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An undergraduate Research Presented to the Faculty of Saint Francis Xavier

Academy of Kapatagan, Inc. Kapatagan, Lanao Del Norte

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Practical Research 2


Cando, Wilber

Fernandez, Clint

Gamana, Kasstene Kate

Gerance, Freward Nel

Melchor, Princess Frenelie

Saaban, Khalifa

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

During this pandemic Modular Distance Learning mastering presents a totally

maximum vital inside the student life. Modular Distance Learning is the use of

modules made by teachers with different tasks and learning activities based from the

essential learning competencies. Throughout the country, as schools were deciding

how to return, or whether they even should start school in person, the consequences of

modular distance learning were becoming clear. Students are losing education, mental

health is suffering, and we are losing a majority of our social contact and growth. This

loss is more prevalent in younger students, but it still is affecting older students. Older

students are impact more because they are not gaining knowledge as fast as they

should. Especially for those graduating class. This is one of the purpose why the

branch of training applied the transition to face-to-face getting to know modality to

the scholars that allows you to advantage grater expertise and know how on their

getting to know activities.

Additionally, the Dep Ed Order No. 32, series of 2022, also known as face-to-

face learning modality stated that it will give schools “Ample time to slowly

transition” into the five days in-person classes by implementing three days of in-

person classes and 2 days of distance learning, or 4 days of in-person classes and 1

day of distance learning. Example of learning activities of the students of St. Francis

Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. are Written Test/Exam, Performance Task, and

Oral Recitation. Learners can able to benefits from a greater level of interaction with

their fellow students as well.

Lastly, the researcher conducted this study in order to find out the impact of

the new learning modality to the level of engagement of the St. Francis Xavier

Academy of Kapatagan Inc. students learning activities specifically in Written

Test/Exam, Oral Recitation, and Performance Task. This study will also help the

teacher to identify whether the achieved the expected outcomes using the standard and


Conceptual Framework

As indicated below, the study present the variables of “Transition to Face-to-

Face Learning Modality and its Impact to the St. Francis Xavier Academy of

Kapatagan, Inc. students’ level of Engagement in their Learning Activities”. The

variables are the tools that will be used to analyze the study.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Students Level of

Engagement in Learning

Face-to-face Learning

• Written Test/ Exam


•Oral Recitation

•Performance Task

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Transition to Face-to-Face Learning

Modality and its Impact to the St. Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan, Inc. student

level of Engagement in their Learning Activities. This study to answer the following


1. What is the effect of transition to face-to-face learning modality to the

engagement of students in their written test?

2. How does transition to face-to-face learning modality affects students’

participation in oral recitation?

3. How does Transition to Face-to-face learning modality affects students’

participation on their performance tasks?


Significance of the Study

As indicated below, this study is deemed significant to the following:

Students. This study will enable them assess whether they performed well on their

studies and provide relevant information on study technique, so that they can apply in

their own in order to have better learning.

Teacher. This will allow the teachers to identify the individual learner who have not

met the expected standards in learning find out those who are less performing and

most participative which will enable to design the appropriate teaching pedagogies

that will cater students’ learning needs and provide adequate intervention.

Parents. It may enables them to determine if their children are need moral and

financial support in their studies particularly in the learning activities.

Future Researchers. This study may be a guide for those who like the study. It may

give information related to the development of their studies.


Scope and Delimitation

This research elucidates the Transition to face-to-face learning modality and

its Impact to the St. Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. students’ level of

Engagement in their Learning Activities. This study aims to identify the level of

engagement of the students in the face-to-face learning modality. As determine the

aspects were the qualifications of the study conducted.

This study started in the month of October 2022 up until February 2023. The

locale of our study is the school of St. Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc.

Kapatagan Lanao del Norte. Our study includes the 132 randomly selected students in

each grade level. There are 24 students in grade 7, 26 in grade 8, 16 in grade 9, 23 in

grade10, 18 in grade 11, and 25 in grade 12.

The respondents should be the students of St. Francis Xavier Academy of

Kapatagan Inc. This study also uses descriptive method to know the significant

impact of Transition to Face-to-face Learning Modality to the St. Francis Xavier

Academy of Kapatagan Inc. students’ level of Engagement in their learning activities.

By this the researcher will identify the level of engagement of the students in their

learning activities.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are used


Assess/ Assessment. To determine the value, and significance. It also supported the

children’s learning and monitor progress and identify next steps in learning.

