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_______________ 1.

The male cone

Ovulate Stamen Seta Diocious
_______________ 2. The female cone cone
_______________ 3. It is the male Self- Pollen cone Cross Ovules
reproductive organ of a flower. pollination pollination

_______________ 4. It is the female

reproductive cells or egg cells. Unisexual Monoecious Cone Horticulturists
flowers scale and
_______________ 5. It is the part of the Winged
flower that gives shape, odor, and form. seed
_______________ 6. What are the parts of
the cone?
Asexual Grafting Petals
_______________ 7. It is a stalk that reproduction
transports nutrients from the base of the
sporophyte to the capsule.
_______________ 8. It comes from the Greek
words monos, which means "single," and oikos, Arrange the order of events in the stage of
which means "house." reproduction of various plants. Number the
events from 2 to 6. The first even is already
_______________ 9. It is a single flower can given.
have either the male or the female part only.
_______________ 10. This means that the
male or female reproductive organs are in two FLOWERING PLANT
different plants. ______ The pollen will land on the stigma.
_______________ 11. It is a type of ______ Flowers will be produced by the mature
reproduction that does not need egg and sperm. plant.
_______________ 12. These are garden ______ The pollen tube passes through the
cultivation and management experts who style until it reaches the ovules in the ovary.
propagate plants in an artificial manner.
______ Once fertilization is done, the ovule
_______________ 13. It involves joining two becomes the seed, and the ovary matures into
stems from different plants. a fruit.
_______________ 14. It is a type of pollination ______ The seed will grow into a seeding and
where the pollen is carried by the wind, water, or becomes a plant later on.
pollinators from one flower to another.
______ The pollen grain grows a pollen tube.
_______________ 15. It is a type of pollination
where the pollen is transferred to the stigma of
the same flower.
NONFLOWERING PLANT _______________ This type of artificial
vegetative reproduction involves joining two
______ A pollen tube will grow once the pollen
stems from different plants.
grain lands on the female cone.
_______________ This is the stem that is still
______ Seeds develop into mature plants.
attached to the soil in grafting.
______ Fertilization takes place
_______________ This is the cut stem of
______ Seeds will grow another plant in grafting.

______ Seeds enclosed by the cone scales _______________ This is the horizontal stem
touch the ground to germinate. along the surface of soil.

______ The pollen tube eventually reaches the _______________ It consists of fleshy leaves.
ovule. Its appearance is layered on the inside.
_______________ It is oval-shaped and
consists of papery leaves. Its appearance is
SPORE-BEARING PLANT solid on the inside.
______ The sorus of the sporophyte releases _______________ The potato is an example of
spores. this natural vegetative reproduction.
______ The heart-shaped gametophyte starts _______________ This is a type of
the reproduction process by producing eggs and reproduction that does not need egg and sperm
sperm. to reproduce.
______ Spores will grow into new fern plants
______ Spores land on the ground
______ The fertilized egg grows into a mature
fern plant (sporophyte)
______ Sperm and egg unite

Scion Cutting Bulb Grafting

Asexual Layering Stock
Runner Tuber Corn

_______________ This type of artificial

vegetative reproduction involves removing
portions of roots, stem, or leaves to grow into a
new individual plant.
_______________ In this type of artificial
vegetative reproduction, once the bent stem has
developed roots, it will be cut from the parent
plant to become a new plant.

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