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Smartbooks Vendor Bill Vouching Process Guide

Version 1.0
As of June 2, 2022

1. Open the Order in Smartbooks corresponding to the vendor bill you wish to enter
a. From the main Smartbooks menu bar, go to List/Orders on the top right

b. Select the appropriate time range and search for the order number you wish to

c. Once the order appears, click on the blue order number at left to open the order
d. Once the order is open, click on the “Products” drop down to view the products
on the order

e. After clicking on the Products drop-down, the order line items showing the
specific products and quantities will appear. If a vendor bill has been vouched
against any product line item, it will be grayed out. Lines that are not grayed out
mean that no vendor bill has been vouched yet for those items.

c. Details on sizes of apparel items can be found by opening the order line item and
clicking on the “Matrix - Ordered” line which shows the item attributes

2. In the Callard “P:Public” drive, look for the vendor invoice folder corresponding to the
Smartbooks order number; open any invoices pertaining to the order

3. Review the invoice and compare each line invoice item against the order. If there are
pricing discrepancies, edit the “Cost” field of the order to reflect the correct price.
a. Any discrepancies in item quantity between the order and the invoice will need to
be sent to a Programs CSR (Sherry or Amy F.) for resolution. For any
discrepancy items, see step 5 below to flag the order in Smartbooks as “Problem
Vouching” status

b. If the vendor charges handling charges which are not displayed on the order,
click on the “Add Product” button to add a line item for the handling charge,
updating the vendor name if necessary, and adding the cost of the handling fee
in the “Cost” column

c. To save changes to the order, click on the “Save” button

4. Once the order information has been updated and saved, go to Vendor and click on the
green plus in the Bill section to add a new vendor bill

a. A vendor bill entry screen will appear. In this screen, enter the vendor name, the
invoice date, invoice amount, and enter the invoice number in the “Reference”
field. The invoice due date will default to the terms set up in Smartbooks for that

b. After the vendor bill information has been entered, click on the “Order” section of
the vendor bill entry screen to apply the vendor bill against the sales order. Enter
the order number which corresponds to the vendor bill

c. After selecting the order, the product line items from the order will appear. Select
the specific product line items which were included on the vendor bill you are

d. After selecting all line items corresponding to the vendor bill, the bottom of the
screen will show the amount of the bill and the amounts applied against the
order. If everything matches, the “Balance” should be $0.00.
e. If there are other invoices for this order that have not yet been received or
applied, they will show in the “Unapplied” balance

f. Once the vendor bill information has been entered and is in balance with the
order line items, click “Process” at the top left to process the vendor bill

5. After the vendor bill has been processed, go back to the order and add a User Defined
Field to denote to Accounting the status of the vouching.
a. Click on the “Add User Defined Field” and search for the appropriate status item
to add to the order. Selections include:
i. “Backorder”
ii. “Support Vouched”
iii. “Problem Vouching”
iv. “Partially Vouched”
b. After the field is added, select the checkbox next to the custom field to ensure the
order is marked as that status for reporting purposes.
c. For any vendor bills with quantity discrepancies, select the “Problem Vouching”
field and check the box so that these can be investigated by the Programs CSRs.

6. After the vendor bill has been processed, move the PDF file of the vouched invoice to
the folder P://Ready for Billing/Completed file. If all vendor bills for that order have been
vouched, the entire folder can be copied over.

7. If there are vendor bills which have not yet been vouched for that order, leave the
existing PO folder for that order in the Ready for Billing folder intact and add a “- 2” to the
folder name to denote that there are other invoices still pending.

8. TBD

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