosing appropriate prepositions from the box. Translate the
completed sentences into Ukrainian.

a. of, into e. of, for, of, in

b. for, for, of f. from, of, about
с. in, with g. for, by, for
d. at, of, of h. in, of, in, of

1. Our students must feel the joy ... learning and desire ... the acquisition ... knowledge ... the chosen
2. Learning ... grades, swotting ... tests cannot be accepted as the correct way ... training.
3. Students must learn ... the experience ... teachers who are enthusiastic ... their subject and benefit
their profession.
4. Learning ... grades must be replaced ... learning ... life.
5. The traditional end-...-year examinations may encourage students ... surface learning, cannot
adequately test deep learning.
6. Traditional learning may only be seen ... a well-motivated student ... a true professional attitude.
7. If students work together ... pairs, they will achieve a far higher degree ... self-criticism than usually
seen ... the traditional way ... tuition.
8. ... the end ... each module the depth ... the student's knowledge is assessed.

9. Read the following comments made by students and decide whether each is for or against
taking exams.
1. "I think exams make students try to work more."
2. "Exams make everyone try to get the best marks they can."
3. "I need to feel calm but exams make me so nervous."
4. "I wasn't feeling well on the day of the exam, so I didn't do well."
5. "It's simply a question of luck."
6. "The boy sitting next to me hadn't studied at all, but he copied my answers and passed the exam."
7. "It's for disorganized people who begin to learn something on the eve of the exam."
8. "I think exams are the quickest way of testing students."
9. "I am a slow thinker, I need more time."
10. "I studied for weeks before my last exam, but on the day itself I was so nervous that I couldn't
remember a thing!"

10. Make eight questions somebody may ask concerning medical education. The following
suggestions may help you.
1. How many lectures ... ?
2. What special and general subjects ... ?
3. What laboratories ... ?
4. When do ... ?
5. Is medical education ... ?
6. What helps you ... ?
7. When did you pass ... ?
8. What is your attitude ... ?

11. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Comment your answer.
1. At present the priorities of Ukrainian education policy include ensuring of equal access to higher
2. Students of the third year are able to take anamnesis and make physical examination on their own.
3. The national education system conveys principles of humanism, democracy and cultural diversity.
4. Modernization of the system of education may take place in accordance with the latest
achievements in all fields of studies.
5. Integrated curricula and educational programs are of minor importance.

12. Answer the following questions.

1. Do Ukrainians have equal access to higher educational institutions?
2. What should applicants take to be admitted to a higher medical school?
3. What subjects do students have during the first two years?
4. Do students have examination sessions at present?
5. What do students have at the end of each module?
6. Is the number of modules the same for different subjects?
7. What subjects are included for testing in the State License Integrated Examinations at the end of
the third year?
8. What clinical subjects are tested in the State Licensed Integrated Examinations at the end of the
sixth year?
9. Where can senior students develop professional skills?
10. What is the period of training at Ukrainian higher medical schools?
13. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Традиційне читання лекцій все ще залишаеться одним iз ефективних cnoco6iв надання
студентам необхщної інформаци.
2. Швидкий розвиток інформаційних технологій i їx використання в навчальному npoцeci
створюють безпрецедентні можливості для самостійної роботи студентів.
3. Анатомія як один iз базових теоретичних предметів надзвичайно важлива для майбутнього
4. Запровадження модульної системи сприяє розвитку зацікавленості студентів в оцінюванні
їx знань.
14. Put the verb to be in the correct form.
1. The period of medical training in Ukraine ... 5—6 years.
2. This year many students ... admitted to the Medical University.
3. It ... necessary to pass external testing to be admitted to a university.
4. Much time ... devoted to work in anatomy classes and laboratories.
5. Last Monday the weather ... rainy and cold.
6. Curricula and teaching plans ... uniform in all higher medical establishments.
7. Academic achievement ... the most important factor in the selection of students.
8. One of the principle challenges of the twenty-first century ... radical modernization of the system
of education.
9. At school he ... rather good at sports.
10. Though he didn't like school, he ... very interested in reading.
15. Complete the questions with the auxiliary verbs from the box.
(Does did was do)
1. When ... he enter the University?
2. What subject ... students have at the University?
3. When ... clinical training start?
4. What ... the choice of undergraduates?
5. What ... the way of entering universities some years ago?
6. When ... external admission testing introduced?
7. What ... the term of training at medical universities in Ukraine?
8. What ... the period of internship depend on?
16. Rearrange the words to make questions.
1. does an year of what consist medical of students academic?
2. applicants priorities what do the medal have gold with?
3. are importance what for basic medical subjects students of great?
4. many were to how students admitted university to medical?
5. testing was when external introduced?
6. do undertake students when a course practical?
7. benefits what external testing admission for present for applicants does?
8. the Diploma professional does serve as educational license and a certificate?
17. Replace the underlined words with their opposites from the box. Mark sentences about
yourself as true or false.
(encouragement late different last rarely switch off day off little ends useless doubt
easy free healthy leisure former hot unfit)
1. My everyday activities are quite routine.
2. On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins.
3. I'm not an early bird, that's why it's very difficult for me to get up.
4. I switch on my tape recorder and do my morning exercises.
5. Then I take a cold shower.
6. Exercises and cold shower in the morning help me keep./?*, so they are very important part of my
daily routine and I try to do these procedures regularly.
7. As a future physician I believe that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment".
8. It takes me much time and effort to do all my homework and prepare for the next day at the
university when I come home in the evening.
9. When I'm not very busy, I like reading, meeting friends and watching TV.
10. I get a lot of useful knowledge and necessary experience here to become a good pharmacist and
help sick people.
18. Look at the text below. Some part of the text is missing. Prepare questions to ask about the
missing information.
1. The term of training at most Ukrainian higher medical schools is .... (How many?)
2. During the first two years medical students attend lectures on ... . (What?)
3. At the end of each term students take .... (What?)
4. Senior students develop their professional skills in different ... (Where?)
5. A graduate must spend .... (How many?) years as an ... . (Who?)

19. Correct mistakes.

1. I don't busy at the weekends.
2. The student are not responsible for his work at the university.
3. Medical students study anatomy?
4. In Ukraine there are a wide network of higher medical institutions.
5. The scientists is still doing research in field of medicine.
6. The equipment of the laboratory are modern and present great facilities for learning chemistry .
7. My everyday activities is quite routine but still require a lot of time.
8. The sciences we study is difficult but good knowledge of them are necessary for my future

III. Speaking
1. Can you do these tasks on your own?

Yes No Need more

Give names of subjects which are □ □ □
taught during the preclinical
Point out some benefits of the □ □ □
module system of education
Compare traditional ways of □ □ □
estimating student's knowledge
with those used in the module
system of training

Discuss the following issues.

• The ways of entering medical universities
• Express your personal attitude to testing
• What subject has presented difficulties.
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№10: Стародавня медицина.

Актуальність теми: Медичні знання стародавніх цивілізацій відіграють важливе значення у

встановленні та сприяння подальшого розвитку всієї медичної науки.

Навчальні цілі:

 оволодіти професійно орієнтованим лексико-граматичним матеріалом, що стосується

 уміти написати анотацію та реферат;
 уміти розповідати про відомості з історії медицини та стародавніх медиків

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, історія медицини

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.

2. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
3.Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.

4.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to talk about the history of medicine and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

I. Active vocabulary.
plague – чума́;
colony – коло́нія;
disease – хвороба;
fever - гарячка;
typhoid - черевний тиф;
million – мільйон;
advance (forward move) – просування, наступ;
development (unfolding) — розвиток, ріст;
hospital — лікарня;
european – європейський;
II. Leadin work with the vocabulary.
Man tried to protect health during the Middle Ages. Certain important health methods were
used during this period. Epidemics of diphtheria, typhoid, fever, leprosy (проказа), influenza, bubonic
plague and other diseases took millions of lives.
Leprosy was spread for hundreds of years. This disease was controlled not by medical means.
The patients lived in special colonies away from other people. This was a very important advance in
public health during this period. During the Middle Ages plague killed many millions of people in
In 1348 the "Black Death" struck (поразила) Britain: nobody knew how to fight with the
disease. The doctors advised people to run away from the affected (пораженные) areas. Everybody
agreed that plague was god's punishment (божья кара) for the sins (грех) of men.

Answer the questions:

1) What diseases took millions of lives in the middle ages?
2) How was leprosy controlled in the middle ages?
3) What disease struck Britain in 1348?
4) How was plague called?
5) Was plague god's punishment for the sins of man?
Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою
б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.
Викладач поділяє студентів на чотири групи і визначає час для читання й обговорення тексту
Read and translate the text.

A very important development during the Middle Ages was the hospital. Hospitals appeared
in Ceylon early in the fifth century В. C. and in India in 260 В. C. Hospitals were founded during the
Middle Ages in Italy, France, England, Spain, and other European countries.
The number of hospital beds was not always an indication of hospital size, usually great beds
were used and four-six patients were put on one bed.
Hospitals were founded to treat the sick people. Another development during the Middle Ages
was the foundation of Universities. Many of the great European Universities were founded during the
thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Biological sciences were taught in the universities. Students also
studied the human body and some diseases.
Answer the questions:
1) What were important developments during the Middle Ages?
2) When and where did the first hospitals appear?
3) Was the number of hospital beds an indication of hospital size?
4) What were hospitals founded for?
5) What sciences did students study in the universities in the Middle Ages?

Read and translate the text.

History of Medicine
Medical care is one of the oldest professions in the history of mankind. In ancieni times
people believed that diseases were caused by the evil spirits or due to the anger of the gods. So the
earliest "cures" were prayers and use of magic.
In ancient civilization medical advice came not only from healers, but from the folk wisdom
of many generations. Folk medicine prescribed a dirty sock around the neck if you wanted to cure the
common cold or a pair of shoes placed upside down under the bed to relieve leg cramps. Tobacco juice
was supposed to heal an earache and black pepper to cure asthma. Folklore was also full of warnings.
Amulets were trusted medical devices.
However it is surprising that many medical ideas, techniques and medications which are still
used today originated in civilizations hundreds and thousands of years old.
Some medical discoveries of curative value were made by prehistoric and ancient people. As
far back as 10,000 years ago, prehistoric healers performed trephining, in which a hole was cut in the
patient's skull to relieve pressure on the brain.
Fragments of pre-Christian Egyptian writing describe a routine scheme from the patient's
symptoms to physical examination and then to suggested therapy and prognosis. The Babylonian Code
of Hammurabi, dated 2040 B.C., contains statements about the proper conduct of physicians and
prescribes punishments for malpractice. In India, early medical people discovered the relationship
between malaria and mosquitoes, the discovery of more than 700 medicinal plants and the invention of
more than 100 surgical instruments was done in ancient times.
In the fifth century A.D., great Indian physician Susruta was treating fractures, removing
tumors, and delivering babies by Caesarian section.
In China, acupuncture has been a part of Chinese medicine since ancient times. Originally it
was used to treat diseases; nowadays acupuncture's effectiveness in controlling chronic pain has
become more widely used. Scientists believe that the needles may stimulate the brain to produce
morphine like painkillers called endorphins and enkephalins.
Hippocrates, the ancient physician commonly considered the father of medicine, was born in
Greece in 460 B.C. He supposed that disease had only natural causes. Though its authorship is
unknown, the famous Hippocratic Oath is named for him. His medical observations became well-
known in the Western world and physicians are still required to take the Hippocratic Oath and they
promise to maintain the utmost respect for human life and to respect the confidentiality of the doctor-
patient relationship. Hippocrates was the first to separate art and science of medicine from the practice
of religion.
In the second century A.D., Greek physician Galen insisted that the study of anatomy is a
basis for medical facts.
History of Medicine: Part 2
The Middle Ages date from about 500 A.D. to about 1500 A.D. The period from 500 A.D. to
about 1000 A.D. is often referred to as Dark Ages, as there was lack of progress in the ability of people
to understand and control their environment. During Middle Ages many hospitals were built in Europe.
In the middle of the I4lh century the bubonic plague killed one-fourth of the European population and
the scientists became more determined to search for practical, effective methods of dealing with
medical problems. This marked the beginning of the scientific approach to medicine.
During the Renaissance, laws forbidding the dissection of cadavers were relaxed and as a
result, the first accurate textbook on human anatomy was published. In 1515 the first public dissection
of a human cadaver was performed.

Dissection enabled physicians to identify the heart and its circulatory system, the major
nerves, the stomach and other digestive organs.
In 1545, the first pharmacy was opened in London. Prescription of medicines had been
administered prior to this time, but the establishment of this shop indicated means of treating a disease.
Today, many thousands of drugs are used to treat illnesses.
The microscope was invented in 1590. Laboratory technicians use it regularly to analyze
specimens of blood, urine and tissue. Their reports help physicians to make the diagnosis of a disease.
In the early 1600s, English physician William Harvey discovered how blood circulates in the
body and published the first medical book describing this circulation and the role of the heart. In 1667,
the first blood transfusion was performed. In 1699 a law to control communicable diseases was
enacted in the American colony of Massachusetts.
In the 19th century, modern surgery was made possible by two revolutionary discoveries: the
invention of safe methods of anesthesia and the control of wound infection by the use of antiseptics
and sterile equipment. Besides, a set of diagnostic procedures, requiring a complete case history and a
thorough physical examination, became common medical practice. In 1895, Roentgen discovered the
X-ray to detect abnormalities inside the body.
The 20th century has brought medical advances in nearly every area of medicine. Open-heart
surgery has been developed. Organ transplants are often successful. Vaccines (infectious agents given
to patients to establish resistance to particular diseases) have almost eliminated the threat of
poliomyelitis. The electrocardiogram (EKG), electroencephalogram (EEG) and computed tomography
help physicians to detect heart and brain malfunctions. Due to early diagnosis and more
effective treatment more and more cancer victims are surviving. X-ray examination helps to make
more accurate diagnosis and more effective treatment. Lasers become very helpful in surgery. As
people change their lifestyles and their environment new diseases appear. That's why health workers
always search for better medical care.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
IV. Language development.

1) Translate the indefinitely-personal suggestions

1) It is known that the increase of the number of leukocytes takes place when a person is ill.
2) It is determined that in the man the corpuscles form from 39 to 50 percent of the blood volume.
3) It is considered that the first heart sound is the longest.
4) One can say that heart sounds are very important in making the diagnosis of a heart disease.

2) Insert the particle of to before an infinitive, where it is necessary.

1. I'd like ... dance. 2. She made me ... repeat my words several times. 3.1 saw him ... enter the
room. 4. She did not let her mother ... go away. 5. Do you like ... listen to good music? 6. Would you
like ... listen to good music? 7. That funny scene made me ... laugh. 8. I like ... play the guitar. 9. My
brother can ... speak French. 10. We had ... put on our overcoats because it was cold. 11. They wanted
... cross the river. 12. It is high time for you ... go to bed. 13. May I ... use your telephone? 14. They
heard the girl ... cry out with joy. 15. I would rather ... stay at home today. 16. He did not want ... play
in the yard any more. 17. Would you like ... go to England? 18. You look tired. You had better ... go
home. 19.1 wanted ... speak to Nick, but could not ... find his telephone number. 20. It is time ... get
up. 21. Let me ... help you with your homework. 22.1 was planning ... do a lot of things yesterday. 23.
I'd like ... speak to you. 24. I think I shall be able ... solve this problem. 25. What makes you ... think
you are right? 26. I shall do all I can ... help you. 27. I like ... dance.

3) Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. ancient а. ефективність
2. discovery b. описувати
3. effectiveness с. вважати
4. describe d. довіряти
5. relieve е. молитися
6. consider f. відкриття
7. trust g. попередження
8. warning h. спостереження

9. pray і. давній
10. observation j. полегшити

4. Form a noun from each verb below. Use a dictionary for help.
1. prescribe - a. treat —
2. examine — b. cure —
3. bleed - c. breath —
4. control — d. diagnose -

5) Match these definitions with the words.

1. A part of the body having a special function. a. acupuncture
2. Prediction of the course and end of a disease. b. surgery
3. The patient's complete medical background, including с. heal
past physical and mental conditions, medical problems d. dissection
of family members and the patient's present complaints. e. organ
4. The insertion of needles along various nerve root f. therapy
pathways of the body for diagnostic or therapeutic g. prognosis
purposes. h. diagnosis
5. A branch of medicine dealing with operative proce i. examination
56. The use of scientific methods to determine the cause J. case history
and nature of patient's illness.
7. Careful study of the patient's body to determine the
presence or absence of diseases.
78. Treatment of disease or pathological condition.
9. Careful study of the patient's body to determine the
presence or absence of diseases.
10. The cutting of parts of the body in order to study
11. To cure, make whole or healthy

6) Read the text "History of Medicine" and answer the following questions.
1. What methods were used in the pusl to prevent illnesses?
2. Who is called the "lather of medicine?"
3. What is acupuncture?
4. What country is famous lor using acupuncture in ancient times?
5. Why is the study of lmnuin anatomy important for physician's work?
6. How were diseases treated in early societies?
7. Did prehistoric and ancient peoples make any medical discoveries of curative value? What are they?
8. Is doctor-patient relationship important for medical career?
9. What country were medicinal plants traditionally used in?
10. Why was Galen's anatomical research of great value?

7) Match the words with their definitions.

1. insensibility to pain or touch a. dissection
2. to transfer an organ or tissue from donor to recipient b. circulation
3. the cutting of parts of the body in order to study them c. transfusion
4. electromagnetic radiation used to diagnose and treat diseases d. malfunction
5. agent that slows or stops the growth of microorgan isms e. anesthesia
6. movement of the blood, lymph or other fluids through f. antiseptic
the body g. transplant
7. disorder of function h. X-ray
8. the intravenous administration of blood or plasma

8) Complete the following sentences choosing suitable words from the box.
imbalance fracture result from medical substances described
personality acupuncture ancient renal
1. Greek physicians developed systems where health was thought to ... a balance of natural forces.
2. The ... Greek physicians made many compilations of plants and medicines.
3. The disease is a result of natural forces ... .
4. In the Roman world the Roman healer was entrusted with many ... functions.

9) Read the text "History of Medicine part 2" and answer the following questions.
1. Why is the period from about 500 A.D. to about 1000 A.D. called Dark Ages?
2. When were many hospitals built in Europe?
3. What helped to publish the first accurate textbook on human anatomy?
4. When was the first pharmacy opened?
5. How did the invention of the microscope help physicians to make accurate diagnosis of a disease?
6. Who discovered the role of the heart and blood circulation?
7. When was the first blood transfusion performed?
8. What became a common medical practice in the 19th century?
9. What medical advances were achieved in the 20th century?
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№11: Гіппократ — батько медицини.

Актуальність теми: Принципи лікування, закладені «батьком медицини» Гіппократом (460-

377гг. до н.е.), лежать у витоків лікарської етики. У своїй знаменитій «Клятві», Гіппократ
сформулював обов'язки лікаря перед пацієнтом. Не дивлячись на те, що з тих пір минуло багато
століть, «Клятва» не втратила своєї актуальності, більш того, вона стала еталоном побудови
багатьох етичних документів.

Навчальні цілі:

 оволодіти професійно орієнтованим лексико-граматичним матеріалом, що стосується

 уміти написати анотацію та реферат
 уміти розповідати про Гіпократа в усній і письмовій формі, виділяючи характерні риси

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, історія медицини

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.

2.Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
3.Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to talk about the life and the contribution to medicine Hippocrates and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

I. Active vocabulary.
practice - пра́ктика;
medicine – медици́на;
plague – чума́;
Excellent – отли́чный;
stablish(found, set up) - учрежда́ть, -ди́ть; устана́вливать, -ови́ть.
create- создава́ть, -а́ть.
disease – боле́знь;
natural (found in, pertaining to nature) - есте́ственный, приро́дный, стихи́йный;
language - язы́к; (esp. spoken) речь;
collection - колле́кция; (accumulation) скопле́ние;
basis - осно́ва, ба́зис;
б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.
Викладач поділяє студентів на чотири групи і визначає час для читання й обговорення тексту
II. Leadin work with the vocabulary.


Hippocrates was born in 460 В. C. on the island (остров) of Cos. He was the son of a doctor.
Hippocrates studied medicine and then he went from town to town where he practiced the art of
medicine. It is known that he drove out (изгнал) the plague [pleig] (чума) from Athens by lighting
fires in the street of the city.
Hippocrates was known as an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine. He established
medical schools in Athens and in other towns. He wrote several books and many case histories
(история болезни). Hippocrates taught his pupils to examine the patient very attentively and to give
him quick help. He created medicine on the basis of experience. He taught that every disease was a
natural process and it had natural causes. Hippocrates treated diseases by exercise, massage, salt water
baths, diet and suitable (подходяший) medicine. Не observed diseases such а pneumonia, tuberculosis
and malaria and added to the medical language such words as chronic, crisis, relapse (рецидив) and
convalescence (выздоровлении).
Hippocrates made medicine an art, a science and a profession.
Hippocrates is the most famous of all the Greek doctors. He is often called "the father of
Medicine" and some of his ideas are still important.
Doctors in many countries take the Hippocratic Oath (клятва). It is a collection of promises
(обещание), written by Hippocrates, which forms the basis of the medical code of honour (кодекс
чести). The Oath of Hippocrates contains many of his basic thoughts and principles.