Dep Ed Ordinance#32. This may provide a mechanics, procedures, and standards

stipulated in this policy shall guide all Dep Ed officers and schools, as well as other

stakeholders in the recruitment. This may also help to the Engagement of Learning

Support Aides in all Public, Elementary, and Private schools, as well as the senior

high schools, in school year (SY) 2020-2021.

Engagement in the Learning Activities. Is an instructional approach in which

students actively participate in the learning process, as opposed to sitting quietly and


Face-to-Face Learning. It shows that face-to-face learning is an instructional method

where course content and learning material are teach in person to a group of students.

This allows for a live interaction between a learner and the teacher.

Modular Distance Learning. This use of Modules made by teachers with different

tasks and learning activities based from the essential learning competencies. It is also

applicable in the context of the learner, and other learning resources activity sheets

study guides and other study materials.

Oral Recitation- this will aim to educate, inform, entertain or present an argument. In

some word the term is uses for presentation by a teaching assistant or teacher, under


guidance of a senior faculty member that supplements course materials. In recitations

that supplement lectures, the leader will often review the lecture, expand on the

concepts, and carry on a discussion with the students.

Performance Task. It is use to engage students in meaningful learning. It is an act of

staging or presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment. Sustained

attention is the ability to maintain a consistent focus on some continuous activity or

stimuli, and is associated with impulsivity.

Written Test. This is an educational assessment intended to measure a test-

taker’s knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other

topic. A test may administer verbally, on paper, on a computer, or in a predetermined

are that requires a test-taker to demonstrate or perform a set of skills.


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter reviews the work of the researcher on studies closely related to

the present day, as follows: Some of this are taken from the internet and unpublished.

It also includes the local literature of our study.

Related Literature

Transition to face-to-face learning modality and it’s impact to the St.

Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. students’ Level of Engagement in their

learning activities.

Face-to-face Learning Modality can be defined as a group of students learning

material and course content by the instructional method. In this type of learning, there

is a live interaction between the instructor and the learner. Also, the students learn

from each other.

Students level of Engagement in their Learning Activities

Student engagement and its relation to quality work design: A review of the

literature Fred Newmann, (as cited by Voke, 2002), author of the 1992 book

Student Achievement in American Secondary Schools

Stated states that engaged students make a psychological investment in

learning. They try hard to learn what school offers. They take pride not simply in

earning the formal indicators of success (grades), but in understanding the material

and incorporating or internalizing it in their lives”. when educators equip students

with the tools to become self-motivated, real engagement in learning takes place. Self-

motivation comes from a desire to understand something of interest or from the

enjoyment of learning in order to achieve personal goals rather than from any kind of

reward or incentive.

The teachers' role in student engagement: A review Megan Pedler; Suzanne

Hudson; Tony Yeigh

Student engagement is considered to be a malleable, multi-dimensional

construct which combines the three dimensions of behavioral, emotional and

cognitive engagement. Importantly, the literature reveals a solid understanding of how

teachers influence student engagement, highlighting the teacher's role as paramount to

ensuring students are able to experience meaningful engagement.

Face-to-face learning Modality and Performance task

Performance Assessment and Authentic Assessment: A Conceptual Analysis of the

Literature Torulf Palm

Performance assessment and authentic assessment are recurrent terms in the

literature on education and educational research. They have both been given a number

of different meanings and unclear definitions and are in some publications not defined

at all. Such uncertainty of meaning causes difficulties in interpretation and

communication and can cause clouded or misleading research conclusions.

Face-to-face Learning Modality and Written test

Writing assessment in admission to higher education: Review and framework

Hunter M. Breland, Brent Bridgeman, Mary E. Fowles

A comprehensive review was conducted of writing research literature and


writing test program activities in a number of testing programs. The review

was limited to writing assessments used for admission in higher education.

Related Studies

The impact of learning styles on student achievement in a web-based versus

an equivalent face-to-face course (Nick Z. Zacharis)

This study investigated the relationship between students' learning styles and

their achievement in two different learning environments: online instruction and

traditional instruction. The results indicated that students in the traditional learning

group had higher, but not statistically significant higher, levels of achievement than

students in the online learning group, a student's learning style had no statistically

significant effect on their course grades in any of the two instructional methods, and

there was no significant interaction between the learning style and instructional


The method has been favored for the ability to allow close interaction between

the students and lecturer. The interpersonal students-lecturer relationship allows the

students to be more at ease to ask question and receive clarifications, thereby getting a

better understanding of the content as opposed to online means (Julien & Dookwah,

2020). Face-to-face learning promotes social interaction and networking among

students, which enlarges learning besides the course content.


Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter consists of methods that the researcher will used, methods such

as gathering of data, respondents of the study, research location, research instruments,

data collection, and the statistical tools.

Research Design

This study used the quantitative research methods. We practically use the

descriptive design that is commonly used to have a survey to the students here in St.

Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. The survey has a 10 statements that

include on our study entitled Transition to Face-to-Face learning Modality and its

Impact to the St. Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. student level of

Engagement in their learning Activities.

Locale of the Study

The researcher will be conducted this study in the St. Francis Xavier Academy

of Kapatagan Inc. located at the Municipality of Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of our study are the 132 randomly selected students of St.

Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. This sample size was calculated using the

Slovin's Formula and distributed using stratified random sampling which includes 24

students in grade 7, 26 students in grade 8, 16 students in grade 9, 23 students in grade

10, 18 students in grade 11, and 25 students in grade 12.

Research Instruments

A questionnaire was used by the researcher to collect data. The questionnaires

are consists of a series of questions or other forms of prompts designed to gather

information from a respondent. The succeeding part was the likert scale in which the

students would choose from 5-1 where in 5 means Strongly Agree 4- Agree, 3-

Neutral, 2- Disagree, and 1 means Strongly Disagree.

Figure 2. Interpretational table

Scale Continuum Responses Code Verbal


5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree SA Excellent

4 3.41-4.20 Agree Ag Good

3 2.61-3.40 Neutral N Fair

2 1.81-2.60 Disagree D Poor

1 1-1.80 Strongly SD Very Poor


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will construct the needed or the following instruments. But

before anything else we need to write a request letter to our beloved school principal

and to the class advisers of each grade level. In this part we prepare the questionnaires

for the following respondents to answer our study.

The researchers conducted the random sampling through the questionnaires

that is already indicated the name of the students. The researchers can distribute the

questionnaire during the time allotted of vacant so that we can avoid distraction from

the class discussion. The students will be given adequate time to respond to the

questions. Then after that the respondents will retrieve the questionnaires. The

researchers need to analyzed if the questionnaires are enough for those students who

answered it. Lastly the researchers will have to compute the feedbacks of each student

per grade level.


Statical Treatment

To have certain interpretation of the gathered data, the following statistical

tools are to be utilized:

1. Frequency and/or Percentage. These were used in the distribution of respondents


Total numb er of respon se s

Percentage =
Total number of Responde nts

2. Slovin’s Formula. Is used to calculate an appropriate sample size from a

population. The formula is as follows:



n is the sample size

N is the population size

E is the desired margin of error

3. Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the respondents level of response in

the conduct of the survey.

WM =
Σ (Resp ons es )
Tota l number of Responde nts

where: Σ is sum of all scores


Appendix B
St. Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc.
Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte

Name: ___________________________________________ Age: ____Sex: ____

Grade level: __________ Date: _____________
Part II. Please Check the numbers below as honestly as you can that best represents
your experiences relating in Transition to Face-to-face Learning Modality.
5 – Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Neutral 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree
Statement 5 4 3 2 1
Written Test/ Exam
In face-to-face learning modality…
1. I can easily answer the written test because lessons
are not compressed & it is easily understood.
2. I am confident with my answers because I was
given enough time to study for the scheduled tests/
3. I am able to comprehend various assessments
because the learning style/ system involves visual,
auditory, and tactical learning.
Oral Recitation
In face-to-face learning modality…
4. I am eager to participate in classes.
5. I was able to grasp important knowledge during oral
recitation because of the feedbacks from my peers &
6. I am encourage to study well the lessons because
talking in front of my classmates challenges me to
share reliable & relevant information.
Performance Task
In face-to-face learning modality…
7. I am encouraged to participate in performance task
because I collaborate with my classmates & share
meaningful conversations with them.
8. Every time I did my performance task it makes me
more creative.
9. Performance task are easier to do due to physical
interaction and collaboration.
10. Performance task develops me more holistically.
Appendix C
January 09, 2023
School principal
St. Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc.
Dear Mrs. Cortes,
A pleasant day to you, Ma’am! Praise be Jesus and Mary!
We are the Grade 12 St. Francis of Assisi researchers currently conducting a
study entitled Transition to face-to-face learning Modality and its Impact to the St.
Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. student level of Engagement in their
learning Activities.
Regarding the procedure, we will approach the class advisers of each grade
level to let us conduct survey and show them the questionnaires through distributing
it. The researchers will give them a 10-15 minutes time to answer. In this regard, we
guarantee you that we will not disturb the schedule of your staffs. We will highly
appreciate the time you may allot to us upon conducting our survey. Your response to
this letter is crucial in providing the necessary information in our study to help us
achieve the factual result. Please also note that this will not involve our respondents in
assisting us on the field of finances they will have to answer the given questionnaires
with zero costs. The respondents can interact with us if they have concerns or
difficulty of the questionnaires. We ensure that the privacy of our respondents will be
safe and will not be going to spread.
Your response and time is greatly appreciated. We are hoping for your kind
approval and support regarding this undertaking.
Respectfully yours,
Researcher Researchers
Researcher Checked by:
Researcher Research Adviser
Chapter 4

