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International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 1


Group: __4____ Section: ______5________ Date: _8/8/2022_

Group members:

Seq. Full name Student ID %Contribution Signature Score

(total = 100%)
1 Trần Anh Thi ITITIU19212 20%

2 Trần Ngọc Minh Văn IELSIU21402 20%

3 Nguyễn Ngọc Vũ IELSIU21405 20%

4 Huỳnh Ngọc Vinh IELSIU21404 20%

5 Đặng Tuyết Trân BTBTIU21107 20%

Total score: ________/15__

Present well: + 1 point

Clear picture: + 1 point

Total = 15 points

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 2

I. Introduction (1 pt)
The rate of chemical reaction represents a chemical reaction that occurs quickly or
slowly. The faster the rate of a chemical reaction is, the less time the reactants are
converted into products. And the rate of a chemical reaction is influenced by the following
- The nature of the reactants
- The temperature of the reaction
- The concentration of the reactants
- The surface area of the reactants
- The presence of catalyst
- The pressure of the reaction system

To determine the rate of a chemical reaction, we measure the time it takes for
reactants reacted or a product formed.

II. Experimental (1 pt)

1.1: Preparation
- Take 90ml 0.1M (NH4)2S2O8 into the beaker 1
- Take 60ml 0.005M Na2S2O3 into the beaker 2
- Take 90ml 0.2M KI into the beaker 3
1.2: Procedure
Table 1: Chemical preparation for the experiment on the effect of concentration on reaction time

Test tube #A1 - #A11 Test tube #B1- #B11

No (NH4)2S2O8 + distilled water Na2S2O3 Starch
KI + Distilled water (ml)
(ml) (ml) (ml)

1 10.0 + 0.0 5.0 ~ 4.0 10.0 + 0.0

2 10.0 + 0.0 5.0 ~ 4.0 8.5 + 1.5

3 10.0 + 0.0 5.0 ~ 4.0 7.0 + 3.0

4 10.0 + 0.0 5.0 ~ 4.0 5.5 + 4.5

5 10.0 + 0.0 5.0 ~ 4.0 4.0 + 6.0

6 10.0 + 0.0 5.0 ~ 4.0 2.5 + 7.5

7 8.5 + 1.5 5.0 ~ 4.0 10.0 + 0.0

8 7.0 + 3.0 5.0 ~ 4.0 10.0 + 0.0

9 5.5 + 4.5 5.0 ~ 4.0 10.0 + 0.0

10 4.0 + 6.0 5.0 ~ 4.0 10.0 + 0.0

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 3

11 2.5 + 7.5 5.0 ~ 4.0 10.0 + 0.0

Step 1: Preparation solution A by adding 0.1M (NH 4)2S2O8 + distilled water to each
tube (Check table 1) then add 5ml 0.005M Na 2S2O3 per tube, and finally add 4ml
starch per tube
Step 2: Preparation solution B by adding 0.2M KI + distilled water (check table 1)
Step 3: Mix solution A and B by stirring + timing until the first color sign appears
(deep blue) and then record result
Step 4: Calculate the initial concentrations of iodide and peroxydisulfate ion for
each of the mixtures
Step 5: Plot the data
2.1: Preparation
- Part A: prepare 3 test tubes with 5ml 0.33M H 2C2O4
- Part B: prepare 3 test tubes with 1ml 0.01M KMnO 4 and 5ml 3M H2SO4
2.2: Procedure
o Room temperature
- Place #1A and #1B at room temperature
- Pour #1B into #1A. Record the time for the purple color to disappear
o Warm temperature (50℃)
- Place #2A and #2B in 50℃ water bath (~3mins)
- Pour #2B into #2A. Record the time for the purple color to disappear
o High temperature (90℃)
- Place #3A and #3B in 90℃ water bath (~3mins)
- Pour #3B into #3A. Record the time for the purple color to disappear
2.1: Preparation
- Pour ~40ml 3% H2O2
2.2: Procedure
- Add 5ml of the 3% H2O2 into 7 test tubes
- #1 add MnCl2
- #2 add MnO2
- #3 add NaCl
- #4 add CaCl2
- #5 add Zn
- #6 add KMnO3
- #7 add Fe(NO3)
- Agitate the mixture. Compare the reaction rate (the time for air bubbles to appear)
and record your observations. Rank them in the decreasing order: fatest (01) =>

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 4

III. Results and discussion


Reaction 1: 2I- + S2O82- ---> I2 + 2SO42- (SLOW)

Reaction 2: I2 + 2S2O32- ---> 2I- + S4O62- (FAST)

Calculate the initial concentrations of I- and S2O82- ions:

Mixture # 5: (1 pt)

[I-] = (4.0mL x 0.2mol/L) / 25.0mL = 0.032 mol/L

[S2O82-] = (10mL x 0.1mol/L) / 25.0mL = 0.04 (mol/L)

Mixture Iodide ion Peroxydisulfate Time in seconds

1 0.08 0.04 87

2 0.068 0.04 254

3 0.056 0.04 156

4 0.044 0.04 93

5 0.032 0.04 590

6 0.02 0.04 1010

Mixture Iodide ion Peroxydisulfate Time in seconds

7 0.08 0.034 6

8 0.08 0.028 202

9 0.08 0.022 116

10 0.08 0.016 129

11 0.08 0.01 590

Plotting the concentration of iodide ion versus time: [Note: X – axis: time; Y – axis:

- Mixtures # 1-6: Graph (1 pt)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 5

The order of reaction with respect to iodide ion? (0.5 pts

(1)> (2) > (3) > (4) > (5) > (6)

Comments: (0.5 pts)

- The concentration of Iodine decreased because the volume decreased. Therefore,

the reactions occurred slower, and the time would be longer. Since the concentration
decreased, the particle in Iodine solution was further in experiments, led to the
decrease in collision and slower reactions.