в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
- Answer the questions:

1) When was Hippocrates born?

2) How did he practice the art of medicine?
3) How did Hippocrates drive out the plague from Athens?
4) Was Hippocrates an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine?
5) How did Hippocrates teach his pupils to examine the patient?
6) How did Hippocrates treat diseases?
7) What are the words, added to the medical language, by Hippocrates?
8) Who is the most famous of all the Greek doctors?
9) Why is Hippocrates called "the Father of Med

III. Language development.

1) Translate into English:
симптом багатьох хвороб, звичайна простуда, може супроводжувати, сильний головний
біль, радитися з лікарем , частий і сильний головний біль, пухлина мозку.

2) Translate into the Ukrainian language of proverb and saying:

1.Better late then never. 2. It is easier said that done. 3. Two heads are better than one. 4. The
grass is always greener on the other side.

3) Translate into English:

1. Марія — наша краща студентка. 2. Це найвища будівля у нашому місті. 3. Т. Г.
Шевченко — мій найулюбленіший поет. 4. Яка найдовша річка у Європі? 5. Стів старше свого
брата. 6. Цей магазин найбільший у нашому місті.

4) Write the English equivalents of next word-combinations :

збори були проведені, відсвяткувати закінчення медичного коледжу, бути запрошеним ,
відвідати церемонію, сущність клятви, присвятити все своє життя охороні здоровя людей, не
шкодити хворим, прийняти відповідальність.

5) Put questions to these suggestions, since the words indicated in brackets:

1) There are twenty-five students in our group (How many...)
2) There arc hundreds of books on medicine in our library (How many...)
3) There was an interesting meeting in our group (Where...)
4) There were many nurses at the surgical department (Where...)

6) Replace direct speech indirect

1) The nurse said: "Your weight is too small".
2) The doctor said: "Your blood pressure is higher on the right arm than on the left arm".
3) The lecturer said: "The blood vessels are divided into arteries, veins and capillaries".
4) The surgeon said: "The new method of the operation on the heart is used widely".
5) The doctor said: "The cause of the disease is clear".

7) Insert « much» or «many» .

1. I don't eat ... mangoes. 2. Не eats ... fish. 3. She ate so ... dessert that she is in bed today
with a stomachache. 4. That man drank so ... wine, and he smoked so ... cigarettes that he has a terrible
headache today. 5. Mary must not eat too ... salt because she has problems with her blood pressure. 6.
My mother says I eat too ... French fries and drink too ... beer. She wants her son to be healthy. 7.
There is not too ... space in my flat. 8. There are ... new pictures in this room. 9. There are ... teachers
at our school, and ... of them are women. 10. ... of these plays are quite new. 11. Thanks awfully for
the books you sent me yesterday. — Don't mention it, it wasn't ... bother. 12. ... of her advice was
useful. 13. He had ... pairs of socks. 14. Please don't put ... pepper on the meat. 15. There were ... plates
on the table. 16. I never eat ... bread with soup. 17. Why did you eat so ... ice cream? 18. She wrote us
... letters from the country. 19. ... of these students don't like to look up words in the dictionary. 20. ...
in this work was too difficult for me. 21. ... of their answers were excellent. 22. ... of their conversation
was about the institute.

IV. Speaking.
Kate: Hallo! Where are you going from, Helen?
Helen: Hallo Kate! I am returning home from the medical college.
K. Why are you so late?
H. I was at the meeting.
K. What meeting?
H.The meeting was held to mark the graduation from medical college and I was invited to attend the
K: Tell me, please, was there anything interesting at the meeting?
H. First of all I must say that it was a very solemn (торжественная) ceremony. Our young specialists
looked very happy an excited.
K: Who made a speech?
H: The director did. Everybody was listening to her with great attention. 1 shall always remember the
words of the professional oath of Hippocrates which the young specialists were repeating after the
K: What is the essence of this oath?
H: The young specialists promised to give all their strength, knowledge and abilities to people who
need their help. They promised to devote all their life to the protection of people's health, to the fight
against diseases, not to do any harm to their patients. They promised to be true to their profession.
K: Really, it is a great oath.
H: I felt great excitement. Now I understand still better all the responsibility which I am going to take
after my graduation.
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур


1. Домашнє завдання.
2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№12: Тибетська медицина.

Актуальність теми: Медичні знання стародавніх цивілізацій відіграють важливе значення у

встановленні та сприяння подальшого розвитку всієї медичної науки.

Навчальні цілі:

 знати лексичні одиниці та мовні зразки до теми «Тібетська медицина».

 вміти вживати в усному мовленні вивчені лексичні одиниці та мовні зразки.
 коротко розповідати про відмінні ознаки Тібетської медицини
 уміти написати анотацію та реферат;

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, історія медицини

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.Юдіна Є.Є.,Потяженко Л.В. Підручник англійської мови. К.:Вища школа,1994.

1.Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для

медучилищта коледжів.-К.:Вища школа,1997.

2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.

Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.

2. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с

3.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to talk about Tibetan medicine and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

I. Read the words and word-combinations to the text (Part I).

Tibetan medicine - тибетська медицина

ancient - стародавній,, древній
both in theory and practice як у теорії, так і на практиці
to busy in oblivion - незаслужено забувати
to reveal - виявляти (секрет)
know-how - досвід, уміння
xylograph - ксилограф (гравюра на дереві)
treatise Chjud-shi - трактат Джуд-Ші
to include - містити, включати
to grasp the meaning - зрозуміти
verse - вірш
justifiable - який може бути виправданий
violation of the equilibrium-порушення рівноваги
vital sources - життєві сили
the suffering of entire organism - страждання всього організму
to single out (food) виділяти (їжу)
nutritive juice поживний сік
subsequent stage - відповідний етап
to compress this period - скорочувати цей період
to retain in memory - пам'ятати (тримати в пам'яті)
vision зір
hearing слух
smell нюх
taste and touch смак і дотик

II. Read and translate the text.

(Part I)
The methods of treatment used by ancient Tibetans are radically different, both in theory and
practice from modern methods. However, we cannot bury in oblivion the know-how perfected over
thousands of years just because we fail to understand it. The more so, as our research has revealed that
this know-how is obviously useful.
The Buryat scientists have in their disposition over 20,000 ancient xylographs on various
sciences in Tibetan, Sanskrit, Old Mongolian and Chinese. Treatises on medicine constitude a

considerable part of them. They include Chjudshi - 14,000 lines of image - laden verse - which is the
main key to Tibetan medicine.
At present the scientists study tens and hundreds of books, without which it is impossible to
grasp the meaning of the main treatise.
The primary theoretical ideas of Tibetan medicine are quite logical in their own way. Tibetan
physicians' concept of "health" and "disease" as being not two diametrically different natural states but
two dialectically opposed aspects of a single process is justifiable. The Tibetans thought that diseases
were caused by the violation of the equilibrium of the main "vital sources" and that a disease reflected
the suffering of the entire organism and not just its separate organ. Therefore the entire organism
should be treated.
Among the "external" reasons causing disease, Tibetan medicine singled out food in particular.
According to Chjud-shi, food formed in the human organism a "nutritive juice" which develops
in 7 subsequent stages (including the state of the blood) in the course of 7 days. The task of Tibetan
doctor was to "compress" this period as much as possible. The treatise says that some medicines can
restore a sick organism to health in one day.
A Tibetan doctor had to retain in his memory information that takes up 22 500 -page volumes
of modern text. His senses-vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch -had to be extremely fine. The
ancient medics used them instead of a modern diagnostic laboratory.
An experienced diagnostician, says the treatise, can differentiate between 400 different "hues"
of pulse. The pulse is felt by the doctor on the radial arteries of the patient's arms with the second, third
and fourth fingers of both hands. Each finger obtained information from one to six of the main human
organs - the heart, liver, both kidneys, lungs and the gastro-intestinal tract.
The doctor became an expert when his theoretical knowledge and practical abilities blended in
perfect synchronization. But this took decades to achieve even for "especially gifted" people.

III. Answer the questions:

1. Are the methods of treatment used by ancient Tibetans different from
modern methods?
2. What are the primary theoretical ideas of Tibetan medicine?
3. What did they think about treatment of the sick organism?
4. What did they single out among the "external" reasons causing disease?
5. What did food form in the human organism?
6. What does the treatise say about medicine?
7. What kind of information had a Tibetan doctor to retain in his memory?
8. What did the ancient medics use instead of modern diagnostic laboratory?
9. How was the pulse felt by a doctor in that time?
10. What human organs did the fingers obtain information from?

Питання для самоконтролю.

Answer the following questions.

l.Are the methods of treatment used by ancient Tibetans different from modern
2.Whatarethe primary theoretical ideas of Tibetan medicine?
3.What did they think about treatment of the sick organism?
4.What did they single out among the «externabreasons causing disease?

5.What did food form in the human organism?

6.What does the treatise say about medicine?
7.What kind of information had a Tibetan doctor to retain in his memory?
8.What did the ancient medics use instead of modern diagnostic laboratory?
9.How was the pulse felt by a doctor in that time?
10.What human organs did the fingers obtain information from?

Питання для самоконтролю.

1.Match the following English word combinations with the Ukrainian ones:
medical herb продовжувати життя
to treat blood природна лікувальна речовина
natural curative substances лікувальна трава
to extend life лікувати кров
disease of lungs готувати ліки
to make medicine хвороба легенів

Il.Translate into Ukrainian

a)The chief postulate of Tibetan medicine: "Everything that surrounds us max be used as
b)The Tibetan made medicines from raw plant, animal and mineral materials. c)lt is known that
Tibetan medicine has volunteered to play the role of first-former of a medical school. d)Various herbs
were described in our new medical books.
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур


1. Домашнє завдання.
2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№13: Видатні вчені-медики: Р. Кох, Е. Дженнер.

Актуальність теми: важливість та актуальність відкриттів видатних вчених-медиків для

нашого часу

Навчальні цілі:

 оволодіти професійно орієнтованим лексико-граматичним матеріалом, необхідним для

обговорення теми;
 уміти узагальнювати, систематизувати та порівнювати отриману інформацію;
 написати реферат про видатних вчених;
 виконати тестові завдання

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, історія медицини

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.Юдіна Є.Є.,Потяженко Л.В. Підручник англійської мови. К.:Вища школа,1994.

2..Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для

медучилищта коледжів.-К.:Вища школа,1997.

3..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.

Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.

4. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с

5.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to talk about scientists and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

I. Active vocabulary.
discover - відкривати
laboratory - лабораторія;
modern - сучасний;
experiment - експеримент,
tuberculosis - туберкульоз.
Reveal - виявляти
this account is very ~ing ́цей звіт дуже показовий


to cany on — проводити
mouse — миша
bacillus — бацила
bacterium — бактерія
to spread — розповсюджувати(ся)


to be at war — бути у стані війни
discovery — відкриття
smallpox — віспа
to release — вивільняти
free of charge — безкоштовно.

1. You call a person a:

scientist when he (she) is an expert in one of the natural or physical sciences;
lecturer when he (she) gives a lecture (course) being a person lower in rank than a professor;
professor when he (she) is a university teacher at the highest level;
physician when he (she) is a doctor of medicine and surgery;
surgeon when he (she) performs medical operations;
genius when he (she) has exceptional intelligence;
researcher when he (she) is engaged in investigation.

2. Complete the following list with the names of specialists in particular fields.
Science scientist
Chemistry ________
Physics ________

Microbiology ________
Surgery ________
Physiology ________

3. Learn the adjectives used to describe great scientists.

He is said to be a brilliant scientist (very clever).
Pyrohov was rather a successful surgeon (gaining of what he was aimed at).
M. Zabolotny was a courageous scientist (able to control fear in the face of danger of cholera vaccine).
H. Boerhaave was an excellent researcher (pf the highest quality).

4. Organize the words below to form word combinations.

a) field 1. infection
b) human 2. book
c) world 3. surgery
d) wound 5. Science
5. Match the words and their translations.

Ingenious учень, послідовник

Supervisor злоякісний
Fame використовувати
Tempestuous вистачати
to suffice підвал, сховище
disciple винахідливий
malign слава
vault бурхливий
to apply наглядач, інспектор

Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою

б)II. Reading. Етап читання тексту.

Robert Koch was a prominent German bacteriologist, the founder of modern microbiology.
He was born in 1843, died in 1910. Koch carried on many experiments on mice (мышах) in a small
In 1882 Koch discovered tuberculosis bacilli. In his report made in the Berlin Philological
Society Koch described the morphology of tuberculosis bacilli and the ways to reveal them. His
discovery made him known all over the world. In 1884 Koch published his book on cholera. He
included all the investigations during the cholera epidemic in Egypt and India into this book. Koch
isolated a small comma-shaped bacterium. He determined that these bacteria spread through drinking
water. In 1905 Koch got the Nobel prize for his important scientific discoveries.

Make off suggestions.

1) Robert Koch was the founder ...
2) He was born died in ...
3) In 1882 Koch discovered ...
4) ... made him know all over the world.
5) In 1884 Koch published his book on ...
6) Koch isolated a small... bacterium.
7) He determined that these bacteria spread through ...
8) In 1905 Koch got... for his important scientific discoveries.

III. Work with the text. Read and translate the text.

EDWARD JENNER (1749—1823)
It was E. Jenner who made a great discovery in medicine. His new method of "vaccination"
(in Latin the word "vaccines" means "cow") was made known in 1798. At first his discovery passed
unnoticed. But soon the method was spoken about. People asked and demanded to be vaccinated. And
in a short time there was no part of the world that had not taken up vaccination. It was vaccination
against smallpox.
Edward Jenner was born at Berkeley, Gloucestershire, on May 17, 1749. He started practicing
medicine in London at St. George's Hospital. When he was twenty-four he began practice in his native
town. Ever since he was a boy he liked to observe things. Today, thanks to his discovery, the cases of
smallpox are very rare. A lot of countries sent him their gifts, and even the French Emperor, Napoleon,
in spite of the fact that he was at war with England, released two British prisoners when he learned that
they were friends of Edward Jenner. E. Jenner vaccinated free of charge anyone who asked him to.

To answer next questions to text:

1) When was the new method of "vaccination" published?
2) Who was the author of the new method of "vaccination"?
3) Where was Edward Jenner born?
4) Where did E. Jenner start medicine?
5) Is smallpox a rare illness now?
Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
IV. Language development.
1) Translate suggestions into the Ukrainian language.
1) My friend has an increased temperature.
2) She has interesting scientific work.
3) We shall have many special subjects in the second year.
4) The students had a lecture in anatomy yesterday.
5) Now my relatives are in the city.
6) Is this young girl your friend?

3) Put verbs in suggestions in negative and interrogative forms.

1) My friend entered the Medical College a year ago.
2) She takes her entrance examinations.
3) He will become a student next year.
4) My friend gets an increased stipend.
5) She was interested in this report.
6) They work as doctors.

V. Speaking.
A: Hello. How are you?
B: Hello. All be well, only came from studies.
A: How you must study in a college? Very heavily?
B: No, not very. I very like to study and every day it is told us much new.
A: It well. It always was interesting me that you teach. What your object?
B: My favourite object it is History of medicine.
A: And that do you study there? I understand that, how medicine developed during centuries so.
B: Yes, you are right. There we study it exactly. Here today we had a lecture about Koch and Jenner.
A: Probably very interestingly.
B: Yes. It was told us about that as each of them carried out tests, what accomplished opening, what
achievements each of them has and about their life.
A: Sounds interestingly. Probably I honour today about these scientists.
B: Yes, honour. I think to you will please. It very interestingly
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№14: Історія медицини в Україні. М.І. Пирогов, Д.К. Заболотний.

Актуальність теми: важливість та актуальність відкриттів українських видатних вчених-

медиків для сьогодення

Навчальні цілі:

 уміти узагальнювати, систематизувати та порівнювати отриману інформацію;

 оволодіти професійно орієнтованим лексико-граматичним матеріалом, необхідним для
обговорення теми;
 написати реферат про видатних учених;
 виконати тестові завдання

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, історія медицини

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:


1..Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для

медучилищта коледжів.-К.:Вища школа,1997.

2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.

Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с

5..Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to talk about Ukrainian scientists and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

1. Answer the questions.

- Have you ever heard about Mykola Pyrohov, Danylo Zabolotny, Alexander Fleming, Oleksandr
Bohomolets, Herman Boerhaave?
- What do you know about these people?
- Is it necessary to know more about the life and work of such prominent scientists? Why?

б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.

Read the text.

The history of medicine in Ukraine begins with the history of folk medicine.
The first medical hospitals in Kyiv Rus were founded in the 11 the century and were mostly in the
form of alms houses attached to churches.
In the 14th and 15th centuries new hospitals were built and many physicians gave the first aid
to the inhabitants of Ukraine and the soldiers of Bogdan Khmelnytsky's troops.
As the number of physicians was inadequate some medical schools which trailed specialists
were opened. Kyiv Academy was founded in 1632. It played a prominent role in the development of
the Ukrainian medicine. Many graduates of the Academy continued to enrich their knowledge abroad
and received their doctors' degrees there. Many former students of this. Academy have become the
well known scientists. They are the epidemiologist D. S. Samoilovych, the obstetrician N, M.
Ambodyk-Maximovych, the podiatrist S. F. Chotovytsky, the anatomist 0. M. Shumlyansky and many
At the end of the I8th and during the 19th centuries the medical departments were formed at
the Universities of Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv and Odesa. The total number of physicians has increased m
Ukraine. The medicine of Zemstvo was widely used at that time.
During the Crimean War (1854-1856), upon Pirogov's initiative the first detachment of nurses
was trained and sent to Sevastopol to help its defenders. It gave the beginning of the organization "Red
In 1686 the first bacteriological station was organized in Odesa which was of great
importance in the development of microbiology and epidemiology. The famous scientists I. I.
Mechnikov and M. F. Gamaliya worked at this station and succeeded much in their investigations.
Inspite of favourable conditions for the successful development of natural sciences in Russia many
outstanding scientists worked in Ukraine. It is known that the brilliant scientist M. I. Pirogov and his
followers, as V. O. Karavayev, O. F. Shimanovsky, M. V. Sklifosovsky and others made valuable
contribution in the Ukrainian medicine.
The famous scientists V. P. Obraztsov and M. D. Strazhesko were founders of Kyiv
therapeutist’ school. They made a huge progress in the field of cardiology Winch was done in the

treatment of many eye diseases by the prominent scientist, academician V. P. Filatov who founded the
Institute of Eye diseases in Odesa.

III. Work with the text. Read and translate the text.
Answer the questions.
1) What does the history of medicine in Ukraine begin with?
2) When were the first medical hospitals founded in Kyiv?
3) What form were the first Kyiv hospitals in?
4) When were new hospitals built?
5) Whom did many physicians give the first aid to?
6) When was Kyiv Academy founded?
7) Where (did many physicians receive their doctors' degrees?
8) What former students of the Academy have become the well-known scientists?
9) What Universities were the medical departments founded at?

Read and translate the text.

The people who from ancient times lived on the southern steppes between the Dnipro and
Danube in the process of labour gradually acquired practical habits of medical aid. Empiric medical
knowledge which was enriched by the experience of other peoples was passed on from generation to
generation. At the same time expedient hygienic facilities (bath houses, etc) came into being.
With the foundation of Kyiv Rus the level of medical care was raised considerably. In those
times medical knowledge developed on the basis of original folk medicine enriched by some
information derived from antique and Arabian medicine and also by the experience of the Southern
and Western Slavs in the field of medicinal treatment. With the growth of towns, groups of persons
arose out of the handicraftsmen, who had mastered certain practical experience in medical aid, e.g., in
setting dislocations, midwifery, etc.
Superstition was considerably widespread in the medical practice of that time. During the age
of feudalism epidemics of plague, smallpox and typhoid fever practically never ceased on the territory
where Ukrainian people lived, in most countries of the world. But it was only the 17th century that
government measures were undertaken against epidemics.
In the late 17lh and early 18th centuries the organization of medical services underwent
certain changes due to the reforms introduced by Peter I, which devoted special attention to provision
of medicinal services and to medical education. Teaching of natural science and medicine was
introduced at the Kyiv Academy, and also at collegiates in Chernihiv, Kliarkiv, and Pereyaslav in the
18th century.
On Ukrainian territory physicians were trained at the Yelizavetgrad surgical school (1787—
1797). In the 18th and early 19th centuries a large number of the country's medical scientist received
their general education in the Kyiv Academy and the collegiates of other Ukrainian cities, and their
professional training in the hospital school of St. Petersburg and Moscow, at the medical departments
of Moscow University (founded in 1764), or at the St. P.& M. medico-surgical academies (founded in
In 1932 there were 1,333 hospital institutions with 73,800 beds and 18,715 doctors in
Therapeutic and prophylactic aid in Ukraine includes out pntienl polyclinic and hospital aid.
Most of the patients (about 80 %) begin their Irentmcnl at polyclinics. An extensive network of out-
patient departments and polyclinics hits been organized in the towns and villages of Ukraine, with
well-equipped special tie partments and labouratories. The out-patient treatment is organized on the
distiict territory principle. Along with medical treatment a great deal of work is i carried on disease
prevention, in particular that of infectious diseases.
In addition to the general network of medical institutions, medical seivices to workers in
Ukrainian industrial enterprises are effected by medico sanilary de partments and health centers which
give out-patient and in patient aid, implement sanitary measures at the places of work and in the
workers' homes and also assist in the prevention of occupational illnesses and injuries. Out-patient
treatment is widely developed in both town and village.
First aid, urgent medical aid for the population of Ukraine is provided by first-aid station. The
overwhelming majority of hospitals were provided with X-ray and physical therapy rooms and clinical
diagnostic labouratories. Electrocardiography, tomofluorography and other up-to-date diagnostic
methods are widely spread and biochemical, bacteriological, immunological, cytological, and other
research is conducted.