Data Presentation and Analysis

This chapter discusses the data that is shown. Data were analyzed, interpreted,

and supported by related literature and studies.

Table 1. Transition to face-to-face Learning Modality and its Impact to the St.

Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. students’ level of Engagement in

their Learning Activities.

Statements Weighted Mean Verbal

1. I can easily answer the written test
because lessons are not compressed & it is 3.91 Good
easily understood.
2. I am confident with my answers because
I was given enough time to study for the 4.12 Good
scheduled test/ exam.
3. I am able to comprehend various
assessments because the learning style/ 4.03 Good
system involves visual, auditory, and
tactical learning.
Average Weighted Mean 4.02 Good

As indicated above the respondents agree that Transition to face-to-face

learning Modality and its impact to the St. Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc.

students level of Engagement in their learning Activities has a good effect. This

suggest that the face-to-face learning modality has a good impact on the students level

of engagement in their learning modality. As a result the respondents have the chance

to be more adaptable in their daily project and turn aside being overtaken by chance.

Many research show that a human can embrace the face-to-face learning

modality. This appear that face-to-face learning modality is boosting their confidence,

improve skills, and achieving goals. The general imply that face-to-face learning

modality has a good effect on learners and can improve their skills in face-to-face

learning modality.
Table 2. Transition to face-to-face learning Modality and its Impact to the St.

Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. students level of Engagement in

their Learning Activities.

Statements Weighted Mean Verbal

4. I am eager to participate in classes. 4.08 Good
5. I was able to grasp important knowledge
during oral recitation because of the 4.11 Good
feedbacks from my peers & teachers.
6. I am encourage to study well the lessons
because talking in front of my classmates 4.04 Good
challenges me to share reliable & relevant
Average Weighted Mean 4.07 Good

According to table 2, the respondents agree that the Transition to face-to-face

learning modality has a approving effect in their learning life skills. Being in a good

impact, improve, and achieve the accomplishment goals makes the capacity to lead

achievement. The respondent response to face-to-face learning modality is that they

understand the worth of working together and improve skills to achieve goals.

Researcher have shown that goal by a lot of individuals have better effect on

face-to-face learning modality. Face-to-face learning modality hold the group together

while moving forward to by object goal. The face-to-face learning modality has a

good impact to the students since the benefits of the group of students is to improve

their skills, and can cover each weakness and improve their sense of responsibility.

Statements Weighted Mean Verbal

7. I am encouraged to participate in
performance task because I collaborate 4.34 Excellent
with my classmates & share meaningful
conversations with them.
8. Every time I did my performance task it 4.25 Excellent
makes me more creative.
9. Performance task are easier to do due to 4.15 Good
physical interaction and collaboration.
10. Performance task develops me more 4.18 Good

As shown in table 3, the result is excellent regarding in the Transition to face-

to-face learning Modality and its impact to the St. Francis Xavier Academy of

Kapatagan Inc. students’ level of engagement in their learning activities, the

respondents found out that you are encouraged to participate because everyone in

your groupmates will share meaningful conversation.

A learner should got the other’s back when it comes to teamwork so that the

activity will be more easier due to physical interaction and collaboration.

Chapter 5
Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary and conclusion obtain in the conduct of the

study which is to prove on the effects of students engagement on their learning

activities with various variables which are the Written Test/ Exam, Oral Recitation,

and Performance Task. It also provides recommendation that can be pursued by the


This study was conducted at the St. Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan

Inc. The respondents are the selected students each grade level. They are selected

using the random sampling.


