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Mini Lesson 1

Internet Etiquette

AASL Standards

I.A.2 Learners display curiosity and initiative by: Recalling prior and background

knowledge as context for new meaning.

I.D.4 Learners participate in an ongoing inquiry-based process by: Using reflection to

guide informed decisions.

II.C.1 Learners exhibit empathy with and tolerance for diverse ideas by: Engaging in

informed conversation and active debate.

II.C.2 Learners exhibit empathy with and tolerance for diverse ideas by: Contributing to

discussions in which multiple viewpoints on a topic are expressed.

III.D.1 Learners actively participate with others in learning situations by: Actively

contributing to group discussions.

Guiding Question

Do you know what appropriate internet etiquette looks like?

Guiding Principles of Inquiry

Technology- Students will learn how to collaborate with other students in appropriate

online forums.

Ethical Citizenship- Students will understand what appropriate internet etiquette is and

what those behaviors look like online.

Curated Resources for the Lesson
Responsible Use of Technology for Kids Video
Responsible Use of Technology for Kids - First Mobile - Cyberbullying - Fake News -
Online Privacy
Infographic to display in classroom Cyberbullying Coloring Activity

Introduction to the Lesson

Have students seated at their desks. Display the “All Good Digital Citizens” infographic

on the board. Read through each statement about what a good digital citizen looks like.





Tell the students that they are going to watch a video about how to act when you are

online interacting with others. Show the video on cyberbullying. Stop the video at 7 min.

15 secs. Discuss the word cyberbullying and what it means. Ask the students to think of

any questions they may have after watching the video. Tell the students to talk to the

classmate who is across from them about the question(s) they thought of after watching

the video. Tell students to get out their school laptops and go to the google document
you created. Tell them to be prepared to share what they talk about. After a few

minutes, ask for volunteers to start typing questions they may have in the google

document. Remind students that they can respond in the google document if they can

help a classmate answer a question they have. After talking through all the questions

and the video itself, remind them that the video said, “virtual is real”.

Next, discuss the infographic about digital citizens again. Call on volunteers to read

each fact on the infographic. Discuss how being a good digital citizen is connected to

cyberbullying. Make copies of the infographic without any information in the bubbles.

Have students fill those in using the one on display.


After discussing the negative effects of online bullying, students can color the poster,

“I Stand Against Cyberbullying”, and write how they will prevent online bullying.


Enhance- Students will use their classroom ipads to post their questions on a Google

document that I have shared with the whole class. Students will be able to see in real

time what each other is thinking about.


Cyberbullying - growing up in a digital world - coloring activity. Teachers Pay

Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2022, from

Digital citizenship. Virtual. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2022, from
YouTube. (2020). Responsible Use of Technology for Kids-First Mobile-
Cyberbullying-Fake News-Online Privacy. YouTube. Retrieved June 18,
2022, from s.

Mini Lesson 2

Sun and Moon Patterns/Online Etiquette

2nd Grade

Second Grade Science Standard

S2E2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to develop an understanding of

the patterns of the sun and the moon and the sun’s effect on Earth.

a. Plan and carry out an investigation to determine the effect of the position of the sun

in relation to a fixed object on Earth at various times of the day.

b. Design and build a structure that demonstrates how shadows change throughout the


c. Represent data in tables and/or graphs of the length of the day and night to recognize

the change in seasons.

d. Use data from personal observations to describe, illustrate, and predict how the

appearance of the moon changes over time in a pattern.

AASL Standard

I.B.3 Generating products that illustrate learning.

II.C.1 Learners exhibit empathy with and tolerance for diverse ideas by: Engaging in

informed conversation and active debate.

II.C.2 Learners exhibit empathy with and tolerance for diverse ideas by: Contributing to

discussions in which multiple viewpoints on a topic are expressed.

III.D.1 Learners actively participate with others in learning situations by: Actively

contributing to group discussions.

Guiding Question

How do shadows change throughout the day?

Guiding Principles of Inquiry

Technology- Students will learn how to collaborate with other students in appropriate

online forums.

Ethical Citizenship- Students will demonstrate appropriate internet etiquette while


Curated Resources for the Lesson

Infographic to Display in Classroom

Video about Shadows

Introduction to the Lesson

Have students look over the All Good Digital Citizens poster for a review. Remind

students that you expect good etiquette when they are online.

Ask the students if they have ever noticed that shadows change throughout the day?




1. Students will access my Clever page to access resources that will help them

complete the assignment.

2. Students will watch videos on how shadows change throughout the day.

3. Students will access Epic and read the books I have assigned for them to read

about how shadows change throughout the day.

4. Students will decide how they will show how shadows change throughout the


5. Students will be given several examples to help them decide how they want to

show the shadows changing.

6. Examples will be sundials and various objects placed outside and observed

throughout the day.

7. Students will write a first draft about how the shadows changed in their


8. Students will type their final draft using Word. Students will use tools such as

underline, bold and highlight in their final draft.

Students will be given a multiple choice test that has pictures of shadows at different

times of the day. Students will choose the correct picture that goes with the correct time

of day.


Students will use Google Docs to write about how the shadows changed in their

assignment. They will share them with peers and provide real time feedback to each



Digital citizenship. Virtual. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2022, from

YouTube. (2020). Light and Shadows Types of Light How are Shadows formed
Video for Kids. YouTube. Retrieved June 26, 2022, from

Reflection on Mini-Lessons
○ Which academic concepts did you use in designing and developing your

content module? Be specific and give examples.

Mini-lesson 1 focused on the concept of appropriate internet etiquette. The

students watched a video, Responsible Use of Technology for Kids. After the

video we talked about what cyberbullying looked like. Mini-lesson 2 quickly

reviewed appropriate internet etiquette by reviewing the All Good Digital Citizens

infographic. We then talked about developing an understanding of the patterns of

the sun and the moon and the sun’s effect on Earth. I focused on how shadows

change throughout the day. Students were given several resources within the

tools Clever and Epic to look through. The students were then able to choose

what kind of structure they wanted to build to show how shadows change.

○ Describe the peer evaluation you received from a classmate. Was it helpful

to you in designing the mini-lessons?

Feedback not received from peer reviewer by July 3rd due date. As of July 9th I

had still not received feedback from my peer reviewer. She sent me hers to

review and I sent her feedback but I have not received my feedback.

○ Has your understanding of information fluency, inquiry and/or technology

integration changed or improved as you applied the concepts in the course

readings to developing the mini-lessons?

I now realize it’s not that difficult to integrate technology into a lesson. I also

realized that I have integrated technology in my lessons in the past and didn't

even think about the fact that I was integrating technology. I need to go deeper

with my technology use in the classroom after learning about the SAMR model.
In the past I have always stayed at the substitution level. With 2nd graders it can

be challenging to go beyond that level. I am now equipped to be able to

successfully stretch myself and go beyond substitution, even with the primary

age students.

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