1)Find in the text the English equivalents of the following word combina tions and comment
them in the context of the text.
Практичні навички, від покоління до покоління, передавались, Київська Русь,
відповідні гігієнічні зручності, рівень медичної допомоги, збагачені відповідною інформацією,
на основі народної медицини, епідемії чуми,епідемії віспи, реформи введені Петром І.
2) Answer the following questions.
a) By which way was empiric medical knowledge enriched in ancient times?
b) With the foundation of Kyiv Rus the level of medical care was raised con
siderably, wasn't it?
c) In what cities was teaching of natural science and medicine introduced first І in Ukraine?
d) What does prophylactic aid include?
e) What is the general network of medical institutions and medical services in Ukraine?

Skim through the text "M.I. Pyrohov" and define its main idea.
Read the text and underline any words that you still do not know. Con-
sult the dictionary.
Mykola Pyrohov was called a scientist of genius even in his lifetime. His career as a
researcher, excellent surgeon and clinician was tempestuous. At 18, he graduated from Moscow
University; at 22, he became a Doctor of Science; at 26, he was a Professor at Derpt (now Tartu)
University, one of the largest in Europe, and at 30 he headed Russian first field surgery clinic. During
his first 30 or 50 years in surgery, he started a new trend in the study of human anatomy and
physiology based on fundamentally novel methods.
His major research contributed to world science. So this day, Pyrohov's methods are among
the basic methods in the study and teaching anatomy. Pyrohov's life was dedicated to people, He was a
field surgeon during four wars (in the Caucasus in 1817, in the Crimea in 1854, in the Franco-Prussian
war in 1870, and in the Russian-Turkish war in 1877), selflessly saving the lives of the wounded in the
most difficult conditions.
He in first created a new medical science, field surgery, and suggested new, rational principles
for the grouping, distribution and evacuation of the wounded. His work, Fundamentals of Field
Surgery (1864), had soon become a reference book for field surgeons in all countries.
He formulated some of the most important principles of treating gunshot wounds, fractures,
shock, and wound infections and developed the most ingenious methods of performing operation. He
was also the first to apply, on a large scale, plaster of Paris bandages in field conditions(in Sevastopol,
during the Crimean War), which was a revolution in field surgery. Almost 90 years later, during the
Great Patriotic War the Pyrohov plaster of Paris was still widely used during the heroic defence of
Sevastopol, and on all other fronts, helping save the lives of many thousands of soldiers.
Pyrohov bought Vishnia in 1859, when he was the supervisor of the Kyiv educational district,
and spent the last 20 years of his life in the estate. In late November 1881 Russia celebrated the 50*
anniversary of his career as doctor. Although his attitude towards this, festive occasion was sharply
negative, he could hot decline his native Moscow's invitation.
"Moscow which has always been jealous of its great son's fame did not want to concede the
honour of the celebrating famous Pyrohov to any other city; he belonged to it by virtue of his great and
powerful spirit which was the expression of his truly Russian nature...", wrote Nikolai Sklifosovsky
twenty years later. All the weight of fame fell upon him in Moscow; suffice it to say that Ilya Repin
painted his portrait and sculpted his bust. Nothing seemed to forebode the approaching end...
Death, to which Pyrohov denied its victims all his life, settled accounts with the great physician
quickly and harshly: shortly before his 70th anniversary he lost one of his teeth. A small sore appeared
in its place. Completely ignored at first, it was inspected by Pyrohov's disciple Sclifosovsky in May
1861 when the surgeon, stayed in his native Moscow; having suspected a malign tumour at an early
stage, he suggested removing it. But the famous Vienna surgeon (who, incidentally, performed an
unsuccessful operation on Nekrasov several years earlier) guaranteed that there were no signs of
cancer. Afterwards he admitted in a letter to professor Vykhotsev that he had lied, for the patient's
benefit because in his opinion Pyro-hov's case, was inoperable.
In September 1947 Pyrohov's estate and the Church with the vault became a museum.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
Post-Reading Activities
1. Fill in the gaps with suitable words. Try to work from memory.
a) Pyrohov's career as a researcher, excellent ... and clinician was tempestuous.
b) Pyrohov's methods are among the basic methods in the study and teaching ....
c) He is first created a new medical science, ... surgery.
d) In late November 1881 Russia celebrated the 50th ... of his career as doctor.
e) In September 1947 Pyrohov's estate and the Church with the vault became a

2. Ask your partner questions about Mykola Pyrohov.

3. Retell the text using the following plan:

1. Interesting facts from his biography.
2. Why he is a famous person.
3. His recognition in the world.

4. You are sure to visit Pyrohov's estate in Vinnytsa. Find more useful language relating to the
life of the great scientist. Get some tourist information about this museum written in English.
Text 2
1. Read and discuss the text. Underline any words that you do not know. Use a dictionary.
Apart of science which people don't often realize is the courage of those scientists who
willingly sacrifice their own lives for the benefit of mankind. There was an example of such courage in
our country at the end of the last century. During the 1890s a young doctor named Danylo Zabolotny
was carrying out a research with cholera germs at the University of Kyiv. He was trying to develop a
vaccine that could be used to protect against the disease. To prove its value the young doctor and one
of his assistants — Т.Н. Savchenko — tested the vaccine on themselves. First they swallowed the new
vaccine. Then they injected themselves with cholera germs. The vaccine was a success, proved by the
courage of the man who had developed it. Danylo Zabolotny was a famous microbiologist who
devoted his life to science.
2. Rearrange the statements in the order as they occur in the text. (Give numbers.)
1. The vaccine was a success, proved by the courage of the man who had developed it. 2. To
prove its value the young doctor and one of his assistants — Т.Н. Savchenko — tested the vaccine on
themselves. 3. A part of science which people don't often realize it's the courage of those scientists
who willingly sacrificed their own lives for the benefit of mankind. 4. During the 1890s a young
doctor named Danylo Zabolotny was carrying out a research with cholera germs at the University of
Kyiv. 5. First they swallowed the new vaccine. 6. Danylo Zabolotny was a famous microbiologist who
devoted his life to science. 7. There was an example of such courage in our country at the end of the
last century. 8. He was trying to develop a vaccine that could be used to protect the disease. 9. Then
they injected themselves with cholera germs.
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур


1. Домашнє завдання.
2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№15, 16: Система охорони здоров’я та її структура. Всесвітня Організація Охорони

Актуальність теми: полягає у тому, що її вивчення сприятиме розширенню світогляду

студентів з урахуванням процесів глобалізації та інтеграції зусиль усіх країн світу в галузі
охорони здоров’я, підготовці потенційних функціонерів ВООЗ.

Навчальні цілі:

 оволодіти основними правилами перекладу професійно орієнтованих іншомовних

 визначити відмінності між системою охорони здоров’я в Україні та Великій Британії;
 складати план до тексту;
 уміти аналізувати, узагальнювати та систематизувати отриману інформацію.

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, історія

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:


1.Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для медучилищ та коледжів.-

К.:Вища школа,1997.
2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
3.Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
4.Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
5.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.
Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to discuss about the system of Healthy service in Ukraine and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.
I. Active vocabulary.
pneumonia — пневмонія;
scarlet fever — скарлатина;
measles — кір;
whooping-cough — коклюш;
chicken-pox — вітряная віспа;
jaundice — жовтуха;
heart trouble — хвороба серця;
kidney trouble — захворювання нирок;
diabetes — діабет;
fracture - перелом;
to break - ламати, перелом;
bone – кістка;
pain – біль;
swelling – пухлина;
tenderness - м*якість;
to confirm – підтверджувати;
splint - шина;
stiff – жорсткий;
limb – кінцівка;
joint – суглоб;
to bind – прив*язувати;
compound – складний;
sterile – стерильний;
gauze – марля;
challenge - проблема, завдання; виклик; кидати виклик, піддавати сумніву;
accessible – доступний;
framework - основа, структура;
mandatory - примусовий, обов'язковий;
responsibility – відповідальність;
facility - заклад, установа;
delivery - надання (послуг); доставляння, поставляння; пологи;
referral – направлення;
entitle - давати право;
tertiary – третинний;
dispensary - амбулаторія, диспансер;
ambulance - санітарна машина, машина швидкої допомоги;
phthisiatrician – фтизіатр;

accident - нещасний випадок;
publicly - відкрито, публічно;
orphanage - дитячий будинок, сиротинець;
contradiction – протиріччя;
expansion - розширення, збільшення;
aggravate – погіршувати;
affordability - доступність (за ціною);
income – прибуток.
Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою
б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.
ІІ. Reading.
Read the text carefully:
a) underline any words that you do not know or are unsure of;
b) use a dictionary; find or check the meaning of the words you've underlined;
c) compare what you find with your partner.


The people who from ancient times lived on the southern steppes between the Dnipro and
Danube in the process of labour gradually acquired practical habits of medical aid. Empiric medical
knowledge which was enriched by the experience of other peoples was passed on from generation to
generation. At the same time expedient hygienic facilities (bath houses, etc) came into being.
With the foundation of Kyiv Rus the level of medical care was raised considerably. In those
times medical knowledge developed on the basis of original folk medicine enriched by some
information derived from antique and Arabian medicine and also by the experience of the Southern
and Western Slavs in the field of medicinal treatment. With the growth of towns, groups of persons
arose out of the handicraftsmen, who had mastered certain practical experience in medical aid, e.g., in
setting dislocations, midwifery, etc.
Superstition was considerably widespread in the medical practice of that time. During the age
of feudalism epidemics of plague, smallpox and typhoid fever practically never ceased on the territory
where Ukrainian people lived, in most countries of the world. But it was only the 17th century that
government measures were undertaken against epidemics.
In the late 17th and early 18th centuries the organization of medical services underwent certain
changes due to the reforms introduced by Peter I, which devoted special attention to provision of
medicinal services and to medical education. Teaching of natural science and medicine was introduced
at the Kyiv Academy, and also at collegiates in Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Pereyaslav in the 18th century.
On Ukrainian territory physicians were trained at the Yelizavetgrad surgical school (1787—
1797). In the 18th and early 19th centuries a large number of the country's medical scientist received
their general education in the Kyiv Academy and the collegiates of other Ukrainian cities, and their
professional training in the hospital school of St. Petersburg and Moscow, at the medical departments
of Moscow University (founded in 1764), or at the St. P.& M. medico-surgical academies (founded in
In 1932 there were 1,333 hospital institutions with 73,800 beds and 18,715 doctors in
Therapeutic and prophylactic aid in Ukraine includes out-patient polyclinic and hospital aid.
Most of the patients (about 80 %) begin their treatment at polyclinics. An extensive network of out-
patient departments and polyclinics has been organized in the towns and villages of Ukraine, with
well-equipped special departments and labouratories. The out-patient treatment is organized on the
district-territory principle. Along with medical treatment a great deal of work is carried on disease
prevention, in particular that of infectious diseases.
In addition to the general network of medical institutions, medical services to workers in
Ukrainian industrial enterprises are effected by medico-sanitary departments and health centers which
give out-patient and in-patient aid, implement sanitary measures at the places of work and in the
workers' homes and also assist in the prevention of occupational illnesses and injuries. Out-patient
treatment is widely developed in both town and village.
First aid, urgent medical aid for the population of Ukraine is provided by first-aid station. The
overwhelming majority of hospitals were provided with X-ray and physical therapy rooms and clinical
diagnostic labouratories. Electrocardiography, tomofluorography and other up-to-date diagnostic
methods are widely spread and biochemical, bacteriological, immunological, cytological, and other
research is conducted.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
ІІІ. Post-Reading Activities.
1. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following word combinations and comment
them in the context of the text.
Практичні навички, від покоління до покоління, передавались, Київська Русь, відповідні
гігієнічні зручності, рівень медичної допомоги, збагачені відповідною інформацією, на основі
народної медицини, епідемії чуми, епідемії віспи, реформи введені Петром І.
2. Answer the following questions.
a) By which way was empiric medical knowledge enriched in ancient times?
b) With the foundation of Kyiv Rus the level of medical care was raised considerably,
c) wasn't it?
d) In what cities was teaching of natural science and medicine introduced first in
e) Ukraine?
f) What does prophylactic aid include?
g) What is the general network of medical institutions and medical services in Ukraine?

3. Ask your friend:

- to describe the territory were first Ukrainians lived;
- what the name of the first Ukrainian state was;
- who treated people at that time;
- to name first medical schools and universities;
- on what principle an out-patient treatment is organized;
- what diagnostic facilities he (she) knows.

4. Here are some words which will be useful for you while speaking about the development of
medical service in Ukraine. Add them to the diagram.
high level handicraftsmen antique widespread epidemics plague
smallpox typhoid reforms changes provision education

Kyiv Rus folk


History of
feudalism medical care superstition
in Ukraine

Slavs Peter I

5. Write your commentary on:

- out-patient polyclinic aid;
- disease prevention;
- general network of medical institutions;
- first aid (urgent aid);
- facilities at hospitals.

ІІ. Leadin work with the vocabulary.

Health system
A health system, also sometimes referred to as health care system or healthcare system is the
organization of people, institutions, and resources to deliver health care services to meet the health
needs of target populations.
There is a wide variety of health systems around the world, with as many histories and
organizational structures as there are nations. In some countries, health system planning is distributed
among market participants. In others, there is a concerted effort among governments, trade unions,
charities, religious, or other coordinated bodies to deliver planned health care services targeted to the
populations they serve. However, health care planning has been described as often evolutionary rather
than revolutionary.
The goals for health systems, according to the World Health Organization, are good health,
responsiveness to the expectations of the population, and fair financial contribution.
Progress towards them depends on how systems carry out four vital functions: provision of
health care services, resource generation, financing, and stewardship. Other dimensions for the
evaluation of health systems include quality, efficiency, acceptability, and equity. They have also been
described in the United States as "the five C's": Cost, Coverage, Consistency, Complexity, and Chronic
Illness. Also, continuity of health care is a major goal.
Often health system has been defined with a reductionist perspective, for example reducing it
to health care system. In many publications, for example, both expressions are used interchangeably.
Some authors have developed arguments to expand the concept of health systems, indicating additional
dimensions that should be considered:
Health systems should not be expressed in terms of their components only, but also of their
Health systems should include not only the institutional or supply side of the health system,
but also the population;
Health systems must be seen in terms of their goals, which include not only health
improvement, but also equity, responsiveness to legitimate expectations, respect of dignity, and fair
financing, among others;
Health systems must also be defined in terms of their functions, including the direct provision
of services, whether they are medical or public health services, but also "other enabling functions, such
as stewardship, financing, and resource generation, including what is probably the most complex of all
challenges, the health workforce."
Read the text carefully:
d) underline any words that you do not know or are unsure of;
e) use a dictionary; find or check the meaning of the words you've underlined;
f) compare what you find with your partner.


World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in April 7, 1948 when twenty-six United Nations
member states, including Ukraine, ratified its Constitution. Now there are 192 member states,
including all United Nations Member States except Liechtenstein. WHO's objective is the attainment
by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is defined in WHO's Constitution as a
state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity. WHO activities has many forms, they are: strengthening national health services; preparing
more and better health workers; controlling or eradicating epidemic diseases; protecting mother and
child health; improving sanitation and water supply; and making all other efforts to raise health level.
One of the main services carried by WHO is the service of epidemic warnings. The five main world
epidemics of history as plague, cholera, smallpox, typhus, and yellow fever are still a great danger in
our time. WHO also informs national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases as influenza and
poliomyelitis. Besides an epidemic information WHO provides services, which are needed by all the
countries, such as an international quarantine measures, world health statistics, international
standardization of medicines and vaccines, and development of medical research. The daily work of
WHO is carried out by a medical and administrative staff of about 2.400 international officers from
different countries. These officers are stationed at headquarters in Geneva, in Regional Offices, or with
special centers working on every continent. WHO's work is focused on four interrelated strategic
directions. Strategic Direction 1: reducing excess mortality, morbidity, and disability. Strategic
Direction 2: promoting healthy lifestyles and reducing risk factors to human health. Strategic Direction
3: developing health systems. Strategic Direction 4: framing an enabling policy and creating an
institutional environment for the health sector.

Health Care System in Ukraine

Ensuring health care for the population is one of the key functions of the state set out in the
1996 Ukrainian Constitution, with Article 49 stating that "the state creates conditions for effective
medical services accessible to all citizens".
Of Ukraine, responsible for setting national health policies, and certain specialized health care
institutions directly managed and funded by it. The Ministry of Public Health is responsible for
establishing the framework for the mandatory accreditation of public and private health facilities as
well as licensing of health professionals and pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors.
Today, the heath care system is a complex multilayered system where responsibilities in
health care sector are distributed among central government, 27 regional administrations, numerous
municipal and district, township and village levels.
Primary health care facilities in Ukraine comprise more than 6500 facilities providing
ambulatory patient care. The organization of primary care delivery is based on the territorial-district
principle. There is no strict distinction between primary and secondary care in Ukraine. Patients may
seek care by a specialist directly without formal referral by their district physician and this opportunity
is widely used.
Organization of secondary outpatient care is based on the territorial principle, with each
polyclinic being assigned a defined area. Area residents are entitled to full diagnostics, examination
and appropriate treatment and may be referred to the tertiary level when necessary. Tertiary care is
provided mainly in regional hospitals and dispensaries. Larger multi-specialty hospitals are usually
located in larger cities and may offer a fuller range of services. Treatment may he provided hy
physicians from both outpatient and inpatient departments of health facilities.
Accident and emergency care is provided hy mobile tennis ol'pliy sicians or feldshers. At
present, ambulance stations lace a number of problems due to insufficiently or poorly maintained
vehicles, iusulli cient funds to provide teams with necessary medicines and equipment for emergency
The Ministry of Public Health developed a strategy for gradual transition to basing primary
health care on family medicine. Converting all existing primary health care units according to the
family medicine principle and setting up a network of general/family practices as proposed by the
government program "Health of the Nation" will require substantial efforts.
Ukraine has one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world. About 1.63 percent
of Ukrainian adults, or about 756,300 citizens, were estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS in 2007 but
the statistics only reflected official cases. Another great challenge for the country is the continuing
increase of tuberculosis rates. Every day in Ukraine specialists in tuberculosis (phthisiatricians)
register about 100 new cases. One more serious problem is diabetes — about 1 million people in
Ukraine suffer from this disease.
Ukraine is considered to be in a demographic crisis due to its high death rate and a low birth
rate. A factor contributing to the relatively high death is a high mortality rate among working-age
males from preventable causes such as alcohol poisoning and smoking. The leading causes of death are
cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancer, traumas, and accidents.
The majority of health care services are provided by publicly owned health facilities. Ukraine
has more than 24,000 such institutions, including the national Sanitary and Epidemiological Service,
spas and health resorts, health centers, orphanages, blood transfusion stations, centers for medical
statistics, institutions for the training of heath personnel and for postgraduate (raining of physicians,
research institutes and institutions for professional training of middle-level health staff. The network of
private health facilities is being developed as well.