This study is specifically aimed to evaluated “Transition to face-to-face

learning Modality and its impact to the St. Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc.

student level of Engagement in their learning Activities”. The researcher study to

employed descriptive research methodology, with questionnaires serving as the

primary instrument for collecting the essential data and information surrounding the

“Transition to face-to-face learning Modality and its impact to the St. Francis Xavier

Academy of Kapatagan Inc. students’ level of Engagement in their learning



The data were analyzed and the following findings were formulated by the

specific question under the statement of the problem.

1. Based on our survey, a lot of predominant students at St. Francis Xavier

Academy of Kapatagan Inc. A large number of primary students engage in their

learning activities through the transition to face-to-face, and the majority of them

believe that they are better capable of answering their questionnaires instantly and

maybe more efficiently in order for them to grasp on their lesson.

2.The researcher discovered that most of the students at St. Francis Xavier

Academy of Kapatagan Inc. independent of what they acquire in terms of information.

The majority are less competitive in their involvement in class and enhance their self-

confidence. It may motivate them even more; moreover, it influences the learning

patterns of each student’s ability to understand reliable and relevant knowledge.

3. The researcher found out that most of all students at St. Francis Xavier

Academy of Kapatagan Inc. productivity was affected on a daily basis, but they still

had the ability to pass and participate in their performance task on time, they made up

for it by being creative in anything and developing their comprehensiveness more.


This researcher reached the following conclusion based on the study’s


The majority of St. Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. students said

that they are better equipped to answer their queries promptly and maybe more

effectively in order to comprehend their teaching. The majority of students at the

school are less competitive in their engagement in class and have increased their self-


A researcher has found that creative thinking can help students pass and

participate in their performance tasks on time, and make up for the lack of time they

lose due to academic work.


To the Students

This research will allow them to analyze how well they fared in their studies

and will give useful advice on study techniques that they may use on their own to

improve their learning.

To the Teacher

This will enable teachers to identify individual learners who have not met the

expected learning standards, as well as those who are less performing and more

participatory, allowing them to design appropriate teaching pedagogies that will cater

to students’ learning needs and provide adequate intervention.

To the Parent

It may allow them to decide whether their children require moral and financial

assistance in their education, particularly in learning activities.

To the Future Researcher.

This study may serve as a guide for people who are interested in the subject. It

might provide information on the progression of their studies.

Table of Content
Title Page Page
Approval Sheet ___________________________________________________ i
Approval Sheet ___________________________________________________ iii
Acknowledgement _________________________________________________
Abstract _________________________________________________________ v
Table of Contents _________________________________________________
Background of the Study _____________________________________ 1
Conceptual Framework ______________________________________ 3
Statement of the Problem ____________________________________ 4
Significance of the Study _____________________________________ 5
Scope and Delimitation ______________________________________ 6
Definition of Terms _________________________________________ 7
Review Literature __________________________________________ 9
Related Studies ____________________________________________ 11
[1] 32 Technium Soc. Sci. J. 257 (2022) Quality and Implementation of Social
Science Printed Modular Distance Learning in Public Senior High Schools. June
2022. Retrieve from hein.journals/techssj32&div.
[2] Rajiv Shah December 3, 2022. Face-to-face Learning: Benefits, Advantages and
Disadvantages. Dec 2022. Retrieve from

Appendix A

Statements 5 4 3 2 1 Total X

1.I can easily answer the written test 516

because lessons are not compressed & 155 240 11 4 0 132 3.91
it is easily understood. 7
2. I am confident with my answer 543
because I was given enough time to 225 248 66 4 0 132 4.12
study for the scheduled test/ exam.
3. 3. I am able to comprehend various
assessments because the learning 185 260 84 2 1 532 4.03
style/ system involves visual, 132
auditory, and tactical learning.
4. I am eager to participate in classes. 225 220 90 4 0 539 4.08
5. I was able to grasp important
knowledge during oral recitation 195 280 66 2 0 539 4.11
because of the feedbacks from my 132
peers & teachers.
6. I am encourage to study well the
lessons because talking in front of my 200 240 90 4 0 534 4.04
classmates challenges me to share 132
reliable & relevant information.
7. I am encouraged to participate in
performance task because I 295 240 39 0 0 574 4.34
collaborate with my classmates & 132
share meaningful conversations with
8. Every time I did my performance 285 204 72 0 0 561 4.25
task it makes me more creative. 132
9. Performance task are easier to do
due to physical interaction and 245 216 87 0 0 548 4.15
collaboration. 132
10. Performance task develops me 255 220 75 2 0 552 4.18
more holistically. 132
General Weighted Mean 3.82

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