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Adverbs and Their Kinds

Watching the links, write down what important information have you
understood on Adverbs.
• Adverbs are words that describes an action verb.
• Adverbs provide information about the manner, place, time, frequency, or
degree of action denoted by the verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
• The function of an adverb is determined by the question it answers.
• Adverbs are placed in particular position according to their function in a
• An adverb of manner tells how something is done or happens.We use it at
the beginning or end of a sentence.
• An adverb of degree tells how much or to what extent something is done or
happens. It modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. We use it before
the word it modifies.
• An adverb of place tells us where something is done or happens. We use it
at the end.
• An adverb of time tells when something is done. We use it at the beginning
or end of the sentence,
• An adverb of frequency tells how often or how many times something is
done. We use it before the main verb; or after the verb to be; or between a
helping verb and the main verb.
• Like adjectives, adverbs of manner, degree, and time have three degrees of
comparison. Only adverbs of manner, degree, and time can be compared.
Many adverbs cannot be compared at all.
• If the adverb is of one syllable, we form the comparative by adding -er, and
the superlative by adding -est to the positive.
• Adverbs ending in -ly form the comparative by adding more and the
superlative by adding most. We use little, less, and least to show negative
degree with adverbs.
• Some adverbs form their comparative and superlative degrees in an irregular
Adverb of Manner

1. He ate greedily the chocolate cake.

2. She spoke softly.

3. He plays the flute beautifully.

Adverb of Degree

1. The water was extremely cold.

2. The movie is quite interesting.

3. She is running very fast.

Adverb of Place

1. John looked around but he couldn't see the monkey.

2. I searched everywhere I could think of.

3. They built a house nearby.

Adverb of Time

1. Before that, I was playing tennis on the lawn.

2. Princess Alliyah came here yesterday.

3. I left her home in the afternoon.

Adverb of Frequency
1. The incubator turns each egg hourly.

2. I usually shop for groceries on Saturday mornings.

3. I seldom see John.

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