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Exposition text or argumentative text.


Exposition is atype of argumentative text is to persuade the readers or listeners that the idea is an
important matter. ( good,bad,necessary,harmful,need to be done, beneficial, etc )

Generic structure

1. Introduction
It introduces the topic or what the writer is talking abaut and show thw the writer’s position.
Therefore this part should end with the expression of reasoning and proving.
2. Arguments ( body)
It contains several reasons , facts, examples,or statistics to support the writer’s position.
3. Conclusion
It restates or makes conclusion based on the arguments.

Language features

1. Expressing a participant’s condition and possession.

Example : The cupboard looks strong because it has two doors.
Here is a list of verbs showing relational process
To express the participant’s condition

Be (is, am, Be (was, seem apear sound look

are) were)
Taste smell feel become remain turn
Grow go run keep stay measure
Make realize Refer to indicate denote reflect

To express a participant’s possession

Have Belong to possess lack need

deserve own feature boast contain
include exclude involve comprise Consist of
2. Using sequence connective adverbs
Example : firstly, secondly, next finally
3. Using cause conjunction
Example : because, due to, since
4. Using contrastive conjunction
Example : but, nevertheless
5. Using simple present tense
Explaining regular or repeated action :
I take the train to the office every Monday to Friday
They travel to their country house every weekend
Explaining facts :
The president of the USA lives in the white house
Every dog has four legs.
6. Using modal verb.
Example : must, can,will,should
Should is used to express what the speaker thinks is the right or the best thing to do.
Example : you should drink more water ( this is my opinion )
Should also be used to express logical probability
Example : yousould find this grammar book helpful.
7. Using modal adverb
Example : certainly, extremely
8. Using passive sentence
Example :
he blood pressure is checked twice a year
global warming is caused by the loss of forest.

Note :

Exposition text may appear in the form of

Compaign posters
The purpose is to persuade or convince the readers or listeners about certain issues with aspects
like facts, reasons, statistics, example or defferenciation.


1. Text 1.
Arrange the sentences to make good texts.
a. Secondly, English is a key that opens the doors of scientific and technical knowledge, which
is needed for the economic and political development of my country in the world
b. From the fact above, it is obvious that everybody need to learn English to face the global
c. I personally think that English is the most important language in the world. Why do I say that
d. Thirdly, English is the top requirement of those seeking job. Applicants who have mastered
active or passive English are more favorable than those who have not
e. Firstly English is an international language, it is spoken by many people all around the world,
either as a first or second language.

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