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In dit boek wordt een jurisprudentieonderzoek besproken van
ongeveer 4000 WIPO arbitrageuitspraken op het gebied van
conflicten van registratie en gebruik van internetdomeinnamen.

In tegenstelling tot traditioneel jurisprudentieonderzoek betrof

dit onderzoek een grootschalige structurele analyse, namelijk
een juridisch-kwantitatief onderzoek. Bepaalde onderdelen van
de analyse, zoals het verzamelen en verwerken van de benodigde
(relevante) factoren, werden deels geautomatiseerd.

Voor juristen, onderzoekers, advocaten en rechters zou een

dergelijke manier van analyseren in deze tijd van digitalisering en
een steeds toenemend aantal rechterlijke uitspraken wel eens meer
uitkomst kunnen bieden dan traditioneel jurisprudentieonderzoek.

Johanna A. Visser Een juridisch-kwantitatief onderzoek

naar WIPO domeinnaamarbitrage

Johanna A. Visser

cover.indd 1 5/7/2009 8:37:03 PM



Johanna A. Visser

Rekenen met rechtspraak
Een juridisch-kwantitatief onderzoek naar WIPO domeinnaamarbitrage
Johanna A. Visser

ISBN: 978-90-5850-432-6

Afbeelding omslag:
‘Balthazar’s Feest’ (1635)
door Rembrandt van Rijn

Dit boek is een productie van:

aolf Legal Publishers

Postbus 31051
6503 CB Nijmegen

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© 2009 J.A. Visser





A Quantitative Legal Study of WIPO Domain Name Arbitration Decisions


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
op gezag van de
rector magnificus

Prof. dr. S.W.J. Lamberts

en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.

De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op

18 juni 2009 om 13.30 uur


Johanna Adriaantje Visser

geboren te Ridderkerk

Promotoren: W.H. van Boom

Prof.dr. H. Elffers

Overige leden: Prof.dr. R.J. Van den Bergh N.J.H. Huls
Prof.dr. T.M. van Engers
Een juridisch-kwantitatief onderzoek naar WIPO domeinnaamarbitrage


HOOFDSTUK 1: HET ONDERZOEK ....................................................................... 1

1.1 Inleiding..................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Object van het onderzoek .......................................................................................... 2

1.2.1 De WIPO domeinzaken.......................................................................................... 2 Algemeen ............................................................................................................. 3 Enkele procedurele regels en bevoegdheden......................................................... 5 Regels ten aanzien van bewijsvoering ................................................................... 7

1.3 Probleemstelling......................................................................................................... 8

1.4 Structuur van het onderzoek, behandeling................................................................ 10


2.1 Inleiding................................................................................................................... 13

2.2 Juridisch-kwantitatief onderzoek .............................................................................. 13

2.2.1 Algemene opmerkingen ........................................................................................ 13
2.2.2 Opmerkingen m.b.t. het onderhavige onderzoek .................................................. 14

2.3 Toepassing in de rechtswetenschap........................................................................... 15

2.3.1 Inleiding................................................................................................................ 15
2.3.2 Juridisch-kwantitatief onderzoek uit enkele disciplines........................................... 18 Grootschalige structurele analyse van rechterlijke beslissingen ............................. 18 Een voorspellingsproject van Amerikaanse rechtszaken .................................... 19 Corruptie van gerechtelijke instanties in Latijns-Amerika................................. 23 Rechterlijk beslissingsgedrag in Zuid Afrika..................................................... 25 Enkele andere onderzoeken............................................................................. 25 Juridisch-kwantitatief onderzoek van de UDRP-procedure................................ 26 Het onderzoek van Geist en Mueller ............................................................... 26 Het vragenlijstonderzoek van Kur.................................................................... 29 De logistische regressieanalyse van Kesan en Gallo ........................................... 32

HOOFDSTUK 3: JURIDISCH ONDERWERP EN FACTOREN .......................... 39

3.1 Inleiding................................................................................................................... 39

3.2 Het verzamelen van de data...................................................................................... 39

3.3 Het juridische onderwerp en de factoren.................................................................. 40
3.3.1 Algemeen.............................................................................................................. 40
3.3.2 Het juridische onderwerp ...................................................................................... 42
3.3.3 De factoren ........................................................................................................... 43 De kenmerken van partijen en de domeinnaam.................................................. 43 De inhoudelijke elementen van de arbitrale procedure ....................................... 45 Procedurele incidenten ....................................................................................... 48 Overige factoren................................................................................................. 49


4.1 Inleiding................................................................................................................... 51

4.2 Identificatie van de factoren...................................................................................... 51