In general, the system of health care delivery in Ukraine faces contradictions. It maintains
financial and economic mechanisms that stimulate further expansion of the health facilities network
and an increase in capacity, while at the same time experiencing a sharp reduction of budgetary
financing. The state in theory provides free healthcare for its citizens and long-term residents who
become ill.
IV. Language development.
1) Translate into the Ukrainian language, paying attention to difficult subject.
1. Many books are known to be published in our country every year. 2. You are supposed to graduate
in four years. 3. Radium is said to be very radioactive. 4. This device was known to have been
designed in that laboratory. 5. His invention is considered to be of great importance. 6. The sun is
known to represent a mass of compressed gases. 7. The new rocket is reported to go into operation
next year. 8. This type of rocket is supposed to have many advantages. 9. For a long time the atom was
thought to be indivisible. 10. The helium atom was found to have two electrons. 11.1 did not know
what I was expected to say to that, so I said nothing. 12. He was said to be one of the most promising
nuclear physicists. 13. He is said to be a good translator. 14. Roberta was known to be an honest and
hardworking girl. 15. Clyde was expected to arrive at the weekend. 16. Becky and Tom were supposed
to have stayed at the widow Douglas'. 17. The number of the unemployed is reported to be increasing
with every year. 18. Many new textbooks are expected to be published soon. 19. The Moscow
Underground is said to be the finest in the world. 20. A hare is known to run very fast. 21. The man
was seen to take off his coat. 22. The diamond content of the mines in Western Yakutia is said to be in
no way inferior to that of the world-famous South African mines. 23. That power station is known to
be situated on the Angara River. 24. These devices are considered to be very effective

2)Match the following terms with their definitions:

1. facility a. a specialist who treats patients with luhnnilosls
2. ambulance b. an institution for orphans and abandoned children
3. phthisiatri c. a medical or surgical practitioner without full proles sional
cian qualifications or status in sonic 1-astern hiropeiui countries
4. accident d. death or destruction on a large scale, as from war, pla gue,
or famine; the number of deaths in a given period
5. orphanage e. an infectious disease that may affect almost any tissue of
the body, esp. the lungs, caused by the organism Myco-
bacterium tuberculosis
6. accreditation f. something designed, built, installed, etc. to serve a spe cific
function affording a convenience or service
7. feldsher g. a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, usually occurring
in genetically predisposed individuals, characterized by
inadequate production or utilization of insulin
8. tuberculosis h. certifying smth as meeting all formal official require ments;
giving official recognition
9. diabetes i. a specially equipped vehicle for transporting the injured or
10. mortality j. an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs un-
intentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or
even death

3)Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Diabetes may result in excessive amounts of glucose in the blood and urine, excessive
thirst, weight loss, and in some cases progressive destruction of small blood vessels leading to such
complications as infections and gangrene of the limbs or blindness.
2. Healthcare in Ukraine is funded almost entirely by general government revenues; it makes
up 7.4 percent of the fund; 3.2 percent of the fund is made up by social insurance contributions from
the wages of the employed and 3.3 percent is funded by private clinics and their private patients.
3. The unemployed, old age pensioners and people on long-term sickness benefit or maternity
leave have to pay healthcare contributions but not as much as an employed citizen.
4. Lots of government funded medical facilities are of a poor standard compared to Western
standards; the medical equipment and facilities are in short supply compared to the high demand.
5. Many services, including doctors' and nurses' ones, unofficially cost a lot of money which
makes health care in health centres not always affordable for the ordinary citizen.
6. Patients are admitted to hospital either through the emergency department or through it
referral by their doctor.
7. A therapeutist examines a patient, assigns some treatment, pre scribes some medicines and
gives a medical certificate.
8. Ukraine's health care system is undergoing a complicated transition period.
9. The number of HIV/AIDS cases in Ukraine reduced by 200 or 3.9 % to 4,900 in the period
of January—November 2008, compared with the corresponding period of the previous year.

4)Match (lie English word combinations with (he Ukrainian ones and use them in sentences
of your own.

1 accessible medical services а сімейна медицина

2 mandatory accreditation b станція переливання кроні
3 primary health care c значні зусилля
4 emergency care d первинна медична допомога
5 insufficient funding е причини, що можна попередити
6 gradual transition f недостатнє фінансування
7 family medicine g доступні медичні послуги
8 substantial efforts h обов'язкова акредитація
9 preventable causes і невідкладна допомога
10 blood transfusion station j поступовий перехід
5)Match the beginnings of sentences with their endings.
1. Article 49 states that the state creates a. alcohol poisoning and smoking.
conditions for
2. All specialized health care institutions are b. mandatory accreditation of public and private
directly managed health facilities.
3. The organization of primary care delivery c. effective medical services accessible to all
4. The Ministry of Public Health deals with d. should be given free health care.
5. People who live within definite areas may e. is based on the territorial-district principle.
6. Mobile teams of physicians or feldshers are f. but experiences a sharp reduction of
responsible for budgetary financing.
7. The Ministry of Public Health works on g. and funded by the Ministry of Public Health.
setting up a network of

6)Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions.

1 The fundamental feature ... social health insurance is consistency between the state guarantees ...
health care delivery and the financial resources ... the system.
2 ... economic crisis more medical services inevitably become paid.
3 Switching ... social health insurance will require defining the extent ... civil solidarity and the state
4 The basic insurance program must be developed ... several versions depending ... the regional level.
5 Some experts believe that ... economic crisis, it is impossible ... mobilize resources ... health care
6 The health insurance system allows ... increase the efficacy ... resource use and direct resources ...
provision ... primary and secondary care.
7 The transition ... the new system ... health care is an important social innovation which needs a
complex approach.
8 The WHO major policy recommendations ... European countries ... public health care ... the 21 s1
century are defined as 21 policy objectives.
9 Ukraine's ability ... economic growth greatly depends ... the people's health and the possibility ... its
10 Health promotion ... youth is most important ... every country.

7) Translate the following sentences into English.

1. На відміну від інших галузей народного господарства, охорона здоров'я в Україні
майже повністю залежить від державного бюджетного управління.
2. Система медичного страхування дозволяє підвищити ефективність пнкорпеїаппя
ресурсів і спрямовує їх на забезнечеи- ня паеелпшя первинною і вторинною медичною
3. Система охорони здоров'я в Україні спрямована на надання медичної допомоги
хворій людині і практично не виконує функції охорони ідоров'я.
4. Якість та ефективність діяльності медичних закладів пале жать до найактуальніших
проблем управління охороною здоров'я.
5. Нагайні видатки на охорону здоров'я у структурі ІШІІ України сягають близько 6,5 %
(3,5 % - за рахунок держбюджету, решта — з місцевих бюджетів.)
6. Кожний громадянин України має право на охорону здоров я, що передбачає:
життєвий рівень, включаючи їжу, одяг, житло, медичний догляд та соціальне обслуговування і
забезпечення, які є необхідними для підтримання здоров'я людини; безпечне для життя і
здоров'я навколишнє природне середовище; санітарно-епідемічне благополуччя території і
населеного пункту, де він проживає.
7. Громадянам України, які перебувають за кордоном, гарантується право на охорону
здоров'я у формах і обсязі, передбачених міжнародними договорами, у яких бере участь
8. Соціальний центр матері і дитини — установа тимчасового проживання жінок на
сьомому-дев'ятому місяці вагітності і матерів з дітьми віком до 18 місяців, що знаходяться в
складних життєвих ситуаціях.
9. Створення умов для розвитку приватного сектора, упровадження засад сімейної
медицини та медичного страхування як нових форм медико-соціальних та економічних
відносин, організація раціональної системи медикаментозного та матеріально-технічного
забезпечення, реформування медичної освіти дадуть можливість вивести галузь охорони
здоров'я України на рівень розвинутих держав.
10. Страхова медицина з'явилася із введенням соціального страхування населення.
11. Страхова медицина, не має власних медичних закладів, вона підписує договори з
окремими приватними лікарями на обслуговування застрахованих, сплачуючи прийом у лікаря і
відвідування вдома за певним тарифом.

8 ) Give short information on the following issues.

• Organization of health care in Ukraine
• Influence of economic situation in Ukraine on health care coverage
• Transition to the new system of health care
• Access to and quality of medical care in Ukraine
• Epidemics and other medical problems in Ukraine
• Causes of demographic decline. Ways of solving this problem
• 9) Fill in the gaps with the appropriate adverbs: before, already, so far, yet, since, for,

1. ... nearly 60 years UNICEF has been the world's leader for children, working on the ground in 158
countries to help children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence.
2. As of December 2009 more than two million people have fallen ill ... Ukraine's flu epidemic began.
3. Children have severe indigestion and allergy. They have been eating chocolate ... the whole day.
4. "Have you ... finished writing the article on genetics?" "Not, ... ."
5. Sue has ... wanted to be a paediatrician. Therefore this year she entered the medical university.
6. Jane has been the chief doctor of this hospital ... for more than 10 years.
7. "Has Tom finished his exams ...?" "Yes, at last, he has."
8. She looks exhausted. She has been filling in the registration forms ... the whole night.
9. He has been working on preparing his report ... 5 hours ... .

- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур
1. Домашнє завдання.
1. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№17: У лікарні. Прийом у лікарню. Заповнення історії хвороби.

Актуальність теми: полягає у постійно зростаючій потребі людей у кваліфікованому та

грамотному обслуговуванні представниками такої важливої професії, як лікарі. Значення
роботи лікаря усвідомлюється саме в час різкого підвищення рівня захворюваності населення

Навчальні цілі:

 опрацювати іншомовні джерела професійного змісту;

 оволодіти професійно орієнтованим лексико-граматичним мінімумом, необхідним для
вивчення теми;
 складати діалоги між пацієнтом і медичними працівниками під час прийому в лікарню;
 уміти описувати симптоматику пацієнта та заповнювати історію хвороби, вивчивши
особливості абревіатури в медичній термінології;
 систематизувати, аналізувати та коментувати отриману інформацію.

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, латинська мова

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:


1.Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для медучилищ та коледжів.-

К.:Вища школа,1997.
2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с

5.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.

Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.
Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.
Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to talk about the visit to a doctor and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

A Visit to a Doctor
Exercise 1. Phonetic reading. Read the words and memorize their

Exercise 2. Read the new words and translate the word combinations with them. Memorize
these words.
Registry реєстратура: at the registry; to work at the registry, to come to the
registry, a registering clerk to work as a registering clerk;
appointment призначення, домовленість про зустріч: to take an
appointment with a doctor, to make an appointment with a fellow student at the canteen, to make an
appointment for some time;
therapeutist терапевт: an experienced therapeutist, to work as a
therapeutist, the therapeutist listens to the patient's heart and lungs, the therapeutist examines me
diagnosis діагноз: diagnoses, to make a diagnosis, to make a correct
diagnosis, the therapeutist made a diagnosis of influenza;
to prescribe призначати: to prescribe a treatment, to prescribe some
trouble [ хвороба; турбота; клопіт: a serious trouble, to trouble, to complain of some
troubles, a heart trouble, a liver trouble, a stomach trouble;
headache головний біль: to have a headache, to have a bad headache, to complain
of headache, to suffer from a bad headache, a splitting headache;
throat горло: a sore throat, to have a sore throat, to suffer from a sore throat;
waist талія: to strip to the waist, the doctor asked the patient to strip to the waist;
pulse пульс: to feel somebody's pulse, his pulse is normal, her pulse was
rubdown обтирання: to have a rubdown, to have a cold rubdown, everybody
must have a cold rubdown in the morning, cold rubdowns are useful;
to catch (caught ловити, схопити: to catch a cold, to catch a bad cold, he caught a bad
cold, she caught a bad cold;
cough кашель: to cough, to be coughing, I am coughing, to have a bad cough;
sneeze чхати: to be sneezing, he is sneezing, why are you sneezing?;
to cause спричиняти: to cause pain, to cause a complication, to cause a serious
complication, what caused these complications?;
scalding І гарячий: a scalding foot bath, to have a scalding foot bath, to prescribe
a scalding foot bath, I was prescribed a scalding foot bath;
fever лихоманка: a bad fever, to keep the fever down, to have a bad fever, to be
running high temperature;
to reveal показувати; відкривати: to be revealed, medical examination reveals,
the X-ray examination revealed lung troubles;
a running nose - нежить: a cold in the head, a bad cold in the head; complaint скарга: What are
you complaining of? What do you complain of?
What troubles you? What's wrong? Have you had any pain? Where?

Exercise 3. Make up sentences with the following word combinations.

splitting headache - сильний головний біль

clogged nose - закладений ніс
be running high temperature - мати високу температуру
write out some slips - виписати направлення
first aid station - станція швидкої допомоги
make the daily round - робити щоденний обхід
take a scalding foot bath - парити ноги
keep one's fever down - збити температуру
nip the disease in the bud - вбити хворобу у зародку
recover from an illness - одужати від хвороби

Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою

б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.
Exercise 4. Read the text and translate it

At the Doctor's
If we catch cold, we feel a splitting headache, have a clogged nose, cough, run a high
temperature, we must go to the polyclinic. First we come to the registry. The registering clerk on duty
asks the name, address, age and occupation. He writes out some slips because several specialists will
examine us. Some of them will listen to our heart and lungs, some will check up our kidneys, liver,
stomach, eyesight, hearing. The others will conduct our blood analysis, take our blood pressure and X-
ray us.
Our district doctor sees his patients in the consulting room No. 4. A nurse gives us a
thermometer to take our temperature. We must keep it under an armpit. Last time my temperature was
37.9°C. The doctor asked what my trouble was. He offered to sit down in a chair and to strip to the
waist. He felt my pulse. It was faint and accelerated. Then I lay on the examination couch, and the
doctor palpated my abdomen. He asked me from what diseases I suffered in my childhood. I suffered
from scarlet fever (measles, chicken pox). At that moment I felt dizzy and was damp with sweat. The
doctor filled in my card and diagnosed the case as the flu.
Then he wrote out a prescription for some medicine: pills, powder, drops, mixture. He also
advised me to take a scalding foot bath, to put a hot water bottle on my feet, to have a hot tea with
raspberry jam. That would keep my fever down. The results of my X-ray examination and blood
analysis were normal. I had the prescription made at the chemist's. I followed the prescribed treatment
to avoid complications. Every day I took a tablespoonful of mixture 3 times a day and some pills. In
two days I was better and in a week I recovered from my illness. I began to take a good care of myself.
Now I go in for sports because sports make us strong, healthy and cheerful. Every day I do my
morning exercises and have a cold rubdown to prevent myself from catching cold. There is a good
proverb: an apple a day keeps the doctor away. That's why I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
In cause of a sudden and severe illness or an accident calls are made to the first aid station.
There doctors are on duty all day round. There are many ambulances there equipped with everything
necessary to render first aid. They have all kinds of medicine, stretchers, radio equipment. A patient is
transported to the hospital without delay. There he is taken to the reception ward first. After careful
questioning and examination the doctor fills in the patient's case history. Then a patient is given special
clothes and is put to a ward for treatment. The doctors make their daily round there. They examine
patients and prescribe different treatments. The nurses take the patients' temperature, give injections,
apply cups and mustard plasters, give medicine.

When a patient is completely cured, he is discharged from the hospital. There are different
departments in the hospital. They are: surgical department, therapy, the department of infectious
diseases, etc.
The problem of health service has become one of the greatest concerns of the government. It's
necessary to expose the disease before it has taken root, to nip the disease in the bud Periodic medical
examination at schools, plants, factories helps to do it. If a person is ill, he can take a sick-leave paid at
the government's expense. Trade unions provide sanatoriums, health resorts, rest houses, summer
camps. The aim of medical service is to achieve lower mortality rate.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.

Exercise 5. Title each paragraph of the text "At the Doctor's".

Exercise 6. Read the dialog and act it out with your fellow student.

- Good afternoon, doctor!

- Good afternoon. Sit down, please. What's troubling you? Where is the pain?
-1 am quite unwell. I feel giddy. My nose is running. I have a splitting headache, a sore throat and a
- What is your temperature?
-1 was running a very high temperature yesterday. But today I haven't taken it.
- Take the thermometer, please, and put it under your armpit. What infectious diseases have you
suffered from?
- I've had measles, mumps, chicken pox and pneumonia.
- Well, now give me the thermometer... 38.5. It's rather high. Let me feel your pulse... Now strip to
the waist, please. I'll listen to your heart and lungs. Please, take a deep breath. Breathe deeply... Now
hold your breath... Now cough... That will do. Do you feel a little pain in your heart?
- A little bit.
- You have cardiac murmur. Do you do morning exercises?
-No, I don't.
- Well, you should, and have a cold rubdown every morning. That will keep you from catching colds.
Then eat lots of fruit. Drink hot tea with lemon or raspberry jam. I also advise you to put a hot water
bottle under your feet and try a scalding foot bath. Apply cups and mustard plasters on your back. Here
is a prescription for medicine. You'll have it made at the chemist's.
- Thank you ever so much, doctor. Good-bye.

Exercise 7. Make up a dialog "At the Doctor's" with your friend. You are a doctor and he is a
patient. Mind the plan. Use the following phrases.

1. Come in, please. (You may. Yes, yes.)
2. Good morning (afternoon, evening)!
3. Do you speak English? (Can you speak English?)
4. Do sit down. (Sit down, please.)
5. Next, please! (Next!)
6. Will you wait a minute, please?
7. Don't open the door, please.
Passport Data
1. What's your full name? (What's your surname?)
2. How old are you? (Your age?)
3. Will you tell me your address? (Where do you live? In what street do you live?)
4. Would you tell me about your occupation? (What is your occupation? Where do you work?
Your profession?)
5. Are you married or single (divorced, widowed)? (Do you have a wife/husband? Do you have a
family? How many children do you have (have you got)?)
6. What's your education? (Your education, please. Did you go to school?) Complaints

What are you complaining of? (What do you complain of? Your complaints, please? What
troubles you? What exactly is the trouble? What's wrong? Have you had any pain? Where?)
Present History
1.Where do you feel the pain? (Is it painful here? That painful? Show me the exact point, please.)
2.Have you been ill for a long time? How long? (How long have you felt pains here? How many days?
A month? A week?)
3.What kind of pain? (Is your pain (cough, etc.) constant, severe, mild, etc.? With or without
4.Does the pain occur before or after eating? (When does the pain begin? When do you feel the pain?)

5.Where does the pain radiate to? (Does the pain radiate? Where to? Where else do you feel pains?)
6. When did you fall ill? (When did you first feel bad (unwell, dizzy, etc.)?)
7. How did the disease develop? (When did you begin to feel worse?)
8. What makes you feel better? (In what position do you feel better? What helps you? Show me,
9. Tell me, please, did you take any drug (medicine)? (Did you take any pills?)
10.What drug (medicine) did you take? (What were they? Give me the name of the drug.)
11.Did it relieve your symptoms? (Did you feel better after tablets? Did the drug help you? What drug
(medicine) helps you?)
12.Have you ever been injured? (Were you injured? Were you operated on? Have you had any injures?
Are you after any operation? After an operation?)
13.Did you consult any doctor?
14.What was his diagnosis? (What did he say?)
Past History
1. Were you in good health before? (Have you had any illness before?)
2. How did you develop as a child? (Were you a normal child? Did you have rickets?)
3. Are you the eldest in your family? What diseases did you have in your childhood (when you were a
child)? Did you have scarlet fever (mumps, etc.)?
4. Did you suffer from any grave disease? (Have you ever had tuberculosis or syphilis (infectious
diseases, heart attacks, fits, fainting, spells, etc.)?)
5. And any of your relatives?
6. When did it happen? (When was it?)
7. Would you tell me about any complications you had? (Did you have any complications after
your illness?)
8. Did you undergo any operations (Were you operated on?)
9. What living conditions do you have? (Do you live in a good house?)
10.You don't smoke, do you? (Are you a heavy smoker? Do you smoke?)
11.Do you have a good appetite? (Is your appetite good?)
12.What about alcohol? (Do you drink any whisky, beer, etc.?)
13.Do you suffer from cough? (Do you cough?)
Physical Examination
1. Open your mouth, will you? (Open your mouth, please. Open your mouth).
2. Put out your tongue. (Stick out your tongue. Show me your tongue. Just your tongue.)
3. Your tongue is rather coated. (Your tongue is not clean.)
4. Say "Aah", please. (Say after me: "Aah". "Aah", please.)
5. Turn your head, will you? (With your head to the window. Look at the door (window).)
6. Try to swallow. (Swallow, please. Do like that, please.)
7. Follow my finger with your eyes. (Look at my finger. Don't move your head but follow
my finger to the right. Now to the left ... up ... down.)
8. Do you have good eyesight (hearing)? (Do you have good eyes (good ear)?)
9. Come here if you can. (Here, please.)
10.Try to relax, please. (Be quiet.)
11.Let me feel your pulse. (Put your hand on the table, please.)
12.Will you stand still? (Stand still, please.)
13.Don't move your shoulders. (Don't move.)
14.I am going to examine you. (I'll examine you.)
15. Strip to the waist, please. (Take your clothes off. Undress.)
16. Unfasten your outer garments, please. (Just remove your shirt, will you? Your

17.Would you breathe deeply? (Breathe deeper. Breathe.)
18.Try to take a deep breath, please. (Again. Breathe in.)
19.Breathe out, please. (Breathe out.)
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур
II. Grammar Exercises
Exercise 1. Define the parts of speech of the following words, translate them.
intense - intensification – intensive
able - ability – probability
effect - effective – effectively
produce - productive – production
add - addition – additionally
village – villager
collect - collection - collective
Exercise 2. Translate the sentences. Mind the sequence of tenses.
1. It was clear that he finished high school.
2. Doctors recognized that this virus produced lung illness.
3. It was necessary to say that he was an excellent specialist.
4. The nurse wanted to know if the patient was better.
5. Generally mothers determine whether the child is sick or not.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences according to the model. Translate them. Model:
he worked at school (працює).
He knew that he had worked at school (працював).
he would work at school (працюватиме).
1. She said that...
2. They asked me if...
3. We asked him when ...
4. We were sure that...
5. My sister answered

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences translating parts of the sentences into English.
1.Пацієнт каже лікарю, that he has a sore throat.
2.Дівчина відповіла медсестрі, that she had a bad cold.
3.I tell you, що я перестав палити.
4.The doctor asked, чи пацієнт відчуває біль у шлунку.
5.Не asks the boy, коли він консультувався у лікаря останній раз.
Exercise 5. Learn the difference between the meaning of the following verbs.
to say (said, said) - казати, говорити, повідомляти, заявляти That
goes without saying. - Це очевидно.
Say it again! - Повтори! Скажи знову!
to speak (spoke, spoken) - говорити, виголошувати промову
speak English - говорити англійською
Speak loudly, please. - Говори голосно, будь ласка.

to talk - говорити, розмовляти, бесідувати, обговорювати, радитись, пліткувати to talk
against time - говорити, щоб виграти час; намагатися вкластися в установлений час I'd like to
talk to him. - Я хотіла б поговорити з ним.
to tell (told, told) - говорити, сказати, висловитись, наказувати, рахувати, пояснювати
Never tell me. - Не розказуйте казок.
Tell the nurse about it. - Скажіть медсестрі про це.

Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with the verbs to speak, to say, to tell, to talk in the correct form.
1. Alice would like to know what they ... about the party.
2. Professor Sobko ... at the meeting last Friday and ... us a lot about the USA.
3. I made a mistake in the last sentence and the teacher asked me to ... it again.
4. He has already ... to you about him.
5. What did she ... about the disease?
6. Every time I see my friend Nick we ... about our school times.
7. Our students always ... that Lina can ... English very well.
8. The nurse ... that the patient who you'd like to ... to discharged from the hospital



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№18: У хірургічному відділенні. Хірургічні захворювання. Ознаки та симптоми.

Актуальність теми: Хірургічне відділення сучасної багатопрофільної лікарні є одним з

найважливіших медичних підрозділів, в якому проводиться стаціонарне лікування хірургічних
хворих. Середній медичний персонал повинен вміти правильно провести передопераційну
підготовку хворих в залежності від терміновості операції, та з урахуванням розташування
патологічного чинника, в подальшому медична сестра веде постійний догляд за хворим, за його
зовнішнім виглядом та основними показниками гомеостазу.

Навчальні цілі:

 оволодіти професійно орієнтованим лексико-граматичним матеріалом, необхідним для

обговорення теми;
 знати особливості роботи у хірургічному відділенні, застосування хірургічного
 уміти складати діалог між пацієнтом і лікарем-хірургом, використовуючи необхідну
лексичну компетенцію;

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, хірургія

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:


1.Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для медучилищ та коледжів.-

К.:Вища школа,1997.

2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.

Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
5.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.

Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.
Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.
Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to talk about the Surgical department and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.
Speaking: Surgical Department

Exercise 1. Read the words and word combinations.

Manifestation, enteric fever, to stamp out, to occur, running nose, cough, whooping cough,
mumps, diphtheria, scarlet fever, rash, a rash on the skin, distribution, to associate, to itch, itching,
fluid, meningitis, polio, poliomyelitis, measles, cholera, plague, malaria, vaccination, immunity,
malaise, to range, eruption, chickenpox, immunity to TB (tuberculosis).

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations

a surgical patient (wound, clinic) - хірургічний пацієнт (рана, клініка)
an acute (chronic) appendicitis - гострий (хронічний) апендицит
gangrenous area - змертвіла площа
perforating wound (ulcer, appendix) - прободна рана (виразка, апендикс)
to remove a dressing, a gown, a foreign body - зняти пов'язку (халат), видалити чужорідне
to prevent a rupture - запобігти розриву
a fresh outer bandage - свіжа зовнішня пов'язка
a gauze [go:z] drain - ватний тампон
an urgent case - терміновий випадок

Exercise 4. Make up sentences with the word combinations from Exercise 3.

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences.
1. У хірургічному відділенні є операційний блок, палати для хірургічних хворих і їдальня 2.
На операційному столі ми бачимо хворого з діагнозом апендициту. 3. Медсестра готує
інструменти до операції. 4. Перед операцією хірург одягає стерильний халат, шапочку і
рукавички. 5. Медсестра дає хірургу ватний тампон. 6. Хворий готовий до операції.
Exercise 6. Read and act out the dialog.
Patient: May I come in?
Doctor: You may, please, sit down. What's your surname?
P: My full name is ... .
D: How old are you?
P: lam... .
D: Are you married?
D: What is your address?
P: My address is Podilska Street No 16.
D: What are you complaining of?
P: I have a stomachache.
D: How long has it been hurting you?
P: About four hours. The pain is so bad. Help me, doctor.
D: I'll examine you. Open your mouth and say "Aah".
P: "Aah".
D: Show me your tongue. It isn't clean. Are you sick?
P: Sometimes.
D: Did you take any medicine for the stomachache?
P: No, doctor. I didn't.
D: Lay down on the coach, please. Let me see your belly. (Palpates the abdomen.)
P: Ah! Here is the worst pain.
D: Well, please, stand up, you can dress. You must keep to a diet and stay in bed for two or three days.
P: Will you prescribe me some medicine?
D: Here is the prescription. That must be taken on an empty stomach three times a day. Come on
P: Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.
Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою
б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.
Exercise 7. Read the text, retell it.

Surgical Department
My name is Oleh. I am a student of the medical college. My father is a doctor. He works as a
surgeon in the surgical department at a hospital. He works very hard. He is a good surgeon. His work
begins at eight. When he comes to the hospital, he goes to his wards to examine his patients. He asks
the ward nurse about postoperative conditions of his patients. The nurse sometimes tells him that the
temperature of some postoperative patients is rather high and some of them have a swelling. But as a
rule she says mat there are no postoperative reactions. My father gives her necessary instructions. Then
he goes to the operating room. During my practice I saw an operation in the operating room.
Before the operation my father and his assistants washed their arms and hands, dried them with a
sterile towel, put on sterile gowns, masks, surgical caps and gloves. The nurse helped them to do it.
On the operating table there was a man who felt a severe abdominal pain. The surgeon diagnosed
appendicitis. The patient was prepared for the operation. The assistant gave the patient anesthesia. The
nurse gave a scalpel to the surgeon, the operation began. It lasted about an hour and was successful.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
Exercise 8. Make a plan of the text.

Exercise 9. Answer the questions.

1. What did Oleh see during his practice?
2. Who felt a severe abdominal pain?
3. What was the diagnosis?
4. What did the doctor do before the operation?
5. Who gave the patients anesthesia?
6. How was the operation finished?

Exercise 10. Read the text and translate it.

In the dressing room the surgeon took out the stitches on the patient's wound after the operation. It
didn't hurt the patient. The suture was only about 10 cm long and the patient didn't complain of any

tenderness on examination of the operative area. The surgeon hoped to discharge mis patient from the
hospital in a week.

Exercise 11. Make up your own situations on the following topics, using the given words and
word combinations.
1. In the Surgical Department: a surgeon, a surgical department, first of all, to examine, a ward nurse,
postoperative conditions, a swelling, necessary instructions.
2. In the Dressing Room: to apply a dressing on the wound, a bandage, a nurse, a gauze drain, to
bandage, to take a patient on a wheel-chair into the ward, to hurt, tenderness.
3. Examination of a Postoperative Patient: an abdominal operation, to put in a stitch, to take stitches
out, postoperative reaction, a swelling, to complain of tenderness, to have a wonderful bedside
manner; to discharge from the hospital.
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур
Grammar Exercises
Exercise 1. Use the verb in present, past and future tenses with each of the adverbs of time
given in brackets.
Model: He gets up early (every day, yesterday, tomorrow). —* He gets up early every day. He got up
early yesterday. He will get up early tomorrow.
1. Pete goes to the institute (on working days, last week, next week). 2. They attend lectures (on
Saturday, last Wednesday, next Friday). 3. He works in the laboratory (every day, tomorrow
afternoon, in a week). 4.1 go to the library (every Monday, on Monday, next Monday). 5. Students
take examinations (at the end of the academic year, last month, in a week).

Exercise 2. Give degrees of comparison of the following adjectives.

Short, little, small, important, long, late, low, good, cold, hard, difficult, old, beautiful, bad, tall,
happy, many.

Exercise 3. Give antonyms of the following words.

. The best, the latest, the strongest, the oldest, the most difficult, the tallest, the widest, the
unhappiest, the nearest, the worst.

Exercise 4. Open the brackets. Mind degrees of comparison of adjectives.

1.He is (tall) than his father is.
2.My sister is 5 years (young) than she is.
3.Are you (old) in the family?
4.Who is (good) nurse at the hospital?
5.Jane is (beautiful) of all.
6.She will get (thin) when she gets (old).

Exercise 5. Find sentences in the Future Perfect Tense, translate them.

1. I shall have read the text about surgery by this time tomorrow.
2. More and more people in all countries are looking for treatment of AIDS.
3. Will she have given the final answer before he returns?
4. By six o'clock we shall have made a report under the title of "Vitamins".
5. We must pay great attention to the question of anesthesia.
6. They will have spent much money to build the new hospital by that time.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Я ще не написала текст про обов'язки медсестри в хірургічному відділенні, але я її напишу до
того, як ти прийдеш з лекції.
2. Вона завершить цю доповідь до 1 вересня.
3. Ми побудуємо багато будинків до кінця наступного року.
4. Звичайно, вона напише цю статтю про властивості крові до початку року.

Exercise 7. Name the parts of speech of the following words, point the ways of their
formation. Translate them.
Unsuitable, invitation, impossible, misspell, unwritten, illegal, agreement, retirement, irregular,
payment, unthinkable, continuation, lagging, flowery, rainy, playable, seaport, parentless, driver.

Exercise 8. Rewrite the sentences in the Past and Future Indefinite Tenses, change the
adverbs of time.
1. It's cold today, isn't it?
2. It isn't late, is it?
3. It's dark here, isn't it?
4. It's six o'clock, isn't it?
5. Is it warm there?
6. Is it cold?
7. It isn't dark yet.
8. It's too late to ring him up.

Exercise 9. Translate into English.

1.- Чому ви так запізнились? Уже 8-ма година.
- Краще пізно, ніж ніколи. Не сердись, будь ласка. Ми не могли прийти раніше.
2. Учора ти запізнилась на фільм. Коли ти зайшла, було темно, а фільм уже почався.
3. Він каже, що ця палата більша, ніж його кімната. Це найбільша палата в хірургічному
4. Тут досить холодно. Давайте перейдемо в іншу кімнату. Ходімо. Увімкніть світло, тут темно.
5. Котра година на вашому годиннику? Лікар вже мав би прийти.
. Speaking: Operating Nurse
Exercise 1. Read the words and word combinations.
Surgical, surgeon, surgery, to harm, to handle, ambulance, to be dangerous for smb to do smth,
gangrenous, to perforate, to operate on smb for some disease, to remove, to prevent, rupture, fatal
outcome, traumatological, fracture, to set a fractured bone, plaster of Paris, immobilization, compound,
to undergo an operation for smth, convalescent, dressing room, to perform an operation on smb for
smth, postoperative, to bare, dressing, stitch, to hurt, suture, tenderness, suppurative, to wheel, to dress
smb's wound, bandage, gauze drain, to soak, pus, edge, solution, to bandage, profuse, bleeding, urgent,
to survive.

Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words,

traumatological - травматологічний mask -.маска
fracture - перелом forceps - пінцет
immobilization - накладання шини; імобілізація scalpel - скальпель
stitch - шов dry - сухий
swab - тампон dust - пилюка; бруд
to touch - доторкатися secure - надійний; міцний
to soak - просочуватись successful - успішний
profuse - рясний; багатий (на) clips - скоби (для з'єднання рани)
survive - переживати; витримати hernia - грижа
Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations,
to be admitted to hospital - бути доставленим у лікарню
to discharge from hospital - виписати з лікарні
compound fracture - відкритий перелом
to put a plaster cast for immobilization - накласти гіпс для імобілізації
to introduce a gauze drain into the wound - ввести ватний тампон у рану
to be soaked with pus (blood) - насинитись (увібрати) гноєм (кров'ю)
physiological solution - фізрозчин
solution of antibiotics - розчин антибіотиків
to cause profuse bleeding - спричинити сильну кровотечу
to survive the operation (disease) - пережити операцію (хворобу)
to protect the wound from dust - захистити рану від забруднення
to make the dressing secure - накласти надійну пов'язку
to give smb narcosis - дати комусь наркоз
the rules of aseptics - правила асептики

Exercise 4. Make up sentences, put the words in the right order.

1. In, saw, room, operating, Bob, some, operations, the.
2. Before, doctor, arms, the, washed, operation, the, his, and, hands.
3. Feels, a, the, abdominal, patient, severe, pain.
4. The, gave, to, scalpel, nurse, a, surgeon, the.
5. Successful, the, operation, was.

Exercise 5. Find Ukrainian equivalents.

1) an operating room а) операційна сестра
2) to test the abdomen b) операційний стіл
3) an operative wound c) дивитися на зіниці
4) an operating table d) дезінфікувати шкіру
5) to listen to lungs e) призначати лікування
6) an operating field f) операційна (кімната)
7) to prescribe a treatment g) операційне поле
8) to look at pupils h) вислуховувати легені
9) an operative nurse і) робити операцію
10)postoperative condition j) досліджувати шлунок
11)to disinfect the skin k) післяопераційний стан
12)to perform an operation 1) операційна рана
13)surgical needle m) хірургічна голка

Exercise 6. a) Read the sentences by means of which you may describe surgeon's work.
1. Every day a surgeon makes the morning round. 2. He examines patients, makes diagnosis. 3. He
prescribes operations and treatment. 4. Many patients are operated on by this surgeon.

b) Describe some surgeon's work using the verbs in the correct form:
Every day these surgeons: (to make) the morning round; (to examine) many patients; (to palpate)
them; (to make) diagnosis; (to prescribe) them treatment and (to perform) many operations.

Exercise 7. a) Read the sentences describing medical personnel's actions in the operating
Before the operation: 1. The surgeon and assistants wash their hands, put on sterile gowns, caps,
masks and come into the operating room. 2. The anesthetist gives the patient anesthesia.
During the operation: 1. The surgeon performs the operation. 2. The assistants help the surgeon,
pass instruments and control the patient's condition.
After the operation: The doctors and nurses pay much attention to the patient.

b) Answer the following guestions.

1. What do the surgeon and assistants do before the operation? 2. What does the anesthetist do
before the operation? 3. Who performs the operation? 4. What do the assistants do during the
operation? 5. Who pays much attention to the patient after the operation?
Exercise 8. Do the exercise in pairs. You are a surgeon and you receive patients in a
polyclinic. You are talking with your patient Ask him:
a) 1. His first name, surname. 2. His age. 3. His address. 4. His profession. 5. What persons his
family consists of.
b)1. What's happened. 2. What he complains of. 3. What else troubles him. 4. Where he feels his
pain. 5. If his pain is severe (weak, dull). 6. If his pain radiates to his abdominal part (his back,
shoulder). 7. If his pain appears on pressure. 8. If he has pain in the region of liver (stomach). 9. If he
was consulted by a doctor. 10. What diseases he had in his childhood. 11. If he was hospitalized. 12. If
he was operated on.

c) You are examining your patient. If your patient has severe abdominal pains, ask him to fulfill
the following:
1. To strip to the waist. 2. To lie down on the couch. 3. To show where he feels his pains. 4. To sit

Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою

б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.

Exercise 9. Read the text.


The surgical department is on the first floor of this hospital. This department houses 50 staffed
beds. One can see patients with surgical diseases, such as appendicitis, ulcer of abdomen, tumor,
carbuncle, phlegmon, etc. If an operation is necessary, the doctor insists on its being performed
immediately. Operations are performed in a special operating theater (room).
There is a large operating theater in this department. Here one can see two operating tables,
instrument tables, a few small cabinets for suture material, dressings and instruments.
Before the operation nurses prepare surgical instruments following the rules of aseptics. After
sterilizing them they put instruments on a special table covering them with sterile material.
There are different instruments here. They are scalpels, syringes, surgical needles, scissors, wound
clips, pincettes and a sterilizing drum.
Before the operation the surgeon and his assistants wash their hands according to the rules of
surgery and put on sterilized gowns, caps and special masks on their faces.
The patient is put on an operating table and covered with a sterilized cloth. Then a doctor or an
assistant begins to narcotize the patient. When the patient has fallen asleep, the surgeon disinfects the
skin of the region to be operated on and begins to perform the operation. One assistant helps the
surgeon during the operation. Other assistants listen to the heart, feel the pulse and look at the pupils.
They use different ways of controlling the patient's condition. During the operation special devices are
used for artificial respiration and blood circulation. The operation being over, the patient is moved to
the ward.
After the operation the patient is provided with special care and attention. The surgeon prescribes
him definite medicine and diet. Every day the surgeon examines patients, dresses their wounds and
introduces fresh gauze drains into them. He listens to the patients' lungs and hearts, tests their
abdomens and so on.
The surgeon prescribes patients proper treatment. Many patients are doing well. Soon they will leave the
clinic and return home. Some patients are in bad condition. The doctors and nurses pay much attention to them.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
Exercise 10. Answer the following questions concerning the text.
1. Where is the surgical department? 2. How many staffed beds does this department house? 3. What is
there in the operating theater? 4. What do nurses do before operations? 5. What instruments do they put on a
special table? 6. What does a surgeon do before an operation? 7. When does a surgeon begin to perform the
operation? 8. What do assistants do during an operation? 9. What kind of devices are used during an operation?
10. Where is the patient moved after the operation?

Exercise 11. Translate some questions to the text.

1. Яку увагу приділяють медсестри хворим після операції? 2. Що повинна виконувати медсестра? 3.
Хірург призначає лікування хворому, чи не так? 4. Коли виписують хворого із лікарні?

Exercise 12. Make up a story about your surgical department keeping the following
Description of the surgical department; furniture and things in the operating room; patients of the surgical
department; your surgeon's work; your medical personnel's actions.
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його

Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур
Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets, translate the sentences.
1.1 (to live) at the student's hostel now. 2. My friend (to graduate) from the college last year. 3.1 think he
(to enter) the medical year. 4. The students of his group (to take) an active part in the meeting last Saturday. 5.
My sister (to go) to the library every week. 6.1 (to come) home late today. 7. Ann lives near our college and
never (to take) a bus to come there. 8. In three years you (to get) a diploma of a nurse. 9. He often (to receive)
letters from his parents.

Exercise 2. Look at the following words, find similar roots in English and Ukrainian, try to
translate them without the dictionary.
Potential, natural, final, practically, rational, cubic, local, crystal, concentrate, function, regulator, preventive,
intensive, productive, test, text, result, system, diagnostic, incubator, microscope, filter, minute, computer.

Exercise 3. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives.

Emotional, healthy, cold, low, good, warm, weak, famous, dependent, little, clear, far, important, bad.

Exercise 4. Write out the verbs in the Future-in-the-Past Tense.

Is giving, will have operated, will be prescribing, saw, did, dressed, were decided, would repair, will be
given, should visit, are making, would look after, were calling, should speak.
Exercise 5. Read and translate the sentences.
1. The doctor told me that the next lesson would not be difficult. 2. They said that the
treatment of cancer would be developed soon. 3. I thought that I should get the job at our
hospital. 4.1 didn't know that Mr. Grey would come. 5.1 thought she would help me.
Exercise 6. Translate the sentences, name the types of clauses (типи підрядних речень).
a) 1. Medical experience knows cases when people who were regarded clinically dead returned to life
and are still alive. 2. There are all grounds to hope that with scientific progress new preparations will
be found which will make surgical intervention unnecessary. 3. For the first time ever, doctors had the
means with which they combated an incurable disease where previously they had been only helpless
observers. 4. If a person falls ill, he will ring up his local polyclinic and call in a doctor. 5. The only
problem is mat, while we are putting ourselves in the hands of trained experts who have devoted their
lives to medicine, they are now basing their diagnoses on the results of laboratory tests which in many
cases are done by people barely out of high school.
b) 1. She said she knew him very well. 2. He would come here were he in Kyiv. 3. The hotel we stayed
at is in the center of the city. Had he time, he would have come.

Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences.

1.1 should have missed the lesson, if... .
2. If I were you,....
3. If my friend were a surgeon,....
4. If I had money about me,....
5.They would operate this patient if... .
6. If the nurse had spare time,....
7. If he left home at twelve,....
8. If the patient received good results of analysis .....

Exercise 8. Translate into English.

