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M. Gordon

The Gordon Pattern in nursing is a
framework for assessing patient needs and identifying nursing
interventions to address those needs. This framework was
developed by Marjory Gordon in 1987 and has been widely
used in nursing practice ever since. In this assignment, we will
discuss the key concepts of the Gordon Pattern and how they
can be applied in nursing practice.
The Key Concepts of Gordon Pattern: The Gordon Pattern
consists of 11 functional health patterns that provide a
comprehensive overview of a patient's health status. These
patterns include:
1.Health Perception – Health Management Pattern:
bes client’s perceived pattern of health and well being and
how health is managed.
2.Nutritional – Metabolic Pattern:
Describes pattern of
food and fluid consumption relative to metabolic need and
pattern indicators of local nutrient supply.

3.Elimination Pattern :
Describes pattern of excretory
function (bowel, bladder)
4.Activity – Exercise Pattern:
Describes pattern of
exercise, activity, leisure, and recreation.
5.Cognitive – Perceptual Pattern:
Describes sensory,
perceptual, and cognitive pattern
6. Sleep – Rest Pattern :
Describes patterns of sleep, rest,
and relaxation.
7.Self-perception – Self-concept Pattern :
Describes self-
concept and perceptions of self (body comfory, image,
feeling state)

8.Role – Relationship Pattern:

Describes pattern of role
engagements and relationships.
9.Sexuality – Reproductive Pattern :
Describes client’s
pattern of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with sexuality
pattern, describes reproductive patterns.
10.Coping – Stress Tolerance Pattern:
general coping patterns and effectiveness of the pattern in
terms of stress tolerance.
11. Value – Belief Pattern:
Describes pattern of values
and beliefs, including spiritual and /or goals that guide
choices or decisions.
Application of Gordon Pattern in Nursing Practice:

The Gordon Pattern provides a comprehensive framework for

nurses to assess their patients' health status and identify
nursing interventions to address their needs.
Nurses can use this pattern to gather information about each
functional health pattern and develop a nursing care plan that
addresses the patient's unique needs.
For example, if a patient has a decreased activity-exercise
pattern, the nurse may recommend a physical therapy referral
or suggest exercise programs that can improve the patient's
mobility. If a patient has a self-perception-self-concept pattern
that is impacting their recovery, the nurse may provide
emotional support and encouragement to boost the patient's
In conclusion, the Gordon Pattern is a valuable framework that
nurses can use to assess their patients' health status and
develop nursing care plans that address their needs.
By using this pattern, nurses can provide comprehensive care
that addresses all aspects of the patient's health, leading to
improved patient outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.

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