4.3 Gebruikte zoektechniek voor identificatie ................................................................ 54

4.3.1 Algemeen.............................................................................................................. 54
4.3.2 Korte uitleg werking zoekprogramma ................................................................... 54 Algemene werking ............................................................................................. 54 Verfijnde zoekacties............................................................................................ 56
4.3.3 Bevindingen zoekacties SI ..................................................................................... 58 Gemakkelijk terug te vinden termen .................................................................. 58 Lastig terug te vinden termen ............................................................................. 59 Overige bevindingen .......................................................................................... 61
4.3.4 Inhoudelijke bevindingen...................................................................................... 62

4.4 Vastleggen definitieve factorenlijst ............................................................................ 63

4.4.1 Algemene opmerkingen ........................................................................................ 63
4.4.2 Aanpassingen in de factorenlijst.............................................................................. 64

4.5 Verwerking en codering van de gegevens................................................................. 65


5.1 Inleiding................................................................................................................... 71

5.2 De statistische methode ............................................................................................ 71

5.3 De logistische regressieanalyse en de resultaten ......................................................... 73

5.3.1 Algemeen verloop van de analyse .......................................................................... 73
5.3.2 Resultaten logistische regressieanalyse .................................................................... 76 Algemeen ........................................................................................................... 76 De meest geschikte factoren ............................................................................... 77 Hoe succesvol is het model? ............................................................................... 82 De afwijkende zaken .......................................................................................... 85

HOOFDSTUK 6: JURIDISCHE INTERPRETATIE ................................................ 89

6.1 Inleiding................................................................................................................... 89

6.2 Enkele sterke zaken .................................................................................................. 89

6.2.1 Een zaak met een positieve beslissing..................................................................... 89
6.2.2 Een zaak met een negatieve beslissing .................................................................... 91

6.3 De afwijkende zaken ................................................................................................ 93

6.3.1 Extreme outliers met positieve beslissing................................................................ 93 Zaak D2002-0556 .............................................................................................. 93 Zaak D2002-0173 .............................................................................................. 99
6.3.2 Extreme outliers met negatieve beslissing............................................................. 106 Zaak D2002-0876 ............................................................................................ 106 Zaak D2002-0373 ............................................................................................ 109
6.3.3 De laagste outliers met negatieve beslissing .......................................................... 111 Zaak D2001-0512 ............................................................................................ 111 Zaak D2002-0720 ............................................................................................ 113
6.3.4 Enkele andere opvallende zaken .......................................................................... 116 Zaak D2000-0017 ............................................................................................ 116 Zaak D2000-1708 ............................................................................................ 117

HOOFDSTUK 7: CONCLUSIES EN SAMENVATTING ...................................... 121

7.1 Inleiding................................................................................................................. 121

7.2 De eerste en de vijfde onderzoeksvraag................................................................... 121

7.3 De tweede en vierde onderzoeksvraag.................................................................... 123

7.3.1 De tweede onderzoeksvraag ................................................................................ 123 De significante factoren .................................................................................... 123 Enkele opmerkingen over niet significante factoren .......................................... 126
7.3.2 De vierde onderzoeksvraag.................................................................................. 128

7.4 De derde onderzoeksvraag...................................................................................... 130

7.5 De zesde onderzoeksvraag, samenvattend ............................................................... 132

ENGLISH SUMMARY.............................................................................................. 135

CURRICULUM VITAE ........................................................................................... 138

BIJLAGEN .................................................................................................................. 139

BIJLAGE A: WIPO Index ........................................................................................... 139

BIJLAGE B: Verwijderde factoren ............................................................................... 145

BIJLAGE C: Definitieve Factorenlijst........................................................................... 148

