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Republic of the Philippines


Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Tel. No. (043) 980-0385 local 1128

Ed 113 – Management of Student’s Behavior and Wellness

First Semester; A.Y. 2022- 2023

Activity 3

Which of the proactive strategies discussed will be most beneficial to you in handling student
behavioral problems?

Among the proactive strategies discussed, I think having an assertive communication will be
most beneficial to me in handling student behavioral problems. With this kind of strategy being applied,
I’ll be able to address the problem as well as express my feelings towards my student. As a teacher, I
should know that the very first step in handling such situations is through acknowledging that there exist a
problem and the student must be fully aware of it. By that, he may realize what he’s done and that there’s
a consequence that he must be responsible of. Of course, assertive communication wouldn’t be effective
if it’ll be one-sided, so the teacher must also recognize the student’s point of view as a sign of respect.
Only then, both of us could come up with an agreement or solution that will help make the problem turn
into an opportunity of betterment without sacrificing our relationship as student and teacher. Thus, being
beneficial not just for me but most especially for the student himself.

Prepared by:

Ms. Mhel Rose B. Benitez

BSEd Sciences - 4101

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