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REYNANDI SALNIAWAN (2020203888203027)

JUMRIAH NURLANG (2020203888203052)

Papers Prepared to Fulfill the Tasks of the English for Business





Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given His grace and guidance
so that I can complete this thesis entitled Business Presentation on time. The
purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the duties of a lecturer in the English for
Business course. In addition, this paper also aims to add insight about Business
for readers and also for writers.

I would like to thank Mr. H. Ambo Dalle,, M.pd, as a lecturer for the
English for Business course who has given this assignment so that it can add
knowledge and insight according to the field of study that I am engaged in. I also
thank all those who have shared some of their knowledge so that I can complete
this paper.

I realize that the paper I wrote is still far from perfect. Therefore, I will
look forward to constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this

Pinrang, 12 Oktober 2022


Reynandi Salniawan
Reg. Num. 2020203888203027



TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..............................................................................1

A. Background...............................................................................................1

B. Problem Statement....................................................................................1

C. Objective of the Research..........................................................................2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION...................................................................................3

A. Definition of Business...............................................................................3

B. Definition of Business Presentation..........................................................3

C. Business Presentation Preparation.............................................................4

CHAPTER III CONCLUSSION.............................................................................6


A. Background
Presentations are made to convey information or new thoughts about a
problem so that it can be understood by the audience. But not everyone can make
a presentation. This is because the presentation is done by many people, and it is
not uncommon for the audience to not know the presenter at all. So it is natural
that the presenter feels nervous and nervous which can ultimately affect his
appearance in front of the audience. Inadequate preparation greatly affects
someone when making a presentation. Practice and understand the problems that
will be discussed first, sometimes even people who are already proficient will still
feel nervous at first. There are several tricks and stages that need to be considered
in making a presentation so that it can run smoothly and not be too nervous or
awkward when dealing with the audience.

Presentation is an activity of speaking in front of many audiences or a form of

communication. Presentation is the activity of submitting a topic, opinion or
information to others. In contrast to speeches that are more often delivered at
official events and political events, presentations are more often delivered at
business events.

Presentation is also the delivery of a material or problem to listeners and

audiences who follow the presentation. Presentation can also be interpreted as the
activity of someone who speaks in public, whether in seminars, lectures, teaching
in class, or similar activities. The person who delivers the presentation is called
the presenter or presenter, while the person who attends the presentation is called
the audience. In addition to papers, also prepare media/tools needed in
presentations. Then practice before making a presentation to be really ready and
adjust the delivery of the material with the time allotted.

B. Problem Statement

1. What is the definition of a business?

2. What is the definition of a business presentation?
3. How to prepare a good business presentation?

C. Objective of the Research

1. To know the definition of a business.

2. To know the definition of a business presentation.
3. To know How to prepare a good business presentation.


A. Definition of Business
In the context of general discussion, business cannot be separated from the
activities of production, buying, selling, and exchanging goods and services that
involve people or companies. Activities in business in general have the aim of
generating profits for survival and collecting sufficient funds for the
implementation of the activities of the businessman himself.
In a capitalist economy, where most businesses are privately owned,
businesses are formed to make a profit and increase the wealth of their owners.
The owners and operators of a business are rewarded according to the time, effort,
or capital they put in. However, not all businesses pursue this kind of profit, for
example cooperative businesses that aim to improve the welfare of all their
members or government institutions that aim to improve people's welfare. This
business model contrasts with the socialistic system, where big business is mostly
owned by the government, the general public, or trade unions.
In simple terms, business is all activities carried out by one or more people
who are organized in seeking profit through the provision of products needed by
B. Definition of Business Presentation
A business presentation is the delivery of information about business
activities (product development, market expansion, new project proposals, etc.) by
speakers to an audience attending a business forum. Presentation in business is
very important. A speaker who makes a business presentation in front of an
audience certainly has a goal to be achieved. In general, business presentations are
as follows:
1. Informing business messages to the audience
Information or business messages to be conveyed must be attractive,
simple and easily understood by the audience. In conveying
information, avoid using language that is difficult to understand and
monotonous and boring presentation forms.

2. Entertaining the audience
Speakers need to insert humor that is able to liven up the atmosphere
so that the audience will be entertained and not easily bored. In
inserting humor, a speaker must know when humor is included in the
conversation and not let it get out of control so that the atmosphere
becomes a joke.
3. Touching emotions
With an attractive style of speech and intonation, a speaker is able to
arouse the emotions of the audience.
4. Motivate the audience to take action
The speaker needs to state clearly and unequivocally the information
covered in the presentation. Examples of speakers urge employees to
reinforce commitment, improve work discipline, and increase
company competitiveness through improving product quality and the
C. Business Presentation Preparation
Before starting the presentation we are also required to make an invitation
that contains an explanation of the time, place and event of the activity so that it
can run as expected.
In any field, success can be achieved if the preparation is done well.
Likewise with business presentations, a good business presentation can only be
achieved if the preparation for making the presentation is done as well as possible.
In this case the preparation needed for a business presentation includes several
things, namely:
1. Mastery of the Topic or Material to be Presented
Mastery of the material to be presented is one of the important
requirements so that what you want to convey to the audience can
reach the target. Unpreparedness for the material to be presented will
not only hinder the delivery of messages to the audience, but will also
give an unfavorable image for the speaker concerned. Therefore,

master the material well before making a presentation in front of an
2. Analyzing Various Environments Locations or Places for
In order for the business presentation to be carried out to achieve its
objectives, a speaker needs to know more about the environment or
location or place where he will make a business presentation. An
understanding of the environment or atmosphere of the location for the
business presentation will make it easier for a speaker to arrange
presentation aids according to the atmosphere of the location. For
example, whether the location used for the presentation has a large
enough space, what is the layout of the room, the shape of the table
and audience seating, and so on.


Business presentations are often done in the business world, both in relation
to marketing, finance, personnel, production, and information technology issues.
Therefore, they need to pay attention to various factors that can support the
success of an effective presentation. Business presentations have four main
objectives, namely informing business messages, entertaining the audience,
touching the emotions of the audience, and motivating the audience to do
something. Although in practice, a company can only aim to convey certain
business messages to the audience. Before making a business presentation, it is
necessary to prepare several things such as mastery of the material to be
conveyed, mastery of business presentation tools, analyzing the audience and
analyzing the environment in which the business presentation takes place.


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