1. Ми запізнимося на операцію, якщо заняття триватиме до кінця. 2. Якби я був на твоєму
місці, я обрав би професію хірурга. 3. Якби ти була операційною медсестрою, ти дотримувалася
б правил асептики. 4. Вони прооперують пацієнта, якщо результати аналізів підтвердять
діагноз. 5. Медсестра зробила б ін'єкції швидше, якби в неї був вільний час.


1. Домашнє завдання.
2. Підведення підсумків.
ТЕМА№19: У кардіологічному відділенні. Серцеві захворювання.

Актуальність теми: практична діяльність медичної сестри може бути пов’язана з

використанням іноземної мови (англійської). В зв’язку з цим в системі підготовки
кваліфікованого працівника необхідним є вивчення граматики, фонетики та лексики іноземної
мови. Майбутньому медичному працівнику необхідно вміти розповідати про кардіологічне
відділення в ході відкритої бесіди з представником англомовної країни, вміти правильно
вживати та будувати речення, знати характер англійської інтонації. А тема серцево-судинних
захворювань має важливе навчальне, професійне та пізнавальне значення. З огляду на медико-
соціальну значимість проблеми серцево-судинних захворювань актуальність теми про роль
медичної сестри профілактики серцево-судинної захворювань невпинно зростає.

Навчальні цілі:

 визначати особливості догляду за хворими кардіологічного відділення;

 знати захворювання серцево-судинної системи, їх симптоматику та клінічну картину;
 уміти аналізувати, коментувати, перекладати іншомовні джерела з цієї тематики
 написати анотацію та реферат на тему лікування серця дитини

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, терапія

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:


1.Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для медучилищ та коледжів.-

К.:Вища школа,1997.
2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.
Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с

5.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.

Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.
Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.
Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to talk about the cardiological department and cardiological diseases and to practise grammar
а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.


A stethoscope.
Acoustic device for hearing internal sounds including heart sounds.
Devices used to maintain normal electrical rhythm
An implanted electrical device that replaces the heart's natural pacemaker.
Electrical devices to alter the heart's rhythm with electrical energy.
Automated external defibrillator (AED)
An external defibrillator that is commonly found outside of health care settings. Often designed for
anyone to use.
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD)
An implanted device to prevent life-threatening conditions (e.g., ventricular tachycardia, ventricular
Devices used to maintain blood pressure
Artificial heart
An internal pump that wholly replaces the pumping action of the heart.
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / heart-lung machine
External pump to take over the function of both the heart and lungs.

Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)
A balloon placed in the thoracic aorta to supplement cardiac output from the heart.
Ventricular assist device
Internal pump to supplement or replace the pumping action of a ventricle.


· Blood tests
· Echocardiogram
· Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
· Cardiac stress test
· Auscultation (listening with a stethoscope)
Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
· QT interval
· Osborn wave
Ambulatory Holter monitor
Electrophysiology study
Programmed electrical stimulation
Sphygmomanometer (Blood pressure cuff)
Cardiac enzymes
Coronary catheterization
Myocardial Fractional Flow Reserve (FFRmyo)
IVUS (IntraVascular UltraSound)
OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography)
за темою

Cardiology it is a medical specialty dealing with disorders of the heart (specifically the human
heart). The field includes diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease,
heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology. Physicians specializing in this field of
medicine are called cardiologists.
Cardiologists should not be confused with cardiac surgeons, cardiothoracic and cardiovascular,
who are surgeons who perform cardiac surgery via sternotomy — open operative procedures on the
heart and great vessels.


The primary responsibility of the heart is to pump blood around the body. It pumps blood from
the body — called the systemic circulation — through the lungs — called the pulmonary circulation —
and then back out to the body. This means that the heart is connected and affects the entirety of the
body. While plenty is known about the healthy heart, the bulk of the study in cardiology is in the
disorders of the heart and restoration, where possible, of function.

The heart is a muscle that squeezes blood and functions like a pump. Each part of the heart is
susceptible to failure or dysfunction and the heart could be divided into the mechanical and the
The electrical part of the heart is centered on the periodic contraction (squeezing) of the muscle
cells that is caused by the cardiac pacemaker located in the sinoatrial node.
Reading. Етап читання тексту.

Coronary arteries labeled in red text and other landmarks in blue text.
Contrary to a basic understanding of the cardiovascular system, the heart cannot receive
enough oxygen and nutrients from the blood it pumps and it must be supply itself with blood as if it
were any other organ in the body. This circulation of blood is called the coronary circulation. The
coronary circulation consists of coronary arteries and coronary veins.
Disorders of the coronary circulation can have devastating effects to the heart since damage to
the heart can reduce coronary circulation which causes further damage.

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)

Acute coronary syndrome is a broad term encompassing many acute myocardial infarction symptoms.

Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris literally means "breast pain" that refers to chest pain caused by ischemia of the heart.

Atherosclerosis is the condition in which an artery wall thickens as the result of a build-up of fatty
materials (e.g., cholesterol). Atherosclerosis of a coronary artery leads to coronary heart disease.

Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease is a general term for any reduction in coronary circulation. One such condition
is atherosclerosis.

Myocardial infarction (aka heart attack)

A myocardial infarction is the death of a part of the heart which is typically caused by a blockage of
the coronary circulation or coronary heart disease.

Recurrence of stenosis which would refer to a coronary artery in the context of the coronary


Cardiac arrest refers to the cessation of normal systemic circulation due to failure in proper
contraction of the heart. There are several conditions that can cause cardiac arrest.

Asystole ("flatline")
Asystole refers to the absence of electrical activity of the heart and is sometimes referred to as a
"flatline" because the electrocardiogram shows a solid line due to the absence of electrical activity.

Pulseless electrical activity (PEA)

Pulseless electrical activity is when the electrocardiogram shows a rhythm that should produce a pulse
but it does not. PEA is commonly caused by the 6 H's and 6 T's (see PEA article).

Pulseless ventricular tachycardia

Pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT) Is one classification of VT such that no pulse is felt because of
an ineffective cardiac output which causes cardiac arrest.

Sudden cardiac death

Sudden cardiac death is a concept of natural death rather than a specific medical condition. There are
several causes of sudden cardiac death and it is distinct from cardiac arrest.

Ventricular fibrillation
Ventricular fibrillation is fibrillation of the ventricles of the heart. Rhythmic contraction is necessary
for efficient movement of blood and fibrillation disrupts this rhythm sufficiently to cause cardiac

A rhythm strip showing a couple beats of normal sinus followed by an atrial beat and asystole
Treatment of cardiac arrest includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation depending
on the exact cause of cardiac arrest.


The heart contains four valves that direct the flow of blood in a single direction. Failure to prevent
reverse-flow is called regurgitation, or insufficiency. Narrowing of the valves obstructs flow and is
called stenosis.

Aortic valve
Disorders and treatments of the aortic valve that separates the left ventricle and aorta.

Aortic regurgitation / aortic insufficiency

Deficiency of the aortic valve that permits regurgitation from the aorta into the left ventricle.

Aortic stenosis
Narrowing of the aortic valve opening that reduces blood flow through the valve.
Aortic valve replacement
Replacement of the aortic valve due to aortic regurgitation, aortic stenosis, or other reasons.

Aortic valve repair
Repair, instead of replacement, of the aortic valve.

Aortic valvuloplasty
Repair of the valve by using a balloon catheter to force it open.

Mitral valve
Disorders and treatments of the mitral valve that separates the left atrium and left ventricle.

Mitral valve prolapse

Prolapse of the mitral valve into the left atrium during ventricular systole.

Mitral regurgitation / mitral insufficiency

Deficiency of the mitral valve that permits regurgitation from the left ventricle into the left atrium.

Mitral stenosis
Narrowing of the mitral valve opening that reduces blood flow through the valve.

Mitral valve replacement

Replacement of the mitral valve due to mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis, or other reasons.

Mitral valve repair

Repair, instead of replacement, of the mitral valve.
Mitral valvuloplasty
Repair of the valve by using a balloon catheter to force it open.

Pulmonary valve
Disorders of the pulmonary valve that separates the right ventricle and pulmonary artery.

Pulmonary regurgitation / pulmonary insufficiency

Deficiency of the pulmonary valve that permits regurgitation from the pulmonary artery into the right

Pulmonic stenosis
Narrowing of the pulmonary valve opening that reduces blood flow through the valve.

Tricuspid valve
Disorders of the tricuspid valve that separates the right atrium and right ventricle.

Tricuspid regurgitation / tricuspid insufficiency

Deficiency of the tricuspid valve that permits regurgitation from the right ventricle into the right
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур


1. Домашнє завдання.
2. Підведення підсумків.
ТЕМА№20: У гастроентерологічному відділенні. Хвороби травного каналу.

Актуальність теми: практична діяльність медичної сестри може бути пов’язана з

використанням іноземної мови (англійської). В зв’язку з цим в системі підготовки
кваліфікованого працівника необхідним є вивчення граматики, фонетики та лексики іноземної
мови. Майбутньому медичному працівнику необхідно вміти розповідати про
гастроентерологічне відділення в ході відкритої бесіди з представником англомовної країни
Захворювання органів травлення в структурі захворюваності населення займає друге місце
після серцево-судинної патології. Вміння правильно обстежувати хворого, правильно
інтерпретувати дані лабораторно-інструментальних методів обстеження допомагає правильно
верифікувати діагноз. Майбутньому медичному працівнику необхідно вміти розповідати про
гастроентерологічне відділення в ході відкритої бесіди з представником англомовної країни

Навчальні цілі:

 визначати особливості догляду за хворими гастроентерологічного відділення;

 робити власні висновки щодо раціонального харчування та ведення здорового способу
 знати хвороби травного тракту, їх симптоматику та клінічну картину;
 уміти аналізувати методи діагностування цих захворювань;
 перекладати іншомовні джерела професійного спрямування

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, гастроентерологія

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:

1.Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для медучилищ та коледжів.-
К.:Вища школа,1997.

2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.

Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
5.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.

Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.
Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.
Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to talk about the gastroenterological department and to practise grammar



Exercise 1. Read, translate the text.


Gastroenterology (MeSH heading) is the branch of medicine whereby the digestive system and
its disorders are studied. The name is a combination of three Ancient Greek words gaster (gen.:
gastros) (stomach), enteron (intestine), and logos (reason).
Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, which includes the organs from mouth to anus,
along the alimentary canal, are the focus of this specialty. Physicians practicing in this field of
medicine are called gastroenterologists. They have usually completed the eight years of pre-medical
and medical education, the yearlong internship (if this is not a part of the residency), three years of an
internal medicine residency, and two to three years in the gastroenterology fellowship. Specialists in
GI radiology, hepatobiliary or gastric medicine, or in GI oncology will then complete a two- or three-
year fellowship. Gastroenterology is not the same as gastroenterological surgery or of colon and rectal
(proctology) surgery, which are specialty branches of general surgery. Important advances have been
made in the last fifty years, contributing to rapid expansion of its scope.

в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.

Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.
Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою

Exercise 1. Learn the following words by heart, pay attention to their Latin/Greek
English Latin/Greek Ukrainian
condition status, conditio стан
dyspepsia [dis'pepsia] dyspepsia порушення травлення
gallstones cholecystolithus жовчокам'яна хвороба
catarrh [ka'ta:] catarrhus катар, запалення слизової
cirrhosis [si 'reusis] of the cirrhosis hepatis цироз печінки
peritonitis [,perite'naitis] peritonitis запалення оболонки очеревини,
ulcer ['Alsa] ulcus виразка
gastritis gastritis запалення шлунку, гастрит
duodenitis duodenitis запалення дванадцятипалої кишки
hepatitis hepatitis запалення печінки, гепатит
pancreatitis pancreatitis запалення підшлункової залози,
colitis colitis запалення товстого кишечнику,
appendicitis appendicitis запалення червоподібного
відростка, апендицит
overdosage hyperdosis передозування
diarrhea [,daie'rie] diarrhoea пронос
nausea ['noisja] nausea нудота
vomiting vomitus блювання
flatus ['flaetes] flatus скопичення газів
hemorrhoids haemorrhoides геморой
hernia hernia грижа, кила

Exercise 2. Read the text.

In the cardiological department one can see patients with heart diseases. They suffer from
myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiosclerosis, etc. They have heart troubles, breathlessness, weakness and
other symptoms.
In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases. They suffer from
pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, etc. They complain of their bad cough, high temperature, headache.
In the gastroenterological department you can find patients with abdominal diseases. They have
gastritis, colitis, ulcer, etc. They feel pain in their stomachs, weakness and sometimes they have
vomiting or nausea. Many patients are recovering. Some of them are all right. But some patients are in
a bad condition. Doctors pay much attention to the patients. They use different methods of treatment.
Many patients are discharged from the hospital every day.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.

1. What patients can one see in the cardiological department?
2. What diseases do they suffer from?
3. What lung diseases do patients suffer from?
4. Are many patients recovering?
5. What methods of treatment do doctors use?

Exercise 4. Add missing parts to the word gastr(o) using Greek term elements.
- surgical removal of all or some part of the stomach
- an instrument for visual inspection of the inside of the stomach
Gastr... - a bleeding from the stomach lining
Gastro... - inflammation of the stomach lining
_______ __ - dislocation of the stomach down ____________________________
(-itis; -ectomy; -ptosis; -rrhagia; -scope)

Exercise 5. You are a gastroenterologist and you're consulting a patient (make up a dialog
with your friend). Use the following word combinations:

- to be sick - почувати нудоту (англ.); бути хворим (амер.);

- to be X-rayed - пройти рентген;
- to follow doctor's orders - виконувати вказівки лікаря;
- to keep (stay) in bed - дотримуватися постільного режиму;
- you don't look well - у вас поганий вигляд;
- to be operated upon - бути прооперованим;
- to be feverish - лихоманити;
- I feel faint. - Мені погано.
- My head swings. - У мене крутиться голова.
- Your tongue is rather coated (is not clean). - У вас наліт на язиці.
- Lie down on you back (stomach). - Ляжте на спину (живіт).
- Do you have a good (poor) appetite? - Ви маєте добрий (поганий) апетит?
- Do you have vomiting (heartburn)? - У вас блювання (печія)?
- Is the vomit bloodstrained (with mucus, unfrequent, violent)? - Блювота з кров'ю (зі слизом,
нечаста, сильна)?
- Of what color is the vomit? - Якого кольору блювота?
- Is your tongue always pink? - Ваш язик завжди рожевий?
- Is there any pain in your abdomen? - У вас болить живіт?
- Do you suffer from indigestion (gastric or duodenal ulcer)? - У Вас розлад травлення (виразка
шлунка чи дванадцятипалої кишки)?
- Is the gastric pain relieved by taking food or soda? - Чим заспокоюєте біль - їжею чи содовою
- The liver, spleen, gall bladder are not palpable. - Печінка, селезінка, жовчний міхур не

Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences.

1. Ці пацієнти страждають на виразку шлунка. Вони відчувають біль у шлунку, загальну
слабкість. У них буває нудота або блювання. 2. У цього чоловіка часто буває пронос, він
відчуває біль у шлунку після їжі. 3. Ця пацієнтка у поганому стані. У неї висока температура,
блювання і сильно болить голова. 4. Ці пацієнти одужують. Скоро їх випишуть із лікарні.

б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.

Exercise 7. Read, translate the text and make up a plan on it.


An ulcer (peptic ulcer) is a sore or a crater in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Ulcers may
develop in the stomach (gastric ulcers) or in the upper part of the small intestine (duodenal ulcers).
Ulcers develop when something damages the protective lining and allows stomach acid to eat away at
it. Factors that increase the risk of ulcers include:
- regular use of aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such
as indomethacin, naproxen, clinoril, etc.;
- smoking;
- infection with the bacteria called Helicobacter pylori.
Symptoms of an ulcer may include a burning or sharp pain in the abdomen between the navel and
the end of the breastbone. The pain often occurs between meals and may wake the person during the
night. The pain can usually be relieved by eating something or taking an antacid. Ulcers may also
cause heartburn, nausea or vomiting, and a bloated or full feeling during or after meals.
Ulcers can cause bleeding in the stomach, which may produce black or tarry bowel movements.
Without treatment, ulcers may occasionally cause obstruction or break through (perforate) the stomach
Bleeding and perforation are serious situations that require immediate treatment.

Home Treatment
- Avoid foods that seem to bring on symptoms. It isn't necessary to eliminate any particular food
from your diet (although milk and milk products slow healing and should be avoided).
- Eliminate alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods if they seem to worsen symptoms.
- Try eating smaller, more frequent meals. If it doesn't help, return to a regular diet.
- Stop smoking. People who smoke are twice as likely to develop ulcers as nonsmokers. Smoking
also slows healing of ulcers.
- Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen. Try acetaminophen instead.
- Antacids are usually needed to neutralize stomach acid and allow the ulcer to heal. Talk with
your doctor about the best dose. You may need frequent large doses to do the job. Nonabsorbable
antacids like Maalox, Mylanta, and Gelusil are often best. If you are on a low-salt diet, talk with your
doctor or pharmacist before choosing an antacid. Some antacids have a high sodium content.
- Too much stress may slow ulcer healing.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
Exercise 8. Here is a list of different disorders of the organs of the digestive system. Read the
information, compare English words with their Greek equivalents.
1. Peritonitis is the peritoneal inflammation.
2. Caries, gingivitis and periodonitis are diseases of the oral cavity.
3. Pharyngitis is the inflammation of the pharynx.
4. Gastritis, ulcer and cancer are diseases of the stomach.
5. Enteritis, diarrhea, appendicitis, and cancer are disorders of the intestines.
6. Diseases of the liver are hepatitis, cirrhosis, and cancer.
7. Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas.
8. Gallstones (or cholelithiasis) and cholecystitis are disorders of the gall bladder.

Exercise 9. Answer the following questions.

1) What symptoms of digestive disorders can you name?
2) What diseases of the stomach do you know?
3) Will you describe peptic ulcer?
4) What factors increase the risk of ulcer?
5) What may ulcer cause?
6) What can you advise to a patient suffering from ulcer?
7) What diseases of the accessory organs do you know?
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№21: У гінекологічному відділенні. Гінекологічні захворювання.

Актуальність теми: Курація в гінекологічному відділенні дає можливість студенту реалізувати

на практиці знання, отримані з курсу гінекології та інших клінічних дисциплін. Вміння зібрати
анамнез, провести клінічне обстеження хворих а також інтерпретувати отримані дані дозволяють
студенту прогнозувати перебіг хвороби, можливі ускладнення та особливості реабілітації хворих

Навчальні цілі:

 визначати особливості догляду за хворими гінекологічного відділення;

 знати симптоми основних гінекологічних захворювань;
 уміти складати діалог між вагітною та лікарем акушером-гінекологом;
 використовуючи засвоєний лексичний і граматичний матеріал

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, гінекологія

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал


1.Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для медучилищ та коледжів.-

К.:Вища школа,1997.

2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.

Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с

5.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.

Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to discuss the theme at the Gynecologist’s and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

I. Speaking: At the Gynecologist's

Exercise 1. Learn the topical words,
period менструація
discharge виділення
moderate помірний
miscarriage викидень
abortion аборт
cesarian section кесарів розтин
pain біль
slight слабкий
dull тупий
sharp гострий, нестерпний
giddiness запаморочення
disorder захворювання
female dispensary жіноча консультація

Exercise 2. Learn the typical questions a gynecologist asks his patients.

At what age did you have your first period? У якому віці у вас з'явились перші
How long is your period? Скільки днів у вас триває менструація?
Is discharge excessive (moderate)? Виділення сильні (помірні)?
Do you have pains during your period? Є болі під час менструації?
How many pregnancies have you had? Скільки у вас було вагітностей?
How many childbirths? Скільки пологів?
Have you had any abortions (miscarriages)? У вас були аборти (викидні)?
Were the deliveries normal? Пологи були нормальними?
Did you have cesarian section? Вам робили кесарів розтин?
What character of pain do you have Який у вас біль (сильний, слабкий, тупий,
(severe, slight, dull, sharp)? гострий)?
In what position do pains get worse? У якому положенні біль посилюється?
Are these attacks accompanied by Ці напади супроводжуються
giddiness, nausea, vomiting, frequent запамороченням, нудотою, блюванням,
urination, breathlessness, loss of частим сечовиділенням, задишкою, втратою
consciousness, high temperature? свідомості, високою температурою?
Have you had any gynecological disorders? У вас були якісь гінекологічні

Exercise 3. Make up a dialog between a gynecologist and a patient

Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою
Speaking: Duties of a Midwife
Exercise 1. Learn the topical word combinations.
The duties of a midwife:
* to be responsible for her doings;
* to give first aid;
* to help the gynecologist;
* to prepare instruments for examination of women;
* to measure pregnant women;
* to do all prescriptions of the doctor;
* to observe and take care of pregnant women, women in childbirth and women after delivery.