- The addition of high temperature starch makes the reaction occur quicker, so the
result will be more exact. In conclusion, the starch’s temperature can affect the speed
of reaction.

- Mixtures # 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11: Graph (1 pt)

The order of reaction with respect to peroxydisulfate ion? (0.5 pts)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 6

(1) > (7) > (8) > (9) > (10) > (11)

Comments: (0.5 pts)

- The concentration of peroxydisulfate decreased because the volume decreased.

Therefore, the reactions occurred slower, and the time would be longer. Since the
concentration decreased, the particle in peroxydisulfate solution was further in
experiments, led to the decrease in collision and slower reactions.

- The addition of high temperature starch makes the reaction occur quicker, so the
result will be more exact. In conclusion, the starch’s temperature can affect the speed
of reaction.


Reaction System:

5H C O + 2KMnO + 3H SO → 2MnSO + K SO + 10CO + 8H O

2 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 2 2

Description of Predicted Observation Reaction Explanation

conditions outcome time

Room The color The purple 125s At the room temperature, the reaction
temperature changes solution occurs with normal conditions
changes into

The color The purple 21s The atoms moved more quickly, and
changes solution more energy was produced when the
500C changes into temperature was raised, which
colorless in a accelerated the reaction.
short time

900C The color The purple 2s The reaction happened quickly

changes solution because the high temperature caused
changes into the atoms in the substances to travel
colorless at extremely high speeds.
rapidly (very

Comment: (1pt)

- The projected result is comparable to actual observation.

- The temperature is the most important element in determining how long a reaction takes.
- The reaction takes place under typical conditions at room temperature.
- As the temperature rises, more energy is delivered to the atoms and molecules of the
reactants, causing them to move faster and increase collisions. As a result, the reaction rate is
higher, and less time is spent. The reaction occurs more quickly as the temperature rises.

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 7

- When compared to other groups and book theories, our report's reaction time was a few
seconds longer. Because we took the test tube of solution out of the water bath and poured it
for longer than 3 minutes, or we put the test tube in the water path for less than 3 minutes, it
wasn't hot enough to react quickly. As a result, we should heat the test tube thoroughly and not
rush the procedure in order to achieve the desired temperature and reaction time.

Pouring 5ml H2O2 solution in 7 test tubes, then add MnCl2, MnO2, NaCl, KNO3, CaCl2, Fe(NO3)3
respectively in each test tubes

Reaction System: H2O2 ⇌ H2O + O2

Trial Description of Predicted Observation Explanation

conditions outcome (Reaction rate)

1 + MnCl2 slow The reaction Reaction released a little bubble and

occurred very one by one. Therefore, MnCl2 was
slow. not an effective catalyst for the
decomposition hydrogen peroxide.

2 + MnO2 Very fast The reaction Reaction produced large quantities

happened very of air bubbles as well as heat. MnO2
fast and had heat catalyzed to breakdown H2O2 into
released. H2O and O2.

3 + NaCl Very slow The reaction was NaCI was not good catalyst for this
very slow. reaction because the bubbles
appeared very slow and little.

4 + CaCl2 Slow The reaction was CaCI2, was not the fittest catalyst for
slow. this reaction, it did not help much in
speed up the reaction. Therefore,
the reaction happened slowly.

5 + Zn Very slow The reaction was Because the bubbles formed in this
extremely slow. reaction were the smallest and most
slowly, Zn might not have been a

6 + KNO3 Very slow The reaction was It was challenging to see the test
extremely slow. tube phenomena since the bubble
air looked to move very slowly.
KNO3 was an inadequate catalyst.

7 + Fe(NO3)3 Fast The reaction was Because Fe(NO3)3 was an

fast. appropriate catalyst for this reaction,
the reaction occurred quickly.

The order of catalyst activity: (0.5 pts)

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 8

MnO2> Fe(NO3)3 > MnCl2 > CaCl2 > NaCl > KNO3 > Zn.

Comments: (0.75 pts)

- A catalyst is a material that accelerates a reaction but is not consumed during the process.
The mass of the catalyst remains constant at the completion of the reaction.

- The mass of the catalyst remains constant at the completion of the reaction. The development
of bubble air, whether quick or slow, shows the influence of the catalyst on the reaction rate,
therefore we need careful study and select the appropriate catalysts before running the
experiment in order to observe the phenomena and obtain the correct findings.

IV. Conclusions (1 pt)

The experiment uses the three factors: concentration, temperature and a catalyst that
mentioned in the introduction part to affect the rate of a chemical reaction as required.
These factors only affect the speed of a reaction, not affecting to the reactants and the

The report must be typed and handed in together with the signed data sheet by the deadline

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