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Name: Aditya Pratama Putra

From: SMA Negeri 3 Purwokerto

The development of green technology for indonesia's future

Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb. Good afternoon, everyone. First of all, I would like to thank God Allah SWT
who has been giving us blessings and mercies so we can attend today in a good condition.

I also want to thank the jury for giving me the opportunity to deliver a speech. My name is Aditya
Pratama Putra from SMA 3 Purwokerto and on this occasion I will talk about "The Development of Green
Technology for Indonesia's Future "

Before we discuss further, I will first discuss about what is green technology. So green technology is a
technology that can be used to carry out industrial activity processes without causing serious problems
for environmental preservation. In essence, the use of environmentally friendly technology is aimed at
protecting the environment, repairing environmental damage, and saving natural resources on Earth.

So does Indonesia need green technology? I can answer yes because green technology can minimize
various negative impacts such as environmental pollution. In fact, there are already many companies
developing green technology, such as Ikea, Unilever, Panasonic, and Apple. But, has the application of
green technology in Indonesia been going well? Personally, I think it's good enough for now, because PT
Unilever itself has managed to absorb 3.700 tons of organic waste. It’s definitely not a small amount.
From this I started to think what if all Indonesian citizens used all the organic and inorganic waste. Of
course this can reduce global warming on a large scale because of the large number of Indonesian
residents from various islands.

Green technology development carried out by the government is a little advanced because it can
create a variety of environmentally friendly products such as electric cars, solar cars, solar cells, and
biogas plants. But can the development of green technology only be carried out by the government? Of
course not, we as Indonesian citizens must also participate in the development of green technology,
which we can do in simple ways, such as:

A. Use energy wisely

B. Using eco-friendly products

C. Recycle inorganic waste

D. Making fertilizer from organic waste and

E. Reduce the use of motorized vehicles

If we do the things I mentioned earlier, there will be benefits such as:

A. Various pollution can be minimized

B. Polluted air can be purified again

C. The ecosystem can be maintained and

D. The environment will look green and comfortable

So the important point is that the development of green technology is very important and much
needed in Indonesia. With Green Technology, this can make Indonesia an environmentally friendly and
healthier country. Therefore, be a good citizen, then the environment will also be good, because mental
health is rooted in a comfortable environment. If the doctor's job is to heal, then nature's job is to
provide health and comfort.

That's all from me, I hope what I convey can be useful for all of us. I am Aditya Prama Putra and
until next time...Stay Classy

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

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