Exercise 2. Pay attention that obstetricians can work at:

* the female (prenatal) department (жіноча консультація);
* the maternity home/hospital (пологовий будинок);
* feldsher-midwife stations (ФАП);
* prophylactic centers of large facilities (factories, plants, etc.).
Exercise 3. Translate into English.
Я хочу стати хорошим акушером. Ця професія необхідна, почесна і важлива для
продовження людства. На мою думку, акушерка повинна бути доброю, уважною, милосердною,
рішучою, діяти спокійно і розсудливо. Акушерка повинна мати достатньо знань щодо своєї
роботи. Вона повинна вміти приготувати інструменти для обстеження жінок, обстежувати та
вимірювати таз вагітної, надавати медичну допомогу, виконувати вказівки гінеколога та лікарів,
здійснювати догляд за вагітною, роділлею і породіллею, проводити санітарно-просвітницьку
б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.

Exercise 4. Read the interview.

-What do you enjoy about being a commumty midwife?
- The job has great highs. After I have delivered a baby, I often feel elated. I've smiled to myself
many occasions and thought, "And I'm getting paid to do this!" It has its downsides too, though. When
a birth doesn't go to plan, say, it is very prolonged and the heart monitor shows the baby is in distress,
it can be very stressful. And of course - very, very rarely, thankfully when there is a stillbirth or a baby is
born with a deformity, it makes you feel awful for days or even weeks.
- What are the qualities of a good midwife?
- Number one is people skills. Of course you need a lot of knowledge, but perhaps more than any other
nursing job, a midwife must be good at getting on with people. When a woman gives birth, she feels very
vulnerable and at the same time, it is an intensely personal experience you are sharing with her. I try to develop a
strong relationship with my mothers during pregnancy when they come for their ultrasounds and physical
- What are your views on a natural birth at home?
- It's all about choosing the right type of birth for you. I think giving birth without pain-controlling drugs in
the comfort and familiar surroundings of your own home can be a wonderful experience. But my job is to
explain objectively to each woman her options and let her decide. I run a weekly antenatal class for parents-to-be
in which I explain the ins and outs of hospital birth, home birth, and water birth, as well as covering issues such
as breastfeeding, the mother's diet during pregnancy, and how the father can help during labor.
Exercise 5. Answer the questions.

- When does Nicky feel extremely happy?

- What makes her feel awful?
- In what ways does Nicky prepare women for birth in her weekly antenatal classes?

Exercise 6. Discuss with a partner whether you would like to do Nicky's job. Explain your

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text.

Cervical erosion Cervical erosion is a gynecological condition in which the squamous cells that
normally cover the surface of the cervix are replaced with columnar cells from inside the cervical
canal. These cells appear red and inflamed, but they are not cancerous, and the cervix itself does not
literally erode. Generally, this condition is very easy to treat, as it usually resolves itself once the cause
of the abnormal cell growth has been addressed. Many people with cervical erosion do not experience
symptoms, and they learn about the condition during a routine pelvic examination. Sometimes, it is
accompanied with abnormal bleeding or a vaginal discharge. The issue with this condition is that,
since the columnar cells do not belong on the surface of the cervix, they can sometimes become
infected, which is why routine pelvic examinations are important, as they allow doctors to catch such
conditions early. There are four primary potential causes for cervical erosion: pregnancy, chemical
exposure, trauma, and infection. Pregnancy and the use of hormonal birth control appear to be linked
to the condition because of the changes in the hormonal balance of the body. Chemicals such as
spermicide, some lubricants, and some douches can also irritate the surface of the cervix, causing this
problem. Infections such as herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and pelvic inflammatory disease are also
linked with cervical erosion, as is trauma such as a poorly-inserted speculum, or rough sexual activity.
Once a doctor identifies the cause, the condition can usually be resolved. Patients may be given
medications to treat infection, or encouraged to take a rest from sexual activity and to change brands of
lubricants, condoms, or spermicides. If the area is given a chance to rest and recover, the normal
squamous cells will usually start growing again, and the surface of the cervix will return to its usual
state. Cervical erosion is also referred to as cervical ectroption or cervical ectropy. It is important to
remember that it is not cancerous, although some gynecological cancers can cause this condition.
Women can reduce the risk of developing this problem by using safe sex practices, getting regular
gynecological checkups, and paying close attention to signs of infection and inflammation that could
indicate the presence of a gynecological problem.

Exercise 8. Answer the questions

1.What is cervical erosion?

2.Why are routine pelvic examinations important ?
3.What causes cervical erosis
4.What infections are also linked with cervical erosion?
5.What can also irritate the surface of the cervix?
6.What is accompanied with abnormal bleeding or a vaginal discharge?

- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур


1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№22: Поліклініка:виклик лікаря додому.

Актуальність теми: полягає у постійно зростаючій потребі людей у кваліфікованому та

грамотному обслуговуванні представниками такої важливої професії, як лікарі. Значення
роботи лікаря усвідомлюється саме в час різкого підвищення рівня захворюваності населення

Навчальні цілі:

 опрацювати іншомовні джерела професійного змісту;

 оволодіти професійно орієнтованим лексико-граматичним мінімумом, необхідним для
вивчення теми;
 складати діалоги між пацієнтом і медичними працівниками під час огляду;
 уміти описувати симптоматику пацієнта та заповнювати історію хвороби, вивчивши
особливості абревіатури в медичній термінології;
 систематизувати, аналізувати та коментувати отриману інформацію.

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, латинська мова

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:


1.Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для медучилищ та коледжів.-

К.:Вища школа,1997.

2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.

Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
5.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.

Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.
Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.
Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to talk about the visit to a doctor and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.
establish [Is'txblIS] засновувати, встановлювати
condition [kqn'dIS(q)n] стан
fall ill ['fOl 'Il] захворіти
make an appointment [q'pOIntmqnt] записатися на прийом
sick [sIk] хворий, нездоровий
ache [eIk] біль
comprise [kqm'praIz] включати, містити в собі
call in [kO:l] викликати
complaint [kqm'pleInt] скарга
correct [kq'rekt] відповідний
blood circulation ['blAd sq:kju'leIS(q)n] кровообіг
extend [Iks'tend] розповсюджуватися
lung [lAN] легеня
tongue [tAN] язик
respiration [respq'reIS(q)n] дихання
chest [Cest] грудна клітка
abdomen ['xbdqmqn] черевна порожнина
measure ['meZq] вимірювати
blood pressure ['blAd 'preSq] кров’яний тиск
urine ['juqrIn] сеча
administer [qd'mInIstq] призначати
injection [In'GekS(q)n] ін’єкція
proper ['prOpq] відповідний
sick leave ['sIk 'lJv] лікарняний лист
regimen ['redZImqn] режим
fill in ['fIl 'In] заповнювати
prophylactic [prOfI'lxktIk] профілактичний
prevention [prI'venSn] запобігання
follow ['fOlqu] дотримуватись, слідувати

Ex. 1. Find corresponding Ukrainian equivalents to the following English terms: 1) to administer
2) sick leave 3) prevention 4) to fall ill 5) blood pressure 6) to make diagnosis 7) consulting hours
а) лікарняний лист b) профілактика, попередження c) кров’яний тиск d) ставити діагноз e)
години прийому f) захворіти g) призначати

Ex. 2. Read the following words and word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian:
To establish; a wide network; to fall ill; his condition is poor; neurologist; registry; definite specialist;
to extend to all parts of the human body; to comprise; tongue; respiration ["respq'reIS(q)n]; heart;
blood circulation; pulse [pAls]; to measure ['meZq] temperature; abdomen ['xbdqmqn]; to listen to; to
prescribe proper treatment; laboratory; analysis; urine ['juqrIn]; consulting hours ['auqz]; to put her on
a sick-leave; fulfill the doctor’s prescriptions.

Ex. 3. Insert the missing letters:
Exam_ne; pa_ient; lis_en; he_rt; lun_; palp_te; abdo_en; p_lse; me_sure; blo_d; pres_ure; inje_tion;
ton_ue; e_tend; r_spiration; urin_; admini_ter.


Ex. 4. Read the following text:

The state has established a wide network of the medical institutions. One of them is the
polyclinic. If a person falls ill he/she calls in a doctor. When his/her condition isn’t poor he/she goes to
the local polyclinic. Many specialists, such as therapeutists, surgeons, neurologists, gynecologists and
others work here. When a patient comes to the local polyclinic he/she goes to the registry first and
makes the appointment with the definite specialist. The physical examination must be performed
methodically and extended to all parts of the body. Examination comprises the following: General
examination; Examination of the face (the face is usually a mirror of person's condition); Examination
of the tongue; Observation of respiration; Examination of the heart function, blood circulation and
pulse; General examination of the chest; Measuring temperature; Examination of the abdomen. So at
the medical examination a physician listens to the patient’s heart and lungs, palpates the abdominal
parts, feels the pulse, and measures blood pressure. The doctor makes the diagnosis and prescribes
proper treatment to every patient. The laboratory analysis (blood analysis and urine analysis) and other
tests help to make a correct diagnosis and administer proper treatment. In addition to the consulting
hours at the polyclinic local physician goes out to the calls to examine those patients who have a high
temperature or who are seriously ill. The doctor puts them on sick-leaves for several days. Patient must
follow a bed regimen and fulfill the doctor's prescriptions. Any local physician knows his/her patients
very well because he/she treats a definite number of patients. At the polyclinic every patient has a
personal patient’s card, which is filled in by physician. Everything about the patient is written down in
the card. Twice a year the local physician should invite his/her patients for prophylactic examination
with the aim of prevention of different diseases.

Ex. 5. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Дотримуватися, слідувати; захворіти; лікарняний лист; дотримуватися постільного режиму;
оглядати хворого; вимірювати кров’яний тиск; пульс; пальпувати органи черевної порожнини;
певна кількість пацієнтів; записатися на прийом.

Ex. 6. Translate the text "Polyclinic" into Ukrainian.

Answer the following questions:

1. What medical institutions in Ukraine do you know? 2. What does a person do if he/she falls ill? 3.
What medical specialists work at a local polyclinic? 4. What does a physician do during the medical
examination? 5. In what cases does a local physician go out to the calls? 6. What patients receive sick-
leaves? 7. What does a local physician write down in every patient’s card?

Ex. 7. What do the doctors do? Fill in the blanks with the words below:

When people have some problems like being _ or having lost appetite, they go to see the doctor in
his/her _ . Every doctor has a _ to help the patient. When the doctor sees _ in the surgery, first he/she
listens to their problems, then he/she _ them. The doctor takes the patient's temperature, listens to
his/her _ , looks in his/her ears, eyes, takes his _ . Then, if the _ isn't so serious, the doctor _ some
medicine. Later the patient will take the _ to the _ . If something is seriously wrong with the patient,
the doctor sends him/her to the hospital for _ .
1. patients; 2. treatment; 3. examines; 4. heart and lungs; 5. depressed; 6. blood pressure; 7. prescribes;
8. surgery (кабінет); 9. disease; 10. chemist's (аптека); 11. nurse; 12. prescription.

Ex. 8. Combine corresponding parts into sentences, paying attention to the meaning of the
1. The physician must know all the symptoms in the patient's own words and _. 2. The patient's voice,
_ can give important clues to discover not only something about the disease but also about the patient.

3. The time the physician spends on thorough anamnesis _. 4. _ "good anamnesis is half-way to
A. helps him/her in diagnosing; B. facial expression and attitude; C. we know that; D. not to avoid
minor complaint that may be of importance.

avoid [q'vOId] уникати
minor ['maInq] незначний, другорядний
clue [klu] ключ
attitude ['xtItju:d] постава або положення тіла
anamnesis ["xnxm'nI:sIs] анамнез

Ex. 9. Get ready to speak on the physical examination of the patient.

Ex. 10. Ask 8-10 questions to the text "Polyclinic".

Ex. 11. Make up a dialogue on obtained information.

Ex. 12. Read the following dialogue and translate it:

Alex: Hello, John. When did you fall ill?

John: I fell ill two weeks ago?
Alex: I didn’t know anything about your illness till George told me about it.
John: Yes, the onset was so sudden.
Alex: Was it acute?
John: Yes, quite. I couldn’t sleep at night, felt feverish, and could hardly stand on my legs. I had a
splitting headache and a bad cough.
Alex: Were you running temperature?
John: Oh, yes. It was very high: thirty-eight point nine. I didn’t know that it was so high and wanted to
go to our district polyclinic, but my mother didn’t let me out.
Alex: Did you call in a doctor?
John: Certainly. He examined my lungs, told me to breathe deeply and to cough repeatedly. He took
my temperature once more. It was 38.90C.
Alex: Did he diagnose your case?
John: Yes, he did. He told that I had pneumonia.

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:

1. Did John have a cold or pneumonia? 2. What symptoms did John have? 3. Did he go to the
polyclinic to consult a physician? 4. Why did he call a doctor in? 5. What did the doctor do in order to
diagnose his case?
Ex. 14. Reproduce the similar dialogue (see ex. 32).
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.

2. Підведення підсумків.
ТЕМА№23: Нещасні випадки та невідкладна медична допомога: забиття, опік, шок.

Актуальність теми: З розвитком промисловості, транспорту, виробничої і побутової хімії різко

зросла кількість захворювань та нещасних випадків, що потребують невідкладної медичної
допомоги. Обсяг і якість надання медичної допомоги при забиттях, опіках і шоках на до
госпітальному етапі, своєчасність госпіталізації хворих і потерпілих – це визначальні фактори
кінця захворювання, нещасного випадку.

Навчальні цілі:

 знати правила надання невідкладної медичної допомоги в екстрених випадках;

 уміти характеризувати нещасні випадки, знати їх симптоматику;
 знати класифікацію лікарських засобів, вміти правильно зіставляти захворювання та
засіб для його лікування;
 уміти узагальнювати, систематизувати та порівнювати отриману інформацію,
використовувати її під час написання анотації до тексту

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, невідкладні стани

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:


1.Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для медучилищ та коледжів.-

К.:Вища школа,1997.

2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.

Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
5.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.
Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to learn to give the first aid and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.)
Систематизація лексичного матеріалу за темою

Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words.

help [help] допомога
aid [eid] допомога
care [кєз] допомога, турбота
victim ['viktim] жертва, потерпілий
accident ['aeksidsnt] нещасний випадок
emergency [i'm3:d3ensi] аварійний; екстрений
bleeding ['bli:din] кровотеча
poison ['poizn] отрута
breathing дихання
injury пошкодження, травма
available [s'veilebl] доступний
involve охоплювати, залучати
reassure заспокоювати; запевняти, переконувати
relieve [ri'li:v] заспокоювати
require [rik'waie] потребувати, мати потребу
urgent невідкладний, терміновий
shock шок
prevent [pri'vent] запобігати
hurt [h3:t] заподіяти шкоду; поранити; завдати болю; рана; біль; пошкодження
swelling ['swelin] набряк

Exercise 2. Learn the following word combinations.

first aid - перша допомога
sudden illness - раптова недуга
save our souls - врятуйте наші душі, "SOS"
additional problems - додаткові проблеми
to be calm - бути спокійним
act without panic - діяти без паніки
moving the victim - транспортування потерпілого
life-threatening - життєнебезпечний, що загрожує життю
consult the doctor - відвідати лікаря
X-ray examination - рентген

б) Reading. Етап читання тексту

Exercise 3. Read and translate the text. Memorize the conditions requiring first aid.


Everybody must know how to give first aid. First aid is immediate care rendered to a victim of an
accident, sudden illness, or other medical emergency.
Proper first aid can save a victim's life, especially if the victim is bleeding heavily, has stopped
breathing or has been poisoned.
First aid also can prevent the development of additional medical problems that might result from
injury or illness.
The person who gives first aid must have the best knowledge of it. He must be calm and act
without panic.
Treatment should be continued until professional medical help is available. First aid also involves reassuring
the victim, releiving the pain, and moving the victim, if necessary, to a hospital or a clime.
Remember: "SOS" means "Save Our Souls".
The general steps to take in any situation requiring first aid include the following:
1) call a local emergency medical service or a doctor;
2) provide urgent care (for life-threatening emergencies);
3) examine the victim for injuries;
4) treat the victim for shock.

Here is a list of conditions requiring first aid:

asphyxiation ядуха, асфіксія hemorrhage крововилив; кровотеча
bee (sting) ['bi:'stin] бджолиний укус hyperthermia перегрівання
bleeding кровотеча hypothermia переохолодження
blister ['bliste] пухир nosebleed носова кровотеча
bruise [bru:z] забій, синець poison ['poizn] отрута
burn [Ьз:п] опік rabies [ reibi:z] сказ, водобоязнь
cuts [kAts] порізи shock шок
dislocation вивих snakebite зміїний укус
drowning ['draunin] утеплення stroke удар, параліч
fainting ['feintin] зомління sunburn сонячний опік
fracture ['frasktfe] перелом unconsciousness непритомність
frostbite ['frostbait] обмороження
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи

Exercise 4. Find English equivalents in the text.

Надавати першу допомогу, врятуйте наші душі, могло бути результатом пошкодження, бути
повністю обізнаним, негайна медична допомога (екстрена), доступна, життєнебезпечний,
полегшення/зменшення болю, заспокоєння потерпшого, транспортування потерпшого, додаткові
проблеми, діяти без паніки, надати невідкладну допомогу, врятувати життя людини.

Exercise 5. Name the most common conditions requiring first aid.

Exercise 6. Tell your fellow students about the general steps to take in any situation requiring
first aid.

Exercise 7. Read and act out the dialogs.

Mother: What's the matter with you, Danny? You have nose bleeding.
Danny: I've fallen down and hurt my nose.
Mother: Sit down, Danny. Lena, give me some cloth and cold water.
Danny: What do you want to do, Mom?
Mother: I'll put a cold compress on your nose. Breathe through your mouth, Danny. That's right.
Don't be afraid. The bleeding will stop.
Kate: Ma, where are you?
Mother: I'm in the kitchen, Kate. What's the matter?
Kate: My friend Lora feels bad. She has a bad headache and hot skin.
Mother: Where is she?
Kate: She is on the bank of the river. She was lying in the sun for a long time.
Mother: It may be a sunstroke. Is anybody with her?
Kate: Yes, Ann is there.
Mother: Be quick. Run back and take Lora to a shady place. Raise her head a little. Put a wet
cloth on her head. I'll take some medicine and come in a minute.
Mother: What's the matter with you,
Jack? You look pale.
Jack: There is nothing wrong with me, Mom.
Mother: But I see that something is wrong.
Jack: Well, I fell on the skating-rink and hurt my right leg badly.
Mother: Let me take off your shoe, Jack.
Jack: Thank you, Ma. I can do it myself.
Mother: I am afraid you have a fracture.
Jack: Don't be afraid. It's not a fracture. You see there is no swelling. Mother:
You'd better have an X-ray examination.
Jack: All right. I'll consult a doctor.

Exercise 8. Answer the following questions.

