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Name of Group :2

Members` Name
1. Fathin Nur Ghaisani
2. Hujemah
3. Puspita Hariyanti
4. Puspita Ulandari

Offering Letter

A. Definition of offering letter

An offer letter is a letter from a seller to a buyer which is filled with goods or good will
offer. It means a letter is made by seller to buyers. Sellers give the information about the
products and think the customer will buy our product in Model English letters by Shirly
Tailor (2005: 45).
B. Functions of offering letter
The functions of offering letter are:
1. Arouse Interest
2. Create Desire
3. Carry Conviction
4. Induce Action
C. Things which should be noticed in the process of making offering letter
The things are:
1. Company name
2. Date and contact information
3. Greetings
4. Say why you are writing the letter
5. Product details and benefit
6. Closing
D. Example of offering letter

Pramuka Street no. 08 Jakarta East
Telp (0254) 8501000

July 6th 2008

PT. Agung Jaya
Beautician House, Hang Lekir Street no 2
Jakarta East

Dear sir,
We think you will be interested in the new “Sal ix” paint we have just introduced to the
trade. a sample has been sent to you today by parcel post.
“Sal ix” is the result of many months of careful research. It is made from a spesial
formula and owes its superiority over other exterioir paints to its remarkable ability to
allow for the movement of those paint-peeling cracks just visible to te naked eye.
This quality to expand with the cracks comes from a very special combination of granite,
mica, and resin that provides a rich, thick coating twice the thickness of that the average
finish, thus giving long term protection.
“Sal ix” is available in 21 basic colors and, as you will see from the enclosed list, prices
are surprisingly low. We are nevertheless allowing a special 5% discount to distributors
who place orders before the end of the current month and look forward to receiving from

Best Regards,

Dedans Segundo
E. Example of Replay Offering Letter


Wadaslitang Street no. 09 Wonosobo Java
Telp (0254) 021119003

July 8th 2008

Mr. Teuku Rizki
PT. Advance Growth
Wonosobo City, Central Java

Dear Sir,
Regarding the letter sent by PT. Omaraba on July 6, 2008 regarding the offer of paint
wall we are very interested in your offer, because to support work more effectively and
efficiently it is necessary to have the best paint. Therefore, we ask you to send us the
paint product "Sal ix", with 100 liters of salmon color paint, for payment please send us
the method of payment and delivery.

Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards,

Agung Pramono
Chief General Defender
F. Reference
1. Book ( How to Write Effective Business Letter )
2. Jurnal mitra manajemen
3. Book ( The Essential Guide to Writing Business Letters )
4. Book ( Business Writing Essentials : How to Write Letters, Reports, and Emails

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