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Detailed Lesson Plan in Respiratory System

Grade 9

At the end of the Lesson the students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency of
the following
1. Explain how Respiratory System works;
2. Describes the functions of Respiratory System where air passes during inhalation and
3. Know the importance of taking good care of the lungs; and
4. How to inhale and exhale;


A. Topic: Human Respiratory System
B. References: Science 9 learner’s module
C. Materials: Reading materials or hand outs
D. Teaching Methods: Inductive Method
E. Science Concept: Respiratory System is a biological system that involves in the
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between organisms and the environment. It
consists of seven main parts: Nasal Cavity, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi,
bronchioles and Alveoli. Air enters through the Nasal Cavity down to the Pharynx and to
the trachea until it reaches the Lungs and it is carried by blood to the different parts of the



A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
Good Morning Class. Good Morning Ma’am
3. Checking of Attendance
Is anyone absent today? None Ma’am
4. Setting of Classroom Standards

What are the important rules to be Listen when somebody is talking

followed while the class is going on?

5. Review:
What are the 3 major parts of the Heart, Blood and Blood Vessel
Circulatory System?

Very Good!
It pumps the blood throughout the body
What is the function of the heart?

Very Good!
It carries the materials like waste product,
What is the function of the blood? oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
It carries the blood throughout the body
What is the function of blood vessels?
Veins, arteries and capillaries
What are the 3 kinds of blood vessels?
Very Good!

Veins carries deoxygenated blood while

arteries caries oxygenated blood while
capillaries is a site of gases and
nutrients are exchange.

6. Motivation:
Listen carefully and participate.

Stand up, take a deep breath.

Inhale Exhale….. inhale exhale
Have a sit.

Try to answer the following

 Tell the parts of our body

responsible during inhaling and
The students read the lesson objectives
B. Presentation of the Objectives:
The Teacher present the lesson objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students must
be able to:
 Explain how Respiratory System
 Describe the parts and functions of
Respiratory System where air passes
during inhalation and exhalation;
 Explain the importance of taking
good care of the lungs.

C. Developmental Activities:
 Listen carefully to our topic about
Respiratory System.
Students will tell their idea about the topic
Activity 1: “ I want to know about…”
 Write what you know and what you
wanted to know about the topic.
 I will give you 5 minutes to think
and share your ideas

D. Comparison and Abstraction

Where do you think the air first enters the

 Write the path of oxygen from outside of

the body to the blood stream.
 Breathing and exercise. The Respiratory System is the network of
organs and tissues that help you breathe. It
includes your airways, lungs and blood
 Lecture vessels.
 What is Respiratory System?
Very Good!! The different parts of Respiratory System
 Nose/Mouth – The organ through
which the air enters and is filtered.
 What are the different parts of Respiratory  Nasal passages – Serve as channel
System? Give its function. for airflow through the nose in
which the air is warmed, cleaned
Good! and moistened.

 Trachea – Also called windpipe; a

hallow tube that serves as
passageway of air into the lungs.
 Bronchi – Also called bronchial
tubes; two branching tubes that
connect the trachea to the lungs.
 Bronchioles – Very small branches
of the bronchi.
 Alveoli – Groups of thousands of
tiny air sacs at the end of the

 The gas inhaled is Oxygen.

 What gas is inhaled?  The gas exhaled is carbon dioxide.

 What gas is exhaled?  It happens in the Alveoli.

 Where does gas exchange happen?  The cells of the body need oxygen
to break down and to release
 Why do we need to provide the body with energy in food.
 During the breathing process,
carbon dioxide forms a gaseous
 How do Respiratory System remove waste product.
Carbon Dioxide from the body?

 The air we breathe goes through the nose,
nasal passages, and then through trachea or
windpipe, which separates into two
branches , called bronchial tubes or bronchi,
one entering each lung. The bronchi
subdivide many times inside the lungs,
analogous to the branching pattern of
grapes, finally becoming hair like tubes
called bronchioles.
 In the last part of the terminal bronchioles
are tiny bubble like bunch of structures
called alveoli or air sacs.
 Carbon dioxide on the other hand is
produced from all parts of the body and is
collected by the blood that exits in the
opposite way. Yes Ma’am
 Value Infusion
We should love our body by practicing
 Is Respiratory System important? personal hygiene, keeping fit, clean the
home environment, practice deep breathing
 How will you take care of it? exercise, staying free from stress and feel
Very good!

If we will not take care of it, many

Respiratory diseases will be acquired such
as lung cancer, pneumonia, asthma,
 What do you think will happen if we bronchitis, tuberculosis and many more.
will not take care of our respiratory
system? Let us avoid or stay away from people who

Avoid smoking and inhaling polluted air or

 What should we avoid to maintain harmful foreign substances.
our Respiratory System healthy?

 Closure Activity
 Let us review and find out if all
queries had been addressed.
 Do we have some more
clarifications or doubts?
 If none, fill in on what have you
learned about the Respiratory
 You are given 3 minutes to write.

IV. Evaluation
Multiple Choice: Read the question carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write it on
your paper.
 1. Write of the following organs is/are responsible for the exchange of gasses inside our
a. ovary c. bones and muscles
b. lungs d. alveoli
 2. It is where the exchange of gasses takes place?
a. trachea c. bronchi
b. nasal cavity d. alveoli
 3. Which of the following hold the lungs in place?
a. trachea c. bronchi
b. nasal cavity d. alveoli
 4. It is where the air enters and exits the body?
a. trachea c. bronchi
b. nasal cavity d. alveoli
 5. What do you call the tube – made of cartilage rings?
a. trachea c. bronchi
b. nasal cavity d. alveoli
V. Assignment:

Give at least 5 causes of different Respiratory diseases and its treatment.

Prepared by:

Teacher 1

Checked and Observed:

MT 1/Consultant

Head Teacher I

Principal III

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