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ENG 102: Academic English II

Reporting Verbs

To avoid using phrases such as he says and he does, try using some of the following verbs to
introduce source material in your literature reviews.
Show Emphasize Identify Illustrate
Report Highlight Demonstrate Clarify
Find Define Suggest Investigate
Explain Note Indicate Explore
Add Present Provide Examine

Here are some examples of how these verbs can be used:

1. In their study on suburban internet usage, Smith et al. (2012) demonstrated that “90% of
2000 surveyed participants were concerned about violations of their privacy” (pp. 34–
2. Biebel et al. (2018) reported that incorporating the voice of students with psychiatric
disabilities into supported education services can increase access, involvement, and
3. Studies show/have shown that women are more likely than men to cope with emotion-
oriented behaviors and to seek social support (Billings, 1981; Folkman & Lazarus, 1980;
Hamilton et al., 1988; Stone & Neale, 1984).
4. Problematic smartphone use has been found to be associated with decreased mental
health and emotional well-being (Akinci, 2017; Kallala et al., 2020; Pinkney & Hawi,

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