LITERATUURLIJST ................................................................................................. 153


1.1 Inleiding

In dit boek wordt verslag gedaan van een onderzoek naar conflictoplossing van
registratie van internetdomeinnamen door middel van arbitrage. De methode van
onderzoek is juridisch-kwantitatief van aard. Dat betekent dat een systematische
analyse wordt gemaakt van de onderzochte verzameling uitspraken. Hoewel deze
grootschalige structurele analyse overeenkomsten vertoont met kwalitatief literatuur-
en jurisprudentieonderzoek, wijkt het wat aanpak en methode betreft op een aantal
belangrijke punten hiervan af.
In hoofdstuk 2 wordt uitvoeriger op de juridisch-kwantitatieve methode ingegaan,
maar in het kort komt het erop neer, dat aan de hand van de in de verzamelde zaken
voorkomende factoren door middel van statistische berekeningen wordt bepaald welke
invloed deze factoren hebben op de beslissing van de rechter.
Met de uitkomsten van de statistische analyse kan bijvoorbeeld bekeken worden hoe
groot het percentage geslaagde en niet geslaagde zaken is, in welke zaken een
afwijkende beslissing is gevallen, welke factoren belangrijk zijn voor de beslissing en
welke niet, en of de procedure volgens de regels is verlopen. Het is ook mogelijk om
aan de hand van de analyse een voorzichtige voorspelling te doen op de uitkomst van
nog lopende zaken.
Daarmee is meteen de overeenkomst met traditioneel jurisprudentie- of
literatuuronderzoek aangegeven. Een jurist, onderzoeker of burger wil namelijk ook
inzicht krijgen in welk(e) geval(len) de hoofdregel geldt en wat daarop de
uitzonderingen zijn. In het bijzonder zal men willen weten in welk(e) geval(len)
omstandigheden bepalend zijn voor de hoofdregel en welke dat zijn voor de
uitzonderingen. Daarbij wil men natuurlijk ook weten of de omstandigheden die
bepalend zijn voor een uitzondering, wel gerechtvaardigd zijn, of er geen sprake is
van willekeur of rechtsongelijkheid bijvoorbeeld, en of de gerechtelijke of arbitrale
procedure wel rechtvaardig is verlopen.
Het belangrijkste verschil tussen een traditioneel jurisprudentie- of
literatuuronderzoek en een juridisch-kwantitatief onderzoek is dat in het laatste geval
de aanpak weliswaar anders, maar vooral systematischer is, waardoor deze efficiënter
en effectiever verloopt. Dat komt ook doordat de computer de meeste analyserende
taken ondersteunt. Deze combinatie maakt bovendien analyse van zeer grote aantallen
zaken tegelijk mogelijk, gegeven de toegenomen rekenkracht van computers. Waar
men een twintigtal jaren geleden zo meer dan honderd zaken analyseerde kan men nu
al meer dan duizend zaken tegelijk analyseren.
Door de digitalisering van de samenleving waaraan ook het recht en het rechtssysteem
onderhevig is, kunnen en worden steeds vaker méér zaken behandeld en
gepubliceerd. Het is dus eigenlijk een logische stap om de toenemende stroom van
rechterlijke uitspraken die relatief gemakkelijk en goedkoop digitaal beschikbaar zijn,
op een dergelijke wijze te onderzoeken. Van een dergelijk onderzoek doet dit boek
De opbouw van dit hoofdstuk is als volgt. In paragraaf 1.2 wordt het object van het
onderzoek besproken, namelijk het juridische domein waartoe het


A quantitative legal study, which can be seen as a large-scale structural analysis of

WIPO arbitral decisions on domain names, is described in this book. In Chapter 1,
the legal subject analysed and the research questions are discussed. The subject
involves disputes about registration and the use of Internet domain names involving
infringement of trade marks, trade names, or other intellectual rights. Since the
emergence of the Internet, the phenomenon of cybersquatting has developed rapidly,
resulting in an increasing number of infringements.
ICANN, the organisation that governs the progression of the Internet, established a
system for alternative dispute resolution because parties were dissatisfied with the
outcomes of national court proceedings. This system is called the Uniform Dispute
Resolution Policy (UDRP) and is intended to serve the interests of all parties
concerned. To date, most UN Member States have entered the TRIPS Treaty, in
which cooperation with WIPO at an international level has also been established.
Through the incorporation of treaties by a large number of Member States into
national law systems, registrants and registrars of Internet domain names from the
countries concerned must comply with a particular clause in the registration
agreement. In the event that a dispute about the domain name arises, legal
proceedings are to be taken to an institution that applies the UDRP procedure.
Meanwhile, since its establishment in 1999, WIPO has become one of the largest
institutions to provide the service, and over 13,000 disputes have resulted in a decision
being handed down. In this study, about 4000 WIPO decisions dating from 2000-
2003 were analysed, using a list of 235 factors provided by WIPO.
The research method applied was of a quantitative legal nature, and it is briefly
described in Chapter 2. Examples of large-scale structural analysis of judicial decisions
and UDRP decisions are mentioned as well. Quantitative legal research entails using
statistical calculations in order to undertake a systematic analysis of the collected
decisions. A forecast on the outcome of pending cases can be made on the basis of the
results. The analysis also included the percentage of affirmed and dismissed cases; the
cases in which an irregular decision was made; which factors were important or not;
and whether the procedural rules were applied fairly. This demonstrates immediately
the resemblance to the traditional method of studying case law.
Because of the large data set, it was clear that parts of the analysis would have to be
automated rather than executed manually as was formerly done (see Chapter 3). To
identify the WIPO factors in the decisions, a semi-automatic search engine that
combines Boolean search techniques and similarity was used. Compared to a manual
identification of over one hundred factors in thousands of decisions, the search process
was simplified and substantially accelerated.
A description of the search engine findings is given in Chapter 4. As well as
advantages in using the search engine, however, there also existed relative
disadvantages. Certain factors were difficult to locate because they were either not
unique, were not explicit or unambiguous, or were simply not recognisable because
of double negatives in the legal formulation. The search process had to be refined on
several occasions in order to find the correct term that fit the factor. Moreover, terms
identified in the decisions as indicated by the search engine had to be checked

