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1. use of imagery, figurative language, sometimes with rhyme?

– poetry
2. Description of haiku – poem of 17 syllables and 3 lines
3. In her 124-word story “what is to come” – flash fiction
4. true about world literature – work literatures is widely read beyond the borders of the country
where it was written
5. invention that helped spread literature throught China – paper
6. the golden age of lyric poetry – elizabeth period
7. Combines elements of fantasy and scientific facts – science fiction
8. Stories based on or around important people or events from the past – historical fiction
9. Non-literary text – recipes
10. An iamb is – a beat or foot in poetry
11. iamb pentameter is a line of poetry consist of – 5 syllables
12. iambic pentameter means to sound like – the human heart
13. why use figures of speech – to enhance the artistic quality of their works
14. multiple sensory images – why does it sob so, as it breaks on the rocky shore
15. metonymy of “suits” – the suits from upstairs are in a big meeting
16. synecdoche “dan like to take his boat out on the waves” – waves
17. anaphora meaning – repetition phrase at the beginning of a sentence
18. example of anaphora – let us fight
19. same as no.4
20. contains number of speeches of conficius written down his disciples – analects
21. common subject of haiku - nature
22. about a young woman named daniella – chick literature
23. expresses meaning in a non-literary referred to as – figures of speech
24. all the world’s a stage (comparing) – metaphor
25. african literature are except one – does not include works by “white”
26. Writer wrote sybolical tales- washington irving
27. A haiku by basho, a snowy morning- by myself, chewing on dried salmon – shows solitary man
28. books that contains number of speeches by confucius – analects
29. Asian literature languages except - french
30. Golden age of art and literature in chinese history – Tang Dynasty
31. works written in middle english – The Cantebury Tales
32. persona of the poem “A poem by Du Fu” - weariness
33. young women – chick lit
34. Defines non-literary texts- texts whose primary purpose is to convey information without
narrative or fictional elements
35. A euphemism is a mild or roundabout word or phrase used in place of a word or phrase
considered painful or offensive
36. describes a text’s biographical context – the beliefs, education, culture and experiences of the
37. which is not true about literature – it only focuses on the author’s life
38. Analyzing a text based on its biographical context, a reader – gathers relevant facts about the
author’s life
39. what is a text’s context? – the situation in which it is written and read
40. critical reading strategy involves examination of the reader’s personal responses to the text –
reflecting on a text
41. which question allows the learners to reflect on a reading text – what event or place in the story
reminds you of your life and why?
42. Critical reading in literature except – critical reading is done to make a literal work popular
43. not a critical reading strategy – previewing a text
44. which of the following should not be considered in reading through a biographical context? –
figurative language
45. why is the historical context of the Diary of Anne Frank important – the word usage in the story
would be difficult for a modern reader to understand.
46. Antithesis – “revenge is as better as wormwood, and as sweet as mulled wine.
47. same as no. 36

Song Vii
My song has put off her adornments
She has no pride of dress and decoration
Ornaments would mar our union;
They would come between thee and me;
their jingling would drown thy whispers
my poet’s vanity dies in shame before shy tight

48. master feels like - formal

49. supports the master – line vi, vii
50. Jingling ornaments that refers to lines 3,5 – a bell
51. theme of the poem – music is more worthwhile art than poetry
52. style relation to genre- genres are characterized by different styles
53. annotate – read and make notes
54. Not purpose of critical reading – amusement purposes

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