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A Proposal for a MUSIC VIDEO

Too far
Prepared by


Song title & artist

Ext music (for a film) — Radiohead

Our video will start with a girl talking on the phone, as
the song starts with soft instruments.
we want to fill this void with dialogue. She is scribbling
furiously, walking away from the
note she has left for her parents. The girl visits different
locations, showing her rage and
emotions. Her last location will be ona hill, where
we see her standing on the edge, before
she jumps. The video will end with the mysterious figure
who has followed her along her
journey sitting by a grave, a guitar behind him, will he
carefully place a flower on the risen
lump in the ground.

The purpose of this music video is to spread awar
eness of teen depression and suicide. We
want it to be emotional and deep, making
sure nothing is hidden or diluted. We also
want to
create a meaning for the song Ext music as it doesn
’t have a music video. This way we can
interpret the songs meaning however we want to
fit our narrative.

The unique selling point of this music video is

that it spreads awareness of emotions that
can't always be seen. It handles subjects such
as teen depression and suicide, this is
relatable to a vast majority of viewers and due
to 1 in 4 young people across England report
the proof for these statistics can be found on ?

this link.
ughts-statistics/ to having suicidal
thoughts. This has been portrayed before in Billie
Eilish’s song Everything | wanted. The
difference between ours is that it shows the proce
ss of Jess getting to that point, whereas in
Billie’s it just shows her driving to her death.


The style of our music video is mainly narrative,

as it is focussed ona story the whole way
through. The song will tell the story and help guide
the views. The second Style is
Conceptual, as we intent to experiment with colou
r and black and white, and some scenes
will come across as weird and random, linking to
the Radiohead style.
Codes and Conventions

We intend to use a Dutch angle trick to look like

the character is falling. We also want to
experiment with the colour and use a lot of black
and white. We want the lighting to look
dark and dull, to express the characters emotions.
The point of view will be through the girl,
but occasionally switching between the second
character's view.
Target Audience (Detailed outline of your Demo
graphics and psychographics)
Our target audience is 13-19 year olds, femal
e and male as there are both genders in our
video , still in educations, possibly have a part
time job. They don’t have many friends,
wears dark baggy clothes, struggle with mental
illness, quiet.
Outline of key Research and Inspiration

We have researched and watched other Radiohead

music videos (Karma police and Creep),
so we can keep it the same style, which seems
to be conceptual and experimental. We have
taken inspiration from sweat weather by the neigh
bours hood. song has a very similar
tempo, as we could use it as sort of a guide. | really
liked some of the cinematic shots and
the motion in the camera. | also really like the
black and white look, as we inspire to use it
our own music video. The difference between our
and this music video is that it would like
ours to be more narrative heavy.

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