manually most of the time because it was uncertain whether the factor was exactly the
one that was supposed to be retrieved. This was the case if a term was less unique and
hence more difficult to locate easily.
The retrieved results were converted into code and imported to a spreadsheet by
using a software module. It is recommended that future researchers use more
sophisticated and more powerful material at this point to obtain even faster and better
It was proven in the identification process that the list of factors from WIPO lacked
objectivity. Therefore, these factors had to be removed, adjusted, or added to, leaving
intact slightly more than half of the original list. The basis for the logistic regression
analysis to determine the prediction function, the significant factors, and the deviant
cases (outliers) of the data set was formed by this final list consisting of 170 factors.
Because of the large number of available factors – considering even that all the
available decisions (4067) would be used for the analysis – it was decided to investigate
the entire available dataset instead of just a sample. In order to form a stable estimation
of the model, a block-wise selection was made, resulting in a block complainant,
respondent, panel, and miscellaneous factors. In this way, as many factors as possible
could be involved in the research, whereby the analysis was subject to as little over-
interpretation as possible.
Chapter 5 provides an overview of the statistical analysis. The results of the logistic
regression analysis concerning the forecast function were minimal. The model did not
predict much better (a 1.6% gain) than the null-model, with 82% affirmed decisions.
However, the forecast function through the block-system slightly increased, causing a
decrease of 8% in the false forecasts. In comparison with the results of other
researchers who had previously carried out a quantitative legal analysis of the UDRP
procedure, the results concerning the significant factors were generally confirmed or
nuanced and only in some cases denied. Thus, the status of the complainant also
turned out to be crucial if he had a company. Instead of proving one of the three
UDRP elements, certain circumstances for that, which also are enumerated in the
procedure, were significant. It was remarkable, for example, that in this research the
evidence as presented by the respondent was indeed significant (paragraph
table 5.2) in the case of WIPO decisions, while other researchers found that certain
institutions were biased towards complainants (paragraph In addition, the
number of arbitrators deciding a case did not influence the outcome of the dispute.
Furthermore, the panel factors appeared to have more influence on the outcome of
the decision than those of the complainant and the respondent. Only the significance
of the miscellaneous factors could dominate the influence of the panel factors, among
which the number of default cases.
The number of outliers in this analysis with 144 decisions covered only 3.5% of the
total data set. It became clear from the contents of a number of these deviant decisions
(see Chapter 6) that in those specific cases a certain number of exceptions to the rule
occurred. Hence, a respondent being a distributor obtained a ruling in favour, and
even a female respondent who was in default was deemed to be in the right.
It is recommended to investigate further the number of deviating cases concerning all
the decisions (13,000) made thus far. In this manner, the following questions could be
raised relating to, for example, the fairness of the decision, the taking of evidence, the
motivations, and the development of case law. It might also be possible that patterns


exist outside the legal rules – outside the context or the legal subject – which makes
the decision predictable: for example, the presence of public policy (see paragraph and
This study also demonstrated that the criticism of previous researchers about the
functioning of the UDRP system was unjustified on certain points: for example, bias
towards complainants who filed a complaint at one of the large institutions (NAF and
WIPO). The observation that the rules concerning the burden of proof and the
standards to be applied in the assessment of the parties’ contentions were not clear was
more plausible. Despite ICANN’s attempt to incorporate as many circumstances into
the UDRP as possible, the legal substantive interpretation of the outliers concerning
proving certain circumstances revealed that lacunas were filled by WIPO case law.
Moreover, it also showed that the substantiation of panel members was frequently
poor or even incorrect and partially omitted. Furthermore, the parties’ contentions in
the publication were summarised briefly, while the panel findings and discussions
indicated that exactly the details omitted from the parties’ contentions showed
detailed circumstances that directed to a specific decision. However, the results also
showed (as found by other researchers) that the UDRP procedure still needs
improvement in some areas. It is recommended that the points mentioned above be
examined more closely. Generally speaking, the question suggests itself as to whether
the fundamental rights for arbitration, such as fair trial, are likely to be sufficiently
guaranteed. After all, the complaint is treated electronically – without the
characteristically arbitral hearings (cross-examination). Further research on this subject
is also desirable.
One of the most important research questions with regard to the execution of this
large-scale structural analysis included the possibility of automating the process by
which case characteristics that play an important role in the outcome of a legal
decision can be discovered. By means of the answers and results in the
aforementioned paragraphs and chapters, the answer to this question can be
confirmed. Moreover, considering the scarce technical resources available for this
research, this large-scale structural analysis was deemed to be a success.


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