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Semester 1 – 2019-20
BUSI 2005 Organizational Behavior
Take-home Assignment
Time Allowed: 48 Hours

Start time: 13 December 2019, 5:00 p.m. Hong Kong Local Time
End time: 15 December 2019, 5:00 p.m. Hong Kong Local Time

Student Name: Student ID: Section:

Choose any two out of the three questions (No more than 500 words for each question)

1. Karen is experiencing a very low level of job satisfaction but cannot afford to quit her job.
Describe THREE responses that Karen might take due to her dissatisfaction and elaborate why she
has such responses. (50 marks)

2. Do you think people working in Hong Kong have motivation at work? Apply two motivation
theories to suggest ways to increase their motivation. (50 marks)

3. BUSI2005 students may sometimes find it difficult to work with the group in doing group projects.
Using what we have learned, elaborate the possible reasons and provide at least TWO possible
ways to increase group effectiveness. (50 marks)

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Answer for Question .

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Answer for Question .

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