1. What is first aid? 2. What are the most common conditions requiring first aid? 3. Can
everybody render first aid? 4. What actions does first aid involve? 5. If a person has a nosebleeding,
what must you do? 6. What does "SOS" mean?
Exercise 9. Tell your younger sister about first aid, use the following words and phrases in your
Immediate care, a victim, medical emergency, bleeding, shock, stopped breathing, is poisoned,
be calm and act without panic, general steps, any situation requiring first aid, include, call a doctor,
provide urgent care, for injuries, treat the victim for shock.
Exercise 10. Read the texts about various conditions requiring first aid, translate them.
(The lists of unknown words are given after the texts.)
Text 1
Bruises (contusions) are usually caused by a bump or a fall, which ruptures small blood vessels
under the skin. Blood seeps into the surrounding tissues causing the black and blue color of a bruise.
People who take blood thinners (anticoagulants) or aspirin may bruise easily. A bruise can also
develop after blood is drawn.
A black eye is a type of bruise. Apply home treatment for a bruise and inspect the eye. FirstAid
Apply ice or cold packs for 15-minute intervals during the first 48 hours to help vessels constrict
and to reduce swelling. The sooner you apply ice, the less bleeding will result.
If possible, elevate the bruised area. Blood will leave the area and there will be less swelling.
Rest the limb so you don't injure it further.
If the area is still painful after 48 hours, apply heat with warm towels, a hot water bottle, or a
heating pad.
When to Call the Doctor If signs of infection develop:
- increased pain, swelling, redness, or tenderness;
- heat or red streaks extending away from the area;
- discharge of pus;
fever of 100°C or higher with no other cause. If a blow to the eye causes:
- severe bleeding in the white of the eye, or blood in the colored part of the eye;
- impaired or double vision;
- inability to move the eye normally in all directions;
- severe pain in the eyeball rather than in the eye socket.
If you suddenly begin to bruise easily, or if you have an unexplained recurrent or multiple bruises.
bruise [bru:z] синець, забій redness ['rednis] почервоніння

contusion контузія; забите місце streaks [strirks] смужки; прожилки
bump ударяти(ся); стукати(ся) pus [PAS] гній
rupture розрив discharge ] виділення
seep [si:p] просочуватися blow удар
black eye - синець під оком double vision] подвоєння в очах
constrict звужувати(сь) socket (тут) очна западина
reduce [ri'dju:s] зменшувати, знижувати multiple багаторазовий;
heating pad - зігріваюча ватно-марлева пов'язка багатократний; численний
tenderness ['tendenis] чутливість recurrent повторний; періодичний;
Text 2
Burns are classified as first-, second-, or third-degree depending on their depth, not on the amount
of pain or the extent of the burn. A first-degree burn involves only the outer layer of skin. The skin is
dry, painful, and sensitive to touch. A mild sunburn is an example.
A second-degree burn involves several layers of skin. The skin becomes swollen, puffy, weepy, or
A third-degree burn involves all layers of skin and any underlying tissue or organs. The skin is
dry, pale white or charred black, swollen and sometimes breaks open. Nerves are destroyed or
damaged, so there may be little pain except on the edge where there is a second-degree burn.
First Aid
Run cold tap water over the burn for 10 to 15 minutes. Cold water is the best immediate treatment
for minor burns. The cold lowers the skin temperature and lessens the severity of the burn. Do not use
ice, as it may further damage the injured skin.
Remove rings, bracelets, watches, or shoes from the burned limb. Swelling may make them
difficult to remove later.
For first- and second-degree burns with intact blisters:
- Leave the burn alone for 24 hours. Don't cover the burn unless clothing rubs on it. If it rubs,
cover it with a gauze pad taped well away from the burn. Do not encircle a hand, arm, or leg with tape.
Change the bandage after 24 hours, and then every two days.
-After two or three days of healing, the juice from an aloe leaf can soothe minor burns.
- Do not put salve, butter, grease, oil, or ointment on a burn. They increase the risk of infection and
don't help heal the burn.
- For second-degree burns, do not break blisters. If the blisters break, clean the area by running tap
water over it. Apply an antibiotic ointment, such as Polysporin or Bacitracin, and cover the burn with a
sterile dressing. Don't touch the wound with your hands or any non-sterile objects. Remove the
dressing every day, clean the wound and cover it again. -Aspirin or ibuprofen can help relieve pain
from minor burns.
Third-degree burns require immediate medical treatment. Call a health professional as soon as
depth глибина lessen ['lesen] зменшувати
outer layer - зовнішній шар damage пошкодження
puffy набряклий remove [ri'muv] знімати
weepy ['wi:pi] мокнучий, вологий rub терти(ся)
edge край gauze pad [go:z] марлевий компрес
Text З
Shock may occur due to sudden illness or injury. When the circulatory system is unable to get
enough blood to the vital organs, the body goes into shock. Sometimes, even a mild injury will lead to
The signs of shock include:
- cool, pale, clammy skin;
- dilated pupils;
- week, rapid pulse;
- shallow, rapid breathing;
- low blood pressure;
- thirst, nausea, or vomiting;
- confusion or anxiety;
- faintness, weakness, dizziness, or loss of consciousness. Shock is a life-threatening condition.
Prompt care can save lives.

Have the person lie down and elevate his legs 12 inches or more. If the injury is to the head, neck,
or chest, keep the legs flat. If the person vomits, roll him to one side to let fluids drain from the mouth.
Control any bleeding and splint any fractures.
Keep the person warm, but not hot. Place a blanket underneath him and cover him with a sheet or
a'blanket, depending on the weather. If the person is in a hot place, try to keep him cool. Take and
count the person's pulse every five minutes. Comfort and reassure him to relieve anxiety. Call for help
immediately if signs of shock develop.
vital organ життєво loss of consciousness ['krmjbsnis] втрата свідомості
необхідний орган lead [li:d] призводити
inch [intfj дюйм (міра довжини)
clammy липкий, клейкий roll [rol] повертати
dilated pupils - розширені зіниці drain [drein] витікати
nausea нудота splint fracture - накладати шину на перелом
vomiting ['vDmiurj] блювання underneath [,лгкіз'пі:6] внизу; під
faintness ['feintnis] непритомність anxiety [aen'zaiati] тривога, стурбованість,
dizziness ['dizinis] запаморочення занепокоєння
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№24: Нещасні випадки та невідкладна медична допомога: переломи,
знепритомнення, укуси.

Актуальність теми: З розвитком промисловості, транспорту, виробничої і побутової хімії різко

зросла кількість захворювань та нещасних випадків, що потребують невідкладної медичної
допомоги. Обсяг і якість надання медичної допомоги при переломах, знепритомнінні, укусах на
догоспітальному етапі, своєчасність госпіталізації хворих і потерпілих – це визначальні
фактори кінця захворювання, нещасного випадку.

Навчальні цілі:

 знати правила надання невідкладної медичної допомоги в екстрених випадках;

 уміти характеризувати нещасні випадки, знати їх симптоматику;
 знати класифікацію лікарських засобів, вміти правильно зіставляти захворювання та
засіб для його лікування;
 уміти узагальнювати, систематизувати та порівнювати отриману інформацію,
використовувати її під час написання анотації до тексту.

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, невідкладні стани

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:


1.Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для медучилищ та коледжів.-

К.:Вища школа,1997.

2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.

Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с
5.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.
Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to learn to give the first aid and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.)
fracture перелом
dislocation вивих, зміщення
sprain розтягнення, ушкодження зв’язок
strain [streIn] розтягнення, деформація
injury ушкодження, рана, забиття
tearing розрив, порушення цілосності структури
stretch розтягування, розтягнення
break ушкодження, перелом
crack тріщина, щілина
splint [splint] накладати шини; шина
accompany супроводжувати
damage пошкодження; ураження; порушення
severe сильний, тяжкий
bleeding кровотеча
victim ['vIktIm] жертва, потерпілий
lower back поперек
involve втягувати; торкатися
torn [tO:n] розірваний
pull [pul] розтягнення
swelling опухання, припухлість
bruising ушкодження, забиття
vehicle транспортний засіб

Ex. 1. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.

Ex. 2. Insert the missing letters: To_n, swell_ing, dam_ge, inv_lve, cra_k, in_ury, fra_ture, spra_n,
str_in, d_slocation.
Ex. 3. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian: Swelling; tendon;
severe; stretch; strain; internal; fracture; dislocation; bleeding; ligament; pull; painful; injury; cause;
accompany; bruising; involve; sprain; tearing; lower back; separate; damage; closed fracture; displace.
Ex. 4. Read the following words: Fracture; occur; injury; accident; ligament; musculoskeletal; motor-
vehicle; call; define; involve; severe; break; damage; victim; sign; lower; either; wound; accompany;
fall; position; bruising; accompanied; injury; partial.
б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.
Викладач поділяє студентів на чотири групи і визначає час для читання й обговорення тексту
The musculoskeletal system consists of the bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Fractures,
dislocations, sprains, and strains are injuries that occur to the musculoskeletal system.
Fractures are breaks or cracks in bones. They are defined as either closed or open. Closed fractures
leave the skin unbroken. They are more common than open fractures. An open fracture involves an
open wound. Open fractures are more serious than closed fractures because of the risks of infection
and severe bleeding. Fracture of a large bone can cause severe shock because bones and soft tissue
may bleed heavily. Fractures can be accompanied by internal injuries. For example, victims with
fractured ribs can also have injuries to the lungs, kidneys, or liver. Fractures can be caused by motor-
vehicle accidents, falls, blows, sports injuries, or bone diseases.
A dislocation is an injury in which a bone is displaced from its normal position at a joint. A dislocation
may involve damage to the ligaments around the joints. Dislocations can be caused by falls, sports
injuries, motor-vehicle accidents, underlying disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis) and others.
A sprain is the partial or complete tearing of ligaments and other tissues at a joint. The more ligaments
are torn, the more severe the injury. Sprain most commonly occurs in joints of the ankles and knees.
Like dislocations, sprains can be caused by falls, sports injuries, and motor-vehicle accidents.
A strain is a stretching and tearing of muscle or tendon fibers. It is sometimes called a "muscle pull" or
"tear". Strains are often caused by lifting something too heavy. They often occur in the neck or back.
Strains of the neck or lower back can be very painful. The signs of fractures, dislocations, sprains, and
strains The signs of these injuries are very similar. Five common signs of musculoskeletal injuries are
pain, swelling, deformity, bruising of the skin, and inability to use the affected part normally.
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.

Ex. 6. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English: Поперек; розірваний;
розрив, порушення цілісності структури; зв’язка; припухлість; розтягнення; пошкодження,
забиття; внутрішній; тріщина, щілина; супроводжувати; спричиняти; кровотеча; перелом;

Ex. 7. Translate the text "Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains, and Strains” into Ukrainian.

Ex. 8. Answer the questions:

1. What does the musculoskeletal system consist of? 2. What are fractures, dislocations, sprains and
strains? 3. Give the definition to the medical term "fracture". 4. What kinds of fractures do you know?
5. What are the causes of fractures? 6. What is a dislocation? 7. What are the common causes of
dislocations? 8. What do you know about sprains? 9. Define the term "strain". 10. What are the causes
of strains? 11. What are the common signs of fractures and dislocations?

Ex. 9. Characterize the following: a) fracture; b) dislocation; c) sprain; d) strain.

Ex. 10. What types of dislocations and fractures do you know? Can you explain the meaning of
the following terms:

Types of Fractures

Ex. 11. Open fractures break through the skin. Simple fractures do not. Simple fractures are
classified according to the way the bone breaks. Several varieties of the simple fractures are
included in the illustration above. Speak on them.
Ex. 12. Read and retell the text:
In identifying types of fractures, your physician may use some of the terms explained or illustrated
Open fracture: The broken bone protrudes from the skin. This may allow entry of bacteria from the
environment, which increases the risk of infection.
Simple fracture: A fracture in which the broken bone does not protrude through the skin.
Complete fracture: Fracture in which the bone snaps into two or more parts.
Incomplete fracture: The break is limited to a crack (the bone is not separated into two parts).
Impacted fracture: One fragment of bone is embedded into another fragment of bone.
Pathological fracture: A bone breaks in a person with bones weakened by disease. Bone cancer or
bone disorder such as osteoporosis can result in weakened bones that fractures spontaneously or when
only minor stresses are exerted on them. Such breaks are termed pathologic fractures because a
principal cause is an underlying disease.

Ex. 13. Read and translate the text:

Text 5

An unconscious person is completely unaware of what is going on and is unable to make

purposeful movements. Fainting is a form of brief unconsciousness; a coma is a deep, prolonged state
of unconsciousness.
Causes of unconsciousness include stroke, epilepsy, heat exhaustion, diabetic coma, insulin shock,
head or spinal injury, suffocation, drunkenness, shock, bleeding, and heart attack.
Fainting is a partial loss of consciousness. Light-headedness is a mild form of shock, and is usually
not serious. If it happens often, there may be a more serious problem. Dizziness and fainting can also
be brought on by sudden emotional stress or injury.
Make sure the unconscious person can breathe. Check for breathing and, if necessary, open the airway
and begin rescue breathing. Keep the person lying down.
Check the pulse. If there is none, call for help and start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Treat any injuries.
Do not give the person anything to eat or drink.
Look for medical identification, such as a bracelet, necklace, or card that identifies a medical
problem such as epilepsy, diabetes, or drug allergy.
If the person has diabetes, he or she may have insulin shock (low blood sugar) or be in a diabetic
coma (too much sugar in the blood).
When to Call the Doctor
If someone has completely lost consciousness.
If unconsciousness follows a head injury. A head injury victim needs to be carefully
If a person with diabetes loses consciousness.
completely [kamp'lktli] повністю heart attack ['ha:t3,taek] серцевий напад
unaware [,Ana'w£s] який не знає, не partial ['pa:Jial] частковий
підозрює; непоінформований light-headedness - легке запаморочення
purposeful ['p3:pasful] цілеспрямований cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) - відновлення
brief [bri:fj короткий роботи серця і легенів
сота ['кэитэ] кома (стан) medical identification - медична ідентифікація
exhaustion [ig'zoistfsn] виснаження drug allergy [drAg'aela:d3i] алергія на ліки
suffocation [,sAfa'keijbn] задушення; ядуха insulin shock - інсуліновий шок (низький вміст
drunkenness ['drArjkanis] алкогольне цукру в крові)
сп'яніння diabetic coma - діабетична кома (збільшений вміст
цукру в крові)

- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.

ТЕМА№25: Інфекційні хвороби.

Актуальність теми: тема має важливе значення для студентів-медиків, тому що інфекційними
захворюваннями хворіє велика кількість людей, і диференційний аналіз допоможе вчасно
вилікувати хворобу. Знання діагностики інфекційних хвороб та методи їх лікування відіграють
вагому роль у підготовці лікаря

Навчальні цілі:

 знати симптоми основних інфекційних захворювань, особливості гігієни при догляді за

інфікованими пацієнтами;
 визначати предмет вивчення гігієни дорослих і дітей;
 розповідати про найпоширеніші дитячі хвороби;
 робити усне повідомлення про роль вакцинації у профілактиці поширених інфекційних

Міжпредметні зв’язки: лінгвістика, педагогіка, психологія, інфектологія

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал

Рекомендована література:


1.Янков А.В.Англійська мова для студентів-медиків.Підручник для медучилищ та коледжів.-

К.:Вища школа,1997.

2..English for medical students: -- Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: підручник/ А. Г.

Саблук, Л. В. Левандовська.- 2-е вид., виправл. – К.: ВСВ “Медицина”, 2013.- 576 с.
3. Austin D. English for nurses — Англійська мова для медсестер: підручник. — К.: Медицина,
2009. — 176 с.
4. Англійська мова для фармацевтів = English for Pharmacists: підручник/І.Є. Процюк, О.П.
Сокур, Л.С. Прокопчук. – К.: ВСВ «Медицина», 2011. – 448 с

5.Modern English Grammar (reference book): -- Граматика сучасної англійської мови (довідник)/
Г. В. Верба, Л. Г. Верба – К.: ТОВ «ВП логос-М», 2006.-341с.


Голіцинський Ю.Б. Велика Британія. — К.: Арій, 2006.

Гужва Т. Англійські розмовні теми. — Харків: Фоліо, 2006.
Мансі Є.О. 100 розмовних тем з англійської мови. — К.: Арій, 2008.
Ривкін В.Л., Бенюмович М.С. Новий англо-український медичний словник. — К.: Арій,
Янсон В.В., Свистун Л.В., Богатирьов С.Т., Лежньов С.М. A Practical Guide for Learners of
English / Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів:
навч. посіб. — К.: Логос, 2009.
Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use. — Cambridge University Press.
Liz and John Soars New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. — Oxford university Рress, 2002.
Liz and John Soars New Headway English Course. — Oxford University Press, 2000.
Toni Grice Nursing. — Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sam McCarter Medicine. — Oxford University Press, 2009.
Sue Ann Woоster Ames Essentials of Adult Health Nursing.
Sylvia S. Mader Human Biology. –University of New York at Bufallo. — Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 2000.

Зміст теми заняття



Greeting and Aim

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning, students! What do we have to do at our today’s lesson? We have to do some useful
things: to discuss infectious diseases and to practise grammar


а) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

Exercise 1 Phonetic reading: learn the pronunciation of the following words and word
combinations, translate them.

Blood, a drop of blood, blood transfusion.

Cough, a slight cough, a bad cough, a dry cough.
Disease, a fatal disease, a curable disease, an incurable disease, a catching (infectious) disease.
Throat, a sore throat, to gargle the throat.
Skin, dry skin, hot skin, rash on the skin.
Fever, to keep a fever down, enteric fever
Exercise 2. Learn the following words
bacterium (pi. bacteria) бактерія
bacillus (pi. bacilli) бацила
cholera холера
diphtheria дифтерія
enteric [en'terik] fever - черевний тиф
whooping cough ['hu:pin'ko:f] кашлюк
rash висип
microorganism [,maikr3o'o:ganizm]мікроорганізм
bacteriological бактеріологічний
plague [pleig] чума
malaria малярія
malaise [mae'leiz] нездужання, недуга
eruption висип
prodromal продромальний, що передує початку хвороби
regain [ri'gein] повернути собі, відновити(здоров'я)
stool [stu:l] випорожнення; табуретка
stamp out ліквідувати, викорінити
thirst [03:st] спрага
vaccination вакцинація
peeling відшаровування; відлущення
rabies ['reibi:z] сказ, водобоязнь
serum ['siaram] сироватка (крові)
sputum ['spjuitam] мокротиння
saliva [ss'laiva] слина
onset ['-onset] початок; напад
meningitis [,menin'd3aitis] менінгіт,запалення мозкової оболонки
itch, itching ['itfïij] сверблячка, свербіння

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations

infectious (catching) disease - інфекційна (заразна) хвороба

gradual onset - поступовий початок
sudden onset - раптовий початок
prodromal symptoms - симптоми, що передують хворобі
characteristic features - характерні риси
initial stage of the disease - початкова стадія хвороби
a clinical feature - клінічна ознака
natural immunity - природний імунітет
artificial immunity - набутий імунітет

Exercise 4. Here is a list of some infectious diseases. Some of them are considered to be children's
infections and other both children's and adults'. Learn their names.

Children's Diseases
chicken pox - вітрянка
mumps - свинка
measles - кір
polio - поліомієліт
whooping cough - кашлюк
scarlet fever - скарлатина
roseola - краснуха (немовлят)
German measles (rubella) - краснуха

Infectious Diseases
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) -СНІД (синдром набутого імунодефіциту)
diphtheria - дифтерія
diarrhea - пронос
dysentery - дизентерія
flu (influenza, grippe) - грип
hepatitis - гепатит
tetanus - правець
scabies - сверблячка, короста
tuberculosis – туберкульоз
enteric fever - черевний тиф
meningitis - менінгіт

б) Reading. Етап читання тексту.

Викладач поділяє студентів на чотири групи і визначає час для читання й обговорення тексту

Infectious Diseases
Infectious diseases are diseases which can pass from one person to another by different ways:
through the nose and mouth, simply by touch, through the blood, etc.
A person who has any infectious disease must be isolated immediately. The main task of medical
workers is to prevent the spread of infection.
All infectious diseases are caused by specific microorganisms which may be revealed by
bacteriological tests: for example, typhoid bacilli are found in the blood, stool; in enteric fever they are
sometimes found in the urine; meningococci are found in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid in
Today such diseases as the plague, cholera, malaria and others have been stamped out altogether in our
It is important to say that such infectious disease as scarlet fever may have a sudden onset;
however in others, such as enteric fever, the onset may be gradual. Prodromal symptoms appear earlier
than the characteristic features, and generally it is difficult to make a diagnosis in the initial stages of
the disease.
A sore throat, a running nose, cough, high temperature may occur among the most characteristic local
symptoms. Many diseases are accompanied by rash. Special attention should be paid to the type of the
rash, its color, distribution and whether it is associated with itching or not. Abdominal infectious
diseases may cause diarrhea. Only in certain individuals natural immunity to infectious diseases may
exist. An artificial immunity results from prophylactic vaccination, which is carried out against a
number of infectious diseases.
If nurses look after patients who have any infectious disease, they must:
- prevent the spread of infection;
- wear a mask and a special gown;
- wash hands carefully after visiting infectious patients;
- disinfect bedclothes after use;
- remember that a good bedside manner and hearty attitude is an effective medicine (ліки).
в) Post-Reading Activity. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Студенти виконують лексичні вправи.
Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.
1. What are infectious diseases?
2. What ways of passing infection from one person to another do you know?
3. What causes these diseases?
4. What infectious diseases have been stamped out in our country?
5. What are the main symptoms of many infectious diseases?
6. What must nurses do to prevent the spread of infection?
7. What must nurses remember while caring for a person who has any infectious disease? Exercise 7.
Translate into English.
Особливу увагу слід звернути на тип висипу, перші продромальні симптоми, скарлатина
може розпочатись раптово, початок може бути поступовим, на ранніх стадіях захворювання,
лише в окремих людей, супроводжуються висипанням, носити маску і спеціальний халат, через
кров, продезінфікувати білизну після використання.
Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using expressions in the right column

It is wrong not to disinfect bedclothes after use.

It is important to prevent spread of infection
It is dangerous to wear a mask and a gown
It is necessary to put patients in a ward
to put patients with different diseases in the same ward
to wash hands after contacting an infectious patient
to prevent the disease by prophylactic vaccination.

Exercise 9. Find substitutes for the words and expressions in bold type.

1. In our country doctors have put an end to the plague, cholera and malaria.
2. What infectious diseases take place in most Asian countries today?
3. The patient's recovery after illness was not so good as the doctor wanted.
4. The patient complains of a general feeling of uneasiness.
5. The appearance of rash is a definite clinical manifestation of measles.
6. Not natural immunity can be provided against many infectious diseases.

Exercise 10. Make up your own situations on the following topics.

1. Prevention of infectious diseases.
2. Measures of stopping the spread of infection.
3. About infectious diseases.
- Presenting Grammar
1. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу:
2) Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом.
Студенти працюють з роздавальним матеріалом, читають речення та пояснюють його
Grammar Practice
3. Тренування студентів у вживанні введених граматичних структур



1. Домашнє завдання.


2. Підведення